# LiterateX [![Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/active.svg)](https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [![GitHub CI](https://github.com/ExtremaIS/literatex-haskell/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/ExtremaIS/literatex-haskell/actions) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/literatex.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/literatex) [![Stackage LTS](https://stackage.org/package/literatex/badge/lts)](https://stackage.org/package/literatex) [![Stackage Nightly](https://stackage.org/package/literatex/badge/nightly)](https://stackage.org/nightly/package/literatex) ![LiterateX: LiterateBash, LiterateC, LiterateClojure, LiterateErlang, LiterateHaskell, LiterateIdris, LiterateJavaScript, LiteratePython, LiterateRacket, LiterateSQL, Literate...](project/animation/literatex.gif) * [Overview](#overview) * [Source Formats](#source-formats) * [Double-Dash Comments](#double-dash-comments) * [Double-Slash Comments](#double-slash-comments) * [Hash Comments](#hash-comments) * [Lisp Semicolon Comments](#lisp-semicolon-comments) * [Literate Haskell](#literate-haskell) * [Percent Comments](#percent-comments) * [CLI](#cli) * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Installation](#installation) * [`.deb` Package Installation](#deb-package-installation) * [`.rpm` Package Installation](#rpm-package-installation) * [Installation From Hackage](#installation-from-hackage) * [Installation From Stackage](#installation-from-stackage) * [Usage](#usage) * [Library](#library) * [Related Work](#related-work) * [Project](#project) * [Links](#links) * [Tags](#tags) * [Contribution](#contribution) * [License](#license) ## Overview LiterateX transforms literate source code to Markdown. Write documentation in Markdown format in the comments of source code, and LiterateX can transform the file to Markdown, optionally including the source code with syntax highlighting and line numbers. Many [source formats](#source-formats) are supported, and the following target formats are supported: * [Pandoc Markdown](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#pandocs-markdown) * [GitHub Flavored Markdown](https://github.github.com/gfm/) LiterateX can be used to document code that is particularly important or difficult to understand. For example, documentation can be written in the SQL file that defines the schema for a complex database. LiterateX can translate the `.sql` file to a Markdown file, which can then be converted to HTML, PDF, or even EPUB with [Pandoc][]. [Pandoc]: LiterateX can also be used in the publishing of blog entries, magazine articles, or books. Use the [command-line utility](#cli) or integrate the Haskell [library](#library) into your own software. LiterateX has support for **source code rules**, comment lines that are used to visually separate sections of source code. Since source code rules are only used to make the source code easier to scan quickly, they are ignored (treated as a blank line) when translating to Markdown. LiterateX also has support for [shebang][] lines at the start of the file. They can be ignored so that they do not precede the documentation. [shebang]: ## Source Formats LiterateX supports a number of source formats. With the exception of [literate Haskell](#literate-haskell), documentation is written in line comments in the source language. Note that multi-line comments are treated as code, not documentation. ### Double-Dash Comments Documentation is parsed from lines that begin with two dashes immediately followed by a space (`-- `). Lines that only contain two dashes are treated as blank lines in the documentation. Lines that contain three or more dashes are treated as source code rules and are ignored. ``` haskell -- # Haskell Example -- -- Executables are implemented using a `Main` module that exposes a function -- named `main`. module Main (main) where -- The `main` function is run when the program is executed. main :: IO () main = putStrLn "Hello!" -- This simple example just prints "Hello!" to the screen. ``` Languages that use double-dash comments include the following: * [Elm](https://elm-lang.org/) * [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/) * [Idris](https://www.idris-lang.org/) * [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) * [SQL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL) ### Double-Slash Comments Documentation is parsed from lines that begin with two slashes immediately followed by a space (`// `). Lines that only contain two slashes are treated as blank lines in the documentation. Lines that contain three or more slashes are treated as source code rules and are ignored. ``` rust // # Rust Example // // The `main` function is run when the program is executed. fn main() { println!("Hello!"); } // This simple example just prints "Hello!" to the screen. ``` Languages that use double-slash comments include the following: * [C][] * [CSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS) * [Go](https://golang.org/) * [Java](https://www.java.com/) * [JavaScript](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript) * [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/) * [PHP](https://www.php.net/) * [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) * [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/) * [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) [C]: ### Hash Comments Documentation is parsed from lines that begin with a hash character immediately followed by a space (`# `). Lines that only contain a hash character are treated as blank lines in the documentation. Lines that contain two or more hash characters are treated as source code rules and are ignored. ``` python # # Python Example # # A quick-and-dirty Python script can include commands at the top