{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards              #-}

-- | This module contains Haskell variables representing globally visible names.
--   Rather than have strings floating around the system, all constant names
--   should be defined here, and the (exported) variables should be used and
--   manipulated elsewhere.

module Language.Fixpoint.Types.Names (

  -- * Symbols
  , Symbolic (..)
  , LocSymbol
  , LocText
  , symbolicString

  -- * Conversion to/from Text
  , symbolSafeText
  , symbolSafeString
  , symbolText
  , symbolString
  , symbolBuilder
  , buildMany

  -- Predicates
  , isPrefixOfSym
  , isSuffixOfSym
  , isNonSymbol
  , isLitSymbol
  , isTestSymbol
  -- , isCtorSymbol
  , isNontrivialVV
  , isDummy

  -- * Destructors
  , stripPrefix
  , consSym
  , unconsSym
  , dropSym
  , headSym
  , lengthSym

  -- * Transforms
  , nonSymbol
  , vvCon
  , tidySymbol

  -- * Widely used prefixes
  , anfPrefix
  , tempPrefix
  , vv
  , symChars

  -- * Creating Symbols
  , dummySymbol
  , intSymbol
  , tempSymbol
  , gradIntSymbol

  -- * Wrapping Symbols
  , litSymbol
  , testSymbol
  , renameSymbol
  , kArgSymbol
  , existSymbol
  , suffixSymbol

  -- * Unwrapping Symbols
  , unLitSymbol

  -- * Hardwired global names
  , dummyName
  , preludeName
  , boolConName
  , funConName
  , listConName
  , listLConName
  , tupConName
  , setConName
  , mapConName
  , strConName
  , nilName
  , consName
  , vvName
  , size32Name
  , size64Name
  , bitVecName
  , bvAndName
  , bvOrName
  -- HKT , tyAppName
  , prims
  , mulFuncName
  , divFuncName

  -- * Casting function names
  , setToIntName, bitVecToIntName, mapToIntName, boolToIntName, realToIntName, toIntName
  , setApplyName, bitVecApplyName, mapApplyName, boolApplyName, realApplyName, intApplyName
  , applyName

  , lambdaName
  , lamArgSymbol
  , isLamArgSymbol

) where

import           Control.DeepSeq             (NFData (..))
import           Control.Arrow               (second)
import           Data.Char                   (ord)
import           Data.Maybe                  (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid                 ((<>))
import           Data.Generics               (Data)
import           Data.Hashable               (Hashable (..))
import qualified Data.HashSet                as S
import           Data.Interned
import           Data.Interned.Internal.Text
import           Data.String                 (IsString(..))
import qualified Data.Text                   as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder      as Builder
import           Data.Binary                 (Binary (..))
import           Data.Typeable               (Typeable)
import           GHC.Generics                (Generic)
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ   (text)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Spans

-- | Symbols --------------------------------------------------

deriving instance Data     InternedText
deriving instance Typeable InternedText
deriving instance Generic  InternedText

{- type SafeText = {v: T.Text | IsSafe v} @-}
type SafeText = T.Text

-- | Invariant: a `SafeText` is made up of:
--     ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'...'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ '$'
--   If the original text has ANY other chars, it is represented as:
--     lq$i
--   where i is a unique integer (for each text)

data Symbol
  = S { _symbolId      :: !Id
      , symbolRaw     :: !T.Text
      , symbolEncoded :: !T.Text
      } deriving (Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Eq Symbol where
  S i _ _ == S j _ _ = i == j

instance Ord Symbol where
  compare (S i _ _) (S j _ _) = compare i j

instance Interned Symbol where
  type Uninterned Symbol = T.Text
  newtype Description Symbol = DT T.Text deriving (Eq)
  describe = DT
  identify i t = S i t (encode t)
  cache = sCache

instance Uninternable Symbol where
  unintern (S _ t _) = t

instance Hashable (Description Symbol) where
  hashWithSalt s (DT t) = hashWithSalt s t

instance Hashable Symbol where
  -- NOTE: hash based on original text rather than id
  hashWithSalt s (S _ t _) = hashWithSalt s t

instance NFData Symbol where
  rnf (S {}) = ()

instance Binary Symbol where
  get = textSymbol <$> get
  put = put . symbolText

sCache :: Cache Symbol
sCache = mkCache
{-# NOINLINE sCache #-}

instance IsString Symbol where
  fromString = textSymbol . T.pack

instance Show Symbol where
  show = show . symbolRaw

mappendSym :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol
mappendSym s1 s2 = textSymbol $ mappend s1' s2'
      s1'        = symbolText s1
      s2'        = symbolText s2

instance PPrint Symbol where
  pprintTidy _ = text . symbolString

instance Fixpoint T.Text where
  toFix = text . T.unpack

-- RJ: Use `symbolSafeText` if you want it to machine-readable,
--     but `symbolText`     if you want it to be human-readable.

