{-| MiniLight module exports all basic concepts and oprations except for concrete components. -} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} module MiniLight ( module MiniLight.Light, module MiniLight.Event, module MiniLight.Figure, module MiniLight.Component, module MiniLight.Loader, runLightT, LoopState (..), LoopConfig (..), defConfig, runMainloop, MiniLoop, runMiniloop, ) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Lens import qualified Control.Monad.Caster as Caster import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Foldable (foldlM) import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..)) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Maybe import Data.IORef import qualified Data.Registry as R import qualified Data.Vector as V import Graphics.Text.TrueType import MiniLight.Component import MiniLight.Event import MiniLight.Figure import MiniLight.Light import MiniLight.Loader import qualified System.FSNotify as Notify import qualified SDL import qualified SDL.Font instance Hashable SDL.Scancode where hashWithSalt n sc = hashWithSalt n (SDL.unwrapScancode sc) -- | Run a Light monad. runLightT :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => LightT LightEnv m a -> m a runLightT prog = withSDL $ withWindow $ \window -> do renderer <- SDL.createRenderer window (-1) SDL.defaultRenderer fc <- loadFontCache logger <- liftIO $ Caster.stdoutLogger Caster.LogDebug runReaderT (runLightT' prog) $ LightEnv {renderer = renderer, fontCache = fc, logger = logger} where withSDL = bracket (SDL.initializeAll >> SDL.Font.initialize) (\_ -> SDL.Font.quit >> SDL.quit) . const withWindow = bracket (SDL.createWindow "window" SDL.defaultWindow) SDL.destroyWindow -- | Use 'defConfig' for a default setting. data LoopConfig = LoopConfig { watchKeys :: Maybe [SDL.Scancode], -- ^ Set @Nothing@ if all keys should be watched. See also 'LoopState'. appConfigFile :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^ Specify a yaml file which describes component settings. See 'MiniLight.Loader' for the yaml syntax. hotConfigReplacement :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^ The directory path to be watched. If set, the config file modification will replace the component dynamically. componentResolver :: Resolver, -- ^ Your custom mappings between a component name and its type. additionalComponents :: [Component] -- ^ The components here would be added during the initialization. } -- | Default configurations for the mainloop. You need to set @componentResolver@ if you use a component. defConfig :: LoopConfig defConfig = LoopConfig { watchKeys = Nothing , appConfigFile = Nothing , hotConfigReplacement = Nothing , componentResolver = \_ _ -> undefined , additionalComponents = [] } -- | The state in the mainloop. data LoopState = LoopState { light :: LightEnv, loop :: LoopEnv, loader :: LoaderEnv } makeLensesWith classyRules_ ''LoopState -- | Type synonym to the minimal type of the mainloop type MiniLoop = LightT LoopState IO -- These instances are used in the internal computation. instance HasLightEnv LoopState where lightEnv = _light . lightEnv instance HasLoopEnv LoopState where loopEnv = _loop . loopEnv instance HasLoaderEnv LoopState where loaderEnv = _loader . loaderEnv data ComponentState a = ComponentState { stateL :: a, componentEnvL :: ComponentEnv } makeLensesWith classyRules_ ''ComponentState instance HasLightEnv env => HasLightEnv (ComponentState env) where lightEnv = _stateL . lightEnv instance HasLoopEnv env => HasLoopEnv (ComponentState env) where loopEnv = _stateL . loopEnv instance HasLoaderEnv env => HasLoaderEnv (ComponentState env) where loaderEnv = _stateL . loaderEnv instance HasComponentEnv (ComponentState env) where componentEnv = _componentEnvL -- | Same as 'runMainloop' but fixing the type. runMiniloop :: LoopConfig -> s -> (s -> MiniLoop s) -> MiniLight () runMiniloop = runMainloop LoopState -- | Run a mainloop. -- In a mainloop, components and events are managed. -- -- Components in a mainloop: draw ~ update ~ (user-defined function) ~ event handling runMainloop :: ( HasLightEnv env , HasLightEnv env' , HasLoopEnv env' , HasLoaderEnv env' , MonadIO m , MonadMask m ) => (env -> LoopEnv -> LoaderEnv -> env') -- ^ Environment conversion -> LoopConfig -- ^ Loop config -> s -- ^ Initial state -> (s -> LightT env' m s) -- ^ A function called in every loop -> LightT env m () runMainloop conv conf initial userloop = do events <- liftIO $ newMVar [] signalQueue <- liftIO $ newIORef [] reg <- R.new conf <- liftIO $ newIORef $ AppConfig V.empty V.empty run (LoopEnv {keyStates = HM.empty, events = events, signalQueue = signalQueue}) (LoaderEnv {registry = reg, appConfig = conf}) initial where run loop loader s = do setup loop loader go loop loader s setup loop loader = envLightT (\env -> conv env loop loader) $ do case (hotConfigReplacement conf, appConfigFile conf) of (Just dir, Just confPath) -> do liftIO $ forkIO $ Notify.withManager $ \mgr -> do _ <- Notify.watchDir mgr dir (const True) $ \ev -> do modifyMVar_ (loop ^. _events) $ return . (NotifyEvent ev :) forever $ threadDelay 1000000 loadAppConfig confPath (componentResolver conf) _ -> return () forM_ (additionalComponents conf) $ \component -> do reg <- view _registry R.register reg (getUID component) component go loop loader s = do renderer <- view _renderer liftIO $ SDL.rendererDrawColor renderer SDL.$= 255 liftIO $ SDL.clear renderer R.forV_ (loader ^. _registry) $ \comp -> draw comp -- state propagation R.modifyV_ (loader ^. _registry) $ return . propagate R.modifyV_ (loader ^. _registry) $ \comp -> envLightT ( \env -> ComponentState (conv env loop loader) (ComponentEnv (getUID comp) (getHooks comp)) ) $ update comp s' <- envLightT (\env -> conv env loop loader) $ userloop s liftIO $ SDL.present renderer liftIO $ threadDelay (100000 `div` 60) events <- SDL.pollEvents keys <- SDL.getKeyboardState envLightT (\env -> conv env loop loader) $ do evref <- view _events events <- liftIO $ modifyMVar evref (\a -> return ([], a)) R.modifyV_ (loader ^. _registry) $ \comp -> do foldlM ( \comp ev -> envLightT ( \env -> ComponentState env (ComponentEnv (getUID comp) (getHooks comp)) ) $ onSignal ev comp ) comp events forM_ ( catMaybes $ map ( \e -> case e of NotifyEvent ev -> Just ev _ -> Nothing ) events ) $ \ev -> patchAppConfig (fromJust $ appConfigFile conf) (componentResolver conf) envLightT (\env -> conv env loop loader) $ do evref <- view _events sigref <- view _signalQueue signals <- liftIO $ readIORef sigref liftIO $ modifyMVar_ evref $ return . (map RawEvent events ++) . (signals ++) liftIO $ writeIORef sigref [] let loop' = loop & _keyStates %~ HM.mapWithKey (\k v -> if keys k then v + 1 else 0) . maybe id ( \specified m -> HM.fromList $ map (\s -> (s, if HM.member s m then m HM.! s else 0)) specified ) (watchKeys conf) let quit = any ( \event -> case SDL.eventPayload event of SDL.WindowClosedEvent _ -> True SDL.QuitEvent -> True _ -> False ) events unless quit $ go loop' loader s'