import Data.Matrix import Data.Ratio import Control.Applicative import Data.Monoid (mconcat) import Test.Tasty import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Test.QuickCheck {- matrix package test set This program uses QuickCheck to check that the matrix functions of the matrix package are working properly. We use the type Rational to have avoid numerical errors that may cause the test to fail while the algorithm is correct. -} -- | Numbers used in tests. type R = Rational newtype I = I { fromI :: Int } instance Show I where show (I n) = show n instance Arbitrary I where arbitrary = I <$> choose (1,9) instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Matrix a) where arbitrary = do I n <- arbitrary I m <- arbitrary genMatrix' n m genMatrix' :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Int -> Gen (Matrix a) genMatrix' n m = fromList n m <$> vector (n*m) genMatrix :: Int -> Int -> Gen (Matrix R) genMatrix = genMatrix' -- | Square matrices newtype Sq = Sq { fromSq :: Matrix R } instance Show Sq where show (Sq m) = show m instance Arbitrary Sq where arbitrary = do I n <- arbitrary Sq <$> genMatrix n n main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "matrix tests" [ QC.testProperty "identity * m = m * identity = m" $ \(Sq m) -> let n = nrows m in identity n * m == m && m * identity n == m , QC.testProperty "a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c" $ \(I a) (I b) (I c) (I d) -> forAll (genMatrix a b) $ \m1 -> forAll (genMatrix b c) $ \m2 -> forAll (genMatrix c d) $ \m3 -> m1 * (m2 * m3) == (m1 * m2) * m3 , QC.testProperty "getMatrixAsVector m = mconcat [ getRow i m | i <- [1 .. nrows m]]" $ \m -> getMatrixAsVector (m :: Matrix R) == mconcat [ getRow i m | i <- [1 .. nrows m] ] , QC.testProperty "permMatrix n i j * permMatrix n i j = identity n" $ \(I n) -> forAll (choose (1,n)) $ \i -> forAll (choose (1,n)) $ \j -> permMatrix n i j * permMatrix n i j == identity n , QC.testProperty "setElem (getElem i j m) (i,j) m = m" $ \m -> forAll (choose (1,nrows m)) $ \i -> forAll (choose (1,ncols m)) $ \j -> setElem (getElem i j m) (i,j) m == (m :: Matrix R) , QC.testProperty "transpose (transpose m) = m" $ \m -> transpose (transpose m) == (m :: Matrix R) , QC.testProperty "if m' = setSize e r c m then (nrows m' = r) && (ncols m' = c)" $ \e (I r) (I c) m -> let m' :: Matrix R ; m' = setSize e r c m in nrows m' == r && ncols m' == c , QC.testProperty "if (nrows m = r) && (nrcols m = c) then setSize _ r c m = m" $ \m -> let r = nrows m c = ncols m in setSize undefined r c m == (m :: Matrix R) , QC.testProperty "getRow i m = getCol i (transpose m)" $ \m -> forAll (choose (1,nrows m)) $ \i -> getRow i (m :: Matrix R) == getCol i (transpose m) , QC.testProperty "joinBlocks (splitBlocks i j m) = m" $ \m -> forAll (choose (1,nrows m)) $ \i -> forAll (choose (1,ncols m)) $ \j -> joinBlocks (splitBlocks i j m) == (m :: Matrix R) , QC.testProperty "(+) = elementwise (+)" $ \m1 -> forAll (genMatrix (nrows m1) (ncols m1)) $ \m2 -> m1 + m2 == elementwise (+) m1 m2 , QC.testProperty "switchCols i j = transpose . switchRows i j . transpose" $ \m -> forAll (choose (1,ncols m)) $ \i -> forAll (choose (1,ncols m)) $ \j -> switchCols i j (m :: Matrix R) == (transpose $ switchRows i j $ transpose m) , QC.testProperty "detLaplace (fromList 3 3 $ repeat 1) = 0" $ detLaplace (fromList 3 3 $ repeat 1) == 0 , QC.testProperty "if (u,l,p,d) = luDecomp m then (p*m = l*u) && (detLaplace p = d)" $ \(Sq m) -> (detLaplace m /= 0) ==> (let (u,l,p,d) = luDecompUnsafe m in p*m == l*u && detLaplace p == d) , QC.testProperty "detLaplace m = detLU m" $ \(Sq m) -> detLaplace m == detLU m , QC.testProperty "if (u,l,p,q,d,e) = luDecomp' m then (p*m*q = l*u) && (detLU p = d) && (detLU q = e)" $ \(Sq m) -> (detLU m /= 0) ==> (let (u,l,p,q,d,e) = luDecompUnsafe' m in p*m*q == l*u && detLU p == d && detLU q == e) , QC.testProperty "detLU (scaleRow k i m) = k * detLU m" $ \(Sq m) k -> forAll (choose (1,nrows m)) $ \i -> detLU (scaleRow k i m) == k * detLU m , QC.testProperty "let n = nrows m in detLU (switchRows i j m) = detLU (permMatrix n i j) * detLU m" $ \(Sq m) -> let n = nrows m in forAll (choose (1,n)) $ \i -> forAll (choose (1,n)) $ \j -> detLU (switchRows i j m) == detLU (permMatrix n i j) * detLU m ]