{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
-- |
-- Module    : Numeric.SpecFunctions.Internal
-- Copyright : (c) 2009, 2011, 2012 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Internal module with implementation of special functions.
module Numeric.SpecFunctions.Internal where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bits       ((.&.), (.|.), shiftR)
import Data.Int        (Int64)
import Data.Word       (Word)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import           Data.Vector.Unboxed   ((!))

import Numeric.Polynomial.Chebyshev    (chebyshevBroucke)
import Numeric.Polynomial              (evaluatePolynomialL,evaluateEvenPolynomialL,evaluateOddPolynomialL)
import Numeric.RootFinding             (Root(..), newtonRaphson)
import Numeric.Series                  (sumPowerSeries,enumSequenceFrom,scanSequence,evalContFractionB)
import Numeric.MathFunctions.Constants ( m_epsilon, m_NaN, m_neg_inf, m_pos_inf
                                       , m_sqrt_2_pi, m_ln_sqrt_2_pi, m_eulerMascheroni
                                       , m_min_log, m_tiny
import Text.Printf

-- Error function

-- | Error function.
-- \[
-- \operatorname{erf}(x) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{0}^{x} \exp(-t^2) dt
-- \]
-- Function limits are:
-- \[
-- \begin{aligned}
--  &\operatorname{erf}(-\infty) &=& -1 \\
--  &\operatorname{erf}(0)       &=& \phantom{-}\,0 \\
--  &\operatorname{erf}(+\infty) &=& \phantom{-}\,1 \\
-- \end{aligned}
-- \]
erf :: Double -> Double
{-# INLINE erf #-}
erf = c_erf

-- | Complementary error function.
-- \[
-- \operatorname{erfc}(x) = 1 - \operatorname{erf}(x)
-- \]
-- Function limits are:
-- \[
-- \begin{aligned}
--  &\operatorname{erf}(-\infty) &=&\, 2 \\
--  &\operatorname{erf}(0)       &=&\, 1 \\
--  &\operatorname{erf}(+\infty) &=&\, 0 \\
-- \end{aligned}
-- \]
erfc :: Double -> Double
{-# INLINE erfc #-}
erfc = c_erfc

foreign import ccall "erf"  c_erf  :: Double -> Double
foreign import ccall "erfc" c_erfc :: Double -> Double

-- | Inverse of 'erf'.
invErf :: Double -- ^ /p/ ∈ [-1,1]
       -> Double
invErf p = invErfc (1 - p)

-- | Inverse of 'erfc'.
invErfc :: Double -- ^ /p/ ∈ [0,2]
        -> Double
invErfc p
  | p == 2        = m_neg_inf
  | p == 0        = m_pos_inf
  | p >0 && p < 2 = if p <= 1 then r else -r
  | otherwise     = modErr $ "invErfc: p must be in [0,2] got " ++ show p
    pp = if p <= 1 then p else 2 - p
    t  = sqrt $ -2 * log( 0.5 * pp)
    -- Initial guess
    x0 = -0.70711 * ((2.30753 + t * 0.27061) / (1 + t * (0.99229 + t * 0.04481)) - t)
    r  = loop 0 x0
    loop :: Int -> Double -> Double
    loop !j !x
      | j >= 2    = x
      | otherwise = let err = erfc x - pp
                        x'  = x + err / (1.12837916709551257 * exp(-x * x) - x * err) -- // Halley
                    in loop (j+1) x'

-- Gamma function

data L = L {-# UNPACK #-} !Double {-# UNPACK #-} !Double

-- | Compute the logarithm of the gamma function, Γ(/x/).
-- \[
-- \Gamma(x) = \int_0^{\infty}t^{x-1}e^{-t}\,dt = (x - 1)!
-- \]
-- This implementation uses Lanczos approximation. It gives 14 or more
-- significant decimal digits, except around /x/ = 1 and /x/ = 2,
-- where the function goes to zero.
-- Returns &#8734; if the input is outside of the range (0 < /x/
-- &#8804; 1e305).
logGamma :: Double -> Double
logGamma x
  | x <= 0    = m_pos_inf
  | x <  1    = lanczos (1+x) - log x
  | otherwise = lanczos x
    -- Evaluate Lanczos approximation for γ=6
    lanczos z = fini
              $ U.foldl' go (L 0 (z+7)) a
        fini (L l _)   = log (l+a0) + log m_sqrt_2_pi - z65 + (z-0.5) * log z65
        go   (L l t) k = L (l + k / t) (t-1)
        z65 = z + 6.5
    -- Coefficients for Lanczos approximation
    a0  = 0.9999999999995183
    a   = U.fromList [ 0.1659470187408462e-06
                     , 0.9934937113930748e-05
                     , -0.1385710331296526
                     , 12.50734324009056
                     , -176.6150291498386
                     , 771.3234287757674
                     , -1259.139216722289
                     , 676.5203681218835

-- | Synonym for 'logGamma'. Retained for compatibility
logGammaL :: Double -> Double
logGammaL = logGamma

