{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Wwarn #-} module Data.Logic.Tests.Harrison.Prop ( tests ) where import Data.Logic.Classes.Combine (Combinable(..), (∨), (∧)) import Data.Logic.Classes.Constants (true, false) import Data.Logic.Classes.Negate ((.~.), (¬)) import Data.Logic.Classes.Propositional import Data.Logic.Harrison.Lib ((|=>)) import Data.Logic.Harrison.Prop (eval, atoms, truthTable, tautology, pSubst, psimplify, nnf, dnf, rawdnf, dual, purednf, trivial, cnf) import Data.Logic.Types.Harrison.Formulas.Propositional (Formula(..)) import Data.Logic.Types.Harrison.Prop (Prop(..)) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Prelude hiding (negate) import Test.HUnit (Test(TestCase, TestList, TestLabel), assertEqual) -- main = runTestTT tests tests :: Test tests = TestLabel "Data.Logic.Tests.Harrison.Prop" $ TestList [test01, test02, test03, test04, {-test05,-} test06, test07, test08, test09, test10, test11, test12, test13, test14, test15, test16, test17, test18, test19, test20, test21, test22, test23, test24, test25, test26, test27, test28, test29, test30, test31, test32, test33, test34, test35, test36] -- Variables for use in test cases -- (p, q, r, s, t, u, v) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q"), Atom (P "r"), Atom (P "s"), Atom (P "t"), Atom (P "u"), Atom (P "v")) test36 :: Test test36 = TestCase $ assertEqual "show propositional formula 1" expected input where input = map show fms expected = ["((P \"p\") .&. (P \"q\")) .|. (P \"r\")", "(P \"p\") .&. ((P \"q\") .|. (P \"r\"))", "((P \"p\") .&. (P \"q\")) .|. (P \"r\")"] fms :: [Formula Prop] fms = [p .&. q .|. r, p .&. (q .|. r), (p .&. q) .|. r] (p, q, r) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q"), Atom (P "r")) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Testing the parser and printer. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test01 :: Test test01 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Build Formula 1" expected input where input = (p .=>. q .<=>. r .&. s .|. (t .<=>. ((.~.) ((.~.) u)) .&. v)) expected = (Imp (Atom (P {pname = "p"})) (Iff (Atom (P {pname = "q"})) (Or (And (Atom (P {pname = "r"})) (Atom (P {pname = "s"}))) (Iff (Atom (P {pname = "t"})) (And ({-Not-} ({-Not-} (Atom (P {pname = "u"})))) (Atom (P {pname = "v"}))))))) (p, q, r, s, t, u, v) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q"), Atom (P "r"), Atom (P "s"), Atom (P "t"), Atom (P "u"), Atom (P "v")) test02 :: Test test02 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Build Formula 2" expected input where input = (Atom "fm" .&. Atom "fm") expected = (And (Atom "fm") (Atom "fm")) test03 :: Test test03 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Build Formula 3" (Atom "fm" .|. Atom "fm" .&. Atom "fm") (Or (Atom "fm") (And (Atom "fm") (Atom "fm"))) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example of use. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test04 :: Test test04 = TestCase $ assertEqual "fixity tests" expected input where (input, expected) = unzip (map (\ (fm, flag) -> (eval fm (const False), flag)) pairs) pairs :: [(Formula String, Bool)] pairs = [ ( true .&. false .=>. false .&. true, True) , ( true .&. true .=>. true .&. false, False) , ( false ∧ true ∨ true, True) -- "∧ binds more tightly than ∨" , ( (false ∧ true) ∨ true, True) , ( false ∧ (true ∨ true), False) , ( (¬) true ∨ true, True) -- "¬ binds more tightly than ∨" , ( (¬) (true ∨ true), False) ] -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test06 :: Test test06 = TestCase $ assertEqual "atoms test" (atoms $ p .&. q .|. s .=>. ((.~.) p) .|. (r .<=>. s)) (Set.fromList [P "p",P "q",P "r",P "s"]) where (p, q, r, s) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q"), Atom (P "r"), Atom (P "s")) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test07 :: Test test07 = TestCase $ assertEqual "truth table 1 (p. 36)" expected input where input = (truthTable $ p .&. q .=>. q .&. r) expected = [([(P "p",False),(P "q",False),(P "r",False)],True), ([(P "p",False),(P "q",False),(P "r",True)],True), ([(P "p",False),(P "q",True),(P "r",False)],True), ([(P "p",False),(P "q",True),(P "r",True)],True), ([(P "p",True),(P "q",False),(P "r",False)],True), ([(P "p",True),(P "q",False),(P "r",True)],True), ([(P "p",True),(P "q",True),(P "r",False)],False), ([(P "p",True),(P "q",True),(P "r",True)],True)] (p, q, r) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q"), Atom (P "r")) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Additional examples illustrating formula classes. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test08 :: Test test08 = TestCase $ assertEqual "truth table 2 (p. 39)" (truthTable $ ((p .=>. q) .=>. p) .