{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}

-- | This module contains the top-level SOLUTION data types,
--   including various indices used for solving.

module Language.Fixpoint.Types.Solutions (

  -- * Solution tables
    Solution, GSolution
  , Sol (gMap, sEnv), updateGMap, updateGMapWithKey
  , sScp
  , CMap

  -- * Solution elements
  , Hyp, Cube (..), QBind, GBind
  , EQual (..)

  -- * Equal elements
  , eQual
  , trueEqual

  -- * Gradual Solution elements
  , qbToGb, gbToQbs, gbEquals, equalsGb, emptyGMap, qbExprs

  -- * Solution Candidates (move to SolverMonad?)
  , Cand

  -- * Constructor
  , fromList

  -- * Update
  , update

  -- * Lookup
  , lookupQBind
  , lookup, glookup

  -- * Manipulating QBind
  , qb
  , qbPreds
  , qbFilter

  , gbFilterM

  -- * Conversion for client
  , result, resultGradual

  -- * "Fast" Solver (DEPRECATED as unsound)
  , Index  (..)
  , KIndex (..)
  , BindPred (..)
  , BIndex (..)
  ) where

import           Prelude hiding (lookup)
import           GHC.Generics
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict       as M
import qualified Data.List as L
import           Data.Generics             (Data)
import           Data.Typeable             (Typeable)
import           Control.Monad (filterM)
-- import qualified Data.HashSet              as S
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Names
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Sorts
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Theories
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Refinements
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Environments
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Constraints
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Substitutions
import           Language.Fixpoint.SortCheck (elaborate)
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ

-- | Update Solution -----------------------------------------------------------
update :: Sol a QBind -> [KVar] -> [(KVar, EQual)] -> (Bool, Sol a QBind)
update s ks kqs = {- tracepp msg -} (or bs, s')
    kqss        = groupKs ks kqs
    (bs, s')    = folds update1 s kqss
    -- msg      = printf "ks = %s, s = %s" (showpp ks) (showpp s)

folds   :: (a -> b -> (c, a)) -> a -> [b] -> ([c], a)
folds f b = L.foldl' step ([], b)
     step (cs, acc) x = (c:cs, x')
         (c, x')      = f acc x

groupKs :: [KVar] -> [(KVar, EQual)] -> [(KVar, QBind)]
groupKs ks kqs = [ (k, QB eqs) | (k, eqs) <- M.toList $ groupBase m0 kqs ]
    m0         = M.fromList $ (,[]) <$> ks

update1 :: Sol a QBind -> (KVar, QBind) -> (Bool, Sol a QBind)
update1 s (k, qs) = (change, updateK k qs s)
    oldQs         = lookupQBind s k
    change        = qbSize oldQs /= qbSize qs

-- | The `Solution` data type --------------------------------------------------
type Solution  = Sol () QBind
type GSolution = Sol (((Symbol, Sort), Expr), GBind) QBind
newtype QBind = QB [EQual]   deriving (Show, Data, Typeable, Generic, Eq)
newtype GBind = GB [[EQual]] deriving (Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

emptyGMap :: GSolution -> GSolution
emptyGMap sol = mapGMap sol (\(x,_) -> (x, GB []))

updateGMapWithKey :: [(KVar, QBind)] -> GSolution -> GSolution
updateGMapWithKey kqs sol = sol {gMap =  foldl (\m (k, (QB eq)) -> M.adjust (\(x, GB eqs) -> (x, GB (if eq `elem` eqs then eqs else eq:eqs))) k m) (gMap sol) kqs }

qb :: [EQual] -> QBind
qb = QB

qbEQuals :: QBind -> [EQual]
qbEQuals (QB xs) = xs

qbExprs :: QBind -> [Expr]
qbExprs (QB xs) = eqPred <$> xs

qbToGb :: QBind -> GBind
qbToGb (QB xs) = GB $ map (:[]) xs

gbToQbs :: GBind -> [QBind]
gbToQbs (GB [])  = [QB [trueEqual]]
gbToQbs (GB ess) = QB <$> ess

gbEquals :: GBind -> [[EQual]]
gbEquals (GB eqs) = eqs

equalsGb :: [[EQual]] -> GBind
equalsGb = GB

gbFilterM :: Monad m => ([EQual] -> m Bool) -> GBind -> m GBind
gbFilterM f (GB eqs) = GB <$> filterM f eqs

