cabal-version: 2.2 name: mangrove author: Sam May category: Web synopsis: A parser for web documents according to the HTML5 specification. version: stability: provisional maintainer: copyright: © 2020-2021 Sam May license: MPL-2.0 license-file: LICENSE extra-source-files: , , data-dir: data data-files: entities.json homepage: bug-reports: description: `mangrove` provides HTML parsing for the Willow web browser suite. As such, it has not necessarily been written with a broader audience in mind, but the resulting data structures should still be generic enough to serve as a general parsing library should you need HTML5 compatibility (most likely, its codified error recovery algorithms); if you do use this for other projects, please do share any issues —or even just discomforts— that broader usage reveals. Notably, however, `mangrove` makes no attempt to parse CSS, JavaScript, or to access linked files, leaving those tasks to other parts of the suite and merely generates a simple document tree from the markup. build-type: Simple tested-with: GHC ==8.2.2, GHC ==8.4.4, GHC ==8.6.5, GHC ==8.8.4, GHC ==8.10.3 source-repository head type: darcs location: subdir: mangrove source-repository this type: darcs location: subdir: mangrove tag: v/html/ source-repository head type: darcs location: subdir: mangrove source-repository this type: darcs location: subdir: mangrove tag: v/html/ flag dev description: Trigger stricter behaviour for development default: False manual: True flag html5lib default: False description: Enable the html5lib tests, which require manually downloading the test data. flag wpt default: False description: Enable integration with web-platform-tests suite, greatly expanding the test surface at the expense of requiring the manual download of the (large) test data repository. common flags-ghc if flag(dev) ghc-options: -Weverything -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas -Wno-implicit-prelude -Wno-missing-import-lists -Wno-missing-exported-signatures -Wno-missing-local-signatures -Wno-missed-specialisations -Wno-all-missed-specialisations -Wno-safe -Wno-unsafe -Wno-monomorphism-restriction if impl(ghc >= 8.4.1) ghc-options: -Wno-missing-export-lists if impl(ghc >= 8.8.1) ghc-options: -Wno-missing-deriving-strategies if impl(ghc >= 8.10.1) ghc-options: -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode -Wno-prepositive-qualified-module else ghc-options: -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas library import: flags-ghc hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Web.Mangrove.Parse.Common.Error , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Encoding.Preprocess , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree other-modules: Paths_mangrove , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Common.Character , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.CData , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.Character , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.Common , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.Comment , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.Data , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.Dispatcher , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.Doctype , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.RawText , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.RCData , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.PlainText , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.ScriptData , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.ScriptDataEscaped , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.ScriptDataDoubleEscaped , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tokenize.Tag , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.AfterAfterBody , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.AfterAfterFrameset , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.AfterBody , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.AfterFrameset , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.AfterHead , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.BeforeHead , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.BeforeHtml , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.Common , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.Dispatcher , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.Foreign , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InBody , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InCaption , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InCell , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InColumnGroup , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InFrameset , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InHead , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InHeadNoscript , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.Initial , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InRow , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InSelect , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InSelectInTable , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InTable , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InTableBody , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InTableText , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InTemplate , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.InText , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.Patch , Web.Mangrove.Parse.Tree.Patch.Fold autogen-modules: Paths_mangrove build-depends: base >=4.10 && <4.15 , willow , aeson <1.6 , bytestring <0.11 , containers <0.7 , filepath <1.5 , text <1.3 , transformers <0.6 , unordered-containers <0.3 , utility-ht <0.1 , vector <0.13 default-language: Haskell98 other-extensions: ApplicativeDo , CPP , FlexibleInstances , FunctionalDependencies , KindSignatures , MultiParamTypeClasses , OverloadedStrings , Trustworthy , UndecidableInstances test-suite html5lib import: flags-ghc type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test if !flag(html5lib) buildable: False main-is: Test/Mangrove/Html5Lib.hs other-modules: Paths_mangrove , Test.Mangrove.Html5Lib.Common , Test.Mangrove.Html5Lib.Tokenizer , Test.Mangrove.Html5Lib.Tokenizer.JSON , Test.Mangrove.Html5Lib.TreeConstruction , Test.Mangrove.Html5Lib.TreeConstruction.Parser autogen-modules: Paths_mangrove build-depends: base , mangrove , willow , aeson , bytestring , filepath , text , unordered-containers , vector , HUnit <1.7 default-language: Haskell98 other-extensions: CPP , OverloadedStrings test-suite unit import: flags-ghc type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Test/Mangrove/Unit.hs other-modules: Paths_mangrove Test.Mangrove.Unit.Common , Test.Mangrove.Unit.Tokenize , Test.Mangrove.Unit.Tokenize.Tag autogen-modules: Paths_mangrove build-depends: base , mangrove , bytestring , filepath , text , utility-ht , HUnit <1.7 default-language: Haskell98 other-extensions: OverloadedStrings