-- |
-- Compute the log gamma correction factor for Stirling
-- approximation for @x@ &#8805; 10.  This correction factor is
-- suitable for an alternate (but less numerically accurate)
-- definition of 'logGamma':
-- \[
-- \log\Gamma(x) = \frac{1}{2}\log(2\pi) + (x-\frac{1}{2})\log x - x + \operatorname{logGammaCorrection}(x)
-- \]
logGammaCorrection :: Double -> Double
logGammaCorrection x
    | x < 10    = m_NaN
    | x < big   = chebyshevBroucke (t * t * 2 - 1) coeffs / x
    | otherwise = 1 / (x * 12)
    big    = 94906265.62425156
    t      = 10 / x
    coeffs = U.fromList [

-- | Compute the normalized lower incomplete gamma function
-- γ(/z/,/x/). Normalization means that γ(/z/,∞)=1
-- \[
-- \gamma(z,x) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(z)}\int_0^{x}t^{z-1}e^{-t}\,dt
-- \]
-- Uses Algorithm AS 239 by Shea.
incompleteGamma :: Double       -- ^ /z/ ∈ (0,∞)
                -> Double       -- ^ /x/ ∈ (0,∞)
                -> Double
-- Notation used:
--  + P(a,x) - regularized lower incomplete gamma
--  + Q(a,x) - regularized upper incomplete gamma
incompleteGamma a x
  | a <= 0 || x < 0 = error
     $ "incompleteGamma: Domain error z=" ++ show a ++ " x=" ++ show x
  | x == 0          = 0
  | x == m_pos_inf  = 1
  -- For very small x we use following expansion for P:
  -- See http://functions.wolfram.com/GammaBetaErf/GammaRegularized/06/01/05/01/01/
  | x < sqrt m_epsilon && a > 1
    = x**a / a / exp (logGammaL a) * (1 - a*x / (a + 1))
  | x < 0.5 = case () of
    _| (-0.4)/log x < a  -> taylorSeriesP
     | otherwise         -> taylorSeriesComplQ
  | x < 1.1 = case () of
    _| 0.75*x < a        -> taylorSeriesP
     | otherwise         -> taylorSeriesComplQ
  | a > 20 && useTemme    = uniformExpansion
  | x - (1 / (3 * x)) < a = taylorSeriesP
  | otherwise             = contFraction
    mu = (x - a) / a
    useTemme = (a > 200 && 20/a > mu*mu)
            || (abs mu < 0.4)
    -- Gautschi's algorithm.
    -- Evaluate series for P(a,x). See [Temme1994] Eq. 5.5
    -- FIXME: Term `exp (log x * z - x - logGamma (z+1))` doesn't give full precision
      = sumPowerSeries x (scanSequence (/) 1 $ enumSequenceFrom (a+1))
      * exp (log x * a - x - logGamma (a+1))
    -- Series for 1-Q(a,x). See [Temme1994] Eq. 5.5
      = sumPowerSeries (-x) (scanSequence (/) 1 (enumSequenceFrom 1) / enumSequenceFrom a)
      * x**a / exp(logGammaL a)
    -- Legendre continued fractions
    contFraction = 1 - ( exp ( log x * a - x - logGamma a )
                       / evalContFractionB frac
        frac = (\k -> (k*(a-k), x - a + 2*k + 1)) <$> enumSequenceFrom 0
    -- Evaluation based on uniform expansions. See [Temme1994] 5.2
    uniformExpansion =
      let -- Coefficients f_m in paper
          fm :: U.Vector Double
          fm = U.fromList [ 1.00000000000000000000e+00
                          , 8.33333333333333287074e-02
                          , 1.15740740740740734316e-03
                          , 3.52733686067019369930e-04
                          , 3.91926317852243766954e-05
                          , 8.29671134095308545622e-07
                          , 6.70785354340149841119e-09
                          , 1.02618097842403069078e-08
                          , 9.14769958223679020897e-10
                          , 2.43619480206674150369e-11
                          , 1.10043920319561347525e-13
                          , 3.37176326240098513631e-13
          y   = - log1pmx mu
          eta = sqrt (2 * y) * signum mu
          -- Evaluate S_α (Eq. 5.9)
          loop !_  !_  u 0 = u
          loop bm1 bm0 u i = let t  = (fm ! i) + (fromIntegral i + 1)*bm1 / a
                                 u' = eta * u + t
                             in  loop bm0 t u' (i-1)
          s_a = let n = U.length fm
                in  loop (fm ! (n-1)) (fm ! (n-2)) 0 (n-3)
                  / exp (logGammaCorrection a)
      in 1/2 * erfc(-eta*sqrt(a/2)) - exp(-(a*y)) / sqrt (2*pi*a) * s_a

