{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Language.Fixpoint.Types.Visitor (
  -- * Visitor
     Visitor (..)
  ,  Visitable (..)

  -- * Extracting Symbolic Constants (String Literals)
  ,  SymConsts (..)

  -- * Default Visitor
  , defaultVisitor

  -- * Transformers
  , trans

  -- * Accumulators
  , fold

  -- * Clients
  , stripCasts
  , kvars, eapps
  , size, lamSize
  , envKVars
  , envKVarsN
  , rhsKVars
  , mapKVars, mapKVars', mapGVars', mapKVarSubsts
  , mapExpr, mapMExpr

  -- * Predicates on Constraints
  , isConcC , isKvarC

  -- * Sorts
  , foldSort
  , mapSort

  ) where

-- import           Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (State, modify, runState)
-- import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.HashSet        as S
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.List           as L
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types hiding (mapSort)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Misc as Misc

data Visitor acc ctx = Visitor {
 -- | Context @ctx@ is built in a "top-down" fashion; not "across" siblings
    ctxExpr :: ctx -> Expr -> ctx

  -- | Transforms can access current @ctx@
  , txExpr  :: ctx -> Expr -> Expr

  -- | Accumulations can access current @ctx@; @acc@ value is monoidal
  , accExpr :: ctx -> Expr -> acc

defaultVisitor :: (Monoid acc) => Visitor acc ctx
defaultVisitor = Visitor
  { ctxExpr    = const
  , txExpr     = \_ x -> x
  , accExpr    = \_ _ -> mempty


fold         :: (Visitable t, Monoid a) => Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> a -> t -> a
fold v c a t = snd $ execVisitM v c a visit t

trans        :: (Visitable t, Monoid a) => Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> a -> t -> t
trans v c _ z = fst $ execVisitM v c mempty visit z

execVisitM :: Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> a -> (Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> t -> State a t) -> t -> (t, a)
execVisitM v c a f x = runState (f v c x) a

type VisitM acc = State acc

accum :: (Monoid a) => a -> VisitM a ()
accum !z = modify (mappend z)
  -- do
  -- !cur <- get
  -- put ((mappend $!! z) $!! cur)

(<$$>) :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
f <$$> xs = f Misc.<$$> xs

-- (<$$>) ::  (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
-- f <$$> x = traverse f x
-- _ <$$> []     = return []
-- f <$$> (x:xs) = do
  -- !y  <- f x
  -- !ys <- f <$$> xs
  -- return (y:ys)
class Visitable t where
  visit :: (Monoid a) => Visitor a c -> c -> t -> VisitM a t

instance Visitable Expr where
  visit = visitExpr

instance Visitable Reft where
  visit v c (Reft (x, ra)) = (Reft . (x, )) <$> visit v c ra

instance Visitable SortedReft where
  visit v c (RR t r) = RR t <$> visit v c r

instance Visitable (Symbol, SortedReft) where
  visit v c (sym, sr) = (sym, ) <$> visit v c sr

instance Visitable BindEnv where
  visit v c = mapM (visit v c)

-- WARNING: these instances were written for mapKVars over GInfos only;
-- check that they behave as expected before using with other clients.
instance Visitable (SimpC a) where
  visit v c x = do
    rhs' <- visit v c (_crhs x)
    return x { _crhs = rhs' }

instance Visitable (SubC a) where
  visit v c x = do
    lhs' <- visit v c (slhs x)
    rhs' <- visit v c (srhs x)
    return x { slhs = lhs', srhs = rhs' }

instance (Visitable (c a)) => Visitable (GInfo c a) where
  visit v c x = do
    cm' <- mapM (visit v c) (cm x)
    bs' <- visit v c (bs x)
    return x { cm = cm', bs = bs' }

