# Changelog `lua` uses [PVP Versioning][1]. ## lua 2.0.0 Release pending. - Module hierarchy moved from `Foreign.Lua.Raw` to `Lua`. - Documentation has been improved. - Added new function `withNewState` to run Lua operations. - New modules `Lua.Ersatz` containing all bindings to safe ersatz functions. - Higher level and enum types have been removed, only the low-level "code" types are kept in this package. - Constants are now represented as pattern synonyms like `LUA_OK`. - Provide bindings to more functions: + `lua_is...` type-checking functions; + `lua_pushstring` to push plain CStrings; + auxiliary functions * `luaL_loadfile`, and * `luaL_loadfilex`; + unsafe functions * `lua_gettable`, * `lua_settable`, * `lua_getglobal`, and * `lua_setglobal`. - The function `lua_pop` now expects a `CInt` instead of a `StackIndex`. - New StackIndex constructor functions `nthTop`, `nthBottom`, `nth`, and `top`. - Avoid unnecessary modification of HSFUN metatable. - Various cleanups and test improvements. ## lua 1.0.0 Released 2021-02-18. - Initially created. Contains all modules in the `Foreign.Lua.Raw` hierarchy from `hslua-1.3`. Documentation has been improved. [1]: https://pvp.haskell.org