module Language.Fixpoint.Utils.Files (
Ext (..)
, extFileName
, extFileNameR
, tempDirectory
, extModuleName
, withExt
, isExtFile
, isBinary
, getFixpointPath
, getZ3LibPath
, getFileInDirs
, copyFiles
) where
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import Control.Monad
import Data.List hiding (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Language.Fixpoint.Misc (errorstar)
getFixpointPath :: IO FilePath
getFixpointPath = fromMaybe msg . msum <$>
sequence [ findExecutable "fixpoint.native"
, findExecutable "fixpoint.native.exe"
, findFile ["external/fixpoint"] "fixpoint.native"
msg = errorstar "Cannot find fixpoint binary [fixpoint.native]"
getZ3LibPath :: IO FilePath
getZ3LibPath = dropFileName <$> getFixpointPath
data Ext = Cgi
| Fq
| Out
| Html
| Annot
| Vim
| Hs
| HsBoot
| LHs
| Js
| Ts
| Spec
| BinSpec
| Hquals
| Result
| Cst
| Mkdn
| Json
| Saved
| Cache
| Dot
| Part Int
| Auto Int
| Pred
| PAss
| Dat
| BinFq
| Smt2
| Min
| MinQuals
| MinKVars
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
extMap :: Ext -> FilePath
extMap = go
go Cgi = ".cgi"
go Pred = ".pred"
go PAss = ".pass"
go Dat = ".dat"
go Out = ".fqout"
go Fq = ".fq"
go Html = ".html"
go Cst = ".cst"
go Annot = ".annot"
go Vim = ".vim.annot"
go Hs = ".hs"
go LHs = ".lhs"
go HsBoot = ".hs-boot"
go Js = ".js"
go Ts = ".ts"
go Mkdn = ".markdown"
go Json = ".json"
go Spec = ".spec"
go BinSpec = ".bspec"
go Hquals = ".hquals"
go Result = ".out"
go Saved = ".bak"
go Cache = ".err"
go Smt2 = ".smt2"
go (Auto n) = ".auto." ++ show n
go Dot = ".dot"
go BinFq = ".bfq"
go (Part n) = "." ++ show n
go Min = ".minfq"
go MinQuals = ".minquals"
go MinKVars = ".minkvars"
withExt :: FilePath -> Ext -> FilePath
withExt f ext = replaceExtension f (extMap ext)
extFileName :: Ext -> FilePath -> FilePath
extFileName e f = path </> addExtension file ext
path = tempDirectory f
file = takeFileName f
ext = extMap e
tempDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath
tempDirectory f
| isTmp dir = dir
| otherwise = dir </> tmpDirName
dir = takeDirectory f
isTmp = (tmpDirName `isSuffixOf`)
tmpDirName :: FilePath
tmpDirName = ".liquid"
extFileNameR :: Ext -> FilePath -> FilePath
extFileNameR ext = (`addExtension` extMap ext)
isExtFile :: Ext -> FilePath -> Bool
isExtFile ext = (extMap ext ==) . takeExtension
extModuleName :: String -> Ext -> FilePath
extModuleName modName ext =
case explode modName of
[] -> errorstar $ "malformed module name: " ++ modName
ws -> extFileNameR ext $ foldr1 (</>) ws
explode = words . map (\c -> if c == '.' then ' ' else c)
copyFiles :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFiles srcs tgt
= do Ex.catch (removeFile tgt) $ \(_ :: Ex.IOException) -> return ()
forM_ srcs (readFile >=> appendFile tgt)
getFileInDirs :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
getFileInDirs name = findFirst (testM doesFileExist . (</> name))
testM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> a -> m [a]
testM f x = do b <- f x
return [ x | b ]
findFirst :: Monad m => (t -> m [a]) -> [t] -> m (Maybe a)
findFirst _ [] = return Nothing
findFirst f (x:xs) = do r <- f x
case r of
y:_ -> return (Just y)
[] -> findFirst f xs
isBinary :: FilePath -> Bool
isBinary = isExtFile BinFq