40000.0.1 ========= API changes: * Added support for the `emoji_added` websocket event type. * WEData's JSON parser now permits both null and empty channel IDs. 40000.0.0 ========= Package changes: * Added lower bound for binary to avoid build failures in the websocket package on GHC 7.10 (see https://github.com/jaspervdj/websockets/pull/155) API changes: * Added support for the `channel_viewed` and `channel_updated` websocket events 31000.0.0 ========= API changes: * Added flagged posts API: * Types: FlaggedPost * mmGetFlaggedPosts * mmFlagPost * mmUnflagPost * Added preferences API: * Types: Preference, PreferenceCategory, PreferenceName, PreferenceValue * mmDeletePreferences * mmSavePreferences * mmGetMyPreferences * Added PostType for post types (joins, parts, header changes, etc.) and changed the type of Post.postType to use this new type. * Added a new field WEData.wepMentions so that websocket events can include the set of UserIds in a mention set. * Made most fields of PostPropAttachment optional. * Added a new PostPropAttachment type as defined by Slack and used by Mattermost. * Allow null for the "fields" field of PostPropAttachment. * Extended PostPropAttachment with additional fields to better match the upstream spec. Other changes: * Improved the LoginFailureException message format. * Refrain from logging passwords when logging login requests. * Logging operations seek to the end of the log in case of a shared log file. 30802.1.0 ========= This release supports server version 3.8.2. API changes: * Made the PendingPost `created_at` field optional. It defaults to 0. This behavior is due to Mattermost's support for admins setting the creation timestamp to values in the past. A value of zero causes the server to use the server's clock to set the creation timestamp. Any other value is only permitted for users with administrative privileges. * Moved some types to a new Types.Internal module and exposed that module for testing purposes. It should not be used by anyone wanting a stable API. For a stable API, see the export list for the Types module. 30802.0.0 ========= This release supports server version 3.8.2. API changes: * The `Network.Mattermost.Types` module is now directly exported and all clients should obtain their types from this import. The types are still exported from `Network.Mattermost` to allow time for this change but this export is deprecated will be removed in a future version. * Added the CommandResponse type for the execute endpoint. * mmGetMoreChannels, mmGetChannelMembers, and mmGetProfiles now take limit/offset parameters. * mmGetFile now supports v4 file-fetching. * Added new constructors to the WebsocketEventType corresponding to server websocket events. * mmUpdateLastViewedAt was replaced with mmViewChannel. * Added the WithDefault type to wrap around bools and NotifyOptions. * Added NotifyProps types. * The `Token` type has been replaced with a `Session` type, representing a combination of a `Token` and a `ConnectionData` type. All exposed API functions which require an authenticated connection will use this instead. This is a major breaking change, but makes the API significantly cleaner. * Removed `UserProfile` type in favor of single pervasive `User` type. * Replaced the return type of `mmGetTeamMembers` to use a `TeamMember` instead of raw JSON `Value`s. Documentation: * All API functions how have corresponding HTTP route documentation. Package changes: * Source repository was updated. * Constrained 'memory' version to avoid 'foundation' dependency. * Include Network.Mattermost.TH. * The `Network.Mattermost.Websocket` module now exports everything exported by `Network.Mattermost.Websocket.Types` in order to cut down on the number of imports needed by users. 30701.0.0 ========= * Supports server version 3.7.1. API changes: * Tests now provide websocket event testing infrastructure * The Channel data type now supports Group channels (type "G") * Added mmGetTeamMembers to get the users in a channel * Added support for the Post type `system_header_change` and the post properties `new_header` and `old_header` as described at https://github.com/mattermost/platform/pull/4209 * Removed the UserProfile type in favor of the User type (fixed #23) Bug fixes: * WebSocket.Types: permit empty `team_id` in event data 30600.2.2 ========= Bug fixes: * Support optional `notify_props` and `last_password_update` in mmGetUser responses. Package changes: * Renamed ChangeLog.md to CHANGELOG.md. Testing changes: * Added support for testing websocket events and updated the test suite to check for expected websocket events. 30600.2.1 ========= API changes: * Export FileInfo type Bug fixes: * Fixed parsing of nullable width/height fields in FileInfo * Fixed parsing of create_at, update_at, and delete_at timestamp fields in FileInfo 30600.2.0 ========= API changes: * Added mmDeletePost * Added mmUpdatePost for editing posts * Post: make deletion time optional to match server API, do millisecond conversion on JSON encoding * PendingPost: add fields for setting parents in case of replies * Export PendingPost type so it can be modified for replies and edits Bug fixes: * Post: do millisecond conversion of timestamps on JSON encoding 30600.1.0 ========= API changes: * MinCommand lost its unused minComSuggest field Bug fixes: * The JSON format of MinCommand got its channelId field (3.5.0) renamed to channel_id (3.6.0). See also: https://github.com/mattermost/platform/issues/5281 Other: * mmGetJSONBody got a debugging label that it now uses to generate exception messages to indicate what kind of value it was attempting to parse. 30600.0.0 ========= Initial release for server version 3.6.0. ======= First version.