-- | Validate and Transform Constraints to Ensure various Invariants -------------------------
--   1. Each binder must be associated with a UNIQUE sort
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Sanitize
  ( -- * Transform FInfo to enforce invariants

    -- * Sorts for each Symbol (move elsewhere)
  , symbolEnv

    -- * Remove substitutions K[x := e] where `x` is not in dom(K)
  , dropDeadSubsts
  ) where

import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Visitor (symConsts, isConcC, isKvarC, mapKVars, mapKVarSubsts)
import           Language.Fixpoint.SortCheck     (applySorts, isFirstOrder)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Misc                            as Misc
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types                           as F
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Config (Config, allowHO)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types.Errors                    as E
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Theories                    as Thy
import           Language.Fixpoint.Graph (kvEdges, CVertex (..))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                               as M
import qualified Data.HashSet                                      as S
import qualified Data.List                                         as L
import qualified Data.Text                                         as T
import           Data.Maybe          (isNothing, mapMaybe)
import           Control.Monad       ((>=>))
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ

type SanitizeM a = Either E.Error a

sanitize :: F.SInfo a -> SanitizeM (F.SInfo a)
sanitize =    -- banIllScopedKvars
             Misc.fM dropFuncSortedShadowedBinders
         >=> Misc.fM sanitizeWfC
         >=> Misc.fM replaceDeadKvars
         >=> Misc.fM (dropDeadSubsts . restrictKVarDomain)
         >=>         banMixedRhs
         >=>         banQualifFreeVars
         >=>         banConstraintFreeVars
         >=> Misc.fM addLiterals

-- | `addLiterals` traverses the constraints to find (string) literals that
--   are then added to the `dLits` field.
addLiterals :: F.SInfo a -> F.SInfo a
addLiterals si = si { F.dLits = F.unionSEnv (F.dLits si) lits'
                    , F.gLits = F.unionSEnv (F.gLits si) lits'
    lits'      = M.fromList [ (F.symbol x, F.strSort) | x <- symConsts si ]

-- | See issue liquid-fixpoint issue #230. This checks that whenever we have,
--      G1        |- K.su1
--      G2, K.su2 |- rhs
--   then
--      G1 \cap G2 \subseteq wenv(k)
_banIllScopedKvars :: F.SInfo a ->  SanitizeM (F.SInfo a)
_banIllScopedKvars si = Misc.applyNonNull (Right si) (Left . badKs) errs
    errs              = concatMap (checkIllScope si kDs) ks
    kDs               = kvarDefUses si
    ks                = filter notKut $ M.keys (F.ws si)
    notKut            = not . (`F.ksMember` F.kuts si)

badKs :: [(F.KVar, F.SubcId, F.SubcId, F.IBindEnv)] -> F.Error
badKs = E.catErrors . map E.errIllScopedKVar

type KvConstrM = M.HashMap F.KVar [Integer]
type KvDefs    = (KvConstrM, KvConstrM)

checkIllScope :: F.SInfo a -> KvDefs -> F.KVar -> [(F.KVar, F.SubcId, F.SubcId, F.IBindEnv)]
checkIllScope si (inM, outM) k = mapMaybe (uncurry (isIllScope si k)) ios
    ios                        = [(i, o) | i <- ins, o <- outs, i /= o ]
    ins                        = M.lookupDefault [] k inM
    outs                       = M.lookupDefault [] k outM

isIllScope :: F.SInfo a -> F.KVar -> F.SubcId -> F.SubcId -> Maybe (F.KVar, F.SubcId, F.SubcId, F.IBindEnv)
isIllScope si k inI outI
  | F.nullIBindEnv badXs = Nothing
  | otherwise            = Just (k, inI, outI, badXs)
    badXs                = F.diffIBindEnv commonXs kXs
    kXs                  = {- F.tracepp ("kvarBinds " ++ show k) $ -} kvarBinds si k
    commonXs             = F.intersectionIBindEnv inXs outXs
    inXs                 = subcBinds si inI
    outXs                = subcBinds si outI

subcBinds :: F.SInfo a -> F.SubcId -> F.IBindEnv
subcBinds si i = F._cenv $ F.cm si M.! i

kvarBinds :: F.SInfo a -> F.KVar -> F.IBindEnv
kvarBinds si = F.wenv . (F.ws si M.!)

