{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric             #-}

module Language.Fixpoint.Types.Config (
    Config  (..)
  , defConfig
  , withPragmas

  , getOpts

  -- * SMT Solver options
  , SMTSolver (..)

  -- * Eliminate options
  , Eliminate (..)
  , useElim

  -- * parallel solving options
  , defaultMinPartSize
  , defaultMaxPartSize
  , multicore

  , queryFile
) where

import Data.Serialize                (Serialize (..))
import Control.Monad
import GHC.Generics
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import System.Environment

import Language.Fixpoint.Utils.Files

withPragmas :: Config -> [String] -> IO Config
withPragmas = foldM withPragma

withPragma :: Config -> String -> IO Config
withPragma c s = withArgs [s] $ cmdArgsRun
          config { modeValue = (modeValue config) { cmdArgsValue = c } }

-- | Configuration Options -----------------------------------------------------

defaultMinPartSize :: Int
defaultMinPartSize = 500

defaultMaxPartSize :: Int
defaultMaxPartSize = 700

data Config
  = Config {
      srcFile     :: FilePath            -- ^ src file (*.hs, *.ts, *.c, or even *.fq or *.bfq)
    , cores       :: Maybe Int           -- ^ number of cores used to solve constraints
    , minPartSize :: Int                 -- ^ Minimum size of a partition
    , maxPartSize :: Int                 -- ^ Maximum size of a partition. Overrides minPartSize
    , solver      :: SMTSolver           -- ^ which SMT solver to use
    , linear      :: Bool                -- ^ not interpret div and mul in SMT
    , stringTheory :: Bool               -- ^ interpretation of string theory by SMT
    , defunction  :: Bool                -- ^ defunctionalize (use 'apply' for all uninterpreted applications)
    , allowHO     :: Bool                -- ^ allow higher order binders in the logic environment
    , allowHOqs   :: Bool                -- ^ allow higher order qualifiers
    , eliminate   :: Eliminate           -- ^ eliminate non-cut KVars
    , elimBound   :: Maybe Int           -- ^ maximum length of KVar chain to eliminate
    , elimStats   :: Bool                -- ^ print eliminate stats
    , solverStats :: Bool                -- ^ print solver stats
    , metadata    :: Bool                -- ^ print meta-data associated with constraints
    , stats       :: Bool                -- ^ compute constraint statistics
    , parts       :: Bool                -- ^ partition FInfo into separate fq files
    , save        :: Bool                -- ^ save FInfo as .bfq and .fq file
    , minimize    :: Bool                -- ^ min .fq by delta debug (unsat with min constraints)
    , minimizeQs  :: Bool                -- ^ min .fq by delta debug (sat with min qualifiers)
    , minimizeKs  :: Bool                -- ^ min .fq by delta debug (sat with min kvars)
    , minimalSol  :: Bool                -- ^ shrink final solution by pruning redundant qualfiers from fixpoint
    , gradual     :: Bool                -- ^ solve "gradual" constraints
    , ginteractive :: Bool                -- ^ interactive gradual solving
    , extensionality   :: Bool           -- ^ allow function extensionality
    , alphaEquivalence :: Bool           -- ^ allow lambda alpha equivalence axioms
    , betaEquivalence  :: Bool           -- ^ allow lambda beta equivalence axioms
    , normalForm       :: Bool           -- ^ allow lambda normal-form equivalence axioms
    , autoKuts         :: Bool           -- ^ ignore given kut variables
    , nonLinCuts       :: Bool           -- ^ Treat non-linear vars as cuts
    , noslice          :: Bool           -- ^ Disable non-concrete KVar slicing
    , rewriteAxioms    :: Bool           -- ^ allow axiom instantiation via rewriting
    , arithmeticAxioms :: Bool           -- ^ allow axiom instantiation on arithmetic expressions
    } deriving (Eq,Data,Typeable,Show,Generic)

instance Default Config where
  def = defConfig


data SMTSolver = Z3 | Cvc4 | Mathsat
                 deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Default SMTSolver where
  def = Z3

instance Show SMTSolver where
  show Z3      = "z3"
  show Cvc4    = "cvc4"
  show Mathsat = "mathsat"

