-- | This module implements a "delta-debugging" based query minimizer
--   that attempts to shrink UNSAT queries down to a minimal subset
--   of constraints.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Language.Fixpoint.Minimize ( minQuery ) where

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                as M
import           Control.Monad                      (filterM)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Config     (Config (..))
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Errors
import           Language.Fixpoint.Utils.Files      hiding (Result)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Partition        -- (mcInfo, partition, partition')
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types
import           Control.DeepSeq

concatMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
concatMapM f = fmap concat . mapM f

minQuery :: (NFData a, Fixpoint a) => Config -> Solver a -> FInfo a
         -> IO (Result (Integer, a))
minQuery cfg solve fi = do
  let cfg'     = cfg { minimize = False }
  let (_, fis) = partition' Nothing fi
  failFis     <- filterM (fmap isUnsafe . solve cfg') fis
  failCs      <- concatMapM (getMinFailingCons cfg' solve) failFis
  let minFi    = fi { cm = M.fromList failCs, fileName = minFileName fi }
  saveQuery cfg' minFi
  putStrLn $ "Minimized Constraints: " ++ show (fst <$> failCs)
  return mempty

minFileName :: FInfo a -> FilePath
minFileName = extFileName Min . fileName

isUnsafe :: Result a -> Bool
isUnsafe (Result Safe _)  = False
isUnsafe _                = True

type ConsList a = [(Integer, SubC a)]
type Oracle a c = (Config -> Solver a -> FInfo a -> [c] -> IO Bool)

-- polymorphic delta debugging implementation
deltaDebug :: Oracle a c -> Config -> Solver a -> FInfo a -> [c] -> [c] -> IO [c]
deltaDebug testSet cfg solve finfo set r = do
  let (s1, s2) = splitAt (length set `div` 2) set
  if length set == 1
    then return set
    else do
      test1 <- testSet cfg solve finfo (s1 ++ r)
      if test1
        then deltaDebug testSet cfg solve finfo s1 r
        else do
          test2 <- testSet cfg solve finfo (s2 ++ r)
          if test2
            then deltaDebug testSet cfg solve finfo s2 r
            else do
              d1 <- deltaDebug testSet cfg solve finfo s1 (s2 ++ r)
              d2 <- deltaDebug testSet cfg solve finfo s2 (s1 ++ r)
              return (d1 ++ d2)

testConstraints :: (NFData a, Fixpoint a) => Config -> Solver a -> FInfo a -> ConsList a -> IO Bool
testConstraints cfg solve fi cons  = do
  let fi' = fi { cm = M.fromList cons }
  res <- solve cfg fi'
  return $ isUnsafe res

-- run delta debugging on a failing partition to find minimal set of failing constraints
getMinFailingCons :: (NFData a, Fixpoint a) => Config -> Solver a -> FInfo a -> IO (ConsList a)
getMinFailingCons cfg solve fi = do
  let cons = M.toList $ cm fi
  deltaDebug testConstraints cfg solve fi cons []