kvarDefUses :: F.SInfo a -> KvDefs
kvarDefUses si = (Misc.group ins, Misc.group outs)
    es         = kvEdges si
    outs       = [(k, o) | (KVar k, Cstr o) <- es ]
    ins        = [(k, i) | (Cstr i, KVar k) <- es ]

-- | `dropDeadSubsts` removes dead `K[x := e]` where `x` NOT in the domain of K.
dropDeadSubsts :: F.SInfo a -> F.SInfo a
dropDeadSubsts si = mapKVarSubsts (F.filterSubst . f) si
    kvsM          = M.mapWithKey (\k _ -> kvDom k) (F.ws si)
    kvDom         = S.fromList . F.kvarDomain si
    f k x _       = S.member x (M.lookupDefault mempty k kvsM)

-- | `restrictKVarDomain` updates the kvar-domains in the wf constraints
--   to a subset of the original binders, where we DELETE the parameters
--   `x` which appear in substitutions of the form `K[x := y]` where `y`
--   is not in the env.
restrictKVarDomain :: F.SInfo a -> F.SInfo a
restrictKVarDomain si = si { F.ws = M.mapWithKey (restrictWf kvm) (F.ws si) }
    kvm               = safeKvarEnv si

-- | `restrictWf kve k w` restricts the env of `w` to the parameters in `kve k`.
restrictWf :: KvDom -> F.KVar -> F.WfC a -> F.WfC a
restrictWf kve k w = w { F.wenv = F.filterIBindEnv f (F.wenv w) }
    f i            = S.member i kis
    kis            = S.fromList [ i | (_, i) <- F.toListSEnv kEnv ]
    kEnv           = M.lookupDefault mempty k kve

-- | `safeKvarEnv` computes the "real" domain of each kvar, which is
--   a SUBSET of the input domain, in which we KILL the parameters
--   `x` which appear in substitutions of the form `K[x := y]`
--   where `y` is not in the env.

type KvDom     = M.HashMap F.KVar (F.SEnv F.BindId)
type KvBads    = M.HashMap F.KVar [F.Symbol]

safeKvarEnv :: F.SInfo a -> KvDom
safeKvarEnv si = L.foldl' (dropKvarEnv si) env0 cs
    cs         = M.elems  (F.cm si)
    env0       = initKvarEnv si

dropKvarEnv :: F.SInfo a -> KvDom -> F.SimpC a -> KvDom
dropKvarEnv si kve c = M.mapWithKey (dropBadParams kBads) kve
    kBads            = badParams si c

dropBadParams :: KvBads -> F.KVar -> F.SEnv F.BindId -> F.SEnv F.BindId
dropBadParams kBads k kEnv = L.foldl' (flip F.deleteSEnv) kEnv xs
    xs                     = M.lookupDefault mempty k kBads

badParams :: F.SInfo a -> F.SimpC a -> M.HashMap F.KVar [F.Symbol]
badParams si c = Misc.group bads
    bads       = [ (k, x) | (v, k, F.Su su) <- subcKSubs xsrs c
                          , let vEnv = maybe sEnv (`S.insert` sEnv) v
                          , (x, e)          <- M.toList su
                          , badArg vEnv e
    sEnv       = S.fromList (fst <$> xsrs)
    xsrs       = F.envCs (F.bs si) (F.senv c)

badArg :: S.HashSet F.Symbol -> F.Expr -> Bool
badArg sEnv (F.EVar y) = not (y `S.member` sEnv)
badArg _    _          = True

