{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-tabs #-} module Control.Moffy.Samples.Followbox.Handle ( -- * Handle HandleF, HandleF', handleFollowboxWith, GuiEv, -- * State FollowboxState(..), initialFollowboxState, ) where import Control.Moffy.Samples.Event.Delete import Control.Moffy.Samples.Event.Mouse qualified as Mouse import Control.Moffy.Samples.Event.CalcTextExtents (CalcTextExtents) import Control.Moffy.Handle ( Handle, Handle', HandleSt, HandleSt', HandleIo', liftHandle', retrySt, beforeSt, mergeSt ) import Control.Moffy.Handle.ThreadId (handleGetThreadId) import Control.Moffy.Handle.Lock (LockState(..), LockId, handleLock) import Control.Moffy.Samples.Handle.Random (RandomState(..), handleRandom) import Data.Type.Set (Singleton, (:-), (:+:), pattern Nil) import Data.OneOrMore as Oom (pattern Singleton) import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.List (delete) import Data.String (fromString) import Data.Aeson (Object) import Data.Time (UTCTime, getCurrentTime, getCurrentTimeZone, diffUTCTime, DiffTime) import System.Random (StdGen) import System.Process (spawnProcess) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as H import Control.Moffy.Samples.Followbox.Event ( FollowboxEv, StoreJsons(..), pattern OccStoreJsons, LoadJsons, pattern OccLoadJsons, HttpGet(..), pattern OccHttpGet, GetTimeZone, pattern OccGetTimeZone, Browse(..), pattern OccBrowse, BeginSleep(..), pattern OccBeginSleep, EndSleep, pattern OccEndSleep, RaiseError(..), pattern OccRaiseError, Error(..), ErrorResult(..) ) import Control.Moffy.Samples.Followbox.TypeSynonym (Browser, GithubNameToken) import Data.OneOrMoreApp as Ooma --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * STATE -- + FOLLOWBOX STATE -- + PUT AND GET EACH STATE -- * HANDLE -- + FOLLOWBOX -- + MOUSE -- + STORE AND LOAD JSONS -- + REQUEST DATA -- + BROWSE -- + BEGIN AND END SLEEP -- + RAISE ERROR -- * HELPER FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- STATE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- type GuiEv = DeleteEvent :- MouseEv type MouseEv = Mouse.Move :- Mouse.Down :- Mouse.Up :- 'Nil -- FOLLOWOBOX STATE data FollowboxState = FollowboxState { fsNextLockId :: Int, fsLockState :: [LockId], fsObjects :: [Object], fsSleepUntil :: Maybe UTCTime, fsRandomGen :: StdGen } deriving Show initialFollowboxState :: StdGen -> FollowboxState initialFollowboxState g = FollowboxState { fsNextLockId = 0, fsLockState = [], fsObjects = [], fsSleepUntil = Nothing, fsRandomGen = g } type HandleF m es = HandleSt FollowboxState m es type HandleF' m es = HandleIo' FollowboxState FollowboxState m es -- PUT AND GET EACH STATE instance LockState FollowboxState where getNextLockId = fsNextLockId; putNextLockId s l = s { fsNextLockId = l } isLocked s l = l `elem` fsLockState s lockIt s l = s { fsLockState = l : fsLockState s } unlockIt s l = s { fsLockState = delete l $ fsLockState s } instance RandomState FollowboxState where getRandomGen = fsRandomGen; putRandomGen s g = s { fsRandomGen = g } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HANDLE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FOLLOWBOX handleFollowboxWith :: (Maybe DiffTime -> f -> Handle' IO (CalcTextExtents :- GuiEv)) -> f -> Browser -> Maybe GithubNameToken -> HandleF