-- Adapted from Numerical Recipes §6.2.1

-- | Inverse incomplete gamma function. It's approximately inverse of
--   'incompleteGamma' for the same /z/. So following equality
--   approximately holds:
-- > invIncompleteGamma z . incompleteGamma z ≈ id
invIncompleteGamma :: Double    -- ^ /z/ ∈ (0,∞)
                   -> Double    -- ^ /p/ ∈ [0,1]
                   -> Double
invIncompleteGamma a p
  | a <= 0         =
      modErr $ printf "invIncompleteGamma: a must be positive. a=%g p=%g" a p
  | p < 0 || p > 1 =
      modErr $ printf "invIncompleteGamma: p must be in [0,1] range. a=%g p=%g" a p
  | p == 0         = 0
  | p == 1         = 1 / 0
  | otherwise      = loop 0 guess
    -- Solve equation γ(a,x) = p using Halley method
    loop :: Int -> Double -> Double
    loop i x
      | i >= 12           = x'
      -- For small s derivative becomes approximately 1/x*exp(-x) and
      -- skyrockets for small x. If it happens correct answer is 0.
      | isInfinite f'     = 0
      | abs dx < eps * x' = x'
      | otherwise         = loop (i + 1) x'
        -- Value of γ(a,x) - p
        f    = incompleteGamma a x - p
        -- dγ(a,x)/dx
        f'   | a > 1     = afac * exp( -(x - a1) + a1 * (log x - lna1))
             | otherwise = exp( -x + a1 * log x - gln)
        u    = f / f'
        -- Halley correction to Newton-Rapson step
        corr = u * (a1 / x - 1)
        dx   = u / (1 - 0.5 * min 1.0 corr)
        -- New approximation to x
        x'   | x < dx    = 0.5 * x -- Do not go below 0
             | otherwise = x - dx
    -- Calculate inital guess for root
      | a > 1   =
         let t  = sqrt $ -2 * log(if p < 0.5 then p else 1 - p)
             x1 = (2.30753 + t * 0.27061) / (1 + t * (0.99229 + t * 0.04481)) - t
             x2 = if p < 0.5 then -x1 else x1
         in max 1e-3 (a * (1 - 1/(9*a) - x2 / (3 * sqrt a)) ** 3)
      -- For a <= 1 use following approximations:
      --   γ(a,1) ≈ 0.253a + 0.12a²
      --   γ(a,x) ≈ γ(a,1)·x^a                               x <  1
      --   γ(a,x) ≈ γ(a,1) + (1 - γ(a,1))(1 - exp(1 - x))    x >= 1
      | otherwise =
         let t = 1 - a * (0.253 + a*0.12)
         in if p < t
            then (p / t) ** (1 / a)
            else 1 - log( 1 - (p-t) / (1-t))
    -- Constants
    a1   = a - 1
    lna1 = log a1
    afac = exp( a1 * (lna1 - 1) - gln )
    gln  = logGamma a
    eps  = 1e-8

-- Beta function

-- | Compute the natural logarithm of the beta function.
-- \[
-- B(a,b) = \int_0^1 t^{a-1}(1-t)^{1-b}\,dt = \frac{\Gamma{a}\Gamma{b}}{\Gamma{a+b}}
-- \]
  :: Double                     -- ^ /a/ > 0
  -> Double                     -- ^ /b/ > 0
  -> Double
logBeta a b
    | p < 0     = m_NaN
    | p == 0    = m_pos_inf
    | p >= 10   = log q * (-0.5)
                + m_ln_sqrt_2_pi
                + logGammaCorrection p
                + c
                + (p - 0.5) * log ppq + q * log1p(-ppq)
    | q >= 10   = logGamma p
                + c
                + p
                - p * log pq
                + (q - 0.5) * log1p(-ppq)
    | otherwise = logGamma p + logGamma q - logGamma pq
      p   = min a b
      q   = max a b
      ppq = p / pq
      pq  = p + q
      c   = logGammaCorrection q - logGammaCorrection pq

-- | Regularized incomplete beta function.
-- \[
-- I(x;a,b) = \frac{1}{B(a,b)} \int_0^x t^{a-1}(1-t)^{1-b}\,dt
-- \]
-- Uses algorithm AS63 by Majumder and Bhattachrjee and quadrature
-- approximation for large /p/ and /q/.
incompleteBeta :: Double -- ^ /a/ > 0
               -> Double -- ^ /b/ > 0
               -> Double -- ^ /x/, must lie in [0,1] range
               -> Double
incompleteBeta p q = incompleteBeta_ (logBeta p q) p q

-- | Regularized incomplete beta function. Same as 'incompleteBeta'
-- but also takes logarithm of beta function as parameter.
incompleteBeta_ :: Double -- ^ logarithm of beta function for given /p/ and /q/
                -> Double -- ^ /a/ > 0
                -> Double -- ^ /b/ > 0
                -> Double -- ^ /x/, must lie in [0,1] range
                -> Double
incompleteBeta_ beta p q x
  | p <= 0 || q <= 0            =
      modErr $ printf "incompleteBeta_: p <= 0 || q <= 0. p=%g q=%g x=%g" p q x
  | x <  0 || x >  1 || isNaN x =
      modErr $ printf "incompleteBeta_: x out of [0,1] range. p=%g q=%g x=%g" p q x
  | x == 0 || x == 1            = x
  | p >= (p+q) * x   = incompleteBetaWorker beta p q x
  | otherwise        = 1 - incompleteBetaWorker beta q p (1 - x)

