-- |
-- Module      : Codec.Compression.Lzma
-- Copyright   : © 2015 Herbert Valerio Riedel
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : hvr@gnu.org
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Compression and decompression of data streams in the lzma/xz format
-- See also the XZ Utils home page: <http://tukaani.org/xz/>
module Codec.Compression.Lzma
    ( -- * Simple (de)compression
    , decompress

      -- * Extended API with control over parameters
    , compressWith
    , decompressWith

      -- * Monadic incremental (de)compression API
      -- | See <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/zlib- zlib's incremental API documentation> for more information.

      -- ** Compression
    , CompressStream(..)
    , compressIO
    , compressST

      -- ** Decompression
    , DecompressStream(..)
    , decompressIO
    , decompressST
    , LzmaRet(..)

      -- * Parameters
      -- ** Compression parameters
    , defaultCompressParams

    , CompressParams
    , compressIntegrityCheck
    , compressLevel
    , compressLevelExtreme

    , IntegrityCheck(..)
    , CompressionLevel(..)

      -- ** Decompression parameters
    , defaultDecompressParams

    , DecompressParams
    , decompressTellNoCheck
    , decompressTellUnsupportedCheck
    , decompressTellAnyCheck
    , decompressConcatenated
    , decompressAutoDecoder
    , decompressMemLimit
    ) where

import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.ST              (stToIO)
import           Control.Monad.ST.Lazy         (ST, runST, strictToLazyST)
import           Data.ByteString               (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString               as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy          as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BSL
import           LibLzma

-- | Decompress lazy 'ByteString' from the @.xz@ format
decompress :: BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString
decompress = decompressWith defaultDecompressParams

-- | Like 'decompress' but with the ability to specify various decompression
-- parameters. Typical usage:
-- > decompressWith defaultDecompressParams { decompress... = ... }
decompressWith :: DecompressParams -> BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString
decompressWith parms input = runST (decompress' input)
    decompress' :: BSL.ByteString -> ST s BSL.ByteString
    decompress' ibs0 = loop ibs0 =<< decompressST parms
        loop BSL.Empty  (DecompressStreamEnd rest)
          | BS.null rest = return BSL.Empty
          | otherwise = fail "Codec.Compression.Lzma.decompressWith: trailing data"
        loop (BSL.Chunk _ _) (DecompressStreamEnd _) =
            fail "Codec.Compression.Lzma.decompressWith: trailing data"
        loop _ (DecompressStreamError e) =
            fail ("Codec.Compression.Lzma.decompressWith: decoding error " ++ show e)
        loop BSL.Empty (DecompressInputRequired supply) =
            loop BSL.Empty =<< supply BS.empty
        loop (BSL.Chunk c bs') (DecompressInputRequired supply) =
            loop bs' =<< supply c
        loop ibs (DecompressOutputAvailable oc next) = do
            obs <- loop ibs =<< next
            return (BSL.chunk oc obs)

{-# NOINLINE decompressWith #-}


-- | Compress lazy 'ByteString' into @.xz@ format using 'defaultCompressParams'.
compress :: BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString
compress = compressWith defaultCompressParams

-- | Like 'compress' but with the ability to specify various compression
-- parameters. Typical usage:
-- > compressWith defaultCompressParams { compress... = ... }
compressWith :: CompressParams -> BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString
compressWith parms input = runST (compress' input)
    compress' :: BSL.ByteString -> ST s BSL.ByteString
    compress' ibs0 = loop ibs0 =<< compressST parms
        loop BSL.Empty  CompressStreamEnd =
            return BSL.Empty
        loop (BSL.Chunk _ _) CompressStreamEnd =
            fail "Codec.Compression.Lzma.compressWith: the impossible happened"
        loop BSL.Empty (CompressInputRequired _ supply) =
            loop BSL.Empty =<< supply BS.empty
        loop (BSL.Chunk c bs') (CompressInputRequired _ supply) =
            loop bs' =<< supply c
        loop ibs (CompressOutputAvailable oc next) = do
            obs <- loop ibs =<< next
            return (BSL.chunk oc obs)
{-# NOINLINE compressWith #-}


-- Type derived from 'zlib' and augmented with flushing support

data CompressStream m =
     CompressInputRequired {- flush -}  (m (CompressStream m))
                           {- supply -} (ByteString -> m (CompressStream m))
       -- ^ Compression process requires input to proceed. You can
       -- either flush the stream (first field), supply an input chunk
       -- (second field), or signal the end of input (via empty
       -- chunk).
   | CompressOutputAvailable !ByteString (m (CompressStream m)) -- ^ Output chunk available.
   | CompressStreamEnd