instance Fixpoint Symbol where
  toFix = toFix . checkedText -- symbolSafeText

checkedText :: Symbol -> T.Text
checkedText x
  | Just (c, t') <- T.uncons t
  , okHd c && T.all okChr t'   = t
  | otherwise                  = symbolSafeText x
    t     = symbolText x
    okHd  = (`S.member` alphaChars)
    okChr = (`S.member` symChars)

-- | Located Symbols -----------------------------------------------------

type LocSymbol = Located Symbol
type LocText   = Located T.Text

isDummy :: (Symbolic a) => a -> Bool
isDummy a = symbol a == symbol dummyName

instance Symbolic a => Symbolic (Located a) where
  symbol = symbol . val

-- | Decoding Symbols -----------------------------------------------------

symbolText :: Symbol -> T.Text
symbolText = symbolRaw

symbolString :: Symbol -> String
symbolString = T.unpack . symbolText

symbolSafeText :: Symbol -> SafeText
symbolSafeText = symbolEncoded

symbolSafeString :: Symbol -> String
symbolSafeString = T.unpack . symbolSafeText

-- | Encoding Symbols -----------------------------------------------------

-- INVARIANT: All strings *must* be built from here

textSymbol :: T.Text -> Symbol
textSymbol = intern

encode :: T.Text -> SafeText
encode t
  | isFixKey t     = T.append "key$" t
  | otherwise      = encodeUnsafe t

isFixKey :: T.Text -> Bool
isFixKey x = S.member x keywords

encodeUnsafe :: T.Text -> T.Text
encodeUnsafe = joinChunks . splitChunks . prefixAlpha

prefixAlpha :: T.Text -> T.Text
prefixAlpha t
  | isAlpha0 t = t
  | otherwise  = T.append "fix$" t

isAlpha0 :: T.Text -> Bool
isAlpha0 t = case T.uncons t of
               Just (c, _) -> S.member c alphaChars
               Nothing     -> False

joinChunks :: (T.Text, [(Char, SafeText)]) -> SafeText
joinChunks (t, [] ) = t
joinChunks (t, cts) = T.concat $ padNull t : (tx <$> cts)
    tx (c, ct)      = mconcat ["$", c2t c, "$", ct]
    c2t             = T.pack . show . ord

padNull :: T.Text -> T.Text
padNull t
  | T.null t  = "z$"
  | otherwise = t

splitChunks :: T.Text -> (T.Text, [(Char, SafeText)])
splitChunks t = (h, go tl)
    (h, tl)   = T.break isUnsafeChar t
    go !ut    = case T.uncons ut of
                  Nothing       -> []
                  Just (c, ut') -> let (ct, utl) = T.break isUnsafeChar ut'
                                   in (c, ct) : go utl

isUnsafeChar :: Char -> Bool
isUnsafeChar = not . (`S.member` okSymChars)

keywords :: S.HashSet T.Text
keywords   = S.fromList [ "env"
                        , "id"
                        , "tag"
                        , "qualif"
                        , "constant"
                        , "cut"
                        , "bind"
                        , "constraint"
                        , "lhs"
                        , "rhs"
                        , "NaN"
                        , "min"
                        , "map"

-- | RJ: We allow the extra 'unsafeChars' to allow parsing encoded symbols.
--   e.g. the raw string "This#is%$inval!d" may get encoded as "enc%12"
--   and serialized as such in the fq/bfq file. We want to allow the parser
--   to then be able to read the above back in.

alphaChars :: S.HashSet Char
alphaChars = S.fromList $ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']

numChars :: S.HashSet Char
numChars = S.fromList ['0' .. '9']

safeChars :: S.HashSet Char
safeChars = alphaChars `mappend`
            numChars   `mappend`
            S.fromList ['_', '.']

symChars :: S.HashSet Char
symChars =  safeChars `mappend`
            S.fromList ['%', '#', '$', '\'']

okSymChars :: S.HashSet Char
okSymChars = safeChars

isPrefixOfSym :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
isPrefixOfSym (symbolText -> p) (symbolText -> x) = p `T.isPrefixOf` x

isSuffixOfSym :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
isSuffixOfSym (symbolText -> p) (symbolText -> x) = p `T.isSuffixOf` x

headSym :: Symbol -> Char
headSym (symbolText -> t) = T.head t

consSym :: Char -> Symbol -> Symbol
consSym c (symbolText -> s) = symbol $ T.cons c s

unconsSym :: Symbol -> Maybe (Char, Symbol)
unconsSym (symbolText -> s) = second symbol <$> T.uncons s