-- Approximation of incomplete beta by quandrature.
-- Note that x =< p/(p+q)
incompleteBetaApprox :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
incompleteBetaApprox beta p q x
  | ans > 0   = 1 - ans
  | otherwise = -ans
    -- Constants
    p1    = p - 1
    q1    = q - 1
    mu    = p / (p + q)
    lnmu  = log     mu
    lnmuc = log1p (-mu)
    -- Upper limit for integration
    xu = max 0 $ min (mu - 10*t) (x - 5*t)
         t = sqrt $ p*q / ( (p+q) * (p+q) * (p + q + 1) )
    -- Calculate incomplete beta by quadrature
    go y w = let t = x + (xu - x) * y
             in  w * exp( p1 * (log t - lnmu) + q1 * (log(1-t) - lnmuc) )
    s   = U.sum $ U.zipWith go coefY coefW
    ans = s * (xu - x) * exp( p1 * lnmu + q1 * lnmuc - beta )

-- Worker for incomplete beta function. It is separate function to
-- avoid confusion with parameter during parameter swapping
incompleteBetaWorker :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
incompleteBetaWorker beta p q x
  -- For very large p and q this method becomes very slow so another
  -- method is used.
  | p > 3000 && q > 3000 = incompleteBetaApprox beta p q x
  | otherwise            = loop (p+q) (truncate $ q + cx * (p+q)) 1 1 1
    -- Constants
    eps = 1e-15
    cx  = 1 - x
    -- Common multiplies for expansion. Accurate calculation is a bit
    -- tricky. Performing calculation in log-domain leads to slight
    -- loss of precision for small x, while using ** prone to
    -- underflows.
    -- If either beta function of x**p·(1-x)**(q-1) underflows we
    -- switch to log domain. It could waste work but there's no easy
    -- switch criterion.
      | beta < m_min_log || prod < m_tiny = exp( p * log x + (q - 1) * log cx - beta)
      | otherwise                         = prod / exp beta
        prod =  x**p * cx**(q - 1)
    -- Soper's expansion of incomplete beta function
    loop !psq (ns :: Int) ai term betain
      | done      = betain' * factor / p
      | otherwise = loop psq' (ns - 1) (ai + 1) term' betain'
        -- New values
        term'   = term * fact / (p + ai)
        betain' = betain + term'
        fact | ns >  0   = (q - ai) * x/cx
             | ns == 0   = (q - ai) * x
             | otherwise = psq * x
        -- Iterations are complete
        done = db <= eps && db <= eps*betain' where db = abs term'
        psq' = if ns < 0 then psq + 1 else psq

-- | Compute inverse of regularized incomplete beta function. Uses
-- initial approximation from AS109, AS64 and Halley method to solve
-- equation.
invIncompleteBeta :: Double     -- ^ /a/ > 0
                  -> Double     -- ^ /b/ > 0
                  -> Double     -- ^ /x/ ∈ [0,1]
                  -> Double
invIncompleteBeta p q a
  | p <= 0 || q <= 0 =
      modErr $ printf "invIncompleteBeta p <= 0 || q <= 0.  p=%g q=%g a=%g" p q a
  | a <  0 || a >  1 =
      modErr $ printf "invIncompleteBeta x must be in [0,1].  p=%g q=%g a=%g" p q a
  | a == 0 || a == 1 = a
  | a > 0.5          = 1 - invIncompleteBetaWorker (logBeta p q) q p (1 - a)
  | otherwise        =     invIncompleteBetaWorker (logBeta p q) p q  a

invIncompleteBetaWorker :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
-- NOTE: p <= 0.5.
invIncompleteBetaWorker beta a b p = loop (0::Int) (invIncBetaGuess beta a b p)
    a1 = a - 1
    b1 = b - 1
    -- Solve equation using Halley method
    loop !i !x
      -- We cannot continue at this point so we simply return `x'
      | x == 0 || x == 1             = x
      -- When derivative becomes infinite we cannot continue
      -- iterations. It can only happen in vicinity of 0 or 1. It's
      -- hardly possible to get good answer in such circumstances but
      -- `x' is already reasonable.
      | isInfinite f'                = x
      -- Iterations limit reached. Most of the time solution will
      -- converge to answer because of discreteness of Double. But
      -- solution have good precision already.
      | i >= 10                      = x
      -- Solution converges
      | abs dx <= 16 * m_epsilon * x = x'
      | otherwise                    = loop (i+1) x'
        -- Calculate Halley step.
        f   = incompleteBeta_ beta a b x - p
        f'  = exp $ a1 * log x + b1 * log1p (-x) - beta
        u   = f / f'
        -- We bound Halley correction to Newton-Raphson to (-1,1) range
        corr | d > 1     = 1
             | d < -1    = -1
             | isNaN d   = 0
             | otherwise = d
            d = u * (a1 / x - b1 / (1 - x))
        dx  = u / (1 - 0.5 * corr)
        -- Next approximation. If Halley step leads us out of [0,1]
        -- range we revert to bisection.
        x'  | z < 0     = x / 2
            | z > 1     = (x + 1) / 2
            | otherwise = z
            where z = x - dx

