{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} module Data.Logic.Harrison.Unif ( unify , solve , fullUnify , unifyAndApply ) where import Control.Applicative.Error (Failing(..)) import Data.Logic.Classes.Term (Term(..), tsubst) import Data.Logic.Harrison.Lib (failing) import qualified Data.Map as Map {- (* ========================================================================= *) (* Unification for first order terms. *) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2003-2007, John Harrison. (See "LICENSE.txt" for details.) *) (* ========================================================================= *) let rec istriv env x t = match t with Var y -> y = x or defined env y & istriv env x (apply env y) | Fn(f,args) -> exists (istriv env x) args & failwith "cyclic";; -} isTrivial :: Term term v f => Map.Map v term -> v -> term -> Failing Bool isTrivial env x t = foldTerm v f t where v y = if x == y then Success True else maybe (Success False) (isTrivial env x) (Map.lookup y env) f _ args = if any (failing (const False) id . isTrivial env x) args then Failure ["cyclic"] else Success False {- foldT (\ y -> y == x || (defined env y && istriv env x (apply env y))) (\ _ args -> if any (istriv env x) args then error "cyclic" else False) t -} {- (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Main unification procedure *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec unify env eqs = match eqs with [] -> env | (Fn(f,fargs),Fn(g,gargs))::oth -> if f = g & length fargs = length gargs then unify env (zip fargs gargs @ oth) else failwith "impossible unification" | (Var x,t)::oth | (t,Var x)::oth -> if defined env x then unify env ((apply env x,t)::oth) else unify (if istriv env x t then env else (x|->t) env) oth;; -} unify :: Term term v f => Map.Map v term -> [(term,term)] -> Failing (Map.Map v term) unify env [] = Success env unify env ((a,b):oth) = foldTerm (vr b) (\ f fargs -> foldTerm (vr a) (fn f fargs) b) a where vr t x = maybe (isTrivial env x t >>= \ trivial -> unify (if trivial then env else Map.insert x t env) oth) (\ y -> unify env ((y, t) : oth)) (Map.lookup x env) fn f fargs g gargs = if f == g && length fargs == length gargs then unify env (zip fargs gargs ++ oth) else Failure ["impossible unification"] {- (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Solve to obtain a single instantiation. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec solve env = let env' = mapf (tsubst env) env in if env' = env then env else solve env';; -} solve :: Term term v f => Map.Map v term -> Map.Map v term solve env = if env' == env then env else solve env' where env' = Map.map (tsubst env) env {- (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Unification reaching a final solved form (often this isn't needed). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let fullunify eqs = solve (unify undefined eqs);; -} fullUnify :: Term term v f => [(term,term)] -> Failing (Map.Map v term) fullUnify eqs = failing Failure (Success . solve) (unify Map.empty eqs) {- (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Examples. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let unify_and_apply eqs = let i = fullunify eqs in let apply (t1,t2) = tsubst i t1,tsubst i t2 in map apply eqs;; -} unifyAndApply :: Term term v f => [(term, term)] -> Failing [(term, term)] unifyAndApply eqs = case fullUnify eqs of Failure x -> Failure x Success i -> Success (map (\ (t1, t2) -> (tsubst i t1, tsubst i t2)) eqs) {- START_INTERACTIVE;; unify_and_apply [<<|f(x,g(y))|>>,<<|f(f(z),w)|>>];; unify_and_apply [<<|f(x,y)|>>,<<|f(y,x)|>>];; (**** unify_and_apply [<<|f(x,g(y))|>>,<<|f(y,x)|>>];; *****) unify_and_apply [<<|x_0|>>,<<|f(x_1,x_1)|>>; <<|x_1|>>,<<|f(x_2,x_2)|>>; <<|x_2|>>,<<|f(x_3,x_3)|>>];; END_INTERACTIVE;; -}