type KSub = (Maybe F.Symbol, F.KVar, F.Subst)

subcKSubs :: [(F.Symbol, F.SortedReft)] -> F.SimpC a -> [KSub]
subcKSubs xsrs c = rhs ++ lhs
    lhs          = [ (Just v, k, su) | (_, sr) <- xsrs
                                     , let rs   = F.reftConjuncts (F.sr_reft sr)
                                     , F.Reft (v, F.PKVar k su) <- rs
    rhs          = [(Nothing, k, su) | F.PKVar k su <- [F.crhs c]]

initKvarEnv :: F.SInfo a -> KvDom
initKvarEnv si = initEnv si <$> F.ws si

initEnv :: F.SInfo a -> F.WfC a -> F.SEnv F.BindId
initEnv si w = F.fromListSEnv [ (bind i, i) | i <- is ]
    is       = F.elemsIBindEnv $ F.wenv w
    bind i   = fst (F.lookupBindEnv i be)
    be       = F.bs si

-- | check that no constraint has free variables (ignores kvars)
banConstraintFreeVars :: F.SInfo a -> SanitizeM (F.SInfo a)
banConstraintFreeVars fi0 = Misc.applyNonNull (Right fi0) (Left . badCs) bads
    fi      = mapKVars (const $ Just F.PTrue) fi0
    bads    = [(c, fs) | c <- M.elems $ F.cm fi, Just fs <- [cNoFreeVars fi k c]]
    k       = known fi

known :: F.SInfo a -> F.Symbol -> Bool
known fi  = \x -> F.memberSEnv x lits || F.memberSEnv x prims
    lits  = F.gLits fi
    prims = Thy.theorySymbols . F.ddecls $ fi

cNoFreeVars :: F.SInfo a -> (F.Symbol -> Bool) -> F.SimpC a -> Maybe [F.Symbol]
cNoFreeVars fi known c = if S.null fv then Nothing else Just (S.toList fv)
    be   = F.bs fi
    -- lits = fst <$> F.toListSEnv (F.gLits fi)
    ids  = F.elemsIBindEnv $ F.senv c
    cDom = [fst $ F.lookupBindEnv i be | i <- ids]
    cRng = concat [S.toList . F.reftFreeVars . F.sr_reft . snd $ F.lookupBindEnv i be | i <- ids]
    fv   = (`nubDiff` cDom) . filter (not . known) $ cRng -- `nubDiff` (lits ++ cDom ++ prims fi)

badCs :: Misc.ListNE (F.SimpC a, [F.Symbol]) -> E.Error
badCs = E.catErrors . map (E.errFreeVarInConstraint . Misc.mapFst F.subcId)

-- | check that no qualifier has free variables
banQualifFreeVars :: F.SInfo a -> SanitizeM (F.SInfo a)
banQualifFreeVars fi = Misc.applyNonNull (Right fi) (Left . badQuals) bads
    bads   = [ (q, xs) | q <- F.quals fi, let xs = free q, not (null xs) ]
    lits   = fst <$> F.toListSEnv (F.gLits fi)
    free q = S.toList $ F.syms (F.qBody q) `nubDiff` (lits ++ F.prims ++ F.syms (fst <$> F.qParams q))

badQuals     :: Misc.ListNE (F.Qualifier, Misc.ListNE F.Symbol) -> E.Error
badQuals bqs = E.catErrors [ E.errFreeVarInQual q xs | (q, xs) <- bqs]

-- Null if first is a subset of second
nubDiff :: [F.Symbol] -> [F.Symbol] -> S.HashSet F.Symbol
nubDiff a b = a' `S.difference` b'
    a' = S.fromList a
    b' = S.fromList b

