(* * Copyright © 2009 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, without written * agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. *) open FixMisc.Ops module SS = FixMisc.StringSet (******* This module contains globals representing "flags" **************) let lib_path = Sys.argv.(0) |> Filename.dirname |> ref let annotsep_name = "\n\n=+=\n\n" let global_name = "GLOBAL" let file: string option ref = ref None (* last commandline param*) let csolve_file_prefix = ref "csolve" (* where to find/place csolve-related files *) let safe = ref false (* -safe *) let manual = ref false (* -manual *) let out_file_name = ref "out" (* -out *) (* let save_file = ref "out.fq" (* -save *) *) let save_slice = ref false (* -save-slice *) let dump_ref_constraints= ref false (* -drconstr *) let ctypes_only = ref false (* -ctypes *) let verbose_level = ref 0 (* -v *) let inccheck = ref SS.empty (* -inccheck *) let cex = ref false (* -counterexamples *) let shortannots = ref true (* -shortannots *) let strictsortcheck = ref false (* -strictsortcheck *) let latex_file: string option ref = ref None (* translate to LaTeX *) let armc_file: string option ref = ref None (* translate to ARMC *) let horn_file: string option ref = ref None (* translate to Horn clauses *) let raw_horn_file: string option ref = ref None (* translate to raw Horn clauses *) let q_armc_file: string option ref = ref None (* OBSOLETE translate to Q'ARMC file *) let dot_file: string option ref = ref None (* translate to dot file *) let purify_function_application = ref true (* replace fun-terms by existentially quantified variables *) let z3_timeout = ref 25 let fastscalar = ref false (* -fastscalar *) let vannots = ref true (* -noannots *) let minquals = ref true (* -allquals *) let ptag = ref true (* -ptag *) let genspec = ref false (* -genspec *) let simplify_t = ref false (* simplify and prune vacuous FixConstraint.t constraints *) let copyprop = ref true (* perform copyprop to eliminate tempvars *) let root = ref "" (* root function *) let refine_sort = ref false (* -refinesort *) let sorted_quals = ref false (* -sortedquals *) let true_unconstrained = ref true (* -true_unconstrained *) let do_nothing = ref false (* -nop *) let smt_solver = ref (Some "z3") (* -smtsolver [z3, yices, cvc4, ...] *) let dump_imp = ref false (* -imp *) let dump_smtlib = ref false (* -smtlib *) let dump_simp = ref "" (* -simp *) let prune_live = ref false (* -prunelive *) let print_nontriv = ref false (* -print_nontriv *) let heapify_nonarrays = ref true (* heapify all stack variables *) let timeout = ref (-1) let lfp = ref true (* -nolfp *) let slice = ref true (* -slice *) let no_lib_hquals = ref false (* -no-lib-hquals *) let gen_qual_sorts = ref true (* -no-gen-qual-sorts *) let web_demo = ref false (* -web-demo *) let simple = ref true (* -simple *) let set_theory = ref true (* -set-theory *) let ueq_all_sorts = ref false (* -ueq-all-sorts *) (* JHALA: what do these do ? *) let psimple = ref true (* -psimple *) let dump_graph = ref false (* -dgraph :: this probably caused the dsolve solver to dump the constraint graph *) let dropcalls = ref false (* -dropcalls *) let adjdeps = ref true (* -origdeps *) let check_is = ref false (* -check-indices *) let trace_scalar = ref false (* -trace-scalar *) let prune_index = ref false (* -prune-index *) let uif_multiply = ref true (* -no-uif-multiply *) let uif_divide = ref true (* -no-uif-multiply *) (****************************************************************) (************* Output levels ************************************) (****************************************************************) (* verbosity levels by purpose *) let ol_always = 0 let ol_solve_error = 1 let ol_warning = 1 let ol_solve_master = 2 let ol_solve_stats = 2 let ol_timing = 2 let ol_warn_mlqs = 3 let ol_normalized = 3 let ol_finals = 3 let ol_ctypes = 3 let ol_dquals = 4 let ol_unique_names = 5 (* must be > ol_dquals *) let ol_solve = 10 let ol_refine = 11 let ol_scc = 12 let ol_dump_env = 10 let ol_axioms = 5 let ol_dump_prover = 20 let ol_verb_constrs = 21 let ol_dump_wfs = 22 let ol_dump_meas = 30 let ol_dump_quals = 50 let ol_insane = 200 let verb_stack = ref [] let ck_olev l = l <= !verbose_level let null_formatter = Format.make_formatter (fun a b c -> ()) ignore let nprintf a = Format.fprintf null_formatter a let cprintf l = if ck_olev l then Format.printf else nprintf let ecprintf l = if ck_olev l then