=>. p) [([(P "p",False),(P "q",False)],True), ([(P "p",False),(P "q",True)],True), ([(P "p",True),(P "q",False)],True), ([(P "p",True),(P "q",True)],True)] where (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) test09 :: Test test09 = TestCase $ assertEqual "truth table 3 (p. 40)" expected input where input = (truthTable $ p .&. ((.~.) p)) expected = [([(P "p",False)],False), ([(P "p",True)],False)] p = Atom (P "p") -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Examples. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test10 :: Test test10 = TestCase $ assertEqual "tautology 1 (p. 41)" True (tautology $ p .|. ((.~.) p)) where p = Atom (P "p") test11 :: Test test11 = TestCase $ assertEqual "tautology 2 (p. 41)" False (tautology $ p .|. q .=>. p) where (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) test12 :: Test test12 = TestCase $ assertEqual "tautology 3 (p. 41)" False (tautology $ p .|. q .=>. q .|. (p .<=>. q)) where (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) test13 :: Test test13 = TestCase $ assertEqual "tautology 4 (p. 41)" True (tautology $ (p .|. q) .&. ((.~.)(p .&. q)) .=>. ((.~.)p .<=>. q)) where (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test14 :: Test test14 = TestCase $ assertEqual "pSubst (p. 41)" expected input where expected = (p .&. q) .&. q .&. (p .&. q) .&. q input = pSubst ((P "p") |=> (p .&. q)) (p .&. q .&. p .&. q) (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Surprising tautologies including Dijkstra's "Golden rule". -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test15 :: Test test15 = TestCase $ assertEqual "tautology 5 (p. 43)" expected input where input = tautology $ (p .=>. q) .|. (q .=>. p) expected = True (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) test16 :: Test test16 = TestCase $ assertEqual "tautology 6 (p. 45)" expected input where input = tautology $ p .|. (q .<=>. r) .<=>. (p .|. q .<=>. p .|. r) expected = True (p, q, r) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q"), Atom (P "r")) test17 :: Test test17 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Dijkstra's Golden Rule (p. 45)" expected input where input = tautology $ p .&. q .<=>. ((p .<=>. q) .<=>. p .|. q) expected = True (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) test18 :: Test test18 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Contraposition 1 (p. 46)" expected input where input = tautology $ (p .=>. q) .<=>. (((.~.)q) .=>. ((.~.)p)) expected = True (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) test19 :: Test test19 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Contraposition 2 (p. 46)" expected input where input = tautology $ (p .=>. ((.~.)q)) .<=>. (q .=>. ((.~.)p)) expected = True (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) test20 :: Test test20 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Contraposition 3 (p. 46)" expected input where input = tautology $ (p .=>. q) .<=>. (q .=>. p) expected = False (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some logical equivalences allowing elimination of connectives. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test21 :: Test test21 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Equivalences (p. 47)" expected input where input = map tautology [ true .<=>. false .=>. false , ((.~.)p) .<=>. p .=>. false , p .&. q .<=>. (p .=>. q .=>. false) .=>. false , p .|. q .<=>. (p .=>. false) .=>. q , (p .<=>. q) .<=>. ((p .=>. q) .=>. (q .=>. p) .=>. false) .=>. false ] expected = [True, True, True, True, True] (p, q) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q")) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test22 :: Test test22 = TestCase $ assertEqual "Dual (p. 49)" expected input where input = dual (Atom (P "p") .|. ((.~.) (Atom (P "p")))) expected = And (Atom (P {pname = "p"})) (Not (Atom (P {pname = "p"}))) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test23 :: Test test23 = TestCase $ assertEqual "psimplify 1 (p. 50)" expected input where input = psimplify $ (true .=>. (x .<=>. false)) .=>. ((.~.) (y .|. false .&. z)) expected = ((.~.) x) .=>. ((.~.) y) x = Atom (P "x") y = Atom (P "y") z = Atom (P "z") test24 :: Test test24 = TestCase $ assertEqual "psimplify 2 (p. 51)" expected input where input = psimplify $ ((x .=>. y) .=>. true) .|. (.~.) false expected = true x = Atom (P "x") y = Atom (P "y") -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example of NNF function in action. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test25 :: Test test25 = TestCase $ assertEqual "nnf 1 (p. 53)" expected input where input = nnf $ (p .<=>. q) .<=>. ((.~.)(r .=>. s)) expected = Or (And (Or (And p q) (And (Not p) (Not q))) (And r (Not s))) (And (Or (And p (Not q)) (And (Not p) q)) (Or (Not r) s)) p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") r = Atom (P "r") s = Atom (P "s") test26 :: Test test26 = TestCase $ assertEqual "nnf 1 (p. 53)" expected input where input = tautology (Iff fm fm') expected = True fm' = nnf fm fm = (p .