-- | Eliminate describes the number of KVars to eliminate:
--   None = use PA/Quals for ALL k-vars, i.e. no eliminate
--   Some = use PA/Quals for CUT k-vars, i.e. eliminate non-cuts
--   All  = eliminate ALL k-vars, solve cut-vars to TRUE
data Eliminate
  = None
  | Some
  | All
  deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Serialize Eliminate

instance Default Eliminate where
  def = None

instance Show Eliminate where
  show None = "none"
  show Some = "some"
  show All  = "all"

useElim :: Config -> Bool
useElim cfg = eliminate cfg /= None


defConfig :: Config
defConfig = Config {
    srcFile          = "out"   &= args    &= typFile
  , defunction       = False   &= help "Allow higher order binders into fixpoint environment"
  , solver           = def     &= help "Name of SMT Solver"
  , linear           = False   &= help "Use uninterpreted integer multiplication and division"
  , stringTheory     = False   &= help "Interpretation of String Theory by SMT"
  , allowHO          = False   &= help "Allow higher order binders into fixpoint environment"
  , allowHOqs        = False   &= help "Allow higher order qualifiers"
  , eliminate        = None    &= help "Eliminate KVars [none = quals for all-kvars, cuts = quals for cut-kvars, all = eliminate all-kvars (TRUE for cuts)]"
  , elimBound        = Nothing &= name "elimBound"  &= help "(alpha) Maximum eliminate-chain depth"
  , elimStats        = False   &= help "(alpha) Print eliminate stats"
  , solverStats      = False   &= help "Print solver stats"
  , save             = False   &= help "Save Query as .fq and .bfq files"
  , metadata         = False   &= help "Print meta-data associated with constraints"
  , stats            = False   &= help "Compute constraint statistics"
  , parts            = False   &= help "Partition constraints into indepdendent .fq files"
  , cores            = def     &= help "(numeric) Number of threads to use"
  , minPartSize      = defaultMinPartSize &= help "(numeric) Minimum partition size when solving in parallel"
  , maxPartSize      = defaultMaxPartSize &= help "(numeric) Maximum partiton size when solving in parallel."
  , minimize         = False &= help "Delta debug to minimize fq file (unsat with min constraints)"
  , minimizeQs       = False &= help "Delta debug to minimize fq file (sat with min qualifiers)"
  , minimizeKs       = False &= help "Delta debug to minimize fq file (sat with max kvars replaced by True)"
  , minimalSol       = False &= help "Shrink fixpoint by removing implied qualifiers"
  , gradual          = False &= help "Solve gradual-refinement typing constraints"
  , ginteractive      = False &= help "Interactive Gradual Solving"
  , extensionality   = False &= help "Allow function extensionality axioms"
  , alphaEquivalence = False &= help "Allow lambda alpha equivalence axioms"
  , betaEquivalence  = False &= help "Allow lambda alpha equivalence axioms"
  , normalForm       = False  &= help "Allow lambda normal-form equivalence axioms"
  , autoKuts         = False &= help "Ignore given Kut vars, compute from scratch"
  , nonLinCuts       = False &= help "Treat non-linear kvars as cuts"
  , noslice          = False &= help "Disable non-concrete KVar slicing"
  , rewriteAxioms    = False &= help "allow axiom instantiation via rewriting"
  , arithmeticAxioms = False &= help "Disable non-concrete KVar slicing"
  &= verbosity
  &= program "fixpoint"
  &= help    "Predicate Abstraction Based Horn-Clause Solver"
  &= summary "fixpoint Copyright 2009-15 Regents of the University of California."
  &= details [ "Predicate Abstraction Based Horn-Clause Solver"
             , ""
             , "To check a file foo.fq type:"
             , "  fixpoint foo.fq"

config :: Mode (CmdArgs Config)
config = cmdArgsMode defConfig

getOpts :: IO Config
getOpts = do md <- cmdArgs defConfig
             putStrLn banner
             return md

banner :: String
banner =  "\n\nLiquid-Fixpoint Copyright 2013-15 Regents of the University of California.\n"
       ++ "All Rights Reserved.\n"

multicore :: Config -> Bool
multicore cfg = cores cfg /= Just 1

queryFile :: Ext -> Config -> FilePath
queryFile e = extFileName e . srcFile