level! print("Hello!") # This simple example just prints "Hello!" to the screen. ``` Languages that use hash comments include the following: * [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) * [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/) * [Perl](https://www.perl.org/) * [Python](https://www.python.org/) * [R](https://www.r-project.org/) * [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/) ### Lisp Semicolon Comments Lisp languages use a semicolon (`;`) for line comments, but there is a special convention to use a different number of semicolons according to the context. Documentation is parsed from lines that begin with one to four semicolons immediately followed by a space (`; `, `;; `, `;;; `, or `;;;; `). Lines that only contain one to four semicolons are treated as blank lines in the documentation. Lines that contain more than four semicolons are treated as source code rules and are ignored. ``` scheme ; # Racket Example ; ; Racket programs must declare the language to use. #lang racket/base ; Racket can also include commands at the top level! (println "Hello!") ; This simple example just prints "Hello!" to the screen. ``` Languages that use Lisp semicolon comments include the following: * [Clojure](https://clojure.org/) * [Common Lisp](https://common-lisp.net/) * [Racket](https://racket-lang.org/) * [Scheme][] [Scheme]: ### Literate Haskell [GHC](https://www.haskell.org/ghc/) has special support for [literate programming](https://wiki.haskell.org/Literate_programming). With this source format, documentation is not written in comments. Instead, lines that contain source code are prefixes with a greater-than sign and a space (`> `). Note that this source format does not support source code rules. ``` lhaskell # Literate Haskell Example Executables are implemented using a `Main` module that exposes a function named `main`. > module Main (main) where The `main` function is run when the program is executed. > main :: IO () > main = putStrLn "Hello!" This simple example just prints "Hello!" to the screen. ``` ### Percent Comments Documentation is parsed from lines that begin with a percent character immediately followed by a space (`% `). Lines that only contain a percent character are treated as blank lines in the documentation. Lines that contain two or more percent characters are treated as source code rules and are ignored. ``` erlang % # Erlang Example % % Programs are implemented using a `main` module that exports a `start/0` % function. -module(main). -export([start/0]). % The `start` function is run when the program is executed. start() -> io.fwrite("Hello!\n"). % This simple example just prints "Hello!" to the screen. ``` Languages that use percent comments include the following: * [Erlang](https://www.erlang.org/) * [LaTeX](https://www.latex-project.org/) ## CLI LiterateX may be used via a command-line utility named `literatex`. ### Requirements `literatex` has only been tested on Linux. It *might* work on Windows and macOS. ### Installation #### `.deb` Package Installation Check the [Releases][] page for `.deb` packages. [Releases]: #### `.rpm` Package Installation Check the [Releases][] page for `.rpm` packages. #### Installation From Hackage Install `literatex` from [Hackage][] using [Cabal][] as follows: ``` $ cabal v2-install literatex ``` [Hackage]: [Cabal]: #### Installation From Stackage Install `literatex` from [Stackage][] using [Stack][] as follows: ``` $ stack install literatex ``` [Stackage]: [Stack]: ### Usage See the [`literatex` man page](doc/literatex.1.md) for usage information. ## Library The [LiterateX Haskell library][] provides an API for integrating LiterateX functionality in your own software. [LiterateX Haskell library]: ## Related Work [Literate programming][] is a style of programming introduced by [Donald Knuth][] in which [the main idea][] is "to regard a program as a communication to human beings rather than as a set of instructions to a computer." LiterateX is faithful to this idea in that it is used for communication to human beings. Note, however, that LiterateX does *not* support another core aspect of Knuth's literate programming: the ability to write source code in the order best for human understanding. Since LiterateX transforms actual source code files, the source code has to be written in whatever order is required by the language. Those interested in writing code in different order are encouraged to check out [noweb][] and [CWEB][]. [Literate programming]: [Donald Knuth]: [the main idea]: [noweb]: [CWEB]: The [lhs2tex][] utility is used to work with literate Haskell and LaTeX. [lhs2tex]: The [src2md][] utility, written in Common Lisp, also supports multiple source formats. It outputs Markdown that includes HTML, which limits the usefulness of the Markdown. [src2md]: The [extract-documentation-comments][] utility, written in JavaScript, extracts documentation from multi-line JavaScript comments. [extract-documentation-comments]: [mlp.clj][], written in Clojure, is a [babashka][] script that transforms literate Clojure source code to Markdown, including HTML. The author uses it to implement a [live preview][] of literate Clojure documentation while using the [Notepad++][] (Windows editor). [mlp.clj]: [babashka]: [live preview]: [Notepad++]: ## Project ### Links * GitHub: ### Tags All releases are tagged in the `main` branch. Release tags are signed using the [`security@extrema.is` GPG key](http://keys.gnupg.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&fingerprint=on&search=0x1D484E4B4705FADF). ### Contribution Issues and feature requests are tracked on GitHub: Issues may also be submitted via email to . ### License This project is released under the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) as specified in the [`LICENSE`](LICENSE) file.