-- | The @matrix-client@ library provides a simple interface for interacting with Matrix servers. -- -- This tutorial introduces how to use the @matrix-client@ library. -- -- You will need a token to create a session, if you already have an account, you can get it with the @element@ client -- by visiting the account @Settings@ page, @Help & About@ panel, then click @Access Token@. -- -- Alternatively, you can setup a test service by running these commands in a terminal: -- -- > git clone https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite -- > cd dendrite; ./build.sh; ./bin/generate-keys --private-key matrix_key.pem; cp dendrite-config.yaml dendrite.yaml -- > ./bin/dendrite-monolith-server --config dendrite.yaml -- > curl -XPOST http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/r0/register -d'{"username": "tristanC", "password": "supersecret", "auth": {"type": "mlogin.dummy"}} -- -- To avoid manipulating the token directly, put it in your environment: -- -- > export MATRIX_TOKEN="THE_ACCESS_TOKEN" module Network.Matrix.Tutorial ( -- * Introduction -- $intro -- * Create a session -- $session ) where -- $intro -- To start using this library you need a haskell toolchain, on fedora run: -- -- > $ sudo dnf install -y ghc cabal-install && cabal update -- -- Then get a copy of the library by running: -- -- > $ git clone https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/matrix-client-haskell -- > $ cd matrix-client-haskell -- -- Start a REPL: -- -- > $ cabal repl -- > Prelude> import Network.Matrix.Client -- > Prelude Netowrk.Matrix.Client> :set prompt "> " -- > > :set -XOverloadedStrings -- > > :type getTokenOwner -- > getTokenOwner :: ClientSession -> MatrixIO WhoAmI -- $session -- Most functions require 'ClientSession' which carries the -- endpoint url and the http client manager. -- -- The only way to get the client is through the 'Client.createSession' function: -- -- > > token <- getTokenFromEnv "MATRIX_TOKEN" -- > > sess <- createSession "https://matrix.org" token -- > > getTokenOwner sess -- > Right (WhoAmI "@tristanc_:matrix.org")