{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-| Module : Network.Linode License : BSD3 Stability : experimental This package contains some helpers to create and configure instances. They all require an API key, which can be created on the Linode website. Usage example. We want to create one Linode instance in Atlanta with 1GB of RAM: > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} > import Network.Linode > import Data.List (find) > import qualified System.Process as P > import Data.Foldable (traverse_) > import Data.Monoid ((<>)) > > main :: IO() > main = do > apiKey <- fmap (head . words) (readFile "apiKey") > sshPublicKey <- readFile "id_rsa.pub" > let options = defaultLinodeCreationOptions { > datacenterSelect = find ((=="atlanta") . datacenterName), > planSelect = find ((=="Linode 1024") . planName), > sshKey = Just sshPublicKey > } > c <- createLinode apiKey True options > case c of > Left err -> print err > Right linode -> do > traverse_ (\a -> waitForSSH a >> setup a) (publicAddress linode) > print linode > > setup address = P.callCommand $ "scp yourfile root@" <> ip address <> ":/root" You should see something like this: > Creating empty linode (Linode 1024 at atlanta) > Creating disk (24448 MB) > .............. > Creating swap (128 MB) > ........ > Creating config > Booting > ...................................... > Booted linode 1481198 And get something like that: > Linode { > linodeId = LinodeId {unLinodeId = 1481198}, > linodeConfigId = ConfigId {unConfigId = 2251152}, > linodeDatacenterName = "atlanta", > linodePassword = "We4kP4ssw0rd", > linodeAddresses = [Address {ip = "", rdnsName = "li1293-121.members.linode.com"}]} -} module Network.Linode ( -- * Most common operations createLinode , createCluster , defaultLinodeCreationOptions , waitForSSH , deleteInstance , deleteCluster -- * Lower level API calls , getAccountInfo , getDatacenters , getDistributions , getInstances , getKernels , getPlans , getIpList , createConfig , createDiskFromDistribution , createDisklessLinode , createSwapDisk , createDisk , boot , jobList -- * Helpers , waitUntilCompletion , select , publicAddress -- * Examples , exampleCreateOneLinode , exampleCreateTwoLinodes , module Network.Linode.Types ) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A import Control.Error hiding (err) import Control.Lens import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Control.Retry as R import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.List (find, sortBy) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Ord (comparing) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Network.Wreq as W import Prelude hiding (log) import qualified System.Process as P import Network.Linode.Internal import Network.Linode.Types {-| Create a Linode instance and boot it. -} createLinode :: ApiKey -> Bool -> LinodeCreationOptions -> IO (Either LinodeError Linode) createLinode apiKey log options = do i <- runExceptT create case i of Left e -> return $ Left e Right (linId, selected) -> do r <- runExceptT $ configure linId selected case r of Left e -> deleteInstance apiKey linId >> return (Left e) Right l -> return $ Right l where create :: ExceptT LinodeError IO (LinodeId, (Datacenter, Distribution, Plan, Kernel)) = do (datacenter, distribution, plan, kernel) <- select apiKey options printLog $ "Creating empty linode (" <> T.unpack (planName plan) <> " at " <> T.unpack (datacenterName datacenter) <> ")" CreatedLinode linId <- createDisklessLinode apiKey (datacenterId datacenter) (planId plan) (paymentChoice options) return (linId, (datacenter, distribution, plan, kernel)) configure linId (datacenter, distribution, plan, kernel) = do let swapSize = swapAmount options let rootDiskSize = (1024 * disk plan) - swapSize let wait = liftIO (waitUntilCompletion apiKey linId log) (CreatedDisk diskId _) <- createDiskFromDistribution apiKey linId (distributionId distribution) (diskLabel options) rootDiskSize (password options) (sshKey options) printLog ("Creating disk (" ++ show rootDiskSize ++ " MB)") >> wait (CreatedDisk swapId _) <- createSwapDisk apiKey linId "swap" swapSize printLog ("Creating swap (" ++ show swapSize ++ " MB)") >> wait (CreatedConfig configId) <- maybeOr (CreatedConfig <$> config options) (createConfig apiKey linId (kernelId kernel) "profile" [diskId, swapId]) printLog "Creating config" (BootedInstance _) <- boot apiKey linId configId printLog "Booting" >> wait addresses <- getIpList apiKey linId printLog $ "Booted linode " ++ show (unLinodeId linId) return $ Linode linId configId (datacenterName datacenter) (password options) addresses printLog l = when log (liftIO $ putStrLn l) {-| Create a Linode cluster. -} createCluster :: ApiKey -> LinodeCreationOptions -> Int -> Bool -> IO (Either [LinodeError] [Linode]) createCluster apiKey options number log = do let optionsList = take number $ map (\(o,i) -> o {diskLabel = diskLabel o <> "-" <> show i}) (zip (repeat options) ([0..] :: [Int])) r <- partitionEithers <$> A.mapConcurrently (createLinode apiKey log) optionsList case r of ([], linodes) -> return (Right linodes) (errors, linodes) -> do _ <- deleteCluster apiKey (map linodeId linodes) return (Left errors) {-| Default options to create an instance. Please customize the security options. -} defaultLinodeCreationOptions :: LinodeCreationOptions defaultLinodeCreationOptions = LinodeCreationOptions { datacenterSelect = find ((=="london") . datacenterName), planSelect = find ((=="Linode 1024") . planName), kernelSelect = find (("Latest 64 bit" `T.isPrefixOf`) . kernelName), distributionSelect = find ((=="Debian 8.1") . distributionName), paymentChoice = OneMonth, swapAmount = 128, password = "We4kP4ssw0rd", sshKey = Nothing, diskLabel = "mainDisk", config = Nothing } -- TODO: only works in linux and macos {-| Wait until an ssh connexion is possible, then add the Linode's ip in known_hosts. A newly created Linode is unreachable during a few seconds. -} waitForSSH :: Address -> IO () waitForSSH address = R.recoverAll retryPolicy command where retryPolicy = R.constantDelay oneSecond <> R.limitRetries 100 oneSecond = 1000 * 1000 command = P.callCommand $ "ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@" <> ip address <> " exit" {-| Delete a Linode instance. -} deleteInstance :: ApiKey -> LinodeId -> IO (Either LinodeError DeletedLinode) deleteInstance apiKey (LinodeId i) = runExceptT $ getWith $ W.defaults & W.param "api_key" .~ [T.pack apiKey] & W.param "api_action" .~ [T.pack "linode.delete"] & W.param "LinodeID" .~ [T.pack $ show i] & W.param "skipChecks" .~ ["true"] {-| Delete a list of Linode instances. -} deleteCluster :: ApiKey -> [LinodeId] -> IO ([LinodeError],[DeletedLinode]) deleteCluster apiKey linodes = partitionEithers <$> mapM (deleteInstance apiKey) linodes {-| Read your global account information: network usage, billing state and billing method. -} getAccountInfo :: ApiKey -> ExceptT LinodeError IO AccountInfo getAccountInfo = simpleGetter "account.info" {-| Read all Linode datacenters: dallas, fremont, atlanta, newark, london, tokyo, singapore, frankfurt -} getDatacenters :: ApiKey -> ExceptT LinodeError IO [Datacenter] getDatacenters = simpleGetter "avail.datacenters" {-| Read all available Linux distributions. For example, Debian 8.1 has id 140. -} getDistributions :: ApiKey -> ExceptT LinodeError IO [Distribution] getDistributions = simpleGetter "avail.distributions" {-| Read detailed information about all your instances. -} getInstances :: ApiKey -> ExceptT LinodeError IO [Instance] getInstances = simpleGetter "linode.list" {-| Read all available Linux kernels. -} getKernels :: ApiKey -> ExceptT LinodeError IO [Kernel] getKernels = simpleGetter "avail.kernels" {-| Read all plans offered by Linode. A plan specifies the available CPU, RAM, network usage and pricing of an instance. The smallest plan is Linode 1024. -} getPlans :: ApiKey -> ExceptT LinodeError IO [Plan] getPlans = simpleGetter "avail.linodeplans" {-| Read all IP addresses of an instance. -} getIpList :: ApiKey -> LinodeId -> ExceptT LinodeError IO [Address] getIpList apiKey (LinodeId i) = getWith $ W.defaults & W.param "api_key" .~ [T.pack apiKey] & W.param "api_action" .~ [T.pack "linode.ip.list"] & W.param "LinodeID" .~ [T.pack $ show i] {-| Create a Linode Config (a bag of instance options). -} createConfig :: ApiKey -> LinodeId -> KernelId -> String -> [DiskId] -> ExceptT LinodeError IO CreatedConfig createConfig apiKey (LinodeId i) (KernelId k) label disksIds = do let disksList = T.intercalate "," $ take 9 $ map (T.pack . show . unDisk) disksIds ++ repeat "" let opts = W.defaults & W.param "api_key" .~ [T.pack apiKey] & W.param "api_action" .~ [T.pack "linode.config.create"] & W.param "LinodeID" .~ [T.pack $ show i] & W.param "KernelID" .~ [T.pack $ show k] & W.param "Label" .~ [T.pack label] & W.param "DiskList" .~ [disksList] & W.param "helper_distro" .~ ["true"] & W.param "helper_network" .~ ["true"] getWith opts {-| Create a disk from a supported Linux distribution. Size in MB. -} createDiskFromDistribution :: ApiKey -> LinodeId -> DistributionId -> String -> Int -> String -> Maybe String -> ExceptT LinodeError IO CreatedDisk createDiskFromDistribution apiKey (LinodeId i) (DistributionId d) label size pass sshPublicKey = getWith $ W.defaults & W.param "api_key" .~ [T.pack apiKey] & W.param "api_action" .~ [T.pack "linode.disk.createfromdistribution"] & W.param "LinodeID" .~ [T.pack $ show i] & W.param "DistributionID" .~ [T.pack $ show d] & W.param "Label" .~ [T.pack label] & W.param "Size" .~ [T.pack $ show size] & W.param "rootPass" .~ [T.pack pass] & case T.pack <$> sshPublicKey of Nothing -> id Just k -> W.param "rootSSHKey" .~ [k] {-| Create a Linode instance with no