-- | check that each constraint has RHS of form [k1,...,kn] or [p]
banMixedRhs :: F.SInfo a -> SanitizeM (F.SInfo a)
banMixedRhs fi = Misc.applyNonNull (Right fi) (Left . badRhs) bads
    ics        = M.toList $ F.cm fi
    bads       = [(i, c) | (i, c) <- ics, not $ isOk c]
    isOk c     = isKvarC c || isConcC c

badRhs :: Misc.ListNE (Integer, F.SimpC a) -> E.Error
badRhs = E.catErrors . map badRhs1

badRhs1 :: (Integer, F.SimpC a) -> E.Error
badRhs1 (i, c) = E.err E.dummySpan $ vcat [ "Malformed RHS for constraint id" <+> pprint i
                                          , nest 4 (pprint (F.crhs c)) ]

-- | symbol |-> sort for EVERY variable in the SInfo; 'symbolEnv' can ONLY be
--   called with **sanitized** environments (post the uniqification etc.) or
--   else you get duplicate sorts and other such errors.
symbolEnv :: Config -> F.SInfo a -> F.SymEnv
symbolEnv cfg si = F.symEnv sEnv tEnv ds (F.dLits si) ts
    tEnv         = Thy.theorySymbols ds
    ds           = F.ddecls si
    ts           = Misc.hashNub (applySorts si ++ [t | (_, t) <- F.toListSEnv sEnv])
    sEnv         = (F.tsSort <$> tEnv) `mappend` (F.fromListSEnv xts)
    xts          = symbolSorts cfg si

symbolSorts :: Config -> F.GInfo c a -> [(F.Symbol, F.Sort)]
symbolSorts cfg fi = either E.die id $ symbolSorts' cfg fi

symbolSorts' :: Config -> F.GInfo c a -> SanitizeM [(F.Symbol, F.Sort)]
symbolSorts' cfg fi  = (normalize . compact . (defs ++)) =<< bindSorts fi
    normalize       = fmap (map (unShadow txFun dm))
    dm              = M.fromList defs
    defs            = F.toListSEnv . F.gLits $ fi
      | allowHO cfg = id
      | otherwise   = defuncSort

unShadow :: (F.Sort -> F.Sort) -> M.HashMap F.Symbol a -> (F.Symbol, F.Sort) -> (F.Symbol, F.Sort)
unShadow tx dm (x, t)
  | M.member x dm  = (x, t)
  | otherwise      = (x, tx t)

defuncSort :: F.Sort -> F.Sort
defuncSort (F.FFunc {}) = F.funcSort
defuncSort t            = t

compact :: [(F.Symbol, F.Sort)] -> Either E.Error [(F.Symbol, F.Sort)]
compact xts
  | null bad  = Right [(x, t) | (x, [t]) <- ok ]
  | otherwise = Left $ dupBindErrors bad'
    bad'      = [(x, (, []) <$> ts) | (x, ts) <- bad]
    (bad, ok) = L.partition multiSorted . binds $ xts
    binds     = M.toList . M.map Misc.sortNub . Misc.group

bindSorts  :: F.GInfo c a -> Either E.Error [(F.Symbol, F.Sort)]
bindSorts fi
  | null bad   = Right [ (x, t) | (x, [(t, _)]) <- ok ]
  | otherwise  = Left $ dupBindErrors [ (x, ts) | (x, ts) <- bad]
    (bad, ok)  = L.partition multiSorted . binds $ fi
    binds      = symBinds . F.bs

multiSorted :: (x, [t]) -> Bool
multiSorted = (1 <) . length . snd

dupBindErrors :: [(F.Symbol, [(F.Sort, [F.BindId] )])] -> E.Error
dupBindErrors = foldr1 E.catError . map dbe
   dbe (x, y) = E.err E.dummySpan $ vcat [ "Multiple sorts for" <+> pprint x
                                         , nest 4 (pprint y) ]

symBinds  :: F.BindEnv -> [SymBinds]
symBinds  = {- THIS KILLS ELEM: tracepp "symBinds" . -}
          . M.map Misc.groupList
          . Misc.group
          . binders

type SymBinds = (F.Symbol, [(F.Sort, [F.BindId])])

binders :: F.BindEnv -> [(F.Symbol, (F.Sort, F.BindId))]
binders be = [(x, (F.sr_sort t, i)) | (i, x, t) <- F.bindEnvToList be]