IO (GuiEv :+: FollowboxEv) handleFollowboxWith h f brws mba = retrySt $ liftHandle' handleGetThreadId `mergeSt` handleLock `mergeSt` handleRandom `mergeSt` handleStoreJsons `mergeSt` handleLoadJsons `mergeSt` liftOnJust (handleHttpGet mba) `mergeSt` liftOnJust handleGetTimeZone `mergeSt` liftOnJust (handleBrowse brws) `mergeSt` handleBeginSleep `mergeSt` handleEndSleep `mergeSt` liftHandle' handleRaiseError `beforeSt` handleMouseWithSleep h f -- MOUSE handleMouseWithSleep :: (Maybe DiffTime -> f -> Handle' IO (CalcTextExtents :- GuiEv)) -> f -> HandleF' IO (CalcTextExtents :- GuiEv) handleMouseWithSleep h f rqs s = (, s) <$> case fsSleepUntil s of Nothing -> h Nothing f rqs Just t -> getCurrentTime >>= \now -> h (Just . realToFrac $ t `diffUTCTime` now) f rqs -- STORE AND LOAD JSONS handleStoreJsons :: Monad m => HandleF' m (Singleton StoreJsons) handleStoreJsons (Oom.Singleton (StoreJsonsReq os)) s = pure (Just . Ooma.Singleton $ OccStoreJsons os, s { fsObjects = os }) handleLoadJsons :: Monad m => HandleF' m (Singleton LoadJsons) handleLoadJsons _rqs s = pure (Just . Ooma.Singleton . OccLoadJsons $ fsObjects s, s) -- REQUEST DATA handleHttpGet :: Maybe GithubNameToken -> Handle IO (Singleton HttpGet) handleHttpGet mgnt (Oom.Singleton (HttpGetReq u)) = do r <- H.httpLBS . maybe id (uncurry H.setRequestBasicAuth) mgnt . H.setRequestHeader "User-Agent" ["Yoshio"] . fromString $ T.unpack u print $ H.getResponseHeader "X-RateLimit-Remaining" r pure . Ooma.Singleton $ OccHttpGet u (H.getResponseHeaders r) (H.getResponseBody r) handleGetTimeZone :: Handle IO (Singleton GetTimeZone) handleGetTimeZone _reqs = Ooma.Singleton . OccGetTimeZone <$> getCurrentTimeZone -- BROWSE handleBrowse :: Browser -> Handle IO (Singleton Browse) handleBrowse brws (Oom.Singleton (Browse u)) = Ooma.Singleton OccBrowse <$ spawnProcess brws [T.unpack u] -- BEGIN AND END SLEEP handleBeginSleep :: Monad m => HandleF' m (Singleton BeginSleep) handleBeginSleep (Oom.Singleton bs) s = case bs of BeginSleep t -> case fsSleepUntil s of Just t' -> pure (Just . Ooma.Singleton $ OccBeginSleep t', s) Nothing -> pure ( Just . Ooma.Singleton $ OccBeginSleep t, s { fsSleepUntil = Just t } ) CheckBeginSleep -> pure (Nothing, s) handleEndSleep :: HandleF' IO (Singleton EndSleep) handleEndSleep _rqs s = case fsSleepUntil s of Just t -> getCurrentTime >>= bool (pure (Nothing, s)) (pure (Just $ Ooma.Singleton OccEndSleep, s { fsSleepUntil = Nothing })) . (t <=) Nothing -> pure (Just $ Ooma.Singleton OccEndSleep, s) -- RAISE ERROR handleRaiseError :: Handle' IO (Singleton RaiseError) handleRaiseError (Oom.Singleton (RaiseError e em)) = case er e of Nothing -> pure Nothing Just r -> Just (Ooma.Singleton $ OccRaiseError e r) <$ putStrLn emsg where emsg = "ERROR: " <> em er = \case NoRateLimitRemaining -> Just Terminate NoRateLimitReset -> Just Terminate NotJson -> Just Terminate EmptyJson -> Just Continue NoLoginName -> Just Terminate NoAvatarAddress -> Just Terminate NoAvatar -> Just Terminate NoHtmlUrl -> Just Terminate Trace -> Just Continue CatchError -> Nothing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HELPER FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- liftOnJust :: Functor f => Handle f es -> HandleSt' st f es liftOnJust = liftHandle' . ((Just <$>) .)