# Modern URI [![License BSD3](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD3-brightgreen.svg)](http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/modern-uri.svg?style=flat)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/modern-uri) [![Stackage Nightly](http://stackage.org/package/modern-uri/badge/nightly)](http://stackage.org/nightly/package/modern-uri) [![Stackage LTS](http://stackage.org/package/modern-uri/badge/lts)](http://stackage.org/lts/package/modern-uri) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mrkkrp/modern-uri.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mrkkrp/modern-uri) This is a modern library for working with URIs in Haskell as per RFC 3986: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 ## Features The `modern-uri` package features: * Correct by construction `URI` data type. Correctness is ensured by guaranteeing that every sub-component of the `URI` record is by itself cannot be invalid. This boils down to careful use of types and a set of smart constructors for things like scheme, host, etc. * Textual components in the `URI` data type represented as `Text` rather than `ByteString`, because they are percent-decoded and so they can contain characters outside of ASCII range (i.e. Unicode). This allows for easier manipulation of `URI`s, while encoding and decoding headaches are handled by the parsers and renders for you. * Absolute and relative URIs differ only by the scheme component: if it's `Nothing`, then URI is relative, otherwise it's absolute. * Megaparsec parser that can be used as a standalone smart constructor for the `URI` data type (see `mkURI`) as well as be seamlessly integrated into a bigger Megaparsec parser that consumes strict `Text` (see `parser`) or strict `ByteString` (see `parserBs`). * The parser performs some normalization, for example it collapses consecutive slashes. Some smart constructors such as `mkScheme` and `mkHost` also perform normalization. So in a sense URIs are also “normalized by construction” to some extent. * Fast rendering to strict `Text` and `ByteString` as well as to their respective `Builder` types and to `String`/`ShowS`. * Extensive set of lensy helpers for easier manipulation of the nested data types (see `Text.URI.Lens`). * Quasi-quoters for compile-time construction of the `URI` data type and refined text types (see `Text.URI.QQ`). ## Quick start The `modern-uri` package serves three main purposes: * Construction of the `URI` data type. * Inspection and manipulation of the `URI` data type (in the sense of changing its parts). * Rendering of `URI`s. Let's walk through every operation quickly. ### Construction of `URI`s There are four ways to create a `URI` value. First off, one could assemble it manually like so: ```haskell λ> :set -XOverloadedStrings λ> import qualified Text.URI as URI λ> scheme <- URI.mkScheme "https" λ> scheme "https" λ> host <- URI.mkHost "markkarpov.com" λ> host "markkarpov.com" λ> let uri = URI.URI (Just scheme) (Right (URI.Authority Nothing host Nothing)) Nothing [] Nothing λ> uri URI { uriScheme = Just "https" , uriAuthority = Right (Authority { authUserInfo = Nothing , authHost = "markkarpov.com" , authPort = Nothing }) , uriPath = Nothing , uriQuery = [] , uriFragment = Nothing } ``` In this library we use quite a few refined text values. They only can be constructed by using smart constructors like `mkScheme :: MonadThrow m => Text -> m (RText 'Scheme)`. For example, if argument to `mkScheme` is not a valid scheme, an exception will be thrown. Actually this is not necessarily so because there are pure monads that are instances of the `MonadThrow` type class, and so the smart constructors may be used in e.g. the `Maybe` monad as well. There is a smart constructor that can make an entire `URI` too, it's called (unsurprisingly) `mkURI`: ```haskell λ> uri <- URI.mkURI "https://markkarpov.com" λ> uri URI { uriScheme = Just "https" , uriAuthority = Right (Authority { authUserInfo = Nothing , authHost = "markkarpov.com" , authPort = Nothing }) , uriPath = Nothing , uriQuery = [] , uriFragment = Nothing } ``` If argument of `mkURI` is not a valid URI, then an exception will be thrown. The exception will contain full context and the actual parse error. If some refined text value or `URI` is known statically at compile time, we can use Template Haskell, namely the “quasi quotes” feature. To do so import the `Text.URI.QQ` module and enable the `QuasiQuotes` language extension, like so: ```haskell λ> :set -XQuasiQuotes λ> import qualified Text.URI.QQ as QQ λ> let uri = [QQ.uri|https://markkarpov.com|] λ> uri URI { uriScheme = Just "https" , uriAuthority = Right (Authority { authUserInfo = Nothing , authHost = "markkarpov.com" , authPort = Nothing }) , uriPath = Nothing , uriQuery = [] , uriFragment = Nothing } ``` Note how the value returned by the `url` quasi quote is pure, its construction cannot fail because when there is an invalid URI inside the quote it's a compilation error. The `Text.URI.QQ` module has quasi quoters for scheme, host, and other things, check it out. Finally the package provides two Megaparsec parsers: `parser` and `parserBs`. The first works on strict `Text`, while other one works on strict `ByteString`s. You can use the parsers in a bigger Megaparsec parser to parse `URI`s. To get started with Megaparsec, see [its Hackage page](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/megaparsec). ### Inspection and manipulation Although one could use record syntax directly, possibly with language extensions like `RecordWildcards`, the best way to inspect and edit parts of `URI` is with lenses. The lenses can be found in the `Text.URI.Lens` module. If you have never used the [`lens`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens) library, you could probably start by reading/watching materials suggested in the library description on Hackage. Here are some examples, just to show off what you can do: ```haskell λ> import Text.URI.Lens λ> uri <- URI.mkURI "https://example.com/some/path?foo=bar&baz=quux&foo=foo" λ> uri ^. uriScheme Just "https" λ> uri ^? uriAuthority . _Right . authHost Just "example.com" λ> uri ^. isPathAbsolute True λ> uri ^. uriPath ["some","path"] λ> k <- URI.mkQueryKey "foo" λ> uri ^.. uriQuery . queryParam k ["bar","foo"] -- etc. ``` ### Rendering Rendering turns a `URI` into a sequence of bytes or characters. Currently the following options are available: * `render` for rendering to strict `Text`. * `render'` for rendering to text `Builder`. It's possible to turn that into lazy `Text` by using the `toLazyText` function from `Data.Text.Lazy.Builder`. * `renderBs` for rendering to strict `ByteString`. * `renderBs'` for rendering to byte string `Builder`. Similarly it's possible to get a lazy `ByteString` from that by using the `toLazyByteString` function from `Data.ByteString.Builder`. * `renderStr` can be used to render to `String`. Sometimes it's handy. The render uses difference lists internally so it's not that slow, but in general I'd advise avoiding `String`s. * `renderStr'` returns `ShowS`, which is just a synonym for `String -> String`—a function that prepends the result of rendering to a given `String`. This is useful when the `URI` you want to render is a part of a bigger output, just like with the builders mentioned above. Examples: ```haskell λ> uri <- mkURI "https://markkarpov.com/posts.html" λ> render uri "https://markkarpov.com/posts.html" λ> renderBs uri "https://markkarpov.com/posts.html" λ> renderStr uri "https://markkarpov.com/posts.html" -- etc. ``` ## Contribution Issues, bugs, and questions may be reported in [the GitHub issue tracker for this project](https://github.com/mrkkrp/modern-uri/issues). Pull requests are also welcome and will be reviewed quickly. ## License Copyright © 2017–present Mark Karpov Distributed under BSD 3 clause license.