visitExpr :: (Monoid a) => Visitor a ctx -> ctx -> Expr -> VisitM a Expr
visitExpr !v    = vE
    vE !c !e    = do {-# SCC "visitExpr.vE.accum" #-} accum acc
                     {-# SCC "visitExpr.vE.step" #-}  step c' e'
      where !c'  = ctxExpr v c  e
            !e'  = txExpr  v c' e
            !acc = accExpr v c' e
    step _ !e@(ESym _)       = return e
    step _ !e@(ECon _)       = return e
    step _ !e@(EVar _)       = return e
    step !c !(EApp f e)      = EApp        <$> vE c f  <*> vE c e
    step !c !(ENeg e)        = ENeg        <$> vE c e
    step !c !(EBin o e1 e2)  = EBin o      <$> vE c e1 <*> vE c e2
    step !c !(EIte p e1 e2)  = EIte        <$> vE c p  <*> vE c e1 <*> vE c e2
    step !c !(ECst e t)      = (`ECst` t)  <$> vE c e
    step !c !(PAnd  ps)      = PAnd        <$> (vE c <$$> ps)
    step !c !(POr  ps)       = POr         <$> (vE c <$$> ps)
    step !c !(PNot p)        = PNot        <$> vE c p
    step !c !(PImp p1 p2)    = PImp        <$> vE c p1 <*> vE c p2
    step !c !(PIff p1 p2)    = PIff        <$> vE c p1 <*> vE c p2
    step !c !(PAtom r e1 e2) = PAtom r     <$> vE c e1 <*> vE c e2
    step !c !(PAll xts p)    = PAll   xts  <$> vE c p
    step !c !(ELam (x,t) e)  = ELam (x,t)  <$> vE c e
    step !c !(PExist xts p)  = PExist xts  <$> vE c p
    step !c !(ETApp e s)     = (`ETApp` s) <$> vE c e
    step !c !(ETAbs e s)     = (`ETAbs` s) <$> vE c e
    step _  !p@(PKVar _ _)   = return p
    step !c !(PGrad k su i e) = PGrad k su i <$> vE c e

mapKVars :: Visitable t => (KVar -> Maybe Expr) -> t -> t
mapKVars f = mapKVars' f'
    f' (kv', _) = f kv'

mapKVars' :: Visitable t => ((KVar, Subst) -> Maybe Expr) -> t -> t
mapKVars' f            = trans kvVis () ()
    kvVis              = defaultVisitor { txExpr = txK }
    txK _ (PKVar k su)
      | Just p' <- f (k, su) = subst su p'
    txK _ (PGrad k su _ _)
      | Just p' <- f (k, su) = subst su p'
    txK _ p            = p

mapGVars' :: Visitable t => ((KVar, Subst) -> Maybe Expr) -> t -> t
mapGVars' f            = trans kvVis () ()
    kvVis              = defaultVisitor { txExpr = txK }
    txK _ (PGrad k su _ _)
      | Just p' <- f (k, su) = subst su p'
    txK _ p            = p

mapExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
mapExpr f = trans (defaultVisitor {txExpr = const f}) () ()

mapMExpr :: (Monad m) => (Expr -> m Expr) -> Expr -> m Expr
mapMExpr f = go
    go e@(ESym _)      = f e
    go e@(ECon _)      = f e
    go e@(EVar _)      = f e
    go e@(PKVar _ _)   = f e
    go (PGrad k s i e) = f =<< (PGrad k s i <$>  go e                     )
    go (ENeg e)        = f =<< (ENeg        <$>  go e                     )
    go (PNot p)        = f =<< (PNot        <$>  go p                     )
    go (ECst e t)      = f =<< ((`ECst` t)  <$>  go e                     )
    go (PAll xts p)    = f =<< (PAll   xts  <$>  go p                     )
    go (ELam (x,t) e)  = f =<< (ELam (x,t)  <$>  go e                     )
    go (PExist xts p)  = f =<< (PExist xts  <$>  go p                     )
    go (ETApp e s)     = f =<< ((`ETApp` s) <$>  go e                     )
    go (ETAbs e s)     = f =<< ((`ETAbs` s) <$>  go e                     )
    go (EApp g e)      = f =<< (EApp        <$>  go g  <*> go e           )
    go (EBin o e1 e2)  = f =<< (EBin o      <$>  go e1 <*> go e2          )
    go (PImp p1 p2)    = f =<< (PImp        <$>  go p1 <*> go p2          )
    go (PIff p1 p2)    = f =<< (PIff        <$>  go p1 <*> go p2          )
    go (PAtom r e1 e2) = f =<< (PAtom r     <$>  go e1 <*> go e2          )
    go (EIte p e1 e2)  = f =<< (EIte        <$>  go p  <*> go e1 <*> go e2)
    go (PAnd  ps)      = f =<< (PAnd        <$> (go <$$> ps)              )
    go (POr  ps)       = f =<< (POr         <$> (go <$$> ps)              )

mapKVarSubsts :: Visitable t => (KVar -> Subst -> Subst) -> t -> t
mapKVarSubsts f          = trans kvVis () ()
    kvVis                = defaultVisitor { txExpr = txK }
    txK _ (PKVar k su)   = PKVar k (f k su)
    txK _ (PGrad k su i e) = PGrad k (f k su) i e
    txK _ p              = p

newtype MInt = MInt Integer -- deriving (Eq, NFData)

instance Monoid MInt where
  mempty                    = MInt 0
  mappend (MInt m) (MInt n) = MInt (m + n)

