-- |
-- Module      : Data.Manifold.Cone
-- Copyright   : (c) Justus Sagemüller 2015
-- License     : GPL v3
-- Maintainer  : (@) sagemueller $ geo.uni-koeln.de
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                      #-}

module Data.Manifold.Cone where

import Data.List
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Arr
import qualified Data.Vector
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Fixed

import Data.VectorSpace
import Data.LinearMap
import Data.LinearMap.HerMetric
import Data.MemoTrie (HasTrie(..))
import Data.AffineSpace
import Data.Basis
import Data.Complex hiding (magnitude)
import Data.Void
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Manifold.Types.Primitive

import Data.CoNat
import Data.VectorSpace.FiniteDimensional

import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix as HMat

import qualified Prelude
import qualified Control.Applicative as Hask

import Control.Category.Constrained.Prelude hiding ((^))
import Control.Arrow.Constrained
import Control.Monad.Constrained
import Data.Foldable.Constrained

import Data.Manifold.PseudoAffine
import Data.Embedding

type ConeVecArr m = FinVecArrRep Cℝay (CℝayInterior m) (Scalar (Needle m))
type ConeNeedle m = Needle (ConeVecArr m)
type SConn'dConeVecArr m = FinVecArrRep Cℝay (, Interior m) 

class ( Semimanifold m, Semimanifold (Interior (Interior m))
      , Semimanifold (ConeVecArr m)
      , Interior (ConeVecArr m) ~ ConeVecArr m )
           => ConeSemimfd m where
  {-# MINIMAL (fromCℝayInterior | fromCD¹Interior)
            , (toCℝayInterior | toCD¹Interior) #-}
  type CℝayInterior m :: *
  fromCℝayInterior :: ConeVecArr m -> Cℝay m
  fromCℝayInterior = projCD¹ToCℝay . fromCD¹Interior
  fromCD¹Interior :: ConeVecArr m -> CD¹ m
  fromCD¹Interior = embCℝayToCD¹ . fromCℝayInterior
  toCℝayInterior :: Cℝay m -> Option (ConeVecArr m)
  toCℝayInterior = toCD¹Interior . embCℝayToCD¹
  toCD¹Interior :: CD¹ m -> Option (ConeVecArr m)
  toCD¹Interior = toCℝayInterior . projCD¹ToCℝay


instance (ConeSemimfd m) => Semimanifold (Cℝay m) where
  type Needle (Cℝay m) = ConeNeedle m
  type Interior (Cℝay m) = ConeVecArr m
  fromInterior = fromCℝayInterior
  toInterior = toCℝayInterior
  translateP = ctp
   where ctp :: Tagged (Cℝay m) (ConeVecArr m -> ConeNeedle m -> ConeVecArr m)
         ctp = Tagged ctp'
          where Tagged ctp' = translateP
                  :: Tagged (ConeVecArr m) (ConeVecArr m -> ConeNeedle m -> ConeVecArr m)
instance (ConeSemimfd m) => Semimanifold (CD¹ m) where
  type Needle (CD¹ m) = ConeNeedle m
  type Interior (CD¹ m) = ConeVecArr m
  fromInterior = fromCD¹Interior
  toInterior = toCD¹Interior
  translateP = ctp
   where ctp :: Tagged (CD¹ m) (ConeVecArr m -> ConeNeedle m -> ConeVecArr m)
         ctp = Tagged ctp'
          where Tagged ctp' = translateP
                  :: Tagged (ConeVecArr m) (ConeVecArr m -> ConeNeedle m -> ConeVecArr m)

instance (ConeSemimfd m, SmoothScalar (Scalar (Needle m))) => PseudoAffine (Cℝay m) where
  p.-~.i = (.-~.i) =<< toInterior p
instance (ConeSemimfd m, SmoothScalar (Scalar (Needle m))) => PseudoAffine (CD¹ m) where
  p.-~.i = (.-~.i) =<< toInterior p