qbSize :: QBind -> Int
qbSize = length . qbEQuals

qbFilter :: (EQual -> Bool) -> QBind -> QBind
qbFilter f (QB eqs) = QB (filter f eqs)

instance NFData QBind
instance NFData GBind

instance PPrint QBind where
  pprintTidy k = pprintTidy k . qbEQuals

-- | A `Sol` contains the various indices needed to compute a solution,
--   in particular, to compute `lhsPred` for any given constraint.
data Sol b a = Sol
  { sEnv  :: !SymEnv                     -- ^ Environment used to elaborate solutions
  , sMap  :: !(M.HashMap KVar a)         -- ^ Actual solution (for cut kvar)
  , gMap  :: !(M.HashMap KVar b)         -- ^ Solution for gradual variables
  , sHyp  :: !(M.HashMap KVar Hyp)       -- ^ Defining cubes  (for non-cut kvar)
  , sScp  :: !(M.HashMap KVar IBindEnv)  -- ^ set of allowed binders for kvar

updateGMap :: Sol b a -> M.HashMap KVar b -> Sol b a
updateGMap sol gmap = sol {gMap = gmap}

mapGMap :: Sol b a -> (b -> b) -> Sol b a
mapGMap sol f = sol {gMap = M.map f (gMap sol)}

instance Monoid (Sol a b) where
  mempty        = Sol mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
  mappend s1 s2 = Sol { sEnv  = mappend (sEnv s1) (sEnv s2)
                      , sMap  = mappend (sMap s1) (sMap s2)
                      , gMap  = mappend (gMap s1) (gMap s2)
                      , sHyp  = mappend (sHyp s1) (sHyp s2)
    --                , sBot  = mappend (sBot s1) (sBot s2)
                      , sScp  = mappend (sScp s1) (sScp s2)

instance Functor (Sol a) where
  fmap f (Sol e s m1 m2 m3) = Sol e (f <$> s) m1 m2 m3

instance (PPrint a, PPrint b) => PPrint (Sol a b) where
  pprintTidy k = pprintTidy k . sMap

-- | A `Cube` is a single constraint defining a KVar ---------------------------
type Hyp      = ListNE Cube

data Cube = Cube
  { cuBinds :: IBindEnv  -- ^ Binders       from defining Env
  , cuSubst :: Subst     -- ^ Substitutions from cstrs    Rhs
  , cuId    :: SubcId    -- ^ Id            of   defining Cstr
  , cuTag   :: Tag       -- ^ Tag           of   defining Cstr (DEBUG)

instance PPrint Cube where
  pprintTidy _ c = "Cube" <+> pprint (cuId c)

instance Show Cube where
  show = showpp
result :: Sol a QBind -> M.HashMap KVar Expr
result s = sMap $ (pAnd . fmap eqPred . qbEQuals) <$> s

resultGradual :: GSolution -> M.HashMap KVar (Expr, [Expr])
resultGradual s = fmap go' (gMap s)
    go' ((_,e), GB eqss)
     = (e, [PAnd $ fmap eqPred eqs | eqs <- eqss])

-- | Create a Solution ---------------------------------------------------------
fromList :: SymEnv -> [(KVar, a)] -> [(KVar, b)] -> [(KVar, Hyp)] -> M.HashMap KVar IBindEnv -> Sol a b
fromList env kGs kXs kYs = Sol env kXm kGm kYm -- kBm
    kXm              = M.fromList   kXs
    kYm              = M.fromList   kYs
    kGm              = M.fromList   kGs
 -- kBm              = const () <$> kXm

qbPreds :: String -> Sol a QBind -> Subst -> QBind -> [(Pred, EQual)]
qbPreds msg s su (QB eqs) = [ (elabPred eq, eq) | eq <- eqs ]
    elabPred          = elaborate ("qbPreds:" ++ msg) env . subst su . eqPred
    env               = sEnv s

