Module: Text.PhonotacticLearner.PhonotacticConstraints.Generators
Description: Generation of candidate constraint sets.
Copyright: © 2016-2017 George Steel and Peter Jurgec
License: GPL-2+
Maintainer: george.steel@gmail.com

Functions for generating sets of candidate constraint sets.
For efficiency, classes are reperesented as @('NaturalClass', 'SegSet' 'SegRef')@ pairs and
constraints are output as @('ClassGlob', 'ListGlob' 'SegRef')@ pairs, avoiding the need for repeated conversions and copying of classes.

The 'classesByGenreraity' function enumerates the classes defined by a feature table in a sensible order, removing duplicate descriptions of the same class. The ug functions then take these classes and then combine them imto globs in various ways.


module Text.PhonotacticLearner.PhonotacticConstraints.Generators (
    ugSingleClasses, ugBigrams,
    ugEdgeClasses, ugEdgeBigrams,
    ugLimitedTrigrams, ugLongDistance,

) where

import Text.PhonotacticLearner.PhonotacticConstraints
import Text.PhonotacticLearner.DFST
import Data.List
import Data.Array.IArray
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad
import Control.DeepSeq

-- | Given a number n and a sequence, returns all subsewuences of length n.
ngrams  :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
ngrams  0  _       = [[]]
ngrams  _  []      = []
ngrams  n  (x:xs)  = fmap (x:) (ngrams (n-1) xs) ++ ngrams n xs

-- | Enumerate all classes (and their inverses) to a certain number of features
-- in descending order of the number of segments the uninverted class contains.
-- Discards duplicates (having the same set of segments).
-- Each segment is returned as a tripple with the (negated for sorting) numbet of segments in the class, the class label, and the set of segments it contains.
classesByGenerality :: FeatureTable sigma -> Int -> [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))]
classesByGenerality ft maxfeats = force $ fmap (\((ns, cs), c) -> (ns,(c,cs))) (M.assocs cls)
        cls = M.fromListWith (const id) $ do
            isInv <- [False,True]
            nf <- range (0, maxfeats)
            fs <- ngrams nf (elems (featNames ft))
            c <- fmap (NClass isInv) . forM fs $ \f -> [(FPlus,f), (FMinus,f)]
            let cs = classToSeglist ft c
            let ns = length . filter id . elems $ cs
            guard (ns /= 0)
            return ((negate ns, cs), c)

-- | Given a set of classes, return a set of globs matching those classes.
ugSingleClasses :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugSingleClasses cls = fmap snd . sortOn fst $ do
    (w,(c,l)) <- cls
    guard (not (isInverted c))
    let g = ClassGlob False False [(GSingle,c)]
        lg = ListGlob False False [(GSingle,l)]
    return (w,(g,lg))

-- Given a set of classes, return a set of globs matching those globs at word boundaries. At most one class may be inverted.
ugEdgeClasses :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugEdgeClasses cls = fmap snd . sortOn fst $ do
    (w,(c,l)) <- cls
    guard (not (isInverted c))
    (isinit,isfin) <- [(False,True),(True,False)]
    let g = ClassGlob isinit isfin [(GSingle,c)]
        lg = ListGlob isinit isfin [(GSingle,l)]
    return (w,(g,lg))

-- | Given a set of classes, return a set pf globs matching class pairs, ordered by total weight. At most one class may be inverted.
ugBigrams :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugBigrams cls = fmap snd . sortOn fst $ do
    (w1,(c1,l1)) <- cls
    (w2,(c2,l2)) <- cls
    guard (not (isInverted c1 && isInverted c2))
    let g = ClassGlob False False [(GSingle,c1),(GSingle,c2)]
        lg = ListGlob False False [(GSingle,l1),(GSingle,l2)]
    return (w1+w2,(g,lg))

-- | Given a set of classes, return a set pf globs matching class pairs at word boundaries, ordered by total weight. At most one class may be inverted.
ugEdgeBigrams :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugEdgeBigrams cls = fmap snd . sortOn fst $ do
    (w1,(c1,l1)) <- cls
    (w2,(c2,l2)) <- cls
    guard (not (isInverted c1 && isInverted c2))
    (isinit,isfin) <- [(False,True),(True,False)]
    let g = ClassGlob isinit isfin [(GSingle,c1),(GSingle,c2)]
        lg = ListGlob isinit isfin [(GSingle,l1),(GSingle,l2)]
    return (w1+w2,(g,lg))

-- | Given a set of classes ansd a smaller subset, return a set of globs matching trigrams of classes from the set where at least one class is contained in the subset.  At most one class may be inverted.
ugLimitedTrigrams :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef)] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugLimitedTrigrams cls rcls = fmap snd . sortOn fst $ do
    (w1,(c1,l1)) <- cls
    (w2,(c2,l2)) <- cls
    (w,(c3,l3)) <- case () of
         () | (c1,l1) `elem` rcls -> do
                (w3,(c3',l3')) <- cls
                guard (not (isInverted c2 && isInverted c3'))
                return (w2+w3, (c3',l3'))
            | (c2,l2) `elem` rcls -> do
                (w3,(c3',l3')) <- cls
                guard (not (isInverted c1 && isInverted c3'))
                return (w1+w3, (c3',l3'))
            | otherwise -> do
                guard (not (isInverted c1 && isInverted c2))
                (c3',l3') <- rcls
                return (w1+w2, (c3',l3'))
    let g = ClassGlob False False [(GSingle,c1),(GSingle,c2),(GSingle,c3)]
        lg = ListGlob False False [(GSingle,l1),(GSingle,l2),(GSingle,l3)]
    return (w, (g,lg))

-- | Given two sets of classes, return globs matching a pair oc slasses in the first set separated by any number of occurrences of a class in the second set.  At most one class may be inverted. At most one class may be inverted.
-- This can lead to fairly large grammar DFAs when multiple such constraints are merged.
ugLongDistance :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef)] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugLongDistance cls rcls = fmap snd . sortOn fst $ do
    (w1,(c1,l1)) <- cls
    (c2,l2) <- rcls
    (w3,(c3,l3)) <- cls
    let w = w1+w3
        g = ClassGlob False False [(GSingle,c1),(GPlus,c2),(GSingle,c3)]
        lg = ListGlob False False [(GSingle,l1),(GPlus,l2),(GSingle,l3)]
    return (w, (g,lg))

{-ugMiddleHayesWilson :: [(Int, NaturalClass,SegSet SegRef)] -> [(NaturalClass,SegSet SegRef)] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugMiddleHayesWilson cls rcls = join [ ugSingleClasses cls
                                    , ugBigrams cls
                                    , ugLimitedTrigrams cls rcls]

-- | Combine the above functions (not including 'ugLongDistance') into the original candidate generator from the Hayes and Wilson paper.
ugHayesWilson :: [(Int, (NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef))] -> [(NaturalClass, SegSet SegRef)] -> [(ClassGlob, ListGlob SegRef)]
ugHayesWilson cls rcls = join [ ugSingleClasses cls
                                  , ugEdgeClasses cls
                                  , ugBigrams cls
                                  , ugEdgeBigrams cls
                                  , ugLimitedTrigrams cls rcls]