instance ConeSemimfd (ZeroDim ) where
  type CℝayInterior (ZeroDim ) = 
  fromCℝayInterior (FinVecArrRep qb) | HMat.size qb == 0  = Cℝay 1 Origin
                                     | x <- qb HMat.! 0   = Cℝay (bijectℝtoℝplus x) Origin 
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay 0 Origin) = Hask.empty
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay y Origin) = pure . FinVecArrRep $ 1 HMat.|>[bijectℝplustoℝ y]
instance ConeSemimfd  where
  type CℝayInterior  = ℝ²
  fromCℝayInterior (FinVecArrRep qb) = Cℝay (q'+b') (q'-b')
   where [q', b'] = HMat.toList $ HMat.cmap ((/2) . bijectℝtoℝplus) qb
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay 0 _) = Hask.empty
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay h x) = pure . FinVecArrRep 
                              . HMat.cmap bijectℝplustoℝ $ HMat.fromList [h+x, h-x]
  fromCD¹Interior (FinVecArrRep qb) = CD¹ (bijectℝplustoIntv $ q'+b') (q'-b')
   where [q', b'] = HMat.toList $ HMat.cmap ((/2) . bijectℝtoℝplus) qb
  toCD¹Interior (CD¹ h x) = pure . FinVecArrRep
                              . HMat.cmap bijectℝplustoℝ $ HMat.fromList [h'+x, h'-x]
   where h' = bijectIntvtoℝplus h

instance ConeSemimfd S⁰ where
  type CℝayInterior S⁰ = 
  fromCℝayInterior xa | x>0        = Cℝay x PositiveHalfSphere
                      | otherwise  = Cℝay (-x) NegativeHalfSphere
   where x = getFinVecArrRep xa HMat.! 0
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay x PositiveHalfSphere) = return . FinVecArrRep $ HMat.scalar x
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay x NegativeHalfSphere) = return . FinVecArrRep . HMat.scalar $ -x
  fromCD¹Interior xa | x>0        = CD¹ (bijectℝtoIntv x) PositiveHalfSphere
                     | otherwise  = CD¹ (-bijectℝtoIntv x) NegativeHalfSphere
   where x = getFinVecArrRep xa HMat.! 0
  toCD¹Interior (CD¹ 1 _) = Hask.empty
  toCD¹Interior (CD¹ x PositiveHalfSphere)
        = return . FinVecArrRep . HMat.scalar $ bijectIntvtoℝ x
  toCD¹Interior (CD¹ x NegativeHalfSphere)
        = return . FinVecArrRep . HMat.scalar $ -bijectℝtoIntv x

instance ConeSemimfd  where
  type CℝayInterior  = ℝ²
  fromCℝayInterior (FinVecArrRep xy) = Cℝay r ( $ atan2 y x)
   where r = HMat.norm_2 xy
         [x,y] = HMat.toList xy
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay r ( φ)) = return . FinVecArrRep
                    . HMat.scale r $ HMat.fromList [cos φ, sin φ]
  fromCD¹Interior (FinVecArrRep xy) = CD¹ (bijectℝtoIntv r) ( $ atan2 y x)
   where r = HMat.norm_2 xy
         [x,y] = HMat.toList xy
  toCD¹Interior (CD¹ 1 _) = Hask.empty
  toCD¹Interior (CD¹ r ( φ)) = return . FinVecArrRep
                    . HMat.scale r' $ HMat.fromList [cos φ, sin φ]
   where r' = bijectIntvtoℝ r

instance ConeSemimfd  where
  type CℝayInterior  = ℝ³
  fromCℝayInterior (FinVecArrRep xyz) = Cℝay r ( (acos $ z/r) (atan2 y x))
   where r = HMat.norm_2 xyz
         [x,y,z] = HMat.toList xyz
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay r ( ϑ φ)) = return . FinVecArrRep
                    . HMat.scale r $ HMat.fromList [w*x₀, w*y₀, z₀]
   where x₀ = cos φ; y₀ = sin φ; z₀ = cos ϑ; w = sin ϑ


