(* * Copyright © 2009 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION * TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * *) (** read a set of constraints, solve, and dump out the solution *) module CX = Counterexample module BS = BNstats module SM = Ast.Symbol.SMap module Co = Constants module C = FixConstraint module F = Format module T = Toplevel module PA = PredAbs module SPA = Solve.Make (PA) module Cg = FixConfig module Misc = FixMisc open Misc.Ops let mydebug = false (*****************************************************************) (********************* Hooking into Solver ***********************) (*****************************************************************) let print_raw_cs ppf = function | [] -> F.fprintf ppf "SAT \n \n \n" | cs -> F.fprintf ppf "UNSAT [%s] \n \n \n" (Misc.map_to_string (C.id_of_t <+> string_of_int) cs) let save_raw fname cs s = Misc.with_out_formatter fname begin fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "%a \n" print_raw_cs cs; F.fprintf ppf "%a \n" PA.print s; F.fprintf ppf "@."; F.print_flush () end let save_crash fname (id, tag, msg) = Misc.with_out_formatter fname begin fun ppf -> F.fprintf ppf "CRASH %d (%s)\n" id msg; F.fprintf ppf "//%a\n" C.print_tag tag; F.fprintf ppf "@."; F.print_flush () end let solve ac = let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "Fixpoint: Creating CI\n" in let ctx, s = BS.time "create" SPA.create ac None in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "Fixpoint: Solving \n" in let s, cs',_ = BS.time "solve" (SPA.solve ctx) s in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "Fixpoint: Saving Result \n" in let _ = BS.time "save" (save_raw !Co.out_file cs') s in let _ = Co.bprintflush mydebug "Fixpoint: Saving Result DONE \n" in cs' let dump_solve ac = try let cs' = solve { ac with Cg.bm = SM.map PA.mkbind ac.Cg.bm } in let _ = if Co.ck_olev 1 then BNstats.print stdout "Fixpoint Solver Time \n" in match cs' with | [] -> (F.printf "\nSAT\n" ; exit 0) | _ -> (F.printf "\nUNSAT\n" ; exit 1) with (C.BadConstraint (id, tag, msg)) -> begin Format.printf "Fixpoint: Bad Constraint! id = %d (%s) tag = %a \n" id msg C.print_tag tag; save_crash !Co.out_file (id, tag, msg); end (*****************************************************************) (********************* Generate Imp Program **********************) (*****************************************************************) let dump_imp a = (List.map (fun c -> Cg.Cst c) a.Cg.cs ++ List.map (fun c -> Cg.Wfc c) a.Cg.ws) |> ToImp.render F.std_formatter |> fun _ -> exit 1 (*****************************************************************) (***************** Generate Simplified Constraints ***************) (*****************************************************************) let hook_simplify_ts = function | "andrey" -> List.map Simplification.simplify_t <+> List.filter (not <.> Simplification.is_tauto_t) <+> Simplification.simplify_ts | "jhala" -> FixSimplify.simplify_ts (* put other transforms here *) | _ -> id let simplify_ts cs = hook_simplify_ts !Co.dump_simp cs let dump_simp ac = let ac = {ac with Cg.cs = simplify_ts ac.Cg.cs; Cg.bm = SM.empty} in Misc.with_out_formatter !Co.save_file (fun ppf -> Cg.print ppf ac) (* let dump_simp ac = (* let ac = {ac with Cg.cs = simplify_ts ac.Cg.cs; Cg.bm = SM.empty; Cg.qs = []} in *) let ac = {ac with Cg.cs = simplify_ts ac.Cg.cs; Cg.bm = SM.empty} in Misc.with_out_formatter !Co.save_file (fun ppf -> Cg.print ppf ac) let ctx,_ = BS.time "create" SPA.create ac None in let s0 = PA.empty (* PA.create ac None *) in let _ = BS.time "save" (SPA.save !Co.save_file ctx) s0 in exit 1 *) (*****************************************************************) (*********************** Main ************************************) (*****************************************************************) let usage = "Usage: fixpoint.native [source-files]\noptions are:" let main () = let cfg = usage |> Toplevel.read_inputs |> snd in if !Co.dump_imp then dump_imp cfg else if !Co.dump_smtlib then ToSmtLib.dump_smtlib cfg else if !Co.dump_simp <> "" then dump_simp cfg else dump_solve cfg let _ = main ()