# [logging-effect-extra-file][] ## Synopsis ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Monad.Log (MonadLog, WithSeverity) import qualified Control.Monad.Log as Log import Control.Monad.Log.Extra.File (WithFile) import qualified Control.Monad.Log.Extra.File as Log import qualified System.IO as IO import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text (Doc) app :: MonadLog (WithSeverity (WithFile Doc)) m => m () app = do $(Log.logEmergencyTH) "GAH! All systems are down!!!" $(Log.logAlertTH) "Red alert!" $(Log.logCriticalTH) "Critical hit!" $(Log.logErrorTH) "Errors abound!" $(Log.logWarningTH) "Cargo number 2331 has commandeered the vessel" $(Log.logNoticeTH) "Heads up, but it's no biggie." $(Log.logInformationalTH) "Does anyone read these?" $(Log.logDebugTH) "Sleuthing with log messages..." main :: IO () main = Log.withFDHandler Log.defaultBatchingOptions IO.stdout 0.4 80 $ \stdoutHandler -> Log.runLoggingT app (stdoutHandler . Log.renderWithSeverity (Log.renderWithFile id)) ``` ## Usage via `stack` ``` sh # Build the project. stack build # Run the `log-file-and-severity` example stack exec log-file-and-severity # Run the `log-file` example stack exec log-file ``` [logging-effect-extra-file]: https://github.com/jship/logging-effect-extra