-- | PostgreSQL logging back-end.
module Log.Backend.PostgreSQL (pgLogger, withPgLogger) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Lifted
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Aeson
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Monoid.Utils
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.String
import Data.Typeable
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes
import Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import Log.Data
import Log.Logger
import Log.Internal.Logger

newtype InvalidEncodingRecoveryAttempt = Attempt Int
  deriving Enum

-- | Create a 'pgLogger' for the duration of the given action, and
-- shut it down afterwards, making sure that all buffered messages are
-- actually written to the DB.
withPgLogger :: ConnectionSourceM IO -> (Logger -> IO r) -> IO r
withPgLogger cs act = do
  logger <- pgLogger cs
  withLogger logger act

{-# DEPRECATED pgLogger "Use 'withPgLogger' instead!" #-}

-- | Start an asynchronous logger thread that inserts log messages
-- into a PostgreSQL database.
-- Please use 'withPglogger' instead, which is more exception-safe
-- (see the note attached to 'mkBulkLogger').
pgLogger :: ConnectionSourceM IO -> IO Logger
pgLogger cs = mkBulkLogger loggerName
              (mapM_ (serialize $ Attempt 1) . chunksOf 1000)
              (return ())
    loggerName :: IsString s => s
    loggerName = "PostgreSQL"

    sqlInsertLog :: SQL
    sqlInsertLog = "INSERT INTO logs "
      <+> "(insertion_time, insertion_order, time, level, component,"
      <+> " domain, message, data) VALUES"

    serialize :: InvalidEncodingRecoveryAttempt -> [LogMessage] -> IO ()
    serialize !attempt msgs = runDBT cs ts
      (runSQL_ $ sqlInsertLog
       <+> mintercalate ", " (map sqlifyMessage $ zip [1..] msgs))
      `catches` [
        -- Propagate base async exceptions thrown by the runtime system.
        Handler $ \(e::AsyncException) -> throwIO e
      , Handler $ \(e::SomeException) -> case fromException e of
        Just dbe@DBException{..}
          | Just qe <- getEncodingQueryError dbe -> case attempt of
            Attempt 1 -> do
              -- If a client uses UTF-8 encoding (TODO: in fact it should
              -- always be the case as Text is encoded as UTF-8 for sql
              -- serialization), then this error occurs only when any of the
              -- strings we want to serialize contains NULL bytes. In such
              -- case we scan the logs and replace each NULL with "\0".
              putStrLn $ loggerName
                ++ ": couldn't serialize logs due to character encoding error \""
                ++ qeMessagePrimary qe ++ "\", removing NULL bytes and retrying"
              serialize (succ attempt) $ map (\msg ->
                -- If any text inside the message had NULL bytes,
                -- add acknowledgment of that fact to its data.
                case runState (mapTexts removeNULLs msg) False of
                  (newMsg, True) -> newMsg {
                    lmData = lmData newMsg
                             `addPair` ("_log", "NULL bytes were escaped")
                  (_, False) -> msg) msgs
            Attempt 2 -> do
              -- This should never happen, but let us be paranoid for
              -- a minute. If the error is still happening after removal
              -- of NULL bytes, go through each message and encode all
              -- texts as base64, effectively transforming them into ASCII.
              putStrLn $ loggerName
                ++ ": couldn't serialize logs due to character encoding error \""
                ++ qeMessagePrimary qe
                ++ "\" after NULL bytes were removed, encoding all texts"
                ++ " in the problematic batch as base64 to make them ASCII"
              serialize (succ attempt) $ map (\msg ->
                let newMsg = runIdentity $ mapTexts convertBase64 msg
                 in newMsg {
                  lmData = lmData newMsg
                    `addPair` ("_log", "Texts encoded as base64")
                }) msgs
            Attempt _ -> do
              -- This can't happen, all texts are ASCII now.
              putStrLn $ loggerName
                ++ ": impossible happened "
                ++ "(>2 attempt failed because of character encoding error \""
                ++ qeMessagePrimary qe
                ++ "\" even though all texts are ASCII), skipping the batch"
        _ -> do
          putStrLn $ loggerName
            ++ ": couldn't serialize logs:"
            <+> show e ++ ", retrying in 10 seconds"
          threadDelay $ 10 * 1000000
          -- Do not increment the attempt here, it's used to
          -- track invalid encoding recovery attempts only.
          serialize attempt msgs

    addPair :: Value -> (T.Text, Value) -> Value
    addPair data_ (name, value) = case data_ of
      Object obj -> Object $ H.insert name value obj
      _          -> object [
          "_data" .= data_
        , "_log"  .= value

    getEncodingQueryError :: DBException -> Maybe DetailedQueryError
    getEncodingQueryError DBException{..}
      | Just (qe::DetailedQueryError) <- cast dbeError
      ,    qeErrorCode qe == CharacterNotInRepertoire
        || qeErrorCode qe == UntranslatableCharacter = Just qe
      | otherwise = Nothing

    convertBase64 :: T.Text -> Identity T.Text
    convertBase64 = return . T.decodeLatin1 . B64.encode . T.encodeUtf8

    removeNULLs :: T.Text -> State Bool T.Text
    removeNULLs s = do
      let newS = T.replace "\0" "\\0" s
      when (T.length newS /= T.length s) $ put True
      return newS

    mapTexts :: forall m. (Applicative m, Monad m)
             => (T.Text -> m T.Text) -> LogMessage -> m LogMessage
    mapTexts doText lm = do
      component <- doText      $ lmComponent lm
      domain    <- mapM doText $ lmDomain lm
      message   <- doText      $ lmMessage lm
      data_     <- doValue     $ lmData lm
      return lm {
        lmComponent = component
      , lmDomain    = domain
      , lmMessage   = message
      , lmData      = data_
        doValue :: Value -> m Value
        doValue (Object obj) = Object <$> F.foldrM (\(name, value) acc -> H.insert
          <$> doText name <*> doValue value <*> pure acc) H.empty (H.toList obj)
        doValue (Array arr) = Array <$> V.mapM doValue arr
        doValue (String s) = String <$> doText s
        doValue v = return v

    sqlifyMessage :: (Int, LogMessage) -> SQL
    sqlifyMessage (n, LogMessage{..}) = mconcat [
      , "now()"
      , "," <?> n
      , "," <?> lmTime
      , "," <?> showLogLevel lmLevel
      , "," <?> lmComponent
      , "," <?> Array1 lmDomain
      , "," <?> lmMessage
      , "," <?> JSONB (encode lmData)
      , ")"

    ts :: TransactionSettings
    ts = def {
      tsAutoTransaction = False