module Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Solve (solve) where
import Control.Monad (when, filterM)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (lift)
import Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types.Solutions as Sol
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types.Graduals as G
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Solver.GradualSolution as GS
import Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint
import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Config hiding (stats)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Solution as S
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Worklist as W
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Eliminate as E
import Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Monad
import Language.Fixpoint.Utils.Progress
import Language.Fixpoint.Graph
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Text.Printf
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Verbosity
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import qualified Data.List as L
import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Global (parallel)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.SortCheck as So
import Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Sanitize (symbolEnv)
solve :: (NFData a, F.Fixpoint a, Show a, F.Loc a) => Config -> F.SInfo a -> IO (F.Result (Integer, a))
solve cfg fi | gradual cfg
= solveGradual cfg fi
solve cfg fi = do
(res, stat) <- withProgressFI sI $ runSolverM cfg sI act
when (solverStats cfg) $ printStats fi wkl stat
return res
act = solve_ cfg fi s0 ks wkl
sI = solverInfo cfg fi
wkl = W.init sI
s0 = siSol sI
ks = siVars sI
solveGradual :: (NFData a, F.Fixpoint a, Show a, F.Loc a)
=> Config -> F.SInfo a -> IO (F.Result (Integer, a))
solveGradual cfg fi = do
let fis = zip [1..] $ partition' Nothing $ G.uniquify fi
if ginteractive cfg
then snd . traceShow "FINAL SOLUTION\n" <$> iSolveGradual cfg fis
else snd . traceShow "FINAL SOLUTION\n" . mconcat <$> parallel (solveGradualOne cfg <$> fis)
iSolveGradual :: (NFData a, F.Fixpoint a, Show a, F.Loc a) => Config -> [(Int, F.SInfo a)] -> IO (Maybe G.GSol, F.Result (Integer, a))
iSolveGradual cfg fis
= mconcat <$> parallel (solveGradualOne cfg <$> fis)
solveGradualOne :: (NFData a, F.Fixpoint a, Show a, F.Loc a) => Config -> (Int, F.SInfo a) -> IO (Maybe G.GSol, F.Result (Integer, a))
solveGradualOne cfg (_, fi) = do
sols <- makeSolutions cfg fi
gradualLoop (cfg{gradual = False}) fi sols
gradualLoop :: (NFData a, F.Fixpoint a, Show a, F.Loc a) => Config -> F.SInfo a -> (Maybe [G.GSol]) -> IO (Maybe G.GSol, F.Result (Integer, a))
gradualLoop _ _ Nothing
= return (Nothing,
gradualLoop _ _ (Just [])
= return (Nothing, F.unsafe)
gradualLoop cfg fi (Just (s:ss))
= do whenLoud $ putStrLn ("Solving for " ++ show s)
whenNormal $ putStr "*"
v <- getVerbosity
whenNormal $ setVerbosity Quiet
r <- solve cfg (G.gsubst s fi)
setVerbosity v
whenLoud $ putStrLn ("Solution = " ++ if F.isUnsafe r then "UNSAFE" else "SAFE")
if F.isUnsafe r
then gradualLoop cfg fi (Just ss)
else return (Just s, r)
makeSolutions :: (NFData a, F.Fixpoint a, Show a) => Config -> F.SInfo a -> IO (Maybe [G.GSol])
makeSolutions cfg fi
= G.makeSolutions cfg fi <$> makeLocalLattice cfg fi (GS.init fi)
makeLocalLattice :: Config -> F.SInfo a
-> [(F.KVar, (F.GWInfo, [F.Expr]))]
-> IO [(F.KVar, (F.GWInfo, [[F.Expr]]))]
makeLocalLattice cfg fi kes = runSolverM cfg sI (act kes)
sI = solverInfo cfg fi
act = mapM (makeLocalLatticeOne cfg fi)
makeLocalLatticeOne :: Config -> F.SInfo a
-> (F.KVar, (F.GWInfo, [F.Expr]))
-> SolveM (F.KVar, (F.GWInfo, [[F.Expr]]))
