> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} > {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} | Core data type for the game. > module Core.BitField > where Import List ----------- > import Data.PContainer #ifdef TEST > import Test.LazySmallCheck hiding (empty) > import Number.Peano #endif > import Control.Monad > import Data.Binary > import Data.DeriveTH > import Data.Derive.Binary > import Data.Derive.Functor > import qualified Data.Set as S > import Data.Monoid > import Data.Function > import Data.Maybe > import Data.List > type Set a = S.Set a Subset of Subsets ----------------- | @Subsets c@: @c@ is a data structure which represents a subset of all subsets of a given set. > class Ord (Elem c) => Subsets c where > type Elem c > domain :: c -> Set (Elem c) #ifdef TEST > subsets :: c -> [Set (Elem c)] #endif > subsetsNum :: c -> Integer > empty :: Set (Elem c) -> c | @isTriviallyEmpty@ should be fast but may give @False@ also for empty subsets. > isTriviallyEmpty :: c -> Bool | All subsets of the empty set. > emptySubsets :: Set (Elem c) -> c #ifdef TEST Properties ---------- all subsets ⊂ domain > prop_subsetsNum :: Subsets c => c -> Bool > prop_subsetsNum e > = subsetsNum e == genericLength (subsets e) > prop_empty :: Subsets a => a -> Set (Elem a) -> Bool > prop_empty a d > = subsetsNum (empty d `asTypeOf` a) == 0 isTriviallyEmpty ==> isEmpty > prop_emptySubsets :: Subsets a => a -> Set (Elem a) -> Bool > prop_emptySubsets a d > = domain e == d && subsets e == [S.empty] where e = emptySubsets d `asTypeOf` a | Test helper function. > isEmpty :: Subsets c => c -> Bool > isEmpty > = null . subsets #endif #ifdef TEST Simple Implementation --------------------- | Subset of all subsets of a given set. > data SimpleSubsets a > = SimpleSubsets (Set a) [Set a] > deriving (Show) > instance Ord a => Eq (SimpleSubsets a) where > > SimpleSubsets da sa == SimpleSubsets db sb > = da == db && sort sa == sort sb > instance Ord a => Subsets (SimpleSubsets a) where > > type Elem (SimpleSubsets a) = a > > domain (SimpleSubsets d _) = d > subsets (SimpleSubsets _ s) = s > subsetsNum = genericLength . subsets > empty d = SimpleSubsets d [] > isTriviallyEmpty = null . subsets > emptySubsets d = SimpleSubsets d [S.empty] > toSimple :: (Subsets c) => c -> SimpleSubsets (Elem c) > toSimple x > = SimpleSubsets (domain x) (subsets x) | This property states that @Simple@ is universal. > prop_Simple :: Subsets c => (forall d. Subsets d => d -> Bool) -> c -> Bool > prop_Simple p a > = p a <==> p (toSimple a) #endif Cached Size Implementation -------------------------- > data CachedSize a > = CachedSize a Integer > deriving (Read, Show) | smart constructor > cachedSize :: Subsets c => c -> CachedSize c > cachedSize c > | s == 0 = CachedSize (empty $ domain c) s > | otherwise = CachedSize c s > where > s = subsetsNum c > instance Subsets c => Subsets (CachedSize c) where > type Elem (CachedSize c) = Elem c #ifdef TEST > subsets (CachedSize x _) = subsets x #endif > domain (CachedSize x _) = domain x > subsetsNum (CachedSize _ i) = i > emptySubsets = cachedSize . emptySubsets > empty = cachedSize . empty > isTriviallyEmpty c = subsetsNum c == 0 > instance SetSum a c => SetSum a (CachedSize c) where > setSum' e (CachedSize c _) = cachedSize $ setSum' e c #ifdef TEST Combining Sets of Subsets ------------------------- Definition: > prop_mappend :: (Monoid c, Subsets c) => c -> c -> Bool > prop_mappend a b > = domain (a `mappend` b) == domain a `S.union` domain b > && all (\s -> > s `elem` subsets (a `mappend` b) > <==> (s `S.intersection` domain a) `elem` subsets a > && (s `S.intersection` domain b) `elem` subsets b > ) (allSubsets $ domain $ a `mappend` b) > allSubsets > = map (S.fromList . concat) . sequence . map (\x -> [[],[x]]) . S.toList Properties: > prop_monoid :: (Eq c, Monoid c) => c -> c -> c -> Bool > prop_monoid a b c > = a `mappend` b == b `mappend` a > && a `mappend` (b `mappend` c) == (a `mappend` b) `mappend` c > && mempty `mappend` a == a isEmpty a ==> isEmpty (a `mappend` b) Implementation for @SimpleSubsets@: > instance (Ord a) => Monoid (SimpleSubsets a) where > mempty > = emptySubsets S.empty > SimpleSubsets da sa `mappend` SimpleSubsets db sb > = SimpleSubsets (da `S.union` db) > [a `S.union` b | a <- sa, b <- sb, a `S.intersection` c == b `S.intersection` c, c S.\\ a == c S.