 -      ``Control/Monad/Loops''

-- |A collection of loop operators for use in monads (mostly in stateful ones).
-- There is a general naming pattern for many of these:
-- Functions with names ending in _ discard the results of the loop body
-- as in the standard Prelude 'mapM' functions.
-- Functions with names ending in ' collect their results into 'MonadPlus'
-- containers.  Note that any short-circuit effect that those types' 
-- 'MonadPlus' instances may provide in a lazy context (such as the instance
-- for 'Maybe') will _not_ cause execution to short-circuit in these loops.
-- Functions with names ending in neither of those will generally return
-- just plain old lists.

module Control.Monad.Loops
        ( module Control.Monad.Loops
#ifdef useSTM
        , module Control.Monad.Loops.STM
        ) where

import Control.Monad

import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent

#ifndef base4
#define SomeException Exception

#ifdef useSTM
import Control.Monad.Loops.STM

-- possibly-useful addition? :
-- concatMapM :: (Monad m, Traversable f, Monoid w) => (a -> m w) -> (f a) -> m w

-- would also like to implement an "interleavable" version of forkMapM (probably
-- using something other than a list in the return) that can effectively handle
-- very large or even infinite input lists.

-- |Like 'mapM', but run all the actions in parallel threads, collecting up
-- the results and returning them all.  Does not return until all actions finish.
forkMapM :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [Either SomeException b]
forkMapM f xs = do
        mvars <- forM xs $ \x -> do
                mvar <- newEmptyMVar
                forkIO $ do
                        result <- handle (return . Left) $ do
                                y <- f x
                                return (Right y)
                        putMVar mvar result
                return mvar
        mapM takeMVar mvars

-- | like 'forkMapM' but without bothering to keep the return values
forkMapM_ :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [Maybe SomeException]
forkMapM_ f xs = do
        mvars <- forM xs $ \x -> do
                mvar <- newEmptyMVar
                forkIO $ do
                        -- in base >=4, need to nail down the type of 'handle'
                        let handleAny :: (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
                            handleAny = handle
                        result <- handleAny (return . Just) $ do
                                f x
                                return Nothing
                        putMVar mvar result
                return mvar
        mapM takeMVar mvars

-- | like 'forkMapM_' but not even bothering to track success or failure
-- of the child threads.  Still waits for them all though.
forkMapM__ :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO ()
forkMapM__ f xs = do
        mvars <- forM xs $ \x -> do
                mvar <- newEmptyMVar
                forkIO $ do
                        -- in base >=4, need to nail down the type of 'handle'
                        let handleAny :: (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
                            handleAny = handle
                        handleAny (\e -> return ()) $ do
                                f x
                                return ()
                        putMVar mvar ()
                return mvar
        mapM_ takeMVar mvars

{-# SPECIALIZE whileM  :: IO Bool -> IO a -> IO [a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE whileM' :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m [a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE whileM' :: IO Bool -> IO a -> IO [a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE whileM_ :: IO Bool -> IO a -> IO () #-}

-- |Execute an action repeatedly as long as the given boolean expression
-- returns True.  The condition is evaluated before the loop body.
-- Collects the results into a list.
whileM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m [a]
whileM = whileM'

-- |Execute an action repeatedly as long as the given boolean expression
-- returns True. The condition is evaluated before the loop body.
-- Collects the results into an arbitrary 'MonadPlus' value.
whileM' :: (Monad m, MonadPlus f) => m Bool -> m a -> m (f a)
whileM' p f = do
        x <- p
        if x
                then do
                        x  <- f
                        xs <- whileM' p f
                        return (return x `mplus` xs)
                else return mzero

-- |Execute an action repeatedly as long as the given boolean expression
-- returns True.  The condition is evaluated before the loop body.
-- Discards results.
whileM_ :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> m a -> m ()
whileM_ p f = do
        x <- p
        if x
                then do
                        whileM_ p f
                else return ()

-- |Execute an action repeatedly until its result fails to satisfy a predicate,
-- and return that result (discarding all others).
iterateWhile :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
iterateWhile p x = do
    y <- x
    if p y
        then iterateWhile p x
        else return y