-- Calculate initial guess for inverse incomplete beta function.
invIncBetaGuess :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
-- Calculate initial guess. for solving equation for inverse incomplete beta.
-- It's really hodgepodge of different approximations accumulated over years.
-- Equations are referred to by name of paper and number e.g. [AS64 2]
-- In AS64 papers equations are not numbered so they are refered to by
-- number of appearance starting from definition of incomplete beta.
invIncBetaGuess beta a b p
  -- If both a and b are less than 1 incomplete beta have inflection
  -- point.
  -- > x = (1 - a) / (2 - a - b)
  -- We approximate incomplete beta by neglecting one of factors under
  -- integral and then rescaling result of integration into [0,1]
  -- range.
  | a < 1 && b < 1 =
    let x_infl = (1 - a) / (2 - a - b)
        p_infl = incompleteBeta a b x_infl
        x | p < p_infl = let xg = (a * p     * exp beta) ** (1/a) in xg / (1+xg)
          | otherwise  = let xg = (b * (1-p) * exp beta) ** (1/b) in 1 - xg/(1+xg)
    in x
  -- If both a and b larger or equal that 1 but not too big we use
  -- same approximation as above but calculate it a bit differently
  | a+b <= 6 && a>=1 && b>=1 =
    let x_infl = (a - 1) / (a + b - 2)
        p_infl = incompleteBeta a b x_infl
        x | p < p_infl = exp ((log(p * a) + beta) / a)
          | otherwise  = 1 - exp((log((1-p) * b) + beta) / b)
    in x
  -- For small a and not too big b we use approximation from boost.
  | b < 5 && a < 1 =
    let x | p**(1/a) < 0.5 = (p * a * exp beta) ** (1/a)
          | otherwise      = 1 - (1 - p ** (b * exp beta))**(1/b)
    in x
  -- When a>>b and both are large approximation from [Temme1992],
  -- section 4 "the incomplete gamma function case" used. In this
  -- region it greatly improves over other approximation (AS109, AS64,
  -- "Numerical Recipes")
  -- FIXME: It could be used when b>>a too but it require inverse of
  --        upper incomplete gamma to be precise enough. In current
  --        implementation it loses precision in horrible way (40
  --        order of magnitude off for sufficiently small p)
  | a+b > 5 &&  a/b > 4 =
    let -- Calculate initial approximation to eta using eq 4.1
        eta0 = invIncompleteGamma b (1-p) / a
        mu   = b / a            -- Eq. 4.3
        -- A lot of helpers for calculation of
        w    = sqrt(1 + mu)     -- Eq. 4.9
        w_2  = w * w
        w_3  = w_2 * w
        w_4  = w_2 * w_2
        w_5  = w_3 * w_2
        w_6  = w_3 * w_3
        w_7  = w_4 * w_3
        w_8  = w_4 * w_4
        w_9  = w_5 * w_4
        w_10 = w_5 * w_5
        d    = eta0 - mu
        d_2  = d * d
        d_3  = d_2 * d
        d_4  = d_2 * d_2
        w1   = w + 1
        w1_2 = w1 * w1
        w1_3 = w1 * w1_2
        w1_4 = w1_2 * w1_2
        -- Evaluation of eq 4.10
        e1 = (w + 2) * (w - 1) / (3 * w)
           + (w_3 + 9 * w_2 + 21 * w + 5) * d
             / (36 * w_2 * w1)
           - (w_4 - 13 * w_3 + 69 * w_2 + 167 * w + 46) * d_2
             / (1620 * w1_2 * w_3)
           - (7 * w_5 + 21 * w_4 + 70 * w_3 + 26 * w_2 - 93 * w - 31) * d_3
             / (6480 * w1_3 * w_4)
           - (75 * w_6 + 202 * w_5 + 188 * w_4 - 888 * w_3 - 1345 * w_2 + 118 * w + 138) * d_4
             / (272160 * w1_4 * w_5)
        e2 = (28 * w_4 + 131 * w_3 + 402 * w_2 + 581 * w + 208) * (w - 1)
             / (1620 * w1 * w_3)
           - (35 * w_6 - 154 * w_5 - 623 * w_4 - 1636 * w_3 - 3983 * w_2 - 3514 * w - 925) * d
             / (12960 * w1_2 * w_4)
           - ( 2132 * w_7 + 7915 * w_6 + 16821 * w_5 + 35066 * w_4 + 87490 * w_3
             + 141183 * w_2 + 95993 * w + 21640
             ) * d_2
             / (816480 * w_5 * w1_3)
           - ( 11053 * w_8 + 53308 * w_7 + 117010 * w_6 + 163924 * w_5 + 116188 * w_4
             - 258428 * w_3 - 677042 * w_2 - 481940 * w - 105497
             ) * d_3
             / (14696640 * w1_4 * w_6)
        e3 = -( (3592 * w_7 + 8375 * w_6 - 1323 * w_5 - 29198 * w_4 - 89578 * w_3
                - 154413 * w_2 - 116063 * w - 29632
                ) * (w - 1)
              / (816480 * w_5 * w1_2)
           - ( 442043 * w_9 + 2054169 * w_8 + 3803094 * w_7 + 3470754 * w_6 + 2141568 * w_5
             - 2393568 * w_4 - 19904934 * w_3 - 34714674 * w_2 - 23128299 * w - 5253353
             ) * d
             / (146966400 * w_6 * w1_3)
           - ( 116932 * w_10 + 819281 * w_9 + 2378172 * w_8 + 4341330 * w_7 + 6806004 * w_6
             + 10622748 * w_5 + 18739500 * w_4 + 30651894 * w_3 + 30869976 * w_2
             + 15431867 * w + 2919016
             ) * d_2
             / (146966400 * w1_4 * w_7)
        eta = evaluatePolynomialL (1/a) [eta0, e1, e2, e3]
        -- Now we solve eq 4.2 to recover x using Newton iterations
        u       = eta - mu * log eta + (1 + mu) * log(1 + mu) - mu
        cross   = 1 / (1 + mu);
        lower   = if eta < mu then cross else 0
        upper   = if eta < mu then 1     else cross
        x_guess = (lower + upper) / 2
        func x  = ( u + log x + mu*log(1 - x)
                  , 1/x - mu/(1-x)
        Root x0 = newtonRaphson 1e-8 (lower, x_guess, upper) func
    in x0
  -- For large a and b approximation from AS109 (Carter
  -- approximation). It's reasonably good in this region
  | a > 1 && b > 1 =
      let r = (y*y - 3) / 6
          s = 1 / (2*a - 1)
          t = 1 / (2*b - 1)
          h = 2 / (s + t)
          w = y * sqrt(h + r) / h - (t - s) * (r + 5/6 - 2 / (3 * h))
      in a / (a + b * exp(2 * w))
  -- Otherwise we revert to approximation from AS64 derived from
  -- [AS64 2] when it's applicable.
  -- It slightly reduces average number of iterations when `a' and
  -- `b' have different magnitudes.
  | chi2 > 0 && ratio > 1 = 1 - 2 / (ratio + 1)
  -- If all else fails we use approximation from "Numerical
  -- Recipes". It's very similar to approximations [AS64 4,5] but
  -- it never goes out of [0,1] interval.
  | otherwise = case () of
      _| p < t / w  -> (a * p * w) ** (1/a)
       | otherwise  -> 1 - (b * (1 - p) * w) ** (1/b)
         lna = log $ a / (a+b)
         lnb = log $ b / (a+b)
         t   = exp( a * lna ) / a
         u   = exp( b * lnb ) / b
         w   = t + u
    -- Formula [AS64 2]
    ratio = (4*a + 2*b - 2) / chi2
    -- Quantile of chi-squared distribution. Formula [AS64 3].
    chi2 = 2 * b * (1 - t + y * sqrt t) ** 3
        t   = 1 / (9 * b)
    -- `y' is Hasting's approximation of p'th quantile of standard
    -- normal distribution.
    y   = r - ( 2.30753 + 0.27061 * r )
              / ( 1.0 + ( 0.99229 + 0.04481 * r ) * r )
        r = sqrt $ - 2 * log p

