module Language.LSP.ClientSpec where import Control.Arrow ((>>>)) import Control.Exception import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Extra (whenMaybeM, whileJustM, whileM) import Data.Aeson ((.:)) import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types (parseMaybe) import Data.ByteString (ByteString, hGetSome) import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra (defaultChunkSize) import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LazyByteString import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Tuple.Extra (thd3) import Language.LSP.Client import Language.LSP.Client.Decoding (getNextMessage) import Language.LSP.Client.Encoding (encode) import Language.LSP.Client.Session import Language.LSP.Client.Session qualified as LSP import Language.LSP.Types import Language.LSP.Types qualified as LSP import Language.LSP.Types.Lens qualified as LSP import System.IO import System.Process (createPipe) import Test.Hspec hiding (shouldReturn) import Test.Hspec qualified as Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck import UnliftIO (MonadIO (..), MonadUnliftIO, fromEither, newTVarIO, race, readTVarIO) import UnliftIO.Concurrent import Prelude hiding (log) shouldReturn :: (MonadIO m, Show a, Eq a) => m a -> a -> m () shouldReturn a expected = a >>= liftIO . flip Hspec.shouldBe expected withTimeout :: forall m a. MonadUnliftIO m => Int -> m a -> m a withTimeout delay a = fromEither =<< race timeout a where timeout = do threadDelay delay pure $ AssertionFailed "Timeout exceeded" diagnostic :: Int -> Diagnostic diagnostic i = Diagnostic { _range = Range { _start = Position{_line = 0, _character = 0} , _end = Position{_line = 0, _character = 0} } , _severity = Nothing , _code = Just $ InL $ fromIntegral i , _source = Nothing , _message = "" , _tags = Nothing , _relatedInformation = Nothing } -- | LSP server that does not read input, and sends dummy diagnostics once per second diagServer :: IO (Handle, Handle, ThreadId) diagServer = do (inRead, inWrite) <- createPipe hSetBuffering inRead LineBuffering hSetBuffering inWrite LineBuffering (outRead, outWrite) <- createPipe hSetBuffering outRead LineBuffering hSetBuffering outWrite LineBuffering threadId <- forkIO $ forM_ [1 ..] $ \i -> do threadDelay 1_000 let message = NotificationMessage "2.0" STextDocumentPublishDiagnostics PublishDiagnosticsParams { _uri = Uri "" , _version = Nothing , _diagnostics = List [diagnostic i] } LazyByteString.hPut outWrite $ encode message pure (inWrite, outRead, threadId) -- | LSP server that accepts requests and answers them with a delay reqServer :: IO (Handle, Handle, ThreadId) reqServer = do (inRead, inWrite) <- createPipe hSetBuffering inRead LineBuffering hSetBuffering inWrite LineBuffering (outRead, outWrite) <- createPipe hSetBuffering outRead LineBuffering hSetBuffering outWrite LineBuffering lock <- newMVar () threadId <- forkIO $ forever $ do bytes <- liftIO $ getNextMessage inRead let obj = fromJust $ Aeson.decode bytes idMaybe = parseMaybe (.: "id") obj message :: ResponseMessage 'Shutdown message = ResponseMessage "2.0" idMaybe (Right Empty) forkIO $ do threadDelay 1_000 takeMVar lock LazyByteString.hPut outWrite $ encode message putMVar lock () pure (inWrite, outRead, threadId) -- | LSP server that reads messages, and does nothing else notifServer :: IO (Handle, Handle, ThreadId) notifServer = do (inRead, inWrite) <- createPipe hSetBuffering inRead LineBuffering hSetBuffering inWrite LineBuffering (outRead, _) <- createPipe hSetBuffering outRead LineBuffering threadId <- forkIO $ forever $ do liftIO $ getNextMessage inRead pure (inWrite, outRead, threadId) -- | LSP client that waits for queries client :: Handle -> Handle -> IO (Session () -> IO (), ThreadId) client serverInput serverOutput = do i <- newEmptyMVar o <- newEmptyMVar threadId <- forkIO $ runSessionWithHandles serverOutput serverInput $ forever $ do a <- takeMVar i a >>= putMVar o pure (putMVar i >>> (*> readMVar o), threadId) getAvailableContents :: Handle -> IO ByteString getAvailableContents h = whileJustM $ whenMaybeM (hReady h) (hGetSome h defaultChunkSize) spec :: Spec spec = do prop "concurrently handles actions and server messages" $ again $ do bracket diagServer (killThread . thd3) $ \(serverIn, serverOut, _) -> runSessionWithHandles serverOut serverIn $ do diagnostics <- newTVarIO @_ @[Diagnostic] [] let getDiagnostics = readTVarIO diagnostics setDiagnostics = writeTVarIO diagnostics receiveNotification LSP.STextDocumentPublishDiagnostics $ \msg -> setDiagnostics $ coerce $ msg ^. LSP.params . LSP.diagnostics -- We allow up to 0.1 s to receive the first batch of diagnostics withTimeout 100_000 $ whileM $ do threadDelay 1_000 null <$> getDiagnostics [d1] <- getDiagnostics -- We allow up to 0.1 s to receive the next batch of diagnostics withTimeout 100_000 $ whileM $ do threadDelay 1_000 [d2] <- getDiagnostics pure $ d2._code == d1._code prop "answers requests correctly" $ again $ do bracket reqServer (killThread . thd3) $ \(serverIn, serverOut, _) -> runSessionWithHandles serverOut serverIn $ do req1Done <- newEmptyMVar req1Id <- sendRequest SShutdown Empty (putMVar req1Done . (._id)) req2Done <- newEmptyMVar req2Id <- sendRequest SShutdown Empty (putMVar req2Done . (._id)) withTimeout 100_000 $ takeMVar req1Done `shouldReturn` Just req1Id withTimeout 100_000 $ takeMVar req2Done `shouldReturn` Just req2Id prop "opens and changes virtual documents correctly" $ do bracket notifServer (killThread . thd3) $ \(serverIn, serverOut, _) -> runSessionWithHandles serverOut serverIn $ do doc <- LSP.createDoc "TestFile.hs" "haskell" "" LSP.documentContents doc `shouldReturn` Just "" changeDoc doc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent Nothing Nothing "foo\n\nbar"] LSP.documentContents doc `shouldReturn` Just "foo\n\nbar" closeDoc doc LSP.documentContents doc `shouldReturn` Nothing