<=>. q) .<=>. ((.~.)(r .=>. s)) p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") r = Atom (P "r") s = Atom (P "s") -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some tautologies remarked on. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test27 :: Test test27 = TestCase $ assertEqual "tautology 1 (p. 53)" expected input where input = tautology $ (p .=>. p') .&. (q .=>. q') .=>. (p .&. q .=>. p' .&. q') expected = True p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") p' = Atom (P "p'") q' = Atom (P "q'") test28 :: Test test28 = TestCase $ assertEqual "nnf 1 (p. 53)" expected input where input = tautology $ (p .=>. p') .&. (q .=>. q') .=>. (p .|. q .=>. p' .|. q') expected = True p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") p' = Atom (P "p'") q' = Atom (P "q'") -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Examples. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test29 :: Test test29 = TestCase $ assertEqual "dnf 1 (p. 56)" expected input where input = (dnf fm, truthTable fm) expected = (Or (And (Not r) p) (And r (And (Not p) q)), [([(P {pname = "p"},False),(P {pname = "q"},False),(P {pname = "r"},False)],False), ([(P {pname = "p"},False),(P {pname = "q"},False),(P {pname = "r"},True)],False), ([(P {pname = "p"},False),(P {pname = "q"},True),(P {pname = "r"},False)],False), ([(P {pname = "p"},False),(P {pname = "q"},True),(P {pname = "r"},True)],True), ([(P {pname = "p"},True),(P {pname = "q"},False),(P {pname = "r"},False)],True), ([(P {pname = "p"},True),(P {pname = "q"},False),(P {pname = "r"},True)],False), ([(P {pname = "p"},True),(P {pname = "q"},True),(P {pname = "r"},False)],True), ([(P {pname = "p"},True),(P {pname = "q"},True),(P {pname = "r"},True)],False)]) fm = (p .|. q .&. r) .&. (((.~.)p) .|. ((.~.)r)) p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") r = Atom (P "r") test30 :: Test test30 = TestCase $ assertEqual "dnf 2 (p. 56)" expected input where input = dnf (p .&. q .&. r .&. s .&. t .&. u .|. u .&. v :: Formula Prop) expected = (v .&. u) .|. (q .&. (r .&. (s .&. (t .&. ((u .&. p)))))) p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") r = Atom (P "r") s = Atom (P "s") t = Atom (P "t") u = Atom (P "u") v = Atom (P "v") -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test31 :: Test test31 = TestCase $ assertEqual "rawdnf (p. 58)" expected input where input = rawdnf $ (p .|. q .&. r) .&. (((.~.)p) .|. ((.~.)r)) expected = ((atomic (P "p")) .&. ((.~.)(atomic (P "p"))) .|. ((atomic (P "q")) .&. (atomic (P "r"))) .&. ((.~.)(atomic (P "p")))) .|. ((atomic (P "p")) .&. ((.~.)(atomic (P "r"))) .|. ((atomic (P "q")) .&. (atomic (P "r"))) .&. ((.~.)(atomic (P "r")))) (p, q, r) = (Atom (P "p"), Atom (P "q"), Atom (P "r")) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test32 :: Test test32 = TestCase $ assertEqual "purednf (p. 58)" expected input where input = purednf $ (p .|. q .&. r) .&. (((.~.)p) .|. ((.~.)r)) expected = Set.fromList [Set.fromList [p,Not p], Set.fromList [p,Not r], Set.fromList [q,r,Not p], Set.fromList [q,r,Not r]] p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") r = Atom (P "r") -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test33 :: Test test33 = TestCase $ assertEqual "trivial" expected input where input = Set.filter (not . trivial) (purednf fm) expected = Set.fromList [Set.fromList [p,Not r], Set.fromList [q,r,Not p]] fm = (p .|. q .&. r) .&. (((.~.)p) .|. ((.~.)r)) p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") r = Atom (P "r") -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test34 :: Test test34 = TestCase $ assertEqual "dnf" expected input where input = (dnf fm, tautology (Iff fm (dnf fm))) expected = (Or (And (Not r) p) (And r (And (Not p) q)), True) fm = (p .|. q .&. r) .&. (((.~.)p) .|. ((.~.)r)) p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") r = Atom (P "r") -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test35 :: Test test35 = TestCase $ assertEqual "cnf" expected input where input = (cnf fm, tautology (Iff fm (cnf fm))) -- Fully parenthesized -- expected = (((atomic (P "r")) .|. (atomic (P "p"))) .&. (((((.~.)(atomic (P "r")))) .|. (((.~.)(atomic (P "p"))))) .&. ((atomic (P "q")) .|. (atomic (P "p")))),True) -- Edited expected = ( ((atomic (P "r")) .|. (atomic (P "p"))) .&. ( (((.~.)(atomic (P "r"))) .|. ((.~.)(atomic (P "p")))) .&. ((atomic (P "q")) .|. (atomic (P "p"))) ), True) -- expected = (And (Or q p) (And (Or r p) (Or (Not r) (Not p))),True) -- expected = (F, True) -- expected = (((atomic (P "r")) .|. (atomic (P "p"))) .&. (((((.~.)(atomic (P "r"))))) .|. ((((.~.)(atomic (P "p"))))) .&. (atomic (P "q")) .|. (atomic (P "p"))),True) fm = (p .|. q .&. r) .&. (((.~.)p) .|. ((.~.)r)) p = Atom (P "p") q = Atom (P "q") r = Atom (P "r")