# Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler

Sample from a posterior using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. At the moment, the following algorithms are available: - Metropolis-Hastings-Green 1; - Metropolis-coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo (also known as parallel tempering) 2 , 3. - Hamilton Monte Carlo proposal 4. ## Documentation The [source code](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mcmc) contains detailed documentation about general concepts as well as specific functions. ## Examples [Example MCMC analyses](https://github.com/dschrempf/mcmc/tree/master/mcmc-examples) can be built with [cabal-install](https://cabal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cabal-commands.html#) or [Stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/) and are attached to this repository. git clone https://github.com/dschrempf/mcmc.git cd mcmc stack build For example, estimate the [accuracy of an archer](https://github.com/dschrempf/mcmc/blob/master/mcmc-examples/Archery/Archery.hs) with stack exec archery For a more involved example, have a look at the [phylogenetic dating project](https://github.com/dschrempf/mcmc-dating). # Footnotes 1 Geyer, C. J., Introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlo, In Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (pp. 45) (2011). CRC press. 2 Geyer, C. J., Markov chain monte carlo maximum likelihood, Computing Science and Statistics, Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on the Interface, (1991). 3 Altekar, G., Dwarkadas, S., Huelsenbeck, J. P., & Ronquist, F., Parallel metropolis coupled markov chain monte carlo for bayesian phylogenetic inference, Bioinformatics, 20(3), 407–415 (2004). 4 Neal, R. M., Mcmc Using Hamiltonian Dynamics, In S. Brooks, A. Gelman, G. Jones, & X. Meng (Eds.), Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (2011). CRC press.