# 0.3.4 * Use the the new stateful workers feature of `schdeuler-1.4.0` * Addition of: * `randomArrayS` * `randomArrayWS` * `generateArrayWS` * `generateArrayLinearWS` * `mapWS`, `forWS`, `imapWS` and `iforWS` * and `splitLinearlyWithStatefulM_` # 0.3.3 * Fix type signature for `createArray`. * Support for new version of `scheduler` * Addition of `randomArray` # * Fix `sqrtA` function: [#76](https://github.com/lehins/massiv/pull/76) # 0.3.2 * Exported `withMArrayS` * Switch to pure exception throwing for `read'`, `write'`, `modify'` and `swap'`. `MonadThrow` constraint prevented those functions to be used in `ST` monad. * Addition of `quicksort`, `quicksortM_`, `unstablePartitionRegionM` and `unsafeUnstablePartitionRegionM` # 0.3.1 * Addition of `rangeStepInclusive'` * Addition of `flatten` * `makeLoadArray` has been deprecated into `unsafeMakeLoadArray`. * A new safe `makeLoadArrayS` has been aded. * Fix `infix 4` for `(...)` and `(..:)` range functions, so they can be easily composed with numeric operations * Addition of `imapSchedulerM_` and `iforSchedulerM_` # 0.3.0 * Class hierarchy an associated methods: * `getComp` moved from `Construct` to `Load` * `Size` class lost array value parameter `e`. `unsafeResize` and `unsafeExtract` became their own classes * New classes: * `Resize` with `unsafeResize` from old `Size`, except with `array` type parameter for applicability to mutable `MArray`s * `Extract` with `unsafeExtract` from old `Size` * `StrideLoad`, child of `Load` * `ifoldlIO` and related no longer take list of capabilities, but instead respect the inner computation strategy. For that reason these folds have been removed: `foldlOnP`, `ifoldlOnP`, `foldrOnP`, `ifoldrOnP` * `fold` now is just like the one from `Data.Foldable` takes no arguments and requires elements to be a monoid * `singleton` does not accept computation strategy any more and creates `Seq` array by default * New function `empty`. * `Ragged` functions are no longer exported, until the interface stabilizes and proper implementation of ragged arrays is in place. * Partial functions `read'`, `write'` and `swap'` now live in IO and throw proper exceptions. * `loadArray` is renamed to `loadArrayM` and there is a new separate function (not part of `Load` class) with the name `loadArray` that actually uses `loadArrayM` * Moved `unsafeWithPtr` into `Data.Massiv.Array.Unsafe` * Addition of: * `unsafeArrayToForeignPtr`, * `unsafeMArrayToForeignPtr`, * `unsafeArrayFromForeignPtr`, * `unsafeArrayFromForeignPtr0`, * `unsafeMArrayFromForeignPtr`, * `unsafeMArrayFromForeignPtr0` * Addition of `castToByteString`, `castFromByteString` * Addition of `makeUnsafeStencil` * `Window` now has an `windowUnrollIx2` field. * Addition of `insertWindow` and `dropWindow` # * Fix `sqrtA` function. Backport of [#76](https://github.com/lehins/massiv/pull/76) # 0.2.8 * Fixed a problem where convolution stencil size was not inverted, causing out of bounds memory read: [#72](https://github.com/lehins/massiv/issues/72) * Fixed an issue with windowed array where a stencil size is smaller than the array it is applied to * Fixed incorrect cross-correlation stencil construction # 0.2.7 * Fixed a serious performance regression in `Stencil`'s `Functor` instance, which was introduced in version `0.2.3` * Added type and pattern synonyms `Sz` for future compatibility with version `0.3`. Could be useful for migration. # 0.2.6 * Add `expand*` family of functions. * Long awaited `makeArrayM`/`makeArrayA` and `mapM`/`forM`/`imapM`/`iforM`/`traverseA`/`itraverseA` alnog with corresponding functions allowing for supplying representation. * Deprecate `mapP` and `mapP_` in favor of `mapIO` and `mapIO_`, while making latter respect the `Comp`. * Addition of a whole collection of mutable operators: * `mapIO`/`mapIO_`/`imapIO`/`imapIO_`/`forIO`/`forIO_`/`iforIO`/`iforIO_` * `createArray`/`createArrayST`/`createArrayST_` * `generateArray`/`generateArrayIO` * `unfoldlPrim`/`unfoldlPrim_` * `makeArrayA`, `makeArrayAR` * Addition of cute synonyms: `(...)