# list-predicate _list-predicate_ is a library in Haskell for predicates (True/False queries) on lists. ## Features _list-predicate_ is a new project, but the following features have been implemented and extensively tested: * `allEqual`, `allEqualBy`: Whether all the elements of a list are equal * `sorted`, `sortedBy`: Whether the elements are in sorted order. * `allUnique`, `allUniqueBy`: Whether the elements are all unique. * `ascSequential`, `descSequential`: Whether a list of Enums is ascending or descending sequentially (one-by-one) * `palindrome`: Whether the list is a palindrome Full documentation can be built with Haddock (see instructions below). Once this package is added to Hackage, documentation will be available there as well. ## Installation Build and install with [Stack](https://www.haskellstack.org): ``` git clone https://github.com/pgujjula/list-predicate cd list-predicate stack build # build the project stack haddock list-predicate --open # build and view documentation stack test # run the test suite ``` ## Contact If you want to report a bug, request a feature, or suggest improvements, feel free to email me at preetham (dot) gujjula (at) protonmail (dot) com! -- Preetham