massiv-scheduler: Work stealing scheduler for Massiv (Массив) and other parallel applications.

[ bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library, parallelism ] [ Propose Tags ]
Deprecated in favor of scheduler

A work stealing scheduler that is used by massiv array librarry, but can be useful for any other library or application that fits such model of computation.

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Dependencies atomic-primops, base (>=4.9 && <5), deepseq, exceptions, unliftio-core [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2018-2019 Alexey Kuleshevich
Author Alexey Kuleshevich
Category Parallelism, Concurrency
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Readme for massiv-scheduler-

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Primary focus of this package is to provide work stealing scheduler for the array processing library massiv. But it can be used for any other project that can benefit from parallelization of computation.


A few examples in order to get up and running quickly.

Schedule simple actions

Work scheduling that does some side effecty stuff and discards the results:

interleaveFooBar :: IO ()
interleaveFooBar = do
  withScheduler_ (ParN 2) $ \ scheduler -> do
    putStrLn "Scheduling 1st job"
    scheduleWork scheduler (putStr "foo")
    putStrLn "Scheduling 2nd job"
    scheduleWork scheduler (putStr "bar")
    putStrLn "Awaiting for jobs to be executed:"
  putStrLn "\nDone"

In the example above two workers will be created to handle the only two jobs that have been scheduled. Printing with putStr is not thread safe, so the output that you would get with above function is likely be interleaved:

λ> interleaveFooBar
Scheduling 1st job
Scheduling 2nd job
Awaiting for jobs to be executed:

Important to note that only when inner action supplied to the withScheduler_ exits will the scheduler start executing scheduled jobs.

Keeping the results of computation

Another common scenario is to schedule some jobs that produce useful results. In the example below four works will be spawned off. Due to ParOn each of the workers will be pinned to a particular core.

scheduleSums :: IO [Int]
scheduleSums =
  withScheduler (ParOn [1..4]) $ \ scheduler -> do
    scheduleWork scheduler $ pure (10 + 1)
    scheduleWork scheduler $ pure (20 + 2)
    scheduleWork scheduler $ pure (30 + 3)
    scheduleWork scheduler $ pure (40 + 4)
    scheduleWork scheduler $ pure (50 + 5)

Despite that the fact that sums are computed in parallel, the results of computation will appear in the same order they've been scheduled:

λ> scheduleSums


Whenever any of the scheduled jobs result in an exception, all of the workers will be killed and the exception will get re-thrown in the scheduling thread:

infiniteJobs :: IO ()
infiniteJobs = do
  withScheduler_ (ParN 5) $ \ scheduler -> do
    scheduleWork scheduler $ putStrLn $ repeat 'a'
    scheduleWork scheduler $ putStrLn $ repeat 'b'
    scheduleWork scheduler $ putStrLn $ repeat 'c'
    scheduleWork scheduler $ pure (4 `div` (0 :: Int))
    scheduleWork scheduler $ putStrLn $ repeat 'd'
  putStrLn "\nDone"

Note, that if there was no exception, printing would never stop.

λ> infiniteJobs
aaaaaaaaabcdd*** Exception: divide by zero

Nested jobs

Scheduling actions can themselves schedule actions indefinitely. That of course means that order of results produced is no longer deterministic, which is to be expected.

nestedJobs :: IO ()
nestedJobs = do
  withScheduler_ (ParN 5) $ \ scheduler -> do
    scheduleWork scheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'a'
    scheduleWork scheduler $ do
      putStr $ replicate 10 'b'
      scheduleWork scheduler $ do
        putStr $ replicate 10 'c'
        scheduleWork scheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'e'
      scheduleWork scheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'd'
    scheduleWork scheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'f'
  putStrLn "\nDone"

The order in which characters appear is important, since it directly relates to the actual order in which jobs are being scheduled and executed:

  • c, d and e characters will always appear after b
  • e will always appear after c
λ> nestedJobs

Nested parallelism

Nothing really prevents you from having a scheduler within a scheduler. Of course, having multiple schedulers at the same time seems like an unnecessary overhead, which it is, but if you do have a use case for it, don't make me stop you, it is OK to go that route.

nestedSchedulers :: IO ()
nestedSchedulers = do
  withScheduler_ (ParN 2) $ \ outerScheduler -> do
    scheduleWork outerScheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'a'
    scheduleWork outerScheduler $ do
      putStr $ replicate 10 'b'
      withScheduler_ (ParN 2) $ \ innerScheduler -> do
        scheduleWork innerScheduler $ do
          putStr $ replicate 10 'c'
          scheduleWork outerScheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'e'
        scheduleWork innerScheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'd'
    scheduleWork outerScheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'f'
  putStrLn "\nDone"

Note that the inner scheduler's job schedules a job for the outer scheduler, which is a bit crazy, but totally safe.

λ> nestedSchedulers

Single worker schedulers

If we only have one worker, than everything becomes sequential and deterministic. Consider the same example from before, but with Seq computation strategy.

nestedSequentialSchedulers :: IO ()
nestedSequentialSchedulers = do
  withScheduler_ Seq $ \ outerScheduler -> do
    scheduleWork outerScheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'a'
    scheduleWork outerScheduler $ do
      putStr $ replicate 10 'b'
      withScheduler_ Seq $ \ innerScheduler -> do
        scheduleWork innerScheduler $ do
          putStr $ replicate 10 'c'
          scheduleWork outerScheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'e'
        scheduleWork innerScheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'd'
    scheduleWork outerScheduler $ putStr $ replicate 10 'f'
  putStrLn "\nDone"

No more interleaving, everything is done in the same order each time the function is invoked.

λ> nestedSchedulers

Avoiding deadlocks

Any sort of concurrency primitives such as mutual exclusion, semaphores, etc. can easily lead to deadlocks, starvation and other common problems. Try to avoid them and be careful if you do end up using them.