{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances, PolyKinds, TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-| Module : MegaStore Description : a haskell data and file type for efficient image storage Copyright : (c) Miles J. Litteral 2023 License : BSD-3 Maintainer : mandaloe2@gmail.com Stability : release Portability : POSIX A Module for taking a directory of images (for example) and turning them into a key referencable data structure that will efficiently store all images. Here is a quick crash course: @ a1 <- loadFile "s1.png" a2 <- loadFile "s2.png" a3 <- loadFile "s3.png" let testSet = KeyStore [("s1", a1), ("s2", a2), ("s3", a3)] saveStore "./test/testSet" testSet loadedContents <- loadStore "./test/testSet.keystore" autoUnpack "./results" loadedContents @ -} module MegaStore ( -- * Data Types #Data Type# MegaStore(..) -- * I/O Functions #Functions# , saveStore , loadStore , loadFile , loadDirectory , createMegaStoreWithBulk , unpackStore , unpackStore' , autoUnpack -- ** Utility Functions #Functions# , append , search , keyExists , remove , remove' , megastoreToMap , mapToMegaStore ) where import Codec.Picture import Codec.Compression.GZip import Data.Either import Data.Binary import Data.Maybe () import Data.List (find) import Data.Map (Map, toList, fromList) import Data.Text hiding (append, take, drop, map, find, filter, zip, length) import System.Directory import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import TextShow import Control.Lens import Control.Lens.TH () -- | The MegaStore Data Type itself, fundamentally it is a List of Tuples newtype MegaStore = MegaStore { _contents :: [(Text, BS.ByteString)] -- ^ the contents of the MegaStore, while made for images it is acknowledged anything that satisfies the constraint/assertion may be a KeyStore } deriving(Ord, Eq, Show) makeLenses ''MegaStore -- | The MegaStore Data Type's instance for serializing the data structure to file type, instance Binary MegaStore where put (MegaStore cont) = put cont get = MegaStore <$> get -- | Writes a MegaStore to physical memory, it does so via Data.ByteString.Lazy.WriteFile -- Where the data is compressed and encoded to Strict ByteStrings saveStore :: String -> MegaStore -> IO () saveStore name store = BL.writeFile (name ++ ".megastore") (compress $ encode store) -- | Read a MegaStore from file system path, it reads the file, decodes, and decompresses the data loadStore :: FilePath -> IO MegaStore loadStore path = do file <- BL.readFile path return $ decode (decompress file) -- | Convert a ByteString back into it's original Image Data Type unpackStore :: BS.ByteString -> IO (Image PixelRGBA8) unpackStore byteString = case decodePng byteString of Left _ -> error "bad image" Right img -> return $ convertRGBA8 img -- | Convert a ByteString back into it's original Image File Type -- You have the added option of designating where the file will be savved unpackStore' :: String -> Image PixelRGBA8 -> IO () unpackStore' unpackPath bytesS = writePng unpackPath bytesS -- | Similar to unpackStore' except that it will turn an entire MegaStore record into it's -- Original Image File Type(s) and save the result at a designated file save path autoUnpack :: String -> MegaStore -> IO () autoUnpack savePath ks = do createDirectoryIfMissing False savePath let conts = map (\x -> (unpack $ fst x, convertRGBA8 $ fromRight (error "bad") (decodePng $ snd x))) (_contents ks) mapM_ (\x -> unpackStore' (savePath ++ "/" ++ fst x ++ ".png") $ snd x) conts -- | Load an Image as a ByteString via Path loadFile :: FilePath -> IO BS.ByteString loadFile path = BS.readFile path -- | Load a directory of Images as ByteStrings via FilePath loadDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [BS.ByteString] loadDirectory folderPath = do directory <- listDirectory folderPath mapM (BS.readFile . (folderPath ++)) directory -- | Pass a List of ByteStrings (this is intended to work with loadImageDirectory), and a String for a naming scheme (ie: 'S' results in ['S0'..]) -- Example (Loading a Directory all at once): -- @ -- assets <- loadDirectory "./assets" -- saveStore "./test/testSet" $ createMegastoreWithBulk assets "s" -- loadedContents <- loadStore "./test/testSet.megastore" -- autoUnpack "./results" loadedContents -- @ createMegaStoreWithBulk :: [BS.ByteString] -> Text -> MegaStore createMegaStoreWithBulk bytes nameScheme = MegaStore $ zip (map (\x -> showt $ unpack nameScheme ++ show (x :: Integer)) [0..(fromIntegral $ length bytes)]) bytes -- | Key can be Str here which will be hashed, either way -- it will end up as a (String, BS.ByteString) append :: (Text, BS.ByteString) -> MegaStore -> MegaStore append info megastore = MegaStore $ info : (megastore ^. contents) -- | This takes a key and returns a strict bytestring if the key is valid, Nothing is returned otherwise search :: String -> [(Text, BS.ByteString)] -> Maybe BS.ByteString search a = fmap snd . find ((== showt a) . fst) -- | all the side effects of search come with this function keyExists :: String -> [(Text, BS.ByteString)] -> Bool keyExists a store = case search a store of Nothing -> False Just _ -> True -- | Search the entire store for a key and delete it's associated entry remove :: String -> MegaStore -> MegaStore remove str megastore = MegaStore $ filter ((== showt str) . fst) (megastore ^. contents) -- | Remove an entry by literal index in the MegaStore remove' :: Int -> MegaStore -> MegaStore remove' idx ls = MegaStore $ take idx (ls ^. contents) ++ drop (idx + 1) (ls ^. contents) -- | Convenience Function for easy conversion to a Data.Map megastoreToMap :: MegaStore -> Map Text BS.ByteString megastoreToMap k = fromList (_contents k) -- | Convenience Function for easy conversion from a Data.Map mapToMegaStore :: Map Text BS.ByteString -> MegaStore mapToMegaStore m = MegaStore $ toList m