{-# SPECIALIZE untilM  :: IO a -> IO Bool -> IO [a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE untilM' :: Monad m => m a -> m Bool -> m [a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE untilM' :: IO a -> IO Bool -> IO [a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE untilM_ :: IO a -> IO Bool -> IO () #-}

infixr 0 `untilM`
infixr 0 `untilM'`
infixr 0 `untilM_`

-- |Execute an action repeatedly until the condition expression returns True.
-- The condition is evaluated after the loop body.  Collects results into a list.
-- Parameters are arranged for infix usage.  eg. do {...} `untilM_` ...
untilM :: Monad m => m a -> m Bool -> m [a]
untilM = untilM'

-- |Execute an action repeatedly until the condition expression returns True.
-- The condition is evaluated after the loop body.  Collects results into a
-- "MonadPlus" value.
-- Parameters are arranged for infix usage.  eg. do {...} `untilM_` ...
untilM' :: (Monad m, MonadPlus f) => m a -> m Bool -> m (f a)
f `untilM'` p = do
        x  <- f
        xs <- whileM' (liftM not p) f
        return (return x `mplus` xs)

-- |Execute an action repeatedly until the condition expression returns True.
-- The condition is evaluated after the loop body.  Discards results.
-- Parameters are arranged for infix usage.  eg. do {...} `untilM_` ...
untilM_ :: (Monad m) => m a -> m Bool -> m ()
f `untilM_` p = f >> whileM_ (liftM not p) f

{-# SPECIALIZE whileJust  :: IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> IO b) -> IO [b] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE whileJust' :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> (a -> m b) -> m [b] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE whileJust' :: IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> IO b) -> IO [b] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE whileJust_ :: IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> IO b) -> IO () #-}

-- |Execute an action repeatedly until its result satisfies a predicate,
-- and return that result (discarding all others).
iterateUntil :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
iterateUntil p x = do
    y <- x
    if p y
        then return y
        else iterateUntil p x

-- |As long as the supplied "Maybe" expression returns "Just _", the loop
-- body will be called and passed the value contained in the 'Just'.  Results
-- are collected into a list.
whileJust :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]
whileJust = whileJust'

-- |As long as the supplied "Maybe" expression returns "Just _", the loop
-- body will be called and passed the value contained in the 'Just'.  Results
-- are collected into an arbitrary MonadPlus container.
whileJust' :: (Monad m, MonadPlus f) => m (Maybe a) -> (a -> m b) -> m (f b)
whileJust' p f = do
        x <- p
        case x of
                Nothing -> return mzero
                Just x  -> do
                        x  <- f x
                        xs <- whileJust' p f
                        return (return x `mplus` xs)

-- |As long as the supplied "Maybe" expression returns "Just _", the loop
-- body will be called and passed the value contained in the 'Just'.  Results
-- are discarded.
whileJust_ :: (Monad m) => m (Maybe a) -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
whileJust_ p f = do
        x <- p
        case x of
                Nothing -> return ()
                Just x  -> do
                        f x
                        whileJust_ p f

{-# SPECIALIZE unfoldM  :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO [a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE unfoldM' :: (Monad m) => m (Maybe a) -> m [a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE unfoldM' :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO [a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE unfoldM_ :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO () #-}

-- |The supplied "Maybe" expression will be repeatedly called until it
-- returns 'Nothing'.  All values returned are collected into a list.
unfoldM :: (Monad m) => m (Maybe a) -> m [a]
unfoldM = unfoldM'

-- |The supplied "Maybe" expression will be repeatedly called until it
-- returns 'Nothing'.  All values returned are collected into an arbitrary
-- 'MonadPlus' thing.
unfoldM' :: (Monad m, MonadPlus f) => m (Maybe a) -> m (f a)
unfoldM' m = whileJust' m return

-- |The supplied "Maybe" expression will be repeatedly called until it
-- returns 'Nothing'.  All values returned are discarded.
unfoldM_ :: (Monad m) => m (Maybe a) -> m ()
unfoldM_ m = whileJust_ m return