-- singletonSym :: Char -> Symbol -- Yuck
-- singletonSym = (`consSym` "")

lengthSym :: Symbol -> Int
lengthSym (symbolText -> t) = T.length t

dropSym :: Int -> Symbol -> Symbol
dropSym n (symbolText -> t) = symbol $ T.drop n t

stripPrefix :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Maybe Symbol
stripPrefix p x = symbol <$> T.stripPrefix (symbolText p) (symbolText x)

-- | Use this **EXCLUSIVELY** when you want to add stuff in front of a Symbol
suffixSymbol :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol
suffixSymbol  x y = x `mappendSym` symSepName `mappendSym` y

vv                  :: Maybe Integer -> Symbol
-- vv (Just i)         = symbol $ symbolSafeText vvName `T.snoc` symSepName `mappend` T.pack (show i)
vv (Just i)         = intSymbol vvName i
vv Nothing          = vvName

isNontrivialVV      :: Symbol -> Bool
isNontrivialVV      = not . (vv Nothing ==)

vvCon, dummySymbol :: Symbol
vvCon       = vvName `suffixSymbol` "F"
dummySymbol = dummyName

-- ctorSymbol :: Symbol -> Symbol
-- ctorSymbol s = ctorPrefix `mappendSym` s

-- isCtorSymbol :: Symbol -> Bool
-- isCtorSymbol = isPrefixOfSym ctorPrefix

-- | 'testSymbol c' creates the `is-c` symbol for the adt-constructor named 'c'.
testSymbol :: Symbol -> Symbol
testSymbol s = testPrefix `mappendSym` s

isTestSymbol :: Symbol -> Bool
isTestSymbol = isPrefixOfSym testPrefix

litSymbol :: Symbol -> Symbol
litSymbol s = litPrefix `mappendSym` s

isLitSymbol :: Symbol -> Bool
isLitSymbol = isPrefixOfSym litPrefix

unLitSymbol :: Symbol -> Maybe Symbol
unLitSymbol = stripPrefix litPrefix

intSymbol :: (Show a) => Symbol -> a -> Symbol
intSymbol x i = x `suffixSymbol` (symbol $ show i)

tempSymbol :: Symbol -> Integer -> Symbol
tempSymbol prefix = intSymbol (tempPrefix `mappendSym` prefix)

renameSymbol :: Symbol -> Int -> Symbol
renameSymbol prefix = intSymbol (renamePrefix `mappendSym` prefix)

kArgSymbol :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol
kArgSymbol x k = (kArgPrefix `mappendSym` x) `suffixSymbol` k

existSymbol :: Symbol -> Integer -> Symbol
existSymbol prefix = intSymbol (existPrefix `mappendSym` prefix)

gradIntSymbol :: Integer -> Symbol
gradIntSymbol = intSymbol gradPrefix

tempPrefix, anfPrefix, renamePrefix, litPrefix, gradPrefix :: Symbol
tempPrefix   = "lq_tmp$"
anfPrefix    = "lq_anf$"
renamePrefix = "lq_rnm$"
litPrefix    = "lit$"
gradPrefix   = "grad$"

testPrefix  :: Symbol
testPrefix   = "is$"

-- ctorPrefix  :: Symbol
-- ctorPrefix   = "mk$"

kArgPrefix, existPrefix :: Symbol
kArgPrefix   = "lq_karg$"
existPrefix  = "lq_ext$"

tidySymbol :: Symbol -> Symbol
tidySymbol = unSuffixSymbol . unSuffixSymbol . unPrefixSymbol kArgPrefix

unPrefixSymbol :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol
unPrefixSymbol p s = fromMaybe s (stripPrefix p s)

unSuffixSymbol :: Symbol -> Symbol
unSuffixSymbol s@(symbolText -> t)
  = maybe s symbol $ T.stripSuffix symSepName $ fst $ T.breakOnEnd symSepName t

-- takeWhileSym :: (Char -> Bool) -> Symbol -> Symbol
-- takeWhileSym p (symbolText -> t) = symbol $ T.takeWhile p t

nonSymbol :: Symbol
nonSymbol = ""

isNonSymbol :: Symbol -> Bool
isNonSymbol = (== nonSymbol)