makeLocalLatticeOne cfg fi (k, (e, es)) = do
elems0 <- filterM (isLocal e) (map (:[]) es)
elems <- sortEquals elems0
lattice <- makeLattice [] (map (:[]) elems) elems
return $ ((k,) . (e,)) lattice
sEnv = symbolEnv cfg fi
makeLattice acc new elems
| null new
= return acc
| otherwise
= do let cands = [e:es | e <- elems, es <- new]
localCans <- filterM (isLocal e) cands
newElems <- filterM (notTrivial (new ++ acc)) localCans
makeLattice (acc ++ new) newElems elems
_showElem :: F.Expr -> String
_showElem e1 = showpp $ F.subst (F.mkSubst [(x, F.EVar $ F.tidySymbol x) | x <- F.syms e1]) e1
_showElems = unlines . map _showElem
_showElemss = unlines. map _showElems
notTrivial [] _ = return True
notTrivial (x:xs) p = do v <- isValid F.dummySpan (mkPred x) (mkPred p)
if v then return False
else notTrivial xs p
mkPred es = So.elaborate "initBGind.mkPred" sEnv (F.pAnd es)
isLocal i es = do
let pp = So.elaborate "filterLocal" sEnv $ F.PExist [(F.gsym i, F.gsort i)] $ F.pAnd (F.gexpr i:es)
isValid F.dummySpan mempty pp
root = mempty
sortEquals xs = (bfs [0]) <$> makeEdges vs [] vs
vs = zip [0..] (root:(head <$> xs))
bfs [] _ = []
bfs (i:is) es = (snd $ (vs!!i)) : bfs (is++map snd (filter (\(j,k) -> (j==i && notElem k is)) es)) es
makeEdges _ acc [] = return acc
makeEdges vs acc (x:xs) = do ves <- concat <$> mapM (makeEdgesOne x) vs
if any (\(i,j) -> elem (j,i) acc) ves
then makeEdges (filter ((/= fst x) . fst) vs) (filter (\(i,j) -> ((i /= fst x) && (j /= fst x))) acc) xs
else makeEdges vs (mergeEdges (ves ++ acc)) xs
makeEdgesOne (i,_) (j,_) | i == j = return []
makeEdgesOne (i,x) (j,y) = do
ij <- isValid F.dummySpan (mkPred [x]) (mkPred [y])
return (if ij then [(j,i)] else [])
mergeEdges es = filter (\(i,j) -> (not (any (\k -> ((i,k) `elem` es && (k,j) `elem` es)) (fst <$> es)))) es
withProgressFI :: SolverInfo a b -> IO b -> IO b
withProgressFI = withProgress . fromIntegral . cNumScc . siDeps
printStats :: F.SInfo a -> W.Worklist a -> Stats -> IO ()
printStats fi w s = putStrLn "\n" >> ppTs [ ptable fi, ptable s, ptable w ]
ppTs = putStrLn . showpp . mconcat
solverInfo :: Config -> F.SInfo a -> SolverInfo a b
solverInfo cfg fI
| useElim cfg = E.solverInfo cfg fI
| otherwise = SI mempty fI cD (siKvars fI)
cD = elimDeps fI (kvEdges fI) mempty
siKvars :: F.SInfo a -> S.HashSet F.KVar
siKvars = S.fromList . M.keys .
solve_ :: (NFData a, F.Fixpoint a, F.Loc a)
=> Config
-> F.SInfo a
-> Sol.Solution
-> S.HashSet F.KVar
-> W.Worklist a
-> SolveM (F.Result (Integer, a), Stats)
solve_ cfg fi s0 ks wkl = do
let s1 = mappend s0 $ S.init cfg fi ks
s <- refine s1 wkl
res <- result cfg wkl s
st <- stats
let res' = tidyResult res
return $!! (res', st)
tidyResult :: F.Result a -> F.Result a
tidyResult r = r { F.resSolution = tidySolution (F.resSolution r) }
tidySolution :: F.FixSolution -> F.FixSolution
tidySolution = fmap tidyPred
tidyPred :: F.Expr -> F.Expr
tidyPred = F.substf (F.eVar . F.tidySymbol)
refine :: (F.Loc a) => Sol.Solution -> W.Worklist a -> SolveM Sol.Solution
refine s w
| Just (c, w', newScc, rnk) <- W.pop w = do
i <- tickIter newScc
(b, s') <- refineC i s c
lift $ writeLoud $ refineMsg i c b rnk
let w'' = if b then W.push c w' else w'
refine s' w''
| otherwise = return s
refineMsg i c b rnk = printf "\niter=%d id=%d change=%s rank=%d\n"
i (F.subcId c) (show b) rnk
refineC :: (F.Loc a) => Int -> Sol.Solution -> F.SimpC a
-> SolveM (Bool, Sol.Solution)
refineC _i s c
| null rhs = return (False, s)
| otherwise = do be <- getBinds
let lhs = S.lhsPred be s c
kqs <- filterValid (cstrSpan c) lhs rhs
return $ S.update s ks kqs
_ci = F.subcId c
(ks, rhs) = rhsCands s c