size :: Visitable t => t -> Integer
size t    = n
    MInt n = fold szV () mempty t
    szV    = (defaultVisitor :: Visitor MInt t) { accExpr = \ _ _ -> MInt 1 }

lamSize :: Visitable t => t -> Integer
lamSize t    = n
    MInt n = fold szV () mempty t
    szV    = (defaultVisitor :: Visitor MInt t) { accExpr = accum }
    accum _ (ELam _ _) = MInt 1
    accum _ _          = MInt 0

eapps :: Visitable t => t -> [Expr]
eapps                 = fold eappVis () []
    eappVis              = (defaultVisitor :: Visitor [KVar] t) { accExpr = eapp' }
    eapp' _ e@(EApp _ _) = [e]
    eapp' _ _            = []

kvars :: Visitable t => t -> [KVar]
kvars                 = fold kvVis () []
    kvVis             = (defaultVisitor :: Visitor [KVar] t) { accExpr = kv' }
    kv' _ (PKVar k _)     = [k]
    kv' _ (PGrad k _ _ _) = [k]
    kv' _ _               = []

envKVars :: (TaggedC c a) => BindEnv -> c a -> [KVar]
envKVars be c = squish [ kvs sr |  (_, sr) <- clhs be c]
    squish    = S.toList  . S.fromList . concat
    kvs       = kvars . sr_reft

envKVarsN :: (TaggedC c a) => BindEnv -> c a -> [(KVar, Int)]
envKVarsN be c = tally [ kvs sr |  (_, sr) <- clhs be c]
    tally      = Misc.count . concat
    kvs        = kvars . sr_reft

rhsKVars :: (TaggedC c a) => c a -> [KVar]
rhsKVars = kvars . crhs -- rhsCs

isKvarC :: (TaggedC c a) => c a -> Bool
isKvarC = all isKvar . conjuncts . crhs

isConcC :: (TaggedC c a) => c a -> Bool
isConcC = all isConc . conjuncts . crhs

isKvar :: Expr -> Bool
isKvar (PKVar {}) = True
isKvar (PGrad {}) = True
isKvar _          = False

isConc :: Expr -> Bool
isConc = null . kvars

stripCasts :: (Visitable t) => t -> t
stripCasts = trans (defaultVisitor { txExpr = const go }) () ()
    go (ECst e _) = e
    go e          = e

-- stripCasts :: Expr -> Expr
-- stripCasts = mapExpr go
--  where
--    go (ECst e _) = e
--    go e          = e

-- | Visitors over @Sort@
foldSort :: (a -> Sort -> a) -> a -> Sort -> a
foldSort f = step
    step b t           = go (f b t) t
    go b (FFunc t1 t2) = L.foldl' step b [t1, t2]
    go b (FApp t1 t2)  = L.foldl' step b [t1, t2]
    go b (FAbs _ t)    = go b t
    go b _             = b

mapSort :: (Sort -> Sort) -> Sort -> Sort
mapSort f = step
    step !x           = go (f x)
    go !(FFunc t1 t2) = FFunc (step t1) (step t2)
    go !(FApp t1 t2)  = FApp  (step t1) (step t2)
    go !(FAbs i t)    = FAbs i (step t)
    go !t             = t

-- | String Constants -----------------------------------------

-- symConstLits    :: FInfo a -> [(Symbol, Sort)]
-- symConstLits fi = [(symbol c, strSort) | c <- symConsts fi]

class SymConsts a where
  symConsts :: a -> [SymConst]

-- instance  SymConsts (FInfo a) where
instance (SymConsts (c a)) => SymConsts (GInfo c a) where
  symConsts fi = Misc.sortNub $ csLits ++ bsLits ++ qsLits
      csLits   = concatMap symConsts $ M.elems  $  cm    fi
      bsLits   = symConsts           $ bs                fi
      qsLits   = concatMap symConsts $ qBody   <$> quals fi

instance SymConsts BindEnv where
  symConsts    = concatMap (symConsts . snd) . M.elems . beBinds

instance SymConsts (SubC a) where
  symConsts c  = symConsts (slhs c) ++
                 symConsts (srhs c)

instance SymConsts (SimpC a) where
  symConsts c  = symConsts (crhs c)

instance SymConsts SortedReft where
  symConsts = symConsts . sr_reft

instance SymConsts Reft where
  symConsts (Reft (_, ra)) = getSymConsts ra

instance SymConsts Expr where
  symConsts = getSymConsts

getSymConsts :: Visitable t => t -> [SymConst]
getSymConsts         = fold scVis () []
    scVis            = (defaultVisitor :: Visitor [SymConst] t)  { accExpr = sc }
    sc _ (ESym c)    = [c]
    sc _ _           = []