module HTTPServer ( Methods(Methods), run, getModuleList, getModuleContent, updateModuleContent, separatorLine, splitProtected, Error, notFound, ) where import qualified HTTPServer.Option as Option import qualified Module import qualified InOut import qualified Network.Shed.Httpd as HTTPd import qualified Network.CGI as CGI import Network.URI ( uriPath ) import Text.Html((<<), (+++), ) import qualified Text.Html as Html import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous as Exc import Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous ( ExceptionalT ) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Tuple.HT ( mapPair ) import Control.Functor.HT ( void ) headers :: [(String, String)] headers = [("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=latin1")] data Error = Error Int String badRequest :: String -> Error badRequest = Error 400 notFound :: String -> Error notFound = Error 404 methodNotAllowed :: String -> Error methodNotAllowed = Error 405 data Methods = Methods { getModuleList :: IO [Module.Name], getModuleContent :: Module.Name -> ExceptionalT Error IO String, updateModuleContent :: Module.Name -> String -> ExceptionalT Error IO (Maybe String, String) } run :: Methods -> Option.Option -> IO () run dict opt = case Option.port opt of Option.Port port -> void $ HTTPd.initServer port $ handleException . server dict opt server :: Methods -> Option.Option -> HTTPd.Request -> ExceptionalT Error IO HTTPd.Response server dict opt req = case HTTPd.reqMethod req of "GET" -> case uriPath (HTTPd.reqURI req) of "/" -> MT.lift $ fmap (HTTPd.Response 200 headers . formatModuleList) $ getModuleList dict '/':modName -> do modList <- MT.lift $ getModuleList dict modIdent <- parseModuleName modName content <- getModuleContent dict modIdent return $ HTTPd.Response 200 headers $ formatModuleContent opt modList modIdent (Nothing, content) _ -> Exc.throwT $ badRequest $ "Bad path in URL" "POST" -> case uriPath $ HTTPd.reqURI req of '/':modName -> do modList <- MT.lift $ getModuleList dict modIdent <- parseModuleName modName editable <- case lookup "content" $ CGI.formDecode $ HTTPd.reqBody req of Just str -> return str _ -> Exc.throwT $ badRequest $ "Argument 'content' missing" updatedContent <- updateModuleContent dict modIdent editable return $ HTTPd.Response 200 headers $ formatModuleContent opt modList modIdent updatedContent _ -> Exc.throwT $ badRequest $ "Bad path in URL" method -> Exc.throwT $ methodNotAllowed $ "Method " ++ method ++ " not allowed" handleException :: (Monad m) => ExceptionalT Error m HTTPd.Response -> m HTTPd.Response handleException = Exc.resolveT $ \(Error errorCode msg) -> return $ HTTPd.Response errorCode headers $ Html.renderHtml $ Html.header (Html.thetitle << ("Haskell Live Sequencer - Error " ++ show errorCode)) +++ (Html.body $ Html.concatHtml $ map (\line -> Html.toHtml line +++ $ lines msg) parseModuleName :: (Monad m) => String -> ExceptionalT Error m Module.Name parseModuleName modName = Exc.mapExceptionT (badRequest . ("syntax error in module name:\n"++) . show) $ Exc.fromEitherT $ return $ Parsec.parse (Parsec.between (return ()) Parsec.eof InOut.input) "" modName formatModuleList :: [Module.Name] -> String formatModuleList list = Html.renderHtml $ Html.header (Html.thetitle << "Haskell Live Sequencer - Module list") +++ Html.body (htmlFromModuleList list) formatModuleContent :: Option.Option -> [Module.Name] -> Module.Name -> (Maybe String, String) -> String formatModuleContent opt list name (mmsg, content) = Html.renderHtml $ Html.header (Html.thetitle << ("Haskell Live Sequencer - " ++ Module.tellName name)) +++ (Html.body $ sideBySide (htmlFromModuleList list) (Html.h1 << Module.deconsName name +++ maybe Html.noHtml (\msg -> (Html.! [Html.color]) $ Html.font $ htmlFromMultiline $ "error:\n" ++ msg) mmsg +++ ((Html.! [Html.action $ Module.deconsName name, Html.method "post", Html.HtmlAttr "accept-charset" "ISO-8859-1"]) $ Html.form $ case splitProtected content of (protected, sepEditable) -> Html.pre << protected +++ case sepEditable of Nothing -> Html.noHtml Just (separator, editable) -> Html.pre << separator +++ Html.textarea Html.! [ "content", Html.rows $ Option.rows opt, Html.cols $ Option.columns opt] << editable +++ +++ Html.submit "" "submit"))) splitProtected :: String -> (String, Maybe (String, String)) splitProtected = mapPair (unlines, \lns -> case lns of separator:suffix -> Just (separator, unlines suffix) [] -> Nothing) . ListHT.break (List.isPrefixOf separatorLine) . lines separatorLine :: String separatorLine = replicate 8 '-' htmlFromMultiline :: String -> Html.Html htmlFromMultiline = Html.concatHtml . List.intersperse . map Html.toHtml . lines {- As far as I can see, CSS would require me to use an absolute horizontal position for the module content. Thus I stick to the much-maligned tables. -} sideBySide :: Html.Html -> Html.Html -> Html.Html sideBySide left right = Html.simpleTable [] [Html.valign "top"] [[left, right]] htmlFromModuleList :: [Module.Name] -> Html.Html htmlFromModuleList = (Html.! [Html.identifier "module-list"]) . Html.unordList . map (\name -> (Html.anchor << Module.deconsName name) Html.! [Html.href $ Module.deconsName name])