{-| This package is an attempt to expose the Mandrill JSON API in pure Haskell.
    To do that, the library API comes in two flavours:

    * An IO-based, low-level 1:1 mapping of the JSON API,
      as described on <https://mandrillapp.com/api/docs/ the website>.
    * A handy monad transformer which can be plugged in your stack of choice.

module Network.API.Mandrill (
    module M
  , sendEmail
  , emptyMessage
  , newTextMessage
  , newHtmlMessage
  , liftIO

  -- * Appendix: Example Usage
  -- $exampleusage
  ) where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Lens
import Data.Time
import Text.Blaze.Html
import Network.API.Mandrill.Types as M
import Network.API.Mandrill.Messages as M
import Network.API.Mandrill.Messages.Types as M
import Network.API.Mandrill.Trans as M
import Data.Monoid
import Text.Email.Validate
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON

{- $exampleusage

The API was designed to allow to get you started as quickly as possible:

> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> import Text.Email.Validate
> import Network.API.Mandrill
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   case validate "foo@example.com" of
>     Left err   -> print $ "Invalid email!" ++ show err
>     Right addr -> runMandrill "MYTOKENHERE" $ do
>       let msg = "<p>My Html</p>"
>       res <- sendEmail (newTextMessage addr [addr] "Hello" msg)
>       case res of
>         MandrillSuccess k -> liftIO (print k)
>         MandrillFailure f -> liftIO (print f)


-- | Builds an empty message, given only the email of the sender and
-- the emails of the receiver. Please note that the "Subject" will be empty,
-- so you need to use either @newTextMessage@ or @newHtmlMessage@ to populate it.
emptyMessage :: EmailAddress -> [EmailAddress] -> MandrillMessage
emptyMessage f t = MandrillMessage {
   _mmsg_html = mempty
 , _mmsg_text = Nothing
 , _mmsg_subject = T.empty
 , _mmsg_from_email = f
 , _mmsg_from_name = Nothing
 , _mmsg_to = map newRecipient t
 , _mmsg_headers = JSON.Null
 , _mmsg_important = Nothing
 , _mmsg_track_opens = Nothing
 , _mmsg_track_clicks = Nothing
 , _mmsg_auto_text = Nothing
 , _mmsg_auto_html = Nothing
 , _mmsg_inline_css = Nothing
 , _mmsg_url_strip_qs = Nothing
 , _mmsg_preserve_recipients = Nothing
 , _mmsg_view_content_link = Nothing
 , _mmsg_bcc_address = Nothing
 , _mmsg_tracking_domain = Nothing
 , _mmsg_signing_domain = Nothing
 , _mmsg_return_path_domain = Nothing
 , _mmsg_merge = Nothing
 , _mmsg_global_merge_vars = []
 , _mmsg_merge_vars = []
 , _mmsg_tags = []
 , _mmsg_subaccount = Nothing
 , _mmsg_google_analytics_domains = []
 , _mmsg_google_analytics_campaign = Nothing
 , _mmsg_metadata = JSON.Null
 , _mmsg_recipient_metadata = []
 , _mmsg_attachments = []
 , _mmsg_images = []

-- | Create a new HTML message.
newHtmlMessage :: EmailAddress
               -- ^ Sender email
               -> [EmailAddress]
               -- ^ Receivers email
               -> T.Text
               -- ^ Subject
               -> Html
               -- ^ The HTML body
               -> MandrillMessage
newHtmlMessage f t subj html = let body = mkMandrillHtml html in
  ((mmsg_html .~ body) . (mmsg_subject .~ subj)) $ (emptyMessage f t)

-- | Create a new textual message. By default Mandrill doesn't require you
-- to specify the @mmsg_text@ when sending out the JSON Payload, and this
-- function ensure it will be present.
newTextMessage :: EmailAddress
               -- ^ Sender email
               -> [EmailAddress]
               -- ^ Receivers email
               -> T.Text
               -- ^ Subject
               -> T.Text
               -- ^ The body, as normal text.
               -> MandrillMessage
newTextMessage f t subj txt = let body = unsafeMkMandrillHtml txt in
  ((mmsg_html .~ body) .
   (mmsg_text .~ Just txt) .
   (mmsg_subject .~ subj)) (emptyMessage f t)

-- | The simplest way to use the API. All you need to provide is a valid
-- 'MandrillMessage' and this function will send an email inside a
-- 'MandrillT' transformer. You are not forced to use the 'MandrillT' context
-- though. Have a look at "Network.API.Mandrill.Messages" for an IO-based,
-- low lever function for sending email.
sendEmail :: MonadIO m
          => MandrillMessage
          -> MandrillT m (MandrillResponse [MessagesResponse])
sendEmail msg = do
  (key, mgr) <- ask
  liftIO $ send key msg (Just True) Nothing Nothing (Just mgr)

sendTextEmail :: MonadIO m
              => MandrillMessage
              -> MandrillT m (MandrillResponse [MessagesResponse])
sendTextEmail msg = do
  (key, mgr) <- ask
  now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  liftIO $ send key msg (Just True) Nothing (Just now) (Just mgr)