-- | Read / Write Solution at KVar ---------------------------------------------
lookupQBind :: Sol a QBind -> KVar -> QBind
lookupQBind s k = {- tracepp _msg $ -} fromMaybe (QB []) (lookupElab s k)
    _msg        = "lookupQB: k = " ++ show k

glookup :: GSolution -> KVar -> Either Hyp (Either QBind (((Symbol, Sort), Expr), GBind))
glookup s k
  | Just gbs <- M.lookup k (gMap s)
  = Right (Right gbs)
  | Just cs  <- M.lookup k (sHyp s) -- non-cut variable, return its cubes
  = Left cs
  | Just eqs <- lookupElab s k
  = Right (Left eqs)                 -- TODO: don't initialize kvars that have a hyp solution
  | otherwise
  = errorstar $ "solLookup: Unknown kvar " ++ show k

lookup :: Sol a QBind -> KVar -> Either Hyp QBind
lookup s k
  | Just cs  <- M.lookup k (sHyp s) -- non-cut variable, return its cubes
  = Left cs
  | Just eqs <- lookupElab s k
  = Right eqs                 -- TODO: don't initialize kvars that have a hyp solution
  | otherwise
  = errorstar $ "solLookup: Unknown kvar " ++ show k

lookupElab :: Sol b QBind -> KVar -> Maybe QBind
lookupElab s k = M.lookup k (sMap s)

updateK :: KVar -> a -> Sol b a -> Sol b a
updateK k qs s = s { sMap = M.insert k qs (sMap s)
--                 , sBot = M.delete k    (sBot s)

-- | A `Cand` is an association list indexed by predicates
type Cand a   = [(Expr, a)]

-- | Instantiated Qualifiers ---------------------------------------------------
data EQual = EQL
  { _eqQual :: !Qualifier
  , eqPred  :: !Expr
  , _eqArgs :: ![Expr]
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

trueEqual :: EQual
trueEqual = EQL trueQual mempty []

instance PPrint EQual where
  pprintTidy k = pprintTidy k . eqPred

instance NFData EQual

{- EQL :: q:_ -> p:_ -> ListX F.Expr {q_params q} -> _ @-}
eQual :: Qualifier -> [Symbol] -> EQual
eQual q xs = {- tracepp "eQual" $ -} EQL q p es
    p      = subst su $  qBody q
    su     = mkSubst  $  safeZip "eQual" qxs es
    es     = eVar    <$> xs
    qxs    = fst     <$> qParams q

-- | A KIndex uniquely identifies each *use* of a KVar in an (LHS) binder
data KIndex = KIndex { kiBIndex :: !BindId
                     , kiPos    :: !Int
                     , kiKVar   :: !KVar
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

instance Hashable KIndex

instance PPrint KIndex where
  pprintTidy _ = tshow

-- | A BIndex is created for each LHS Bind or RHS constraint
data BIndex    = Root
               | Bind !BindId
               | Cstr !SubcId
                 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

instance Hashable BIndex

instance PPrint BIndex where
  pprintTidy _ = tshow

-- | Each `Bind` corresponds to a conjunction of a `bpConc` and `bpKVars`
data BindPred  = BP
  { bpConc :: !Pred                  -- ^ Concrete predicate (PTrue o)
  , bpKVar :: ![KIndex]              -- ^ KVar-Subst pairs
  } deriving (Show)

instance PPrint BindPred where
  pprintTidy _ = tshow

-- | A Index is a suitably indexed version of the cosntraints that lets us
--   1. CREATE a monolithic "background formula" representing all constraints,
--   2. ASSERT each lhs via bits for the subc-id and formulas for dependent cut KVars
data Index = FastIdx
  { bindExpr   :: !(BindId |-> BindPred) -- ^ BindPred for each BindId
  , kvUse      :: !(KIndex |-> KVSub)    -- ^ Definition of each `KIndex`
  , kvDef      :: !(KVar   |-> Hyp)      -- ^ Constraints defining each `KVar`
  , envBinds   :: !(CMap IBindEnv)       -- ^ Binders of each Subc
  , envTx      :: !(CMap [SubcId])       -- ^ Transitive closure oof all dependent binders
  , envSorts   :: !(SEnv Sort)           -- ^ Sorts for all symbols
  -- , bindPrev   :: !(BIndex |-> BIndex)   -- ^ "parent" (immediately dominating) binder
  -- , kvDeps     :: !(CMap [KIndex])       -- ^ List of (Cut) KVars on which a SubC depends

type CMap a  = M.HashMap SubcId a