-- | Products of simply connected spaces.
instance ( PseudoAffine x, PseudoAffine y
         , WithField  HilbertSpace (Interior x), WithField  HilbertSpace (Interior y)
         , LinearManifold (FinVecArrRep Cℝay (, (Interior x, Interior y)) )
         ) => ConeSemimfd (x,y) where
  type CℝayInterior (x,y) = (, (Interior x, Interior y))
  fromCℝayInterior = simplyCncted_fromCℝayInterior
  toCℝayInterior = simplyCncted_toCℝayInterior

instance ( KnownNat n ) => ConeSemimfd (^n) where
  type CℝayInterior (^n) = (, ^n)
  fromCℝayInterior = simplyCncted_fromCℝayInterior
  toCℝayInterior = simplyCncted_toCℝayInterior

instance ( HilbertSpace (FinVecArrRep t v ) ) => ConeSemimfd (FinVecArrRep t v ) where
  type CℝayInterior (FinVecArrRep t v ) = (, FinVecArrRep t v )
  fromCℝayInterior = simplyCncted_fromCℝayInterior
  toCℝayInterior = simplyCncted_toCℝayInterior

instance ( WithField  ConeSemimfd x, PseudoAffine (Cℝay x)
         , HilbertSpace (CℝayInterior x)
         , HilbertSpace (FinVecArrRep Cℝay (CℝayInterior x) )
         ) => ConeSemimfd (CD¹ x) where
  type CℝayInterior (CD¹ x) = (, ConeVecArr x)
  fromCℝayInterior i = Cℝay h (embCℝayToCD¹ o)
   where (Cℝay h o) = simplyCncted_fromCℝayInterior i
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay _ (CD¹ 1 _)) = Hask.empty
  toCℝayInterior (Cℝay h p) = simplyCncted_toCℝayInterior $ Cℝay h (projCD¹ToCℝay p)
instance ( WithField  ConeSemimfd x, PseudoAffine (Cℝay x)
         , HilbertSpace (CℝayInterior x)
         , HilbertSpace (FinVecArrRep Cℝay (CℝayInterior x) )
         ) => ConeSemimfd (Cℝay x) where
  type CℝayInterior (Cℝay x) = (, ConeVecArr x)
  fromCℝayInterior = simplyCncted_fromCℝayInterior
  toCℝayInterior = simplyCncted_toCℝayInterior
simplyCncted_fromCℝayInterior :: (PseudoAffine x, WithField  HilbertSpace (Interior x))
        => SConn'dConeVecArr x -> Cℝay x
simplyCncted_fromCℝayInterior (FinVecArrRep ri) = Cℝay h . fromInterior . fromPackedVector
                         $ subtract (h/n) `Arr.map` Arr.tail cmps
   where h = Arr.sum cmps
         cmps = bijectℝtoℝplus `HMat.cmap` ri
         n = fromIntegral $ Arr.length cmps
simplyCncted_toCℝayInterior :: (PseudoAffine x, WithField  HilbertSpace (Interior x))
        => Cℝay x -> Option (SConn'dConeVecArr x)
simplyCncted_toCℝayInterior (Cℝay h v) | h/=0, Option (Just vi) <- toInterior v 
   = let cmps'' = asPackedVector vi
         cmps' = (+ h/n) `HMat.cmap` cmps''
         cmps = (h - Arr.sum cmps') `Arr.cons` cmps
         n = fromIntegral $ Arr.length cmps
     in return $ FinVecArrRep (bijectℝplustoℝ `Arr.map` cmps)
simplyCncted_toCℝayInterior (Cℝay _ _) = Hask.empty

-- Some essential homeomorphisms
bijectℝtoℝplus      , bijectℝplustoℝ
 , bijectIntvtoℝplus, bijectℝplustoIntv
 ,     bijectIntvtoℝ, bijectℝtoIntv
               ::  -> 

bijectℝplustoℝ x = x - 1/x
bijectℝtoℝplus y = y/2 + sqrt(y^2/4 + 1)