-- Sinc function

-- | Compute sinc function @sin(x)\/x@
sinc :: Double -> Double
sinc x
  | ax < eps_0 = 1
  | ax < eps_2 = 1 - x2/6
  | ax < eps_4 = 1 - x2/6 + x2*x2/120
  | otherwise  = sin x / x
    ax    = abs x
    x2    = x*x
    -- For explanation of choice see `doc/sinc.hs'
    eps_0 = 1.8250120749944284e-8 -- sqrt (6ε/4)
    eps_2 = 1.4284346431400855e-4 --   (30ε)**(1/4) / 2
    eps_4 = 4.043633626430947e-3  -- (1206ε)**(1/6) / 2

-- Logarithm

-- | Compute the natural logarithm of 1 + @x@.  This is accurate even
-- for values of @x@ near zero, where use of @log(1+x)@ would lose
-- precision.
log1p :: Double -> Double
log1p x
    | x == 0               = 0
    | x == -1              = m_neg_inf
    | x < -1               = m_NaN
    | x' < m_epsilon * 0.5 = x
    | (x >= 0 && x < 1e-8) || (x >= -1e-9 && x < 0)
                           = x * (1 - x * 0.5)
    | x' < 0.375           = x * (1 - x * chebyshevBroucke (x / 0.375) coeffs)
    | otherwise            = log (1 + x)
    x' = abs x
    coeffs = U.fromList [