-- | Incremental compression in the 'IO' monad.
compressIO :: CompressParams -> IO (CompressStream IO)
compressIO parms = (stToIO $ newEncodeLzmaStream parms) >>= either throwIO go
    bUFSIZ = 32752

    go :: LzmaStream -> IO (CompressStream IO)
    go ls = return inputRequired
        inputRequired = CompressInputRequired goFlush (withChunk goFinish goInput)

        goInput :: ByteString -> IO (CompressStream IO)
        goInput chunk = do
            (rc, used, obuf) <- stToIO $ runLzmaStream ls chunk LzmaRun bUFSIZ

            let chunk' = BS.drop used chunk

            case rc of
                  | BS.null obuf -> do
                      unless (used > 0) $
                          fail "compressIO: input chunk not consumed"
                      withChunk (return inputRequired) goInput chunk'
                  | otherwise    -> return (CompressOutputAvailable obuf
                                            (withChunk (return inputRequired) goInput chunk'))

                _ -> throwIO rc

        goFlush, goFinish :: IO (CompressStream IO)
        goFlush  = goSync LzmaSyncFlush (return inputRequired)
        goFinish = goSync LzmaFinish (return CompressStreamEnd)

        -- drain encoder till LzmaRetStreamEnd is reported
        goSync :: LzmaAction -> IO (CompressStream IO) -> IO (CompressStream IO)
        goSync LzmaRun _ = fail "goSync called with invalid argument"
        goSync action next = goSync'
            goSync' = do
                (rc, 0, obuf) <- stToIO $ runLzmaStream ls BS.empty action bUFSIZ
                case rc of
                        | BS.null obuf -> fail ("compressIO: empty output chunk during " ++ show action)
                        | otherwise    -> return (CompressOutputAvailable obuf goSync')
                        | BS.null obuf -> next
                        | otherwise    -> return (CompressOutputAvailable obuf next)
                    _ -> throwIO rc

-- | Incremental compression in the lazy 'ST' monad.
compressST :: CompressParams -> ST s (CompressStream (ST s))
compressST parms = strictToLazyST (newEncodeLzmaStream parms) >>= either throw go
    bUFSIZ = 32752

    go ls = return inputRequired
        inputRequired = CompressInputRequired goFlush (withChunk goFinish goInput)

        goInput :: ByteString -> ST s (CompressStream (ST s))
        goInput chunk = do
            (rc, used, obuf) <- strictToLazyST $ runLzmaStream ls chunk LzmaRun bUFSIZ

            let chunk' = BS.drop used chunk

            case rc of
                  | BS.null obuf -> do
                      unless (used > 0) $
                          fail "compressST: input chunk not consumed"
                      withChunk (return inputRequired) goInput chunk'
                  | otherwise    -> return (CompressOutputAvailable obuf
                                            (withChunk (return inputRequired) goInput chunk'))

                _ -> throw rc

        goFlush, goFinish :: ST s (CompressStream (ST s))
        goFlush  = goSync LzmaSyncFlush (return inputRequired)
        goFinish = goSync LzmaFinish (return CompressStreamEnd)

        -- drain encoder till LzmaRetStreamEnd is reported
        goSync :: LzmaAction -> ST s (CompressStream (ST s)) -> ST s (CompressStream (ST s))
        goSync LzmaRun _ = fail "compressST: goSync called with invalid argument"
        goSync action next = goSync'
            goSync' = do
                (rc, 0, obuf) <- strictToLazyST $ runLzmaStream ls BS.empty action bUFSIZ
                case rc of
                        | BS.null obuf -> fail ("compressIO: empty output chunk during " ++ show action)
                        | otherwise    -> return (CompressOutputAvailable obuf goSync')
                        | BS.null obuf -> next
                        | otherwise    -> return (CompressOutputAvailable obuf next)
                    _ -> throw rc


data DecompressStream m =
     DecompressInputRequired (ByteString -> m (DecompressStream m)) -- ^ Decoding process requires input to proceed. An empty 'ByteString' chunk signals end of input.
   | DecompressOutputAvailable !ByteString (m (DecompressStream m)) -- ^ Decompressed output chunk available.
   | DecompressStreamEnd ByteString -- ^ Decoded stream is finished. Any unconsumed leftovers from the input stream are returned via the 'ByteString' field
   | DecompressStreamError !LzmaRet -- TODO define subset-enum of LzmaRet