_msg ks xs ys = printf "refineC: iter = %d, sid = %s, s = %s, rhs = %d, rhs' = %d \n"
_i (show _ci) (showpp ks) (length xs) (length ys)
rhsCands :: Sol.Solution -> F.SimpC a -> ([F.KVar], Sol.Cand (F.KVar, Sol.EQual))
rhsCands s c = (fst <$> ks, kqs)
kqs = [ (p, (k, q)) | (k, su) <- ks, (p, q) <- cnd k su ]
ks = predKs . F.crhs $ c
cnd k su = Sol.qbPreds msg s su (Sol.lookupQBind s k)
msg = "rhsCands: " ++ show (F.sid c)
predKs :: F.Expr -> [(F.KVar, F.Subst)]
predKs (F.PAnd ps) = concatMap predKs ps
predKs (F.PKVar k su) = [(k, su)]
predKs _ = []
result :: (F.Fixpoint a, F.Loc a) => Config -> W.Worklist a -> Sol.Solution
-> SolveM (F.Result (Integer, a))
result cfg wkl s = do
lift $ writeLoud "Computing Result"
stat <- result_ wkl s
lift $ whenLoud $ putStrLn $ "RESULT: " ++ show (F.sid <$> stat)
F.Result (ci <$> stat) <$> solResult cfg s <*> return mempty
ci c = (F.subcId c, F.sinfo c)
solResult :: Config -> Sol.Solution -> SolveM (M.HashMap F.KVar F.Expr)
solResult cfg = minimizeResult cfg . Sol.result
result_ :: (F.Loc a) => W.Worklist a -> Sol.Solution -> SolveM (F.FixResult (F.SimpC a))
result_ w s = res <$> filterM (isUnsat s) cs
cs = W.unsatCandidates w
res [] = F.Safe
res cs' = F.Unsafe cs'
minimizeResult :: Config -> M.HashMap F.KVar F.Expr
-> SolveM (M.HashMap F.KVar F.Expr)
minimizeResult cfg s
| minimalSol cfg = mapM minimizeConjuncts s
| otherwise = return s
minimizeConjuncts :: F.Expr -> SolveM F.Expr
minimizeConjuncts p = F.pAnd <$> go (F.conjuncts p) []
go [] acc = return acc
go (p:ps) acc = do b <- isValid F.dummySpan (F.pAnd (acc ++ ps)) p
if b then go ps acc
else go ps (p:acc)
isUnsat :: (F.Loc a) => Sol.Solution -> F.SimpC a -> SolveM Bool
isUnsat s c = do
_ <- tickIter True
be <- getBinds
let lp = S.lhsPred be s c
let rp = rhsPred c
res <- not <$> isValid (cstrSpan c) lp rp
lift $ whenLoud $ showUnsat res (F.subcId c) lp rp
return res
showUnsat :: Bool -> Integer -> F.Pred -> F.Pred -> IO ()
showUnsat u i lP rP = do
putStrLn $ printf "UNSAT id %s %s" (show i) (show u)
putStrLn $ showpp $ "LHS:" <+> pprint lP
putStrLn $ showpp $ "RHS:" <+> pprint rP
rhsPred :: F.SimpC a -> F.Expr
rhsPred c
| isTarget c = F.crhs c
| otherwise = errorstar $ "rhsPred on non-target: " ++ show (F.sid c)
isValid :: F.SrcSpan -> F.Expr -> F.Expr -> SolveM Bool
isValid sp p q = (not . null) <$> filterValid sp p [(q, ())]
cstrSpan :: (F.Loc a) => F.SimpC a -> F.SrcSpan
cstrSpan = F.srcSpan . F.sinfo
_iMergePartitions :: [(Int, F.SInfo a)] -> IO [(Int, F.SInfo a)]
_iMergePartitions ifis = do
putStrLn "Current Partitions are: "
putStrLn $ unlines (partitionInfo <$> ifis)
putStrLn "Merge Partitions? Y/N"
c <- getChar
if c == 'N'
then do putStrLn "Solving Partitions"
return ifis
else do
(i, j) <- getMergePartition (length ifis)
_iMergePartitions (mergePartitions i j ifis)
getMergePartition :: Int -> IO (Int, Int)
getMergePartition n = do
putStrLn "Which two partition to merge? (i, j)"
ic <- getLine
let (i,j) = read ic :: (Int, Int)
if i < 1 || n < i || j < 1 || n < j
then do putStrLn ("Invalid Partition numbers, write (i,j) with 1 <= i <= " ++ show n)
getMergePartition n
else return (i,j)
mergePartitions :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, F.SInfo a)] -> [(Int, F.SInfo a)]
mergePartitions i j fis
= zip [1..] ((takei i `mappend` (takei j){ = mempty}):rest)
takei i = snd (fis L.!! (i 1))
rest = snd <$> filter (\(k,_) -> (k /= i && k /= j)) fis
partitionInfo :: (Int, F.SInfo a) -> String
partitionInfo (i, fi)
= "Partition number " ++ show i ++ "\n" ++
"Defined ?? " ++ show defs ++ "\n" ++
"Used ?? " ++ show uses
gs = F.wloc . snd <$> L.filter (F.isGWfc . snd) (M.toList ( fi))
defs = L.nub (F.gsrc <$> gs)
uses = L.nub (F.gused <$> gs)