-- | Compute log(1+x)-x:
log1pmx :: Double -> Double
log1pmx x
  | x <  -1        = error "Domain error"
  | x == -1        = m_neg_inf
  | ax > 0.95      = log(1 + x) - x
  | ax < m_epsilon = -(x * x) /2
  | otherwise      = - x * x * sumPowerSeries (-x) (recip <$> enumSequenceFrom 2)
   ax = abs x

-- | Compute @exp x - 1@ without loss of accuracy for x near zero.
expm1 :: Double -> Double
expm1 = c_expm1

foreign import ccall "expm1" c_expm1 :: Double -> Double

-- | /O(log n)/ Compute the logarithm in base 2 of the given value.
log2 :: Int -> Int
log2 v0
    | v0 <= 0   = modErr $ "log2: nonpositive input, got " ++ show v0
    | otherwise = go 5 0 v0
    go !i !r !v | i == -1        = r
                | v .&. b i /= 0 = let si = U.unsafeIndex sv i
                                   in go (i-1) (r .|. si) (v `shiftR` si)
                | otherwise      = go (i-1) r v
    b = U.unsafeIndex bv
    !bv = U.fromList [ 0x02, 0x0c, 0xf0, 0xff00
                     , fromIntegral (0xffff0000 :: Word)
                     , fromIntegral (0xffffffff00000000 :: Word)]
    !sv = U.fromList [1,2,4,8,16,32]

-- Factorial

-- | Compute the factorial function /n/!.  Returns +∞ if the
-- input is above 170 (above which the result cannot be represented by
-- a 64-bit 'Double').
factorial :: Int -> Double
factorial n
    | n < 0     = error "Numeric.SpecFunctions.factorial: negative input"
    | n <= 1    = 1
    | n <= 170  = U.product $ U.map fromIntegral $ U.enumFromTo 2 n
    | otherwise = m_pos_inf

-- | Compute the natural logarithm of the factorial function.  Gives
-- 16 decimal digits of precision.
logFactorial :: Integral a => a -> Double
logFactorial n
    | n <  0    = error "Numeric.SpecFunctions.logFactorial: negative input"
    | n <= 14   = log $ factorial $ fromIntegral n
    -- N.B. Γ(n+1) = n!
    -- We use here asymptotic series for gamma function. See
    -- http://mathworld.wolfram.com/StirlingsSeries.html
    | otherwise = (x - 0.5) * log x - x
                + m_ln_sqrt_2_pi
                + evaluateOddPolynomialL (1/x) [1/12, -1/360, 1/1260, -1/1680]
    where x = fromIntegral n + 1
{-# SPECIALIZE logFactorial :: Int -> Double #-}

-- | Calculate the error term of the Stirling approximation.  This is
-- only defined for non-negative values.
-- > stirlingError @n@ = @log(n!) - log(sqrt(2*pi*n)*(n/e)^n)
stirlingError :: Double -> Double
stirlingError n
  | n <= 15.0   = case properFraction (n+n) of
                    (i,0) -> sfe `U.unsafeIndex` i
                    _     -> logGamma (n+1.0) - (n+0.5) * log n + n -
  | n > 500     = evaluateOddPolynomialL (1/n) [s0,-s1]
  | n > 80      = evaluateOddPolynomialL (1/n) [s0,-s1,s2]
  | n > 35      = evaluateOddPolynomialL (1/n) [s0,-s1,s2,-s3]
  | otherwise   = evaluateOddPolynomialL (1/n) [s0,-s1,s2,-s3,s4]
    s0 = 0.083333333333333333333        -- 1/12
    s1 = 0.00277777777777777777778      -- 1/360
    s2 = 0.00079365079365079365079365   -- 1/1260
    s3 = 0.000595238095238095238095238  -- 1/1680
    s4 = 0.0008417508417508417508417508 -- 1/1188
    sfe = U.fromList [ 0.0,
                0.1534264097200273452913848,   0.0810614667953272582196702,
                0.0548141210519176538961390,   0.0413406959554092940938221,
                0.03316287351993628748511048,  0.02767792568499833914878929,
                0.02374616365629749597132920,  0.02079067210376509311152277,
                0.01848845053267318523077934,  0.01664469118982119216319487,
                0.01513497322191737887351255,  0.01387612882307074799874573,
                0.01281046524292022692424986,  0.01189670994589177009505572,
                0.01110455975820691732662991,  0.010411265261972096497478567,
                0.009799416126158803298389475, 0.009255462182712732917728637,
                0.008768700134139385462952823, 0.008330563433362871256469318,
                0.007934114564314020547248100, 0.007573675487951840794972024,
                0.007244554301320383179543912, 0.006942840107209529865664152,
                0.006665247032707682442354394, 0.006408994188004207068439631,
                0.006171712263039457647532867, 0.005951370112758847735624416,
                0.005746216513010115682023589, 0.005554733551962801371038690 ]