-- | Incremental decompression in the 'IO' monad.
decompressIO :: DecompressParams -> IO (DecompressStream IO)
decompressIO parms = stToIO (newDecodeLzmaStream parms) >>= either (return . DecompressStreamError) go
    bUFSIZ = 32752

    go :: LzmaStream -> IO (DecompressStream IO)
    go ls = return inputRequired
        inputRequired = DecompressInputRequired goInput

        goInput :: ByteString -> IO (DecompressStream IO)
        goInput chunk
          | BS.null chunk = goFinish
          | otherwise = do
            (rc, used, obuf) <- stToIO $ runLzmaStream ls chunk LzmaRun bUFSIZ

            let chunk' = BS.drop used chunk

            case rc of
                  | BS.null obuf -> do
                      unless (used > 0) $
                          fail "decompressIO: input chunk not consumed"
                      withChunk (return inputRequired) goInput chunk'
                  | otherwise    -> return (DecompressOutputAvailable obuf
                                            (withChunk goDrain goInput chunk'))

                  | BS.null obuf -> return (DecompressStreamEnd chunk')
                  | otherwise    -> return (DecompressOutputAvailable obuf
                                            (return (DecompressStreamEnd chunk')))

                _ -> return (DecompressStreamError rc)

        goDrain, goFinish :: IO (DecompressStream IO)
        goDrain  = goSync LzmaRun (return inputRequired)
        goFinish = goSync LzmaFinish (return $ DecompressStreamError LzmaRetOK)

        goSync :: LzmaAction -> IO (DecompressStream IO) -> IO (DecompressStream IO)
        goSync action next = goSync'
            goSync' = do
                (rc, 0, obuf) <- stToIO $ runLzmaStream ls BS.empty action bUFSIZ
                case rc of
                    | BS.null obuf -> next
                    | otherwise    -> return (DecompressOutputAvailable obuf goSync')

                    | BS.null obuf -> eof0
                    | otherwise    -> return (DecompressOutputAvailable obuf eof0)

                  _ -> return (DecompressStreamError rc)

            eof0 = return $ DecompressStreamEnd BS.empty

-- | Incremental decompression in the lazy 'ST' monad.
decompressST :: DecompressParams -> ST s (DecompressStream (ST s))
decompressST parms = strictToLazyST (newDecodeLzmaStream parms) >>= either (return . DecompressStreamError) go
    bUFSIZ = 32752

    go :: LzmaStream -> ST s (DecompressStream (ST s))
    go ls = return inputRequired
        inputRequired = DecompressInputRequired goInput

        goInput :: ByteString -> ST s (DecompressStream (ST s))
        goInput chunk
          | BS.null chunk = goFinish
          | otherwise = do
            (rc, used, obuf) <- strictToLazyST $ runLzmaStream ls chunk LzmaRun bUFSIZ

            let chunk' = BS.drop used chunk

            case rc of
                  | BS.null obuf -> do
                      unless (used > 0) $
                          fail "decompressST: input chunk not consumed"
                      withChunk (return inputRequired) goInput chunk'
                  | otherwise    -> return (DecompressOutputAvailable obuf
                                            (withChunk goDrain goInput chunk'))

                  | BS.null obuf -> return (DecompressStreamEnd chunk')
                  | otherwise    -> return (DecompressOutputAvailable obuf
                                            (return (DecompressStreamEnd chunk')))

                _ -> return (DecompressStreamError rc)

        goDrain, goFinish :: ST s (DecompressStream (ST s))
        goDrain  = goSync LzmaRun (return inputRequired)
        goFinish = goSync LzmaFinish (return $ DecompressStreamError LzmaRetOK)

        goSync :: LzmaAction -> ST s (DecompressStream (ST s)) -> ST s (DecompressStream (ST s))
        goSync action next = goSync'
            goSync' = do
                (rc, 0, obuf) <- strictToLazyST $ runLzmaStream ls BS.empty action bUFSIZ
                case rc of
                    | BS.null obuf -> next
                    | otherwise    -> return (DecompressOutputAvailable obuf goSync')

                    | BS.null obuf -> eof0
                    | otherwise    -> return (DecompressOutputAvailable obuf eof0)

                  _ -> return (DecompressStreamError rc)

            eof0 = return $ DecompressStreamEnd BS.empty

-- | Small 'maybe'-ish helper distinguishing between empty and
-- non-empty 'ByteString's
withChunk :: t -> (ByteString -> t) -> ByteString -> t
withChunk emptyChunk nemptyChunk chunk
  | BS.null chunk = emptyChunk
  | otherwise     = nemptyChunk chunk