{-# SPECIALIZE unfoldrM  :: (a -> IO (Maybe (b,a))) -> a -> IO [b] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE unfoldrM' :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe (b,a))) -> a -> m [b] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE unfoldrM' :: (a -> IO (Maybe (b,a))) -> a -> IO [b] #-}

-- |See 'Data.List.unfoldr'.  This is a monad-friendly version of that.
unfoldrM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe (b,a))) -> a -> m [b]
unfoldrM = unfoldrM'

-- |See 'Data.List.unfoldr'.  This is a monad-friendly version of that, with a
-- twist.  Rather than returning a list, it returns any MonadPlus type of your
-- choice.
unfoldrM' :: (Monad m, MonadPlus f) => (a -> m (Maybe (b,a))) -> a -> m (f b)
unfoldrM' f z = do
        x <- f z
        case x of
                Nothing         -> return mzero
                Just (x, z)     -> do
                        xs <- unfoldrM' f z
                        return (return x `mplus` xs)

{-# SPECIALIZE concatM :: [a -> IO a] -> (a -> IO a) #-}

-- |Compose a list of monadic actions into one action.  Composes using
-- ('>=>') - that is, the output of each action is fed to the input of
-- the one after it in the list.
concatM :: (Monad m) => [a -> m a] -> (a -> m a)
concatM fs = foldr (>=>) return fs

{-# SPECIALIZE andM :: [IO Bool] -> IO Bool #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE orM  :: [IO Bool] -> IO Bool #-}

-- |short-circuit 'and' for values of type Monad m => m Bool
andM :: (Monad m) => [m Bool] -> m Bool
andM []         = return True
andM (p:ps)     = do
        q <- p
        if q
                then andM ps
                else return False

-- |short-circuit 'or' for values of type Monad m => m Bool
orM :: (Monad m) => [m Bool] -> m Bool
orM []          = return False
orM (p:ps)      = do
        q <- p
        if q
                then return True
                else orM ps

{-# SPECIALIZE anyPM :: [a -> IO Bool] -> (a -> IO Bool) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE allPM :: [a -> IO Bool] -> (a -> IO Bool) #-}

-- |short-circuit 'any' with a list of \"monadic predicates\".  Tests the
-- value presented against each predicate in turn until one passes, then
-- returns True without any further processing.  If none passes, returns False.
anyPM :: (Monad m) => [a -> m Bool] -> (a -> m Bool)
anyPM []     x = return False
anyPM (p:ps) x = do
        q <- p x
        if q
                then return True
                else anyPM ps x

-- |short-circuit 'all' with a list of \"monadic predicates\".  Tests the value
-- presented against each predicate in turn until one fails, then returns False.
-- if none fail, returns True.
allPM :: (Monad m) => [a -> m Bool] -> (a -> m Bool)
allPM []     x = return True
allPM (p:ps) x = do
        q <- p x
        if q
                then allPM ps x
                else return False

{-# SPECIALIZE anyM :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO Bool #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE allM :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO Bool #-}

-- |short-circuit 'any' with a \"monadic predicate\".
anyM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m Bool
anyM p []       = return False
anyM p (x:xs)   = do
        q <- p x
        if q
                then return True
                else anyM p xs

-- |short-circuit 'all' with a \"monadic predicate\".
allM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m Bool
allM p []       = return True
allM p (x:xs)   = do
        q <- p x
        if q
                then allM p xs
                else return False

dropWhileM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
dropWhileM p []     = return []
dropWhileM p (x:xs) = do
        q <- p x
        if q
                then dropWhileM p xs
                else return xs

-- |like 'dropWhileM' but trims both ends of the list.
trimM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
trimM p xs = do
        xs <- dropWhileM p xs
        rxs <- dropWhileM p (reverse xs)
        return (reverse rxs)

-- |return the first value from a list, if any, satisfying the given predicate.
firstM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
firstM p [] = return Nothing
firstM p (x:xs) = do
        q <- p x
        if q
                then return (Just x)
                else firstM p xs