name: module-munging version: '' github: jship/module-munging license: MIT author: Jason Shipman maintainer: Jason Shipman synopsis: Smash together text to make modules. description: | Thin, low-tech wrapper for smashing together raw text to make Haskell modules. category: Codegen extra-source-files: - - - package.yaml - language: GHC2021 default-extensions: - BlockArguments - DerivingStrategies - ImportQualifiedPost - LambdaCase ghc-options: # Draws heavy inspiration from this list: - -Weverything - -Wno-missing-local-signatures # Warns if polymorphic local bindings do not have signatures - -Wno-missing-exported-signatures # missing-exported-signatures turns off the more strict -Wmissing-signatures. See - -Wno-missing-import-lists # Requires explicit imports of _every_ function (e.g. ‘$’); too strict - -Wno-missed-specializations # When GHC can’t specialize a polymorphic function - -Wno-all-missed-specializations # See missed-specializations - -Wno-unsafe # Don’t use Safe Haskell warnings - -Wno-safe # Don’t use Safe Haskell warnings - -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode # Don't warn if the Safe Haskell mode is unspecified library: dependencies: - base >= && <5 source-dirs: library tests: module-munging-test-suite: source-dirs: test-suite main: Driver.hs build-tools: - hspec-discover dependencies: - base - module-munging - hspec - string-interpolate ghc-options: - -rtsopts - -threaded - -with-rtsopts "-N" # Disabling these because of hspec-discover-2.9.7 version in lts-20.26. # 2.10.3+ has automatic disabling of warnings in the generated driver, and # that version is available in lts-21 and onward. # See for details. when: - condition: "!flag(recent-hspec-discover)" ghc-options: - -Wno-prepositive-qualified-module - -Wno-missing-export-lists flags: recent-hspec-discover: description: Assumes hspec-discover version is 2.10.3+ default: true manual: true