-- [0, 1[ ↔ ℝ⁺
bijectℝplustoIntv y = 1 - recip (y+1)
bijectIntvtoℝplus x = recip(1-x) - 1

-- ]-1, 1[ ↔ ℝ  (Similar to 'tanh', but converges less quickly towards ±1.)
bijectℝtoIntv y | y>0        = -1/(2*y) + sqrt(1/(4*y^2) + 1)
                | y<0        = -1/(2*y) - sqrt(1/(4*y^2) + 1)
                | otherwise  = 0
                 -- 0 = x² + x/y - 1
                 -- x = -1/2y ± sqrt(1/4y² + 1)
bijectIntvtoℝ x = x / (1-x^2)

embCℝayToCD¹ :: Cℝay m -> CD¹ m
embCℝayToCD¹ (Cℝay h m) = CD¹ (bijectℝplustoIntv h) m

projCD¹ToCℝay :: CD¹ m -> Cℝay m
projCD¹ToCℝay (CD¹ h m) = Cℝay (bijectIntvtoℝplus h) m

-- instance (WithScalar ℝ PseudoAffine m) => Semimanifold (Cℝay m) where
--   type Needle (Cℝay m) = (Needle m, ℝ)
--   type Interior (Cℝay m) = (Interior m, ℝ)
--   fromInterior (im, d)
--      | d>38       = Cℝay m d  -- from 38 on, the +1 is numerically
--                               -- insignificant against the exponential.
--      | otherwise  = cℝay m (log $ exp d + 1)
--                -- note that (for the same reason we can shortcut above 38)
--                -- such negative arguments will actually yield the value zero.
--                -- This means we're actually reaching the “infinitely far”
--                -- rim rather quickly. This might be a problem, but normally
--                -- shouldn't really matter much.
--                -- It would perhaps be better to have homeomorphism that
--                -- approaches -1/x in the negative limit, but such a
--                -- function doesn't seem as easy to come by.
--    where m = fromInterior im
--   toInterior (Cℝay m q)
--      | q>38       = fmap (,q) im
--      | q>0        = fmap (, log $ exp d - 1) im
--      | otherwise  = Hask.empty
--    where im = toInterior m

stiefel1Project :: LinearManifold v =>
             DualSpace v       -- ^ Must be nonzero.
                 -> Stiefel1 v
stiefel1Project = Stiefel1

stiefel1Embed :: HilbertSpace v => Stiefel1 v -> v
stiefel1Embed (Stiefel1 n) = normalized n

class (PseudoAffine v, InnerSpace v, NaturallyEmbedded (UnitSphere v) (DualSpace v))
          => HasUnitSphere v where
  type UnitSphere v :: *
  stiefel :: UnitSphere v -> Stiefel1 v
  stiefel = Stiefel1 . embed
  unstiefel :: Stiefel1 v -> UnitSphere v
  unstiefel = coEmbed . getStiefel1N

instance HasUnitSphere   where type UnitSphere   = S⁰
instance HasUnitSphere (FinVecArrRep t  ) where type UnitSphere (FinVecArrRep t  )   = S⁰

instance HasUnitSphere ℝ² where type UnitSphere ℝ² = 
instance HasUnitSphere (FinVecArrRep t ℝ² ) where type UnitSphere (FinVecArrRep t ℝ² ) = 

instance HasUnitSphere ℝ³ where type UnitSphere ℝ³ = 
instance HasUnitSphere (FinVecArrRep t ℝ³ ) where type UnitSphere (FinVecArrRep t ℝ³ ) = 

-- instance (HasUnitSphere v, v ~ DualSpace v) => NaturallyEmbedded (Stiefel1 v) v where
--   embed = embed . unstiefel
--   coEmbed = stiefel . coEmbed