-- | This module implements the top-level API for interfacing with Fixpoint
--   In particular it exports the functions that solve constraints supplied
--   either as .fq files or as FInfo.

module Language.Fixpoint.Interface (

    -- * Containing Constraints
    FInfo (..)

    -- * Invoke Solver on an FInfo
  , solve

    -- * Invoke Solver on a .fq file
  , solveFQ

    -- * Function to determine outcome
  , resultExit

    -- * Parse Qualifiers from File
  , parseFInfo
) where

import           Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict              as M
import           Data.List hiding (partition)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import           Data.Functor
import           Data.Monoid (mconcat, mempty)
import           Data.Hashable
import           System.Directory                 (getTemporaryDirectory)
import           System.FilePath                  ((</>))

import           System.Exit
import           System.IO                        (IOMode (..), hPutStr, withFile)
import           Text.Printf

import           Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Eliminate (eliminateAll)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Uniqify   (renameAll)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Solver.Solve  as S
import           Language.Fixpoint.Config          hiding (solver)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Files           hiding (Result)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import           Language.Fixpoint.Statistics     (statistics)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Partition      (partition)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Parse          (rr, rr')
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types          hiding (kuts, lits)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Errors (exit)
import           Language.Fixpoint.PrettyPrint (showpp)
import           System.Console.CmdArgs.Verbosity hiding (Loud)
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ

-- | Solve .fq File -------------------------------------------------------
solveFQ :: Config -> IO ExitCode
solveFQ cfg
  | native cfg = solveNative cfg (solve cfg)
  | otherwise  = solveFile   cfg

-- | Solve FInfo system of horn-clause constraints ------------------------
  --  parts cfg  = partition cfg x
  --  stats cfg  = statistics cfg x
  --  native cfg = solveNativeWithFInfo cfg x
  --  otherwise  = solveExt cfg x

solve :: (Fixpoint a) => Config -> FInfo a -> IO (Result a)
solve cfg
  | parts cfg  = partition cfg
  | stats cfg  = statistics cfg
  | native cfg = solveNativeWithFInfo cfg
  | otherwise  = solveExt cfg

-- | Native Haskell Solver
solveNative :: Config -> (FInfo () -> IO (Result ())) -> IO ExitCode
solveNative cfg s = exit (ExitFailure 2) $ do
  let file  = inFile cfg
  str      <- readFile file
  let fi    = rr' file str :: FInfo ()
  res      <- s fi
  return    $ resultExit (resStatus res)

solveNativeWithFInfo :: (Fixpoint a) => Config -> FInfo a -> IO (Result a)
solveNativeWithFInfo cfg fi = do
  whenLoud  $ putStrLn $ "fq file in: \n" ++ render (toFixpoint cfg fi)
  donePhase Loud "Read Constraints"
  let fi'   = renameAll fi
  whenLoud  $ putStrLn $ "fq file after uniqify: \n" ++ render (toFixpoint cfg fi')
  donePhase Loud "Uniqify"
  fi''     <- elim cfg fi'
  donePhase Loud "Eliminate"
  whenLoud  $ putStrLn $ "fq file after eliminate: \n" ++ render (toFixpoint cfg fi')
  Result stat soln <- S.solve cfg fi''
  donePhase Loud "Solve"
  let stat' = sid <$> stat
  putStrLn  $ "Solution:\n" ++ showpp soln
  putStrLn  $ "Result: "    ++ show   stat'
  return    $ Result stat soln

elim :: (Fixpoint a) => Config -> FInfo a -> IO (FInfo a)
elim cfg fi
  | eliminate cfg = do let fi' = eliminateAll fi
                       whenLoud $ putStrLn $ "fq file after eliminate: \n" ++ render (toFixpoint cfg fi')
                       return fi'
  | otherwise     = return fi

-- | External Ocaml Solver
solveExt :: (Fixpoint a) => Config -> FInfo a -> IO (Result a)
solveExt cfg fi =   {-# SCC "Solve"  #-} execFq cfg fn fi
                >>= {-# SCC "exitFq" #-} exitFq fn (cm fi)
    fn          = srcFile cfg

execFq :: (Fixpoint a) => Config -> FilePath -> FInfo a -> IO ExitCode
execFq cfg fn fi
  = do writeFile fq qstr
       withFile fq AppendMode (\h -> {-# SCC "HPrintDump" #-} hPutStr h (render d))
       solveFile $ cfg `withTarget` fq
       fq   = extFileName Fq fn
       d    = {-# SCC "FixPointify" #-} toFixpoint cfg fi
       qstr = render (vcat (toFix <$> quals fi) $$ text "\n")

solveFile :: Config -> IO ExitCode
solveFile cfg
  = do fp  <- getFixpointPath
       z3  <- getZ3LibPath
       v   <- (\b -> if b then "-v 1" else "") <$> isLoud
       {-# SCC "sysCall:Fixpoint" #-} executeShellCommand "fixpoint" $ fixCommand fp z3 v
      fixCommand fp z3 verbosity
        = printf "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s %s %s %s -notruekvars -refinesort -nosimple -strictsortcheck -sortedquals %s"
          z3 fp verbosity rf (command cfg)
          rf  = if real cfg then realFlags else ""

realFlags :: String
realFlags =  "-no-uif-multiply "
          ++ "-no-uif-divide "

exitFq :: FilePath -> M.HashMap Integer (SubC a) -> ExitCode -> IO (Result a)
exitFq _ _ (ExitFailure n) | n /= 1
  = return $ Result (Crash [] "Unknown Error") M.empty
exitFq fn z _
  = do str <- {-# SCC "readOut" #-} readFile (extFileName Out fn)
       let (x, y) = parseFixpointOutput str
       let x'     = fmap (mlookup z) x
       return     $ Result x' y

parseFixpointOutput :: String -> (FixResult Integer, FixSolution)
parseFixpointOutput str = {-# SCC "parseFixOut" #-} rr ({-# SCC "sanitizeFixpointOutput" #-} sanitizeFixpointOutput str)

sanitizeFixpointOutput :: String -> String
  = unlines
  . filter (not . ("//"     `isPrefixOf`))
  . chopAfter ("//QUALIFIERS" `isPrefixOf`)
  . lines

resultExit :: FixResult a -> ExitCode
resultExit Safe        = ExitSuccess
resultExit (Unsafe _)  = ExitFailure 1
resultExit _           = ExitFailure 2

-- | Parse External Qualifiers --------------------------------------------
parseFInfo :: [FilePath] -> IO (FInfo a) -- [Qualifier]
parseFInfo fs = mconcat <$> mapM parseFI fs

parseFI :: FilePath -> IO (FInfo a) --[Qualifier]
parseFI f = do
  str   <- readFile f
  let fi = rr' f str :: FInfo ()
  return $ mempty { quals = quals  fi
                  , gs    = gs     fi }