# mig-swagger-ui The package defines utils to add swagger UI for mig library. To add swagger just use function `withSwagger`: ```haskell main = runServer port (withSwagger def server) ``` With `SwaggerConfig` we can update defaults. To set information on app we can use `mapSchema` field of the swagger config. There is type `DefaultInfo` to set common fields: ```haskell main = runServer port (withSwagger swaggerConfig server) where swaggerConfig = def { swaggerFile = "swagger.json" , staticDir = "swagger-ui" , mapSchema = pure . addDefaultInfo info } info = DefaultInfo { title = "Hello world app" , description = "Demo application" , version = "1.0" } ``` Also see package `openapi3` on how to update OpenApi schema. ## Aknowledgments Thanks to Oleg Grenrus for providing [`servant-swagger-ui`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/servant-swagger-ui) library on which this package is based on. Thanks to David Johnson, Nickolay Kudasov, Maxim Koltsov authors of [`openapi3`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/openapi3) and [`servant-openapi3`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/servant-openapi3) libraries. The mapping from Mig's Api to OpenApi is based on those packages.