\\ b] > where > c = da `S.intersection` db > tests = do > smallCheck 20 (prop_subsetsNum :: Equal Char -> Bool) > -- smallCheck 5 (prop_mappend :: SimpleSubsets Char -> SimpleSubsets Char -> Bool) #endif > class Subsets c => Inters c where > intersection :: c -> c -> [[c]] #ifdef TEST > prop_intersection a b > = unions [mconcat $ map toSimple x | x <- a `intersection` b] == toSimple a `mappend` toSimple b > unions l = SimpleSubsets (S.unions $ map domain l) (concat $ map subsets l) #endif -------------------------- | @Equal a@ represents some subsets of a given set. > data Equal a > = Equal (Set a) Int > deriving (Eq, Read, Show) > instance (Ord a, Binary a) => Binary (Equal a) where > > put (Equal a b) = put (a, b) > get = do (a,b) <- get > return (Equal a b) > instance Ord a => Particles (Equal a) where > type P (Equal a) = a > particles = domain | Semantics > instance Ord a => Subsets (Equal a) where > type Elem (Equal a) > = a > domain (Equal d _) > = d #ifdef TEST > subsets (Equal d n) > = map S.fromDistinctAscList (f (S.toList d) n) where > f as 0 = [[]] > f as n = [x:bl | (x: xs) <- tails as, bl <- f xs (n-1)] #endif > subsetsNum (Equal d n) > = binomial (S.size d) n > emptySubsets d > = Equal d 0 > empty d > = Equal d (-1) > isTriviallyEmpty (Equal d n) > = n<0 || n> S.size d #ifdef TEST | For testing > instance Serial (Equal Char) where > series = cons1 f where > f :: Nat -> Equal Char > f i = Equal (S.fromList $ take n ['a'..]) m where > (n, m) = [(n, m) | n <- [0..], m <- [0..n]] !! fromIntegral i #endif > instance Ord a => Inters (Equal a) where > Equal a av `intersection` Equal b bv > = [ [ Equal (a S.\\ c) (av - cv) > , Equal c cv > , Equal (b S.\\ c) (bv - cv) > ] > | cv <- [min' .. max'] ] where > > c = S.intersection a b -- a > > min' = 0 `max` (av - (S.size a - S.size c)) `max` (bv - (S.size b - S.size c)) -- av `max` (bv - (size b - size a)) > max' = S.size c `min` av `min` bv -- av `min` bv > {- > prop_factor a b > = b `subDomain` a > ==> toSimple a `mappend` toSimple b == toSimple (a `factor` b) `mappend` toSimple b > -} ----------------------------------------- > class (Subsets a, Subsets c {-, Elem a ~ Elem c -}) => SetSum a c where > > setSum' :: a -> c -> c ----------------------------------------------------------- > a_limit = 3 > b_limit = 3 > subsetsNumStep > :: (Container c, Subsets c, Inters (CElem c)) > => c -> Integer > subsetsNumStep x | isTriviallyEmpty x = 0 > subsetsNumStep x = case fromC x of > [] -> 1 > l -> snd $ minimumBy (compare `on` fst) $ take a_limit $ map cont l > where > cont c = case relatedElems c x' of > [] -> (0, subsetsNum c * subsetsNum x' ) > b -> > let ll = [ subsetsNum $ foldr addToContainer x'' y > | let (d, ys) = minimumBy (compare `on` (length . snd)) $ take b_limit $ map (\d -> (d, intersection c d)) b > , let x'' = deleteL d x' > , y <- ys] > in (length ll, sum ll) > > where x' = deleteL c x > addToContainer > :: (Container c, Subsets c, Inters (CElem c)) > => CElem c -> c -> c > addToContainer n c > | isTriviallyEmpty n > || isTriviallyEmpty c > || any (null . snd) strength > = empty $ domain c > | (x, y): _ <- [(x, y) | (x, [y]) <- strength] > = foldr addToContainer (deleteL x c) y > | otherwise > = insertL n c > where > strength = [(x, intersection n x) | x <- relatedElems n c] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > instance (Container c, Inters (CElem c)) => Subsets (Maybe c) where > type Elem (Maybe c) = Elem (CElem c) > domain = maybe (error "domain vanished") (S.unions . map domain . fromC) #ifdef TEST > subsets = maybe [] (subsets . mconcat . map toSimple . fromC) #endif > empty _ = Nothing > emptySubsets d > | S.null d = Just emptyC > | otherwise = Just $ insertL (emptySubsets d) emptyC > subsetsNum = subsetsNumStep > isTriviallyEmpty Nothing = True > isTriviallyEmpty _ = False > instance (Inters a, Container c, a ~ CElem c) => SetSum a (Maybe c) where > setSum' = addToContainer --------------------------------------------------------------- > data EmptyEqual a > instance Decision (EmptyEqual a) where > type DecisionDomain (EmptyEqual a) = Equal a > holds _ (Equal _ n) = n == 0 > data SetAsEmptyEqual a > instance Ord a => Bijection (SetAsEmptyEqual a) where > > type From (SetAsEmptyEqual a) = S.Set a > type To (SetAsEmptyEqual a) = Equal a > > fw _ d = Equal d 0 > bw _ (Equal d 0) = d > bw _ _ = S.empty --------------------------------------------------------------- Auxiliary Definitions --------------------- #ifdef TEST | Natural number type with @Serial@ instance for testing. > type Nat = Number.Peano.T > instance Serial Number.Peano.T where > series = cons0 Zero \/ cons1 Succ > infix 1 <==> > (<==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool > (<==>) = (==) #endif | Cached binomial numbers. The first arguent should be non-negative. > binomial :: Int -> Int -> Integer > binomial m n > | n' < 0 = 0 > | otherwise = pascalsTriangle !! m !! n' > where > n' = min n (m-n) | Pascal's triangle. It has to be a global constant to be cached. > pascalsTriangle :: [[Integer]] > pascalsTriangle > = iterate nextRow [1] where nextRow r = zipWith (+) (0:r) (r++[0]) Derived Instances ----------------- > $( derive makeBinary ''CachedSize ) > $( derive makeBinary ''Tr )