{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- | Stack zipping. -- -- This module provides functions for flattening stacks into tuples. -- -- Also here we define an instance which turns any instruction, -- not only lambdas, into a valid value. module Lorentz.Zip ( ZipInstr (..) , ZipInstrs , zippingStack , unzippingStack ) where import Prelude hiding (drop) import qualified Data.Kind as Kind import Lorentz.Base import Lorentz.TypeAnns import Michelson.Typed import Michelson.Untyped (noAnn) -- | Zipping stack into tuple and back. class ZipInstr (s :: [Kind.Type]) where -- | A type which contains the whole stack zipped. type ZippedStack s :: Kind.Type -- | Fold given stack into single value. zipInstr :: s :-> '[ZippedStack s] -- | Unfold given stack from a single value. unzipInstr :: '[ZippedStack s] :-> s {- Further we have to work on low level because even "Lorentz.Instr" depends on this module. -} instance ZipInstr '[] where type ZippedStack '[] = () zipInstr = I UNIT unzipInstr = I DROP instance ZipInstr '[a] where type ZippedStack '[a] = a zipInstr = I Nop unzipInstr = I Nop -- | Such definition seems the only possible one we can support -- efficiently. instance ZipInstr ((a, b) ': s) => ZipInstr (a ': b ': s) where type ZippedStack (a ': b ': s) = ZippedStack ((a, b) ': s) zipInstr = I PAIR ## zipInstr @((a, b) ': s) unzipInstr = unzipInstr @((a, b) ': s) ## I (DUP `Seq` CAR `Seq` DIP CDR) -- | Require several stacks to comply 'ZipInstr' constraint. type ZipInstrs ss = Each '[ZipInstr] ss -- | Flatten both ends of instruction stack. zippingStack :: ZipInstrs [inp, out] => inp :-> out -> Lambda (ZippedStack inp) (ZippedStack out) zippingStack code = unzipInstr ## code ## zipInstr -- | Unflatten both ends of instruction stack. unzippingStack :: ZipInstrs [inp, out] => Lambda (ZippedStack inp) (ZippedStack out) -> inp :-> out unzippingStack code = zipInstr ## code ## unzipInstr instance (ZipInstr inp, ZipInstr out) => IsoValue (inp :-> out) where type ToT (inp :-> out) = 'TLambda (ToT (ZippedStack inp)) (ToT (ZippedStack out)) toVal i = VLam . unLorentzInstr $ zippingStack i fromVal (VLam i) = zipInstr ## LorentzInstr i ## unzipInstr instance ( HasTypeAnn (ZippedStack i) , HasTypeAnn (ZippedStack o) ) => HasTypeAnn (i :-> o) where getTypeAnn = NTLambda noAnn (getTypeAnn @(ZippedStack i)) (getTypeAnn @(ZippedStack o))