-- | Values that can be viewed as Symbols

class Symbolic a where
  symbol :: a -> Symbol

symbolicString :: (Symbolic a) => a -> String
symbolicString = symbolString . symbol

instance Symbolic T.Text where
  symbol = textSymbol

instance Symbolic String where
  symbol = symbol . T.pack

instance Symbolic Symbol where
  symbol = id

symbolBuilder :: (Symbolic a) => a -> Builder.Builder
symbolBuilder = Builder.fromText . symbolSafeText . symbol

{-# INLINE buildMany #-}
buildMany :: [Builder.Builder] -> Builder.Builder
buildMany []     = mempty
buildMany [b]    = b
buildMany (b:bs) = b <> mconcat [ " " <> b | b <- bs ]
--------------- Global Name Definitions ------------------------------------

lambdaName :: Symbol
lambdaName = "smt_lambda"

lamArgPrefix :: Symbol
lamArgPrefix = "lam_arg"

lamArgSymbol :: Int -> Symbol
lamArgSymbol = intSymbol lamArgPrefix

isLamArgSymbol :: Symbol -> Bool
isLamArgSymbol = isPrefixOfSym lamArgPrefix

setToIntName, bitVecToIntName, mapToIntName, realToIntName, toIntName :: Symbol
setToIntName    = "set_to_int"
bitVecToIntName = "bitvec_to_int"
mapToIntName    = "map_to_int"
realToIntName   = "real_to_int"
toIntName       = "cast_as_int"

boolToIntName :: (IsString a) => a
boolToIntName   = "bool_to_int"

setApplyName, bitVecApplyName, mapApplyName, boolApplyName, realApplyName, intApplyName :: Int -> Symbol
setApplyName    = intSymbol "set_apply_"
bitVecApplyName = intSymbol "bitvec_apply"
mapApplyName    = intSymbol "map_apply_"
boolApplyName   = intSymbol "bool_apply_"
realApplyName   = intSymbol "real_apply_"
intApplyName    = intSymbol "int_apply_"

applyName :: Symbol
applyName = "apply"

preludeName, dummyName, boolConName, funConName :: Symbol
preludeName  = "Prelude"
dummyName    = "LIQUID$dummy"
boolConName  = "Bool"
funConName   = "->"

listConName, listLConName, tupConName, _propConName, _hpropConName, vvName, setConName, mapConName :: Symbol
listConName  = "[]"
listLConName = "List"
tupConName   = "Tuple"
setConName   = "Set_Set"
mapConName   = "Map_t"
vvName       = "VV"
_propConName  = "Prop"
_hpropConName = "HProp"

strConName  :: (IsString a) => a
strConName   = "Str"
-- symSepName   :: Char
-- symSepName   = '#' -- DO NOT EVER CHANGE THIS

symSepName   :: (IsString a) => a
symSepName   = "##"

nilName, consName, size32Name, size64Name, bitVecName, bvOrName, bvAndName :: Symbol
nilName      = "nil"
consName     = "cons"
size32Name   = "Size32"
size64Name   = "Size64"
bitVecName   = "BitVec"
bvOrName     = "bvor"
bvAndName    = "bvand"

-- HKT tyAppName :: Symbol
-- HKT tyAppName    = "LF-App"

mulFuncName, divFuncName :: Symbol
mulFuncName  = "Z3_OP_MUL"
divFuncName  = "Z3_OP_DIV"

prims :: [Symbol]
prims = [ _propConName
        , _hpropConName
        , vvName
        , "Pred"
        , "List"
        , "[]"
        , setConName
        , "Set_sng"
        , "Set_cup"
        , "Set_cap"
        , "Set_dif"
        , "Set_emp"
        , "Set_empty"
        , "Set_mem"
        , "Set_sub"
        , mapConName
        , "Map_select"
        , "Map_store"
        , size32Name
        , size64Name
        , bitVecName
        , bvOrName
        , bvAndName
        , "FAppTy"
        , nilName
        , consName

-- | Memoized Decoding

{-# NOINLINE symbolMemo #-}
symbolMemo :: IORef (M.HashMap Int T.Text)
symbolMemo = unsafePerformIO (newIORef M.empty)

{-# NOINLINE memoEncode #-}
memoEncode :: T.Text -> Int
memoEncode t = unsafePerformIO $
                 atomicModifyIORef symbolMemo $ \m ->
                    (M.insert i t m, i)
    i        = internedTextId $ intern t

{-# NOINLINE memoDecode #-}
memoDecode :: Int -> T.Text
memoDecode i = unsafePerformIO $
                 safeLookup msg i <$> readIORef symbolMemo
                 msg = "Symbol Decode Error: " ++ show i
