Module      : Database.Mbtiles
Description : Haskell MBTiles client.
Copyright   : (c) Joe Canero, 2017
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : jmc41493@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

This module provides support for reading, writing, and updating
an mbtiles database. There is also functionality for reading
metadata from the database.

See the associated README.md for basic usage examples.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Database.Mbtiles
  -- * Types
, MbtilesIO
, MbtilesMeta
, MBTilesError(..)
, Z(..)
, X(..)
, Y(..)

  -- * Typeclasses
, ToTile(..)
, FromTile(..)

  -- * The MbtilesT monad transformer
, runMbtilesT
, runMbtiles

  -- * Mbtiles read/write functionality
, getTile
, writeTile
, writeTiles
, updateTile
, updateTiles

  -- * Mbtiles metadata functionality
, getMetadata
, getName
, getType
, getVersion
, getDescription
, getFormat
) where

import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy     as BL
import           Data.HashMap.Strict      ((!))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict      as M hiding ((!))
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                (Text)
import           Database.Mbtiles.Query
import           Database.Mbtiles.Types
import           Database.Mbtiles.Utility
import           Database.SQLite.Simple
import           System.Directory

-- | Given a path to an MBTiles file, run the 'MbtilesT' action.
-- This will open a connection to the MBTiles file, run the action,
-- and then close the connection.
-- Some validation will be performed first. Of course, we will check if the
-- MBTiles file actually exists. If it does, we need to validate its schema according
-- to the MBTiles spec.
runMbtilesT :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> MbtilesT m a -> m (Either MBTilesError a)
runMbtilesT mbtilesPath mbt = do
  m <- validateMBTiles mbtilesPath
  either (return . Left) processMbt m
    processMbt (c, d) = do
      m <- mkMbtilesData c d
      v <- runReaderT (unMbtilesT mbt) m
      closeAll m
      return $ Right v
    mkMbtilesData c d =
      MbtilesData <$>
        openStmt c getTileQuery <*>
        pure c                  <*>
        pure d
    closeAll MbtilesData{r = rs, conn = c} =
      closeStmt rs >> closeConn c

type ValidationResult = (Connection, MbtilesMeta)

validateMBTiles :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m (Either MBTilesError ValidationResult)
validateMBTiles mbtilesPath = liftIO $
  doesFileExist mbtilesPath >>=
  ifExistsOpen              >>=
  validator schema          >>=
  validator metadata        >>=
  validator tiles           >>=
  validator metadataValues
    ifExistsOpen False = return $ Left DoesNotExist
    ifExistsOpen True  = Right <$> open mbtilesPath

    schema c = do
      valid <- mconcat $ map (fmap All) [doesTableExist c tilesTable, doesTableExist c metadataTable]
      if getAll valid then return $ Right c else return $ Left InvalidSchema

    metadata = columnChecker metadataTable metadataColumns InvalidMetadata
    tiles = columnChecker tilesTable tilesColumns InvalidTiles
    metadataValues c = do
      m <- getDBMetadata c
      if all (`M.member` m) requiredMeta
        then return $ Right (c, m)
        else return $ Left InvalidMetadata

-- | Specialized version of 'runMbtilesT' to run in the IO monad.
runMbtiles :: FilePath -> MbtilesIO a -> IO (Either MBTilesError a)
runMbtiles = runMbtilesT

-- | Given a 'Z', 'X', and 'Y' parameters, return the corresponding tile data,
-- if it exists.
getTile :: (MonadIO m, FromTile a) => Z -> X -> Y -> MbtilesT m (Maybe a)
getTile (Z z) (X x) (Y y) = MbtilesT $ do
  rs <- r <$> ask
  fmap unwrapTile <$> liftIO (do
    bindNamed rs [":zoom" := z, ":col" := x, ":row" := y]
    res <- nextRow rs
    reset rs
    return res)
  where unwrapTile (Only bs) = fromTile bs

-- | Returns the 'MbtilesMeta' that was found in the MBTiles file.
-- This returns all of the currently available metadata for the MBTiles database.
getMetadata :: (MonadIO m) => MbtilesT m MbtilesMeta
getMetadata = MbtilesT $ reader meta

-- | Helper function for getting the specified name of the MBTiles from metadata.
getName :: (MonadIO m) => MbtilesT m Text
getName = findMeta "name" <$> getMetadata

-- | Helper function for getting the type of the MBTiles from metadata.
getType :: (MonadIO m) => MbtilesT m Text
getType = findMeta "type" <$> getMetadata

-- | Helper function for getting the version of the MBTiles from metadata.
getVersion :: (MonadIO m) => MbtilesT m Text
getVersion = findMeta "version" <$> getMetadata

-- | Helper function for getting the description of the MBTiles from metadata.
getDescription :: (MonadIO m) => MbtilesT m Text
getDescription = findMeta "description" <$> getMetadata

-- | Helper function for getting the format of the MBTiles from metadata.
getFormat :: (MonadIO m) => MbtilesT m Text
getFormat = findMeta "format" <$> getMetadata

-- | Write new tile data to the tile at the specified 'Z', 'X', and 'Y' parameters.
-- This function assumes that the tile does not already exist.
writeTile :: (MonadIO m, ToTile a) => Z -> X -> Y -> a -> MbtilesT m ()
writeTile z x y t = writeTiles [(z, x, y, t)]

-- | Batch write new tile data to the tile at the specified 'Z', 'X', and 'Y' parameters.
-- This function assumes that the tiles do not already exist.
writeTiles :: (MonadIO m, ToTile a) => [(Z, X, Y, a)] -> MbtilesT m ()
writeTiles = execQueryOnTiles newTileQuery

-- | Update existing tile data for the tile at the specified 'Z', 'X', and 'Y' parameters.
-- This function assumes that the tile does already exist.
updateTile :: (MonadIO m, ToTile a) => Z -> X -> Y -> a -> MbtilesT m ()
updateTile z x y t = updateTiles [(z, x, y, t)]

-- | Batch update tile data for the tiles at the specified 'Z', 'X', and 'Y' parameters.
-- This function assumes that the tiles do already exist.
updateTiles :: (MonadIO m, ToTile a) => [(Z, X, Y, a)] -> MbtilesT m ()
updateTiles = execQueryOnTiles updateTileQuery

execQueryOnTiles :: (MonadIO m, ToTile a) => Query -> [(Z, X, Y, a)] -> MbtilesT m ()
execQueryOnTiles q ts = MbtilesT $ do
  c <- conn <$> ask
  liftIO $
    executeMany c q $
      map (\(z, x, y, t) -> (z, z, y, toTile t)) ts

findMeta :: Text -> MbtilesMeta -> Text
findMeta t m = m ! t