-- Combinatorics

-- |
-- Quickly compute the natural logarithm of /n/ @`choose`@ /k/, with
-- no checking.
-- Less numerically stable:
-- > exp $ lg (n+1) - lg (k+1) - lg (n-k+1)
-- >   where lg = logGamma . fromIntegral
logChooseFast :: Double -> Double -> Double
logChooseFast n k = -log (n + 1) - logBeta (n - k + 1) (k + 1)

-- | Calculate binomial coefficient using exact formula
chooseExact :: Int -> Int -> Double
n `chooseExact` k
  = U.foldl' go 1 $ U.enumFromTo 1 k
    go a i      = a * (nk + j) / j
        where j = fromIntegral i :: Double
    nk = fromIntegral (n - k)

-- | Compute logarithm of the binomial coefficient.
logChoose :: Int -> Int -> Double
n `logChoose` k
    | k  > n    = (-1) / 0
      -- For very large N exact algorithm overflows double so we
      -- switch to beta-function based one
    | k' < 50 && (n < 20000000) = log $ chooseExact n k'
    | otherwise                 = logChooseFast (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral k)
    k' = min k (n-k)

-- | Compute the binomial coefficient /n/ @\``choose`\`@ /k/. For
-- values of /k/ > 50, this uses an approximation for performance
-- reasons.  The approximation is accurate to 12 decimal places in the
-- worst case
-- Example:
-- > 7 `choose` 3 == 35
choose :: Int -> Int -> Double
n `choose` k
    | k  > n         = 0
    | k' < 50        = chooseExact n k'
    | approx < max64 = fromIntegral . round64 $ approx
    | otherwise      = approx
    k'             = min k (n-k)
    approx         = exp $ logChooseFast (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral k')
    max64          = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int64)
    round64 x      = round x :: Int64

-- | Compute ψ(/x/), the first logarithmic derivative of the gamma
--   function.
-- \[
-- \psi(x) = \frac{d}{dx} \ln \left(\Gamma(x)\right) = \frac{\Gamma'(x)}{\Gamma(x)}
-- \]
-- Uses Algorithm AS 103 by Bernardo, based on Minka's C implementation.
digamma :: Double -> Double
digamma x
    | isNaN x || isInfinite x                  = m_NaN
    -- FIXME:
    --   This is ugly. We are testing here that number is in fact
    --   integer. It's somewhat tricky question to answer. When ε for
    --   given number becomes 1 or greater every number is represents
    --   an integer. We also must make sure that excess precision
    --   won't bite us.
    | x <= 0 && fromIntegral (truncate x :: Int64) == x = m_neg_inf
    -- Jeffery's reflection formula
    | x < 0     = digamma (1 - x) + pi / tan (negate pi * x)
    | x <= 1e-6 = - γ - 1/x + trigamma1 * x
    | x' < c    = r
    -- De Moivre's expansion
    | otherwise = let s = 1/x'
                  in  evaluateEvenPolynomialL s
                        [   r + log x' - 0.5 * s
                        , - 1/12
                        ,   1/120
                        , - 1/252
                        ,   1/240
                        , - 1/132
                        ,  391/32760
    γ  = m_eulerMascheroni
    c  = 12
    -- Reduce to digamma (x + n) where (x + n) >= c
    (r, x') = reduce 0 x
        reduce !s y
          | y < c     = reduce (s - 1 / y) (y + 1)
          | otherwise = (s, y)

-- Constants

-- Coefficients for 18-point Gauss-Legendre integration. They are
-- used in implementation of incomplete gamma and beta functions.
coefW,coefY :: U.Vector Double
coefW = U.fromList [ 0.0055657196642445571, 0.012915947284065419, 0.020181515297735382
                   , 0.027298621498568734,  0.034213810770299537, 0.040875750923643261
                   , 0.047235083490265582,  0.053244713977759692, 0.058860144245324798
                   , 0.064039797355015485,  0.068745323835736408, 0.072941885005653087
                   , 0.076598410645870640,  0.079687828912071670, 0.082187266704339706
                   , 0.084078218979661945,  0.085346685739338721, 0.085983275670394821
coefY = U.fromList [ 0.0021695375159141994, 0.011413521097787704, 0.027972308950302116
                   , 0.051727015600492421,  0.082502225484340941, 0.12007019910960293
                   , 0.16415283300752470,   0.21442376986779355,  0.27051082840644336
                   , 0.33199876341447887,   0.39843234186401943,  0.46931971407375483
                   , 0.54413605556657973,   0.62232745288031077,  0.70331500465597174
                   , 0.78649910768313447,   0.87126389619061517,  0.95698180152629142
{-# NOINLINE coefW #-}
{-# NOINLINE coefY #-}

trigamma1 :: Double
trigamma1 = 1.6449340668482264365 -- pi**2 / 6

modErr :: String -> a
modErr msg = error $ "Numeric.SpecFunctions." ++ msg