` and `(..:)` # 0.2.5 * Fix for `insertDimension` [#62](https://github.com/lehins/massiv/pull/62) # * Fix a bug in `zip` functions, where resulting array size would not take into account the size of one of the input arrays. # 0.2.4 * Addition of inner folds: `ifoldlInner`, `foldlInner`, `ifoldrInner` and `foldrInner` * Addition of functions that can fold over any dimension (`foldlWithin`, `foldlWithin'`, etc.) * Addition of `ifoldMono` and `ifoldSemi`, thus fixing: [#54](https://github.com/lehins/massiv/issues/54) * Improvement over manipulating index dimensions with addition of type level `Dimension n` data type and functions like `getDimension`, `dropDimension`. * Addition of `insertDim` and type level `insertDimension` as well as `pullOutDim` and `pullOutDimension` * Add partial `extractFromTo'` # 0.2.3 * Addition of `Profunctor` functions for `Stencil`: `lmapStencil`, `rmapStencil` and `bimapStencil` * Addition of integration approximation: `Data.Massiv.Array.Numeric.Integral` * Removed overlapping instances for `DW` in favor of concrete instances. * Relaxed contraint restrictions on matrix multiplication `(|*|)` and slighly improved performance with rewrite rules to avoid double transform. # 0.2.2 * Addition of `withMArray`, `withMArrayST`. * Improved preformance of matrix multiplication # 0.2.1 * Addition of `Stride` and related functions `computeWithStride` and `computeWithStrideAs`. * Addition of `Window` * Addition of `loadArray` adn `loadArrayWithStride` with default implementations that will become new loading functions in a subsequent release. `loadArray` will replace `loadS` and `loadP`, which will be deprecated in the next release and removed in the next major release. Some of this is discussed in [#41](https://github.com/lehins/massiv/issues/41) * Addition of various conversion functions: * `fromByteString`, `toByteString` and `toBuilder` * `unwrapArray`, `evalArray`, `unwrapMutableArray`, `evalMutableArray` * `unwrapNormalFormArray`, `evalNormalFormArray`, `unwrapNormalFormMutableArray`, `evalNormalFormMutableArray` * Fix: `Eq` instance for `Array M ix e` # 0.2.0 * Fixed type signatures for `convertAs` and `convertProxy` * Added type constructors for `DW` and `DI` * `Show` instance for `DW` arrays. * Addition of `unsafeBackpermuteDW`. * Breaking changes: * Create new `Data.Massiv.Array.Stencil.Unsafe` module and move `forStencilUnsafe` into it. * Rename of rank -> dimensions #25 * Removal `Eq` and `Ord` instances for `Value` #19 * Move border resolution to `mapStencil` from `makeStencil`. * Updated iterators `iterM`, `iterM_`, etc. to have a separate step per dimension. # 0.1.6 * `Semigroup` and `Monoid` instance for `Value`. * Addition of `forStencilUnsafe`. * Fix `minimum` behaving as `maximum`. * Addition of `foldSemi`. # 0.1.5 * Fix inverted stencil index calculation [#12](https://github.com/lehins/massiv/issues/12) * Add support for cross-correlation. # 0.1.4 * Addition of Monoidal folding `foldMono`. * Expose `liftArray2`. # 0.1.3 * Addition of `withPtr` and `unsafeWithPtr` for Storable arrays * Addition of `computeInto`. * Exposed `makeWindowedArray`. # 0.1.2 * Support for GHC-8.4 - instance of `Comp` for `Semigroup` * Brought back support for GHC-7.10 # 0.1.1 * Addition of experimental `mapM`, `imapM`, `forM`, `iforM`, `generateM` and `generateLinearM` functions. Fixes #5 * Addition of `Ord` instances for some array representations. # 0.1.0 * Initial Release