{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude , RankNTypes , ScopedTypeVariables , UnicodeSyntax #-} module PrettyDevList ( PPStyle(..) , brightStyle, darkStyle , ppDevices ) where -- from ansi-wl-pprint: import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen ( Doc, Pretty, SimpleDoc(..) , (<+>), (<$>), (<>) , align, char, dquotes, empty, fill, hcat , hsep, indent, int, pretty, punctuate , renderPretty, text, vcat , bold, cyan, dullred, green, magenta , oncyan, ongreen, onmagenta, onyellow, red , underline, white, yellow ) -- from base: import Control.Exception ( catch ) import Control.Monad ( (>>=), fail, liftM, mapM, return ) import Data.Bool ( Bool(False, True) ) import Data.Char ( String, toLower ) import Data.Eq ( (==) ) import Data.Function ( ($), id ) import Data.Functor ( fmap ) import Data.Int ( Int ) import Data.List ( intersperse, length, map, maximum , partition, transpose, zipWith ) import Data.Maybe ( Maybe(Nothing, Just), maybe ) import Data.Word ( Word8, Word16 ) import Prelude ( (+), fromIntegral, fromInteger, fromRational ) import System.IO ( IO ) import Text.Printf ( PrintfArg, printf ) import Text.Show ( Show, show ) -- from base-unicode-symbols: import Control.Arrow.Unicode ( (⋙) ) import Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) ) import Data.Eq.Unicode ( (≡) ) import Prelude.Unicode ( (⋅) ) -- from bytestring: import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( ByteString, unpack ) -- from usb: import System.USB.Descriptors ( DeviceDesc , deviceClass, deviceConfigs , deviceManufacturerStrIx , deviceMaxPacketSize0, deviceNumConfigs , deviceProductId, deviceProductStrIx , deviceProtocol, deviceReleaseNumber , deviceSerialNumberStrIx, deviceSubClass , deviceUSBSpecReleaseNumber, deviceVendorId , ReleaseNumber , ConfigDesc , configAttribs, configInterfaces , configMaxPower, configNumInterfaces , configStrIx, configValue , DeviceStatus , remoteWakeup, selfPowered , InterfaceDesc , interfaceAltSetting, interfaceClass , interfaceEndpoints, interfaceNumber , interfaceProtocol, interfaceStrIx , interfaceSubClass , EndpointDesc , endpointAddress, endpointAttribs , endpointInterval, endpointMaxPacketSize , endpointRefresh, endpointSynchAddress , EndpointAddress , endpointNumber, transferDirection , TransferDirection(In, Out) , TransferType(Isochronous) , Synchronization(NoSynchronization) , Usage , MaxPacketSize , maxPacketSize, transactionOpportunities , TransactionOpportunities(Zero, One, Two) , LangId, StrIx ) import System.USB.Enumeration ( Device , deviceDesc, busNumber, deviceAddress ) import System.USB.Exceptions ( USBException ) -- from usb-id-database: import System.USB.IDDB ( IDDB , vendorName, productName , className, subClassName, protocolName , langName, subLangName ) -- from usb-safe: import System.USB.Safe ( withDevice , getStrDescFirstLang , getLanguages ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pretty printing styles data PPStyle = PPStyle { sectionStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , fieldStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , usbNumStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , usbStrStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , stringStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , descrStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , descrAddrStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , versionStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , addrStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , errorStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc , errorDescrStyle ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc } brightStyle ∷ PPStyle brightStyle = PPStyle { sectionStyle = pretty ⋙ white ⋙ bold ⋙ underline , fieldStyle = pretty , usbNumStyle = pretty ⋙ yellow , usbStrStyle = pretty , stringStyle = pretty ⋙ green , descrStyle = pretty ⋙ cyan ⋙ dquotes , descrAddrStyle = pretty ⋙ cyan ⋙ bold , versionStyle = pretty ⋙ yellow , addrStyle = pretty ⋙ magenta , errorStyle = pretty ⋙ red , errorDescrStyle = pretty ⋙ dullred } darkStyle ∷ PPStyle darkStyle = PPStyle { sectionStyle = pretty ⋙ bold ⋙ underline , fieldStyle = pretty , usbNumStyle = pretty ⋙ onyellow , usbStrStyle = pretty , stringStyle = pretty ⋙ ongreen , descrStyle = pretty ⋙ oncyan ⋙ dquotes , descrAddrStyle = pretty ⋙ oncyan ⋙ bold , versionStyle = pretty ⋙ onyellow , addrStyle = pretty ⋙ onmagenta , errorStyle = pretty ⋙ red , errorDescrStyle = pretty ⋙ dullred } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- field ∷ PPStyle → String → [Doc] → [Doc] field style name xs = (fieldStyle style $ (text name) <> char ':') : xs section ∷ PPStyle → String → Doc section style = sectionStyle style ∘ text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some basic instances of the Pretty class instance Pretty ByteString where pretty = pretty ∘ unpack instance Pretty Word8 where pretty = int ∘ fromIntegral instance Pretty Word16 where pretty = int ∘ fromIntegral ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Miscellaneous pretty printing functions columns ∷ Int → [[Doc]] → Doc columns s rows = vcat $ map ( hcat ∘ zipWith fill (map (+ s) $ columnSizes rows) ) rows columnSizes ∷ [[Doc]] → [Int] columnSizes = map (maximum ∘ map docLen) ∘ transpose -- A bit of a hack to calculate the length of a document without -- considering colour codes. docLen ∷ Doc → Int docLen = sdocLen ∘ renderPretty 0.4 100 where sdocLen ∷ SimpleDoc → Int sdocLen (SEmpty) = 0 sdocLen (SChar _ d) = 1 + sdocLen d sdocLen (SText i _ d) = i + sdocLen d sdocLen (SLine i d) = i + sdocLen d sdocLen (SSGR _ d) = sdocLen d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- USB utility functions stringBufferSize ∷ Int stringBufferSize = 512 catchUSBException ∷ IO α → (USBException → IO α) → IO α catchUSBException = catch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pretty printers for USB types unknown ∷ Doc unknown = text "unknown" ppReleaseNumber ∷ ReleaseNumber → Doc ppReleaseNumber (a, b, c, d) = hcat ∘ punctuate (char '.') $ map pretty [a, b, c, d] ppStringDesc ∷ PPStyle → Device → Maybe StrIx → IO Doc ppStringDesc _ _ Nothing = return empty ppStringDesc style dev (Just ix) = catchUSBException ( withDevice dev $ \devH → fmap (descrStyle style) $ getStrDescFirstLang devH ix stringBufferSize ) (return ∘ ppError style "Couldn't retrieve string descriptor") ppError ∷ Show e ⇒ PPStyle → String → e → Doc ppError style descr err = errorDescrStyle style $ text descr <> char ':' <+> errorStyle style (show err) ppId ∷ PrintfArg n ⇒ n → Doc ppId x = text (printf "%04x" x ∷ String) ppVendorName ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Word16 → (Doc → Doc) → Doc ppVendorName style db vid f = maybe unknown (f ∘ stringStyle style) $ vendorName db vid' where vid' = fromIntegral vid ppProductName ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Word16 → Word16 → (Doc → Doc) → Doc ppProductName style db vid pid f = maybe unknown (f ∘ stringStyle style) $ productName db vid' pid' where vid' = fromIntegral vid pid' = fromIntegral pid ppDevClass ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Word8 → Doc ppDevClass _ _ 0 = text "defined at interface level" ppDevClass style db cid = ppClass style db cid ppDevSubClass ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Word8 → Word8 → Doc ppDevSubClass _ _ 0 0 = text "defined at interface level" ppDevSubClass style db cid scid = ppSubClass style db cid scid ppDevProtocol ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Word8 → Word8 → Word8 → Doc ppDevProtocol _ _ 0 0 0 = text "defined at interface level" ppDevProtocol style db cid scid protId = ppProtocol style db cid scid protId ppClass ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Word8 → Doc ppClass style db cid = maybe unknown (stringStyle style) $ className db cid' where cid' = fromIntegral cid ppSubClass ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Word8 → Word8 → Doc ppSubClass style db cid scid = maybe unknown (stringStyle style) $ subClassName db cid' scid' where cid' = fromIntegral cid scid' = fromIntegral scid ppProtocol ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Word8 → Word8 → Word8 → Doc ppProtocol style db cid scid protId = maybe unknown (stringStyle style) $ protocolName db cid' scid' protId' where cid' = fromIntegral cid