-- | Drop func-sorted `bind` that are shadowed by `constant` (if same type, else error)
dropFuncSortedShadowedBinders :: F.SInfo a -> F.SInfo a
dropFuncSortedShadowedBinders fi = dropBinders f (const True) fi
    f x t  = not (M.member x defs) || F.allowHO fi || isFirstOrder t
    defs   = M.fromList $ F.toListSEnv $ F.gLits fi

-- | Drop irrelevant binders from WfC Environments
sanitizeWfC :: F.SInfo a -> F.SInfo a
sanitizeWfC si = si { F.ws = ws' }
    ws'        = deleteWfCBinds drops <$> F.ws si
    (_,drops)  = filterBindEnv keepF   $  F.bs si
    keepF      = conjKF [nonConstantF si, nonFunctionF si, _nonDerivedLH]
    -- drops   = F.tracepp "sanitizeWfC: dropping" $ L.sort drops'

conjKF :: [KeepBindF] -> KeepBindF
conjKF fs x t = and [f x t | f <- fs]

-- | `nonDerivedLH` keeps a bind x if it does not start with `$` which is used
--   typically for names that are automatically "derived" by GHC (and which can)
--   blow up the environments thereby clogging instantiation, etc.
--   NOTE: This is an LH specific hack and should be moved there.

_nonDerivedLH :: KeepBindF
_nonDerivedLH x _ = not . T.isPrefixOf "$" . last . T.split ('.' ==) . F.symbolText $ x

nonConstantF :: F.SInfo a -> KeepBindF
nonConstantF si = \x _ -> not (x `F.memberSEnv` cEnv)
    cEnv        = F.gLits si

nonFunctionF :: F.SInfo a -> KeepBindF
nonFunctionF si
  | F.allowHO si    = \_ _ -> True
  | otherwise       = \_ t -> isNothing (F.functionSort t)

-- | Generic API for Deleting Binders from FInfo
dropBinders :: KeepBindF -> KeepSortF -> F.SInfo a -> F.SInfo a
dropBinders f g fi  = fi { F.bs    = bs'
                         , F.cm    = cm'
                         , F.ws    = ws'
                         , F.gLits = lits' }
    discards        = diss
    (bs', diss)     = filterBindEnv f $ F.bs fi
    cm'             = deleteSubCBinds discards   <$> F.cm fi
    ws'             = deleteWfCBinds  discards   <$> F.ws fi
    lits'           = F.filterSEnv g (F.gLits fi)

type KeepBindF = F.Symbol -> F.Sort -> Bool
type KeepSortF = F.Sort -> Bool

deleteSubCBinds :: [F.BindId] -> F.SimpC a -> F.SimpC a
deleteSubCBinds bs sc = sc { F._cenv = foldr F.deleteIBindEnv (F.senv sc) bs }

deleteWfCBinds :: [F.BindId] -> F.WfC a -> F.WfC a
deleteWfCBinds bs wf = wf { F.wenv = foldr F.deleteIBindEnv (F.wenv wf) bs }

filterBindEnv :: KeepBindF -> F.BindEnv -> (F.BindEnv, [F.BindId])
filterBindEnv f be  = (F.bindEnvFromList keep, discard')
    (keep, discard) = L.partition f' $ F.bindEnvToList be
    discard'        = Misc.fst3     <$> discard
    f' (_, x, t)    = f x (F.sr_sort t)

-- | Replace KVars that do not have a WfC with PFalse
replaceDeadKvars :: F.SInfo a -> F.SInfo a
replaceDeadKvars fi = mapKVars go fi
    go k | k `M.member` F.ws fi = Nothing
         | otherwise            = Just F.PFalse