{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Test.Main ( -- * Utilities for testing your main function captureProcessResult , ProcessResult(..) , withStdin , withEnv -- ** Re-export from System.Environment , withArgs -- ** Re-export from System.Exit , ExitCode(..) ) where import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (mapM, mapM_) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import GHC.IO.Handle (hDuplicate, hDuplicateTo) import System.Directory (removeFile, getTemporaryDirectory) import System.Environment (withArgs, setEnv, unsetEnv, lookupEnv) import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess, ExitFailure)) import System.IO ( Handle , SeekMode(AbsoluteSeek) , stdin , stderr , stdout , hClose , hFlush , hSetBinaryMode , hGetBuffering , hSetBuffering , hGetEncoding , hSetEncoding , hSeek , openBinaryTempFile , withBinaryFile , IOMode(ReadMode) ) import Test.Main.Internal (ProcessResult(..)) -- | -- Capture stdout, stderr, and exit code of the given IO action. -- -- >>> let main = putStr "hello" -- >>> captureProcessResult main -- ProcessResult {prStdout = "hello", prStderr = "", prExitCode = ExitSuccess, prException = Nothing} -- -- If the IO action exit with error message, the exit code of result is 'ExitFailure'. -- -- >>> import System.IO -- >>> import System.Exit -- >>> let main = hPutStr stderr "OMG!" >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1) -- >>> captureProcessResult main -- ProcessResult {prStdout = "", prStderr = "OMG!", prExitCode = ExitFailure 1, prException = Nothing} -- -- @since -- Since v0.2.0.0, this function catches @SomeException@, not only @ExitCode@ -- to prevent it from losing output when an exception other than @ExitCode@ is thrown. -- To get the thrown error, use @prException@. -- -- Note: 'prStderr' doesn't contain the error message of the thrown exception. -- See the example below. -- -- >>> import Control.Exception -- >>> let main = ioError $ userError "OMG!" -- >>> captureProcessResult main -- ProcessResult {prStdout = "", prStderr = "", prExitCode = ExitFailure 1, prException = Just user error (OMG!)} captureProcessResult :: IO () -> IO ProcessResult captureProcessResult action = do tDir <- getTemporaryDirectory withBinaryTmpFile tDir "test-stdout" $ \(_oPath, oHd) -> withBinaryTmpFile tDir "test-stderr" $ \(_ePath, eHd) -> redirectingHandle stdout oHd $ redirectingHandle stderr eHd $ do (prExitCode, prException) <- captureExitCodeAndException action prStdout <- readFromHead oHd stdout prStderr <- readFromHead eHd stderr return ProcessResult {..} where readFromHead tmpH stdH = do hFlush stdH hSeek tmpH AbsoluteSeek 0 B.hGetContents tmpH captureExitCodeAndException act = (act >> return (ExitSuccess, Nothing)) `E.catches` [E.Handler forExitCode, E.Handler forSomeException] forExitCode :: ExitCode -> IO (ExitCode, Maybe E.SomeException) forExitCode eCode = return (eCode, Nothing) forSomeException :: E.SomeException -> IO (ExitCode, Maybe E.SomeException) forSomeException ex = return (ExitFailure 1, Just ex) withBinaryTmpFile :: FilePath -> String -> ((FilePath, Handle) -> IO a) -> IO a withBinaryTmpFile parent name = E.bracket (openBinaryTempFile parent name) (\(path, hd) -> do hClose hd removeFile path `E.catch` doNothing ) where doNothing :: IOError-> IO () doNothing _ = return () redirectingHandle :: Handle -> Handle -> IO r -> IO r redirectingHandle from to action = do saveEnc <- hGetEncoding from saveBuf <- hGetBuffering from let redirect = do save <- hDuplicate from hDuplicateTo to from setEnc to return save restore save = do hDuplicateTo save from setEnc from hSetBuffering from saveBuf setEnc h = maybe (hSetBinaryMode h True) (hSetEncoding h) saveEnc E.bracket redirect restore (const action) -- | -- Pass the ByteString to stdin of the given IO action. -- -- >>> import Data.ByteString.Char8 () -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> let main = putStrLn . reverse =<< getLine -- >>> withStdin "abcde" main -- edcba withStdin :: B.ByteString -> IO a -> IO a withStdin bs action = E.bracket prepareInputFile removeFile (\inPath -> withBinaryFile inPath ReadMode $ \tmpHd -> redirectingHandle stdin tmpHd action ) where prepareInputFile = do tDir <- getTemporaryDirectory E.bracket (openBinaryTempFile tDir "test-stdin") (\(_path, hd) -> hClose hd) (\(path, hd) -> B.hPut hd bs >> return path) -- | -- Run the given IO action with the specified environment variables set. -- The environment variables are specified as pairs of @ENV_VAR_NAME@ and @ENV_VAR_VALUE@. -- If @ENV_VAR_VALUE@ is @Nothing@, the @ENV_VAR_NAME@ is unset with 'unsetEnv'. -- -- >>> import System.Environment -- >>> setEnv "ENV_VAR_TO_UNSET" "value_to_unset" -- >>> setEnv "ENV_VAR_TO_OVERWRITE" "value_to_overwrite" -- >>> let main = (print =<< lookupEnv "ENV_VAR_TO_UNSET") >> (print =<< lookupEnv "ENV_VAR_TO_OVERWRITE") -- >>> withEnv [("ENV_VAR_TO_UNSET", Nothing), ("ENV_VAR_TO_OVERWRITE" , Just "new_value")] main -- Nothing -- Just "new_value" -- >>> main -- Just "value_to_unset" -- Just "value_to_overwrite" withEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> IO a -> IO a withEnv newVarVals action = E.bracket (saveReplaces newVarVals) replaces (const action) where saveReplaces = mapM $ \varVal@(var, _val) -> ((,) <$> pure var <*> lookupEnv var) <* replace varVal replaces = mapM_ replace replace (var, Just val) = setEnv var val replace (var, Nothing) = unsetEnv var