name: manatee version: 0.0.4 Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 license: GPL-3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: (c) 2009 ~ 2010 Andy Stewart synopsis: The Haskell/Gtk+ Integrated Live Environment description: Manatee is Haskell integrated environment written in Haskell. . The goal of the Manatee project is to provide a fast, safe and flexible integrated environment for haskell hacking. . You can consider it is new environment mix Gnome and Emacs. Like Gnome to provide friendly graphics interface and work efficient like Emacs. . Manatee use multi-processes framework, any sub-module running in separate process to protected core won't crash. So it minimize your losses when some unexpected exception throw in extension. . You can find screenshots at : . Below is build step for Manatee: . 1) Install GHC compiler : . Download ghc package for your system, then do below command : . > ./configure && sudo make install . 2) Install C library: In Debian use below command: . > sudo aptitude install libgtksourceview2.0-dev libgconf2-dev libwebkit-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libgtkimageview-dev libpoppler-glib-dev poppler-data libtagc0-dev -y . 3) Install cabal: . If you're haskell newbie, use below command to install cabal (haskell expert ignore this): . > sudo aptitude install cabal-install -y . 4) Install dependent Haskell library: . First make sure `HOME/.cabal/bin/` in your PATH . Generic way is add `PATH=$PATH:~\/.cabal\/bin` in your `~/.bashrc` . Then do below command (NOTE: don't use root permission with cabal, otherwise Manatee can't work): . > cabal update && cabal install happy c2hs gtk2hs-buildtools glib gio pango cairo gtk . 5) Install Manatee (same, don't use root permission): . > cabal install manatee-core manatee-anything manatee-browser manatee-editor manatee-filemanager manatee-imageviewer manatee-ircclient manatee-mplayer manatee-pdfviewer manatee-processmanager manatee-reader manatee . That's all, then type command "manatee" to play it! :) . Now Manatee looks can't work in XMonad, i'm working on it. It's no problem if you use Gnome. . author: Andy Stewart maintainer: Andy Stewart stability: provisional category: Manatee, Operating System, Desktop Environment, IDE tested-with: GHC==6.12.3 build-type: Simple extra-source-files: Source-Repository head type: darcs location: library exposed-modules: Manatee.Daemon Manatee.Environment Manatee.Types Manatee.Action.Window Manatee.Action.Tab Manatee.Action.Basic Manatee.Action.Tabbar Manatee.Action.BufferList Manatee.UI.FocusNotifier Manatee.UI.Frame Manatee.UI.UIFrame Manatee.UI.Window Manatee.UI.WindowNode other-modules: executable manatee build-depends: base >=4 && < 5, manatee-core >= 0.0.1, containers >=, unix >=, mtl >=, gtk-serialized-event >= 0.12.0, text >=, utf8-string, gtk >= 0.12.0, dbus-client >= 0.3 && < 0.4, stm, cairo >= 0.12.0, directory, dbus-core, template-haskell main-is: Main.hs ghc-options: -fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-binds -fwarn-unused-imports -fwarn-overlapping-patterns -fwarn-duplicate-exports -threaded -fwarn-unrecognised-pragmas -fwarn-hi-shadowing