scid' = fromIntegral scid protId' = fromIntegral protId ppLanguage ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → LangId → Doc ppLanguage style db (lid, slid) = let lid' = fromIntegral lid slid' = fromIntegral slid prettyLang = stringStyle style langDoc = maybe unknown prettyLang $ langName db lid' subDoc = maybe unknown prettyLang $ subLangName db lid' slid' in langDoc <+> char '-' <+> subDoc ppLanguageList ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Device → IO Doc ppLanguageList style db dev = catchUSBException ( withDevice dev $ fmap (hsep ∘ punctuate (text ", ") ∘ map (ppLanguage style db)) ∘ getLanguages ) ( return ∘ ppError style "Couldn't retrieve language list" ) ppDevices ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Bool → [Device] → IO Doc ppDevices style db False = liftM vcat ∘ mapM (ppDeviceShort style db) ppDevices style db True = liftM (vcat ∘ intersperse (char ' ')) ∘ mapM (ppDevice style db) ppAddr ∷ PrintfArg n ⇒ PPStyle → n → Doc ppAddr style a = let toDoc = addrStyle style ∷ String → Doc in toDoc $ printf "%03d" a ppDeviceShort ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Device → IO Doc ppDeviceShort style db dev = do let desc = deviceDesc dev vid = deviceVendorId desc pid = deviceProductId desc busDoc = ppAddr style $ busNumber dev devAddrDoc = ppAddr style $ deviceAddress dev return $ text "Bus" <+> busDoc <+> text "Address" <+> devAddrDoc <> char ':' <+> text "ID" <+> (usbNumStyle style) (ppId vid) <> char ':' <> (usbNumStyle style) (ppId pid) <+> ppVendorName style db vid (<+> ppProductName style db vid pid (char '-' <+>)) ppDevice ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Device → IO Doc ppDevice style db dev = do let desc = deviceDesc dev descDoc ← ppDeviceDesc style db dev desc langDoc ← ppLanguageList style db dev let field' = field style busDoc = ppAddr style $ busNumber dev devAddrDoc = ppAddr style $ deviceAddress dev return $ section style "Device" <$> indent 2 ( columns 2 [ field' "Bus" [busDoc] , field' "Address" [devAddrDoc] , field' "Supported languages" [langDoc] ] <$> section style "Device Descriptor" <$> indent 2 descDoc ) ppDeviceDesc ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Device → DeviceDesc → IO Doc ppDeviceDesc style db dev desc = do let usbNumStyle' ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc usbNumStyle' = usbNumStyle style field' = field style versionStyle' = versionStyle style descrAddrStyle' = descrAddrStyle style manufacturerIx = deviceManufacturerStrIx desc productIx = deviceProductStrIx desc serialIx = deviceSerialNumberStrIx desc numConfigs = deviceNumConfigs desc classId = deviceClass desc subClassId = deviceSubClass desc protocolId = deviceProtocol desc vendorId = deviceVendorId desc productId = deviceProductId desc manufacturerDoc ← ppStringDesc style dev manufacturerIx productDoc ← ppStringDesc style dev productIx serialDoc ← ppStringDesc style dev serialIx configDocs ← mapM (ppConfigDesc style db dev) $ deviceConfigs desc let classDoc = ppDevClass style db classId subClassDoc = ppDevSubClass style db classId subClassId protocolDoc = ppDevProtocol style db classId subClassId protocolId return $ columns 2 [ field' "USB specification" [ versionStyle' ∘ ppReleaseNumber $ deviceUSBSpecReleaseNumber desc ] , field' "Class" [usbNumStyle' classId, classDoc] , field' "Sub class" [usbNumStyle' subClassId, subClassDoc] , field' "Protocol" [usbNumStyle' protocolId, protocolDoc] , field' "Max packet size" [usbNumStyle' $ deviceMaxPacketSize0 desc] , field' "Vendor ID" [ usbNumStyle' $ text "0x" <> ppId vendorId , ppVendorName style db vendorId id ] , field' "Product ID" [ usbNumStyle' $ text "0x" <> ppId productId , ppProductName style db vendorId productId id ] , field' "Release number" [ versionStyle' ∘ ppReleaseNumber $ deviceReleaseNumber desc ] , field' "Manufacturer" [descrAddrStyle' manufacturerIx, manufacturerDoc] , field' "Product" [descrAddrStyle' productIx, productDoc] , field' "Serial number" [descrAddrStyle' serialIx, serialDoc] , field' "Num configs" [usbNumStyle' numConfigs] ] <$> vcat ( map (\d → section style "Configuration Descriptor" <$> indent 2 d) configDocs ) ppConfigDesc ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Device → ConfigDesc → IO Doc ppConfigDesc style db dev conf = do let field' = field style usbNumStyle' = usbNumStyle style stringIx = configStrIx conf ifDescs = configInterfaces conf strDesc ← ppStringDesc style dev stringIx ifDescDocs ← mapM (mapM $ ppInterfaceDesc style db dev) ifDescs let vcatAlts = (<$>) (section style "Interface") ∘ indent 2 ∘ vcat ∘ map ( (<$>) (section style "Alternative") ∘ indent 2 ) return $ columns 2 [ field' "Value" [usbNumStyle' $ configValue conf] , field' "Descriptor" [descrAddrStyle style stringIx, strDesc] , field' "Attributes" [pretty' style (configAttribs conf)] , field' "Max power" [usbNumStyle' (2 ⋅ configMaxPower conf) <+> text "mA"] , field' "Num interfaces" [usbNumStyle' $ configNumInterfaces conf] ] <$> vcat (map vcatAlts ifDescDocs) ppInterfaceDesc ∷ PPStyle → IDDB → Device → InterfaceDesc → IO Doc ppInterfaceDesc style db dev ifDesc = do let field' = field style usbNumStyle' ∷ ∀ α. Pretty α ⇒ α → Doc usbNumStyle' = usbNumStyle style stringIx = interfaceStrIx ifDesc classId = interfaceClass ifDesc subClassId = interfaceSubClass ifDesc protocolId = interfaceProtocol ifDesc classDoc = ppClass style db classId subClassDoc = ppSubClass style db classId subClassId protocolDoc = ppProtocol style db classId subClassId protocolId (inEndpts, outEndpts) = partition ((In ≡) ∘ transferDirection ∘ endpointAddress) $ interfaceEndpoints ifDesc strDesc ← ppStringDesc style dev stringIx return $ columns 2 [ field' "Interface number" [usbNumStyle' $ interfaceNumber ifDesc] , field' "Alternative setting" [usbNumStyle' $ interfaceAltSetting ifDesc] , field' "Class" [usbNumStyle' classId, classDoc] , field' "Sub class" [usbNumStyle' subClassId, subClassDoc] , field' "Protocol" [usbNumStyle' protocolId, protocolDoc] , field' "Descriptor" [descrAddrStyle style stringIx, strDesc] , field' "Num in endpoints" [usbNumStyle' $ length inEndpts] , field' "Num out endpoints" [usbNumStyle' $ length outEndpts] ] <$> vcat ( map (\e → section style "In Endpoint" <$> indent 2 (pretty' style e)) $ inEndpts ) <$> vcat ( map (\e → section style "Out Endpoint" <$> indent 2 (pretty' style e)) $ outEndpts ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- USB specific instances of Pretty class PrettyStyle α where pretty' ∷ PPStyle → α → Doc instance PrettyStyle EndpointDesc where pretty' s ep = columns 2 [ field' "Address" [pretty' s $ endpointAddress ep] , field' "Attributes" [pretty' s $ endpointAttribs ep] , field' "Max packet size" [pretty' s $ endpointMaxPacketSize ep] , field' "Interval" [usbNumStyle s $ endpointInterval ep] , field' "Refresh" [usbNumStyle s $ endpointRefresh ep] , field' "Synch address" [usbNumStyle s $ endpointSynchAddress ep] ] where field' = field s instance PrettyStyle EndpointAddress where pretty' s ea = usbNumStyle s (endpointNumber ea) <+> char '-' <+> pretty' s (transferDirection ea) instance PrettyStyle TransferDirection where pretty' s Out = usbStrStyle s $ text "Out (host" <+> text "->" <+> text "device)" pretty' s In = usbStrStyle s $ text "In (device" <+> text "->" <+> text "host)" instance PrettyStyle DeviceStatus where pretty' s ds = align $ columns 2 [ field s "Remote wakeup" [usbNumStyle s $ remoteWakeup ds] , field s "Self powered" [usbNumStyle s $ selfPowered ds] ] instance PrettyStyle Synchronization where pretty' s NoSynchronization = usbStrStyle s "no synchronization" pretty' s es = usbStrStyle s ∘ map toLower $ show es instance Pretty Usage where pretty = text ∘ map toLower ∘ show instance PrettyStyle MaxPacketSize where pretty' s mps = usbNumStyle s (maxPacketSize mps) <+> char '-' <+> pretty' s (transactionOpportunities mps) instance PrettyStyle TransactionOpportunities where pretty' s Zero = usbStrStyle s "Zero additional transactions" pretty' s One = usbStrStyle s "One additional transaction" pretty' s Two = usbStrStyle s "Two additional transactions" instance PrettyStyle TransferType where pretty' s (Isochronous syn u) = usbStrStyle s $ text "isochronous" <+> char '-' <+> text "synch:" <+> pretty' s syn <+> char '-' <+> text "usage:" <+> pretty u pretty' s tt = usbStrStyle s ∘ text ∘ map toLower $ show tt