Format.eprintf else nprintf let fcprintf ppf l = if ck_olev l then Format.fprintf ppf else nprintf let icprintf printer l ppf = if ck_olev l then printer ppf else printer null_formatter let cprintln l s = if ck_olev l then Printf.ksprintf (Format.printf "@[%s@\n@]") s else nprintf let elevate_olev l = if ck_olev l then () else verb_stack := !verbose_level :: !verb_stack; verbose_level := l let restore_olev = match !verb_stack with | x :: xs -> verbose_level := x; verb_stack := xs | _ -> () let bprintf b = if b || ck_olev 1 then Format.printf else nprintf let bprintflush b s = bprintf b "%s" s; flush stdout (******************************************************************************) (*********************************** Logging **********************************) (******************************************************************************) let logChannel = ref stdout let logFormatter = ref (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout) let setLogChannel lc = logChannel := lc; logFormatter := Format.formatter_of_out_channel lc let logPrintf a = Format.fprintf !logFormatter a let blogPrintf b = if b then logPrintf else nprintf let cLogPrintf l = if ck_olev l then logPrintf else nprintf let get_out_file = fun () -> !out_file_name let get_save_file = fun () -> (!out_file_name ^ ".fq") let get_smt2_file = fun () -> (!out_file_name ^ ".smt2") (*****************************************************************) (*********** Command Line Options ********************************) (*****************************************************************) (* taken from dsolve/liquid/liquid.ml *) let arg_spec = [("-out", Arg.String (fun s -> out_file_name := s), " Save solution to file [out]"); (* ("-save", Arg.String (fun s -> save_file := s), " Save constraints to file [out.fq]"); *) ("-inccheck", Arg.String (fun s -> true_unconstrained := false; inccheck := SS.add s !inccheck), " Incrementally check the specified function"); ("-noslice", Arg.Clear slice, " Compute fixpoint for all kvars, not just those affecting property"); ("-nolfp", Arg.Clear lfp, " Weaken environment (do not produce least fixed-point solution)"); ("-origdeps", Arg.Clear adjdeps, " Don't adjust constraint dependencies [true]"); ("-dropcalls", Arg.Set dropcalls, " Ignore function calls during consgen [false]"); ("-drconstr", Arg.Set dump_ref_constraints, " Dump refinement constraints [false]"); ("-noshortannots", Arg.Clear shortannots, " Annotations with full predicates (not names) [false]"); ("-strictsortcheck", Arg.Set strictsortcheck, " Strict Sort Checking -- e.g. ptr/int comparisons -- for non-C constraints [false]"); ("-ctypes", Arg.Set ctypes_only, " Infer ctypes only [false]"); ("-saveslice", Arg.Set save_slice, " save slices to file [false]"); ("-safe", Arg.Set safe, " run in failsafe mode [false]"); ("-manual", Arg.Set manual, " only verify manually-inserted checks"); ("-fastscalar", Arg.Set fastscalar, " use new (experimental) fastscalar solver, eventually will be default"); ("-counterexamples", Arg.Set cex, " generate counterexamples [false] "); ("-noannots", Arg.Unit (fun () -> vannots := false; minquals := false), " generate vim readable annotation file [true] "); ("-allquals", Arg.Clear minquals, " don't minimize qualifiers by using pre-computed one-level implication [true] "); ("-timeout", Arg.Set_int timeout, " limit total time (in seconds, default no limit)"); ("-ptag", Arg.Set ptag, " prioritize constraints using lexico-ordering on tags [true]"); ("-genspec", Arg.Set genspec, " Generate spec file only [false]"); ("-root", Arg.String (fun s -> root := s), " Use root function []"); ( "-nosimple" , Arg.Clear simple , " Directly propagate qualifiers for simple constraints (K1 <: K2) [true]"); ( "-nosettheory" , Arg.Clear set_theory , " Support for set theory on Z3 [true]"); ("-psimple", Arg.Set psimple, " prioritize simple constraints [true]"); ("-dgraph", Arg.Set dump_graph, " dump constraints SCC to constraints.dot [false]"); ("-sortedquals", Arg.Set sorted_quals, " use sorted parameters in the qualifiers, to speed up instantiation. Should become default after vetting."); ("-refinesort", Arg.Set refine_sort, " use sortchecking to refine constraints -- and toss out badly instantiated quals. Shouldn't need except for backward compatibility with dsolve constraints, DONT USE!"); ("-notruekvars", Arg.Clear true_unconstrained, " don't true unconstrained kvars [true]"); ("-v", Arg.Int (fun c -> verbose_level := c), " Set degree of analyzer verbosity:\n\ \032 0 No output\n\ \032 1 +Verbose errors\n\ \032 [2] +Verbose stats, timing\n\ \032 3 +Print normalized source\n\ \032 11 +Verbose solver\n\ \032 13 +Dump constraint graph\n\ \032 64 +Drowning in output"); ("-latex", Arg.String (fun s -> let l = String.length s in if l = 0 || String.sub s (l-4) 4 <> ".tex" then print_endline "-latex: invalid parameter" else latex_file := Some s), " translates constraints to LaTeX file" ); ("-armc", Arg.String (fun s -> let l = String.length s in if l = 0 then print_endline "-armc: invalid parameter" else armc_file := Some s), " translate constraints to ARMC file" ); ("-horn", Arg.String (fun s -> let l = String.length s in if l = 0 then print_endline "-rules: invalid parameter" else horn_file := Some s), " translate constraints to Horn clauses" ); ("-raw-horn", Arg.String (fun s -> let l = String.length s in if l = 0 then print_endline "-rules: invalid parameter" else raw_horn_file := Some s), " translate constraints to raw Horn clauses" ); ("-qarmc", Arg.String (fun s -> let l = String.length s in if l = 0 then print_endline "-qarmc: invalid parameter" else q_armc_file := Some s), " translate constraints to Q'ARMC file" ); ("-dot", Arg.String (fun s -> let l = String.length s in if l = 0 || String.sub s (l-4) 4 <> ".dot" then print_endline "-dot: invalid parameter" else dot_file := Some s), " translate constraints to dot file" ); ("-keep-uif", Arg.Clear purify_function_application, " do not replace function terms by existentially quantified variables" ); ("-no-simplify-t", Arg.Clear simplify_t, " do not simplify constraints" ); ("-simplify-t", Arg.Set simplify_t, " simplify constraints" ); ("-nocopyprop", Arg.Clear copyprop, " simplify constraints via local copy propagation [true]" ); ("-libpath", Arg.String (fun s -> lib_path := s), (" library path for default spec, quals ["^(!lib_path)^"]") ); ("-nop", Arg.Set do_nothing, " do nothing (useful for regression tests known to be broken)"; ); ("-imp", Arg.Set dump_imp, " print constraints as IMP program (experimental)" ); ("-smtsolver", Arg.String (fun s -> smt_solver := if s = "z3mem" then None else Some s), (" SMT solver (default: Z3 SMTLIB2. z3mem for bindings)") ); ("-smtlib", Arg.Set dump_smtlib, " print constraints as SMTLIB query (experimental)" ); ("-prunelive", Arg.Set prune_live, " Restrict liquid types to live variables (experimental)" ); ("-no-uif-multiply", Arg.Clear uif_multiply, " Don't encode non-linear multiplication with UIFs [true]" ); ("-no-uif-divide", Arg.Clear uif_divide, " Don't encode non-linear division with UIFs [true]" ); ("-simp", Arg.String ((:=) dump_simp), " print simplified constraints to save-file (experimental) use [andrey] or [jhala] or [id]" ); ("-print-nontriv", Arg.Set (print_nontriv), " print non-trivial bindings in each environment [false]" ); ("-trace-scalar", Arg.Set(trace_scalar), " print constraints and index values in the Index solver"); ("-check-indices", Arg.Set(check_is), " sanity check computed indices"); ("-prune-index", Arg.Set(prune_index), " use the index domain to prune initial solution"); ("-no-lib-hquals", Arg.Set(no_lib_hquals), " don't use qualifier library in type inference"); ("-no-gen-qual-sorts", Arg.Clear(gen_qual_sorts), " don't generalize parameter sorts in qualifiers"); ("-web-demo", Arg.Set(web_demo), " set HTML output to web demo mode"); ("-ueq-all-sorts", Arg.Set(ueq_all_sorts), " make ~~ (UEq) accept all inputs [false]"); ] let is_prefix p s = let reg = Str.regexp p in Str.string_match reg s 0 (******************************************************************) (*************** Paths for builtin specs, quals etc ***************) (******************************************************************) let get_lib_squals = fun () -> Filename.concat !lib_path "lib.squals" let get_lib_hquals = fun () -> Filename.concat !lib_path "lib.hquals" let get_lib_spec = fun () -> Filename.concat !lib_path "lib.spec" let get_lib_h = fun () -> Filename.concat !lib_path "lib.h" let get_csolve_h = fun () -> Filename.concat !lib_path "../lib/csolve.h" let get_c2html = fun () -> Filename.concat !lib_path "../demo/jquery/cs2html.py" (* TODO: FIX SHADY HACK *) let set_csolve_file_prefix fn = csolve_file_prefix := fn (* let fn' = try (Filename.chop_extension fn)^".c" with _ -> fn in if Filename.check_suffix fn ".o" && Sys.file_exists fn' then csolve_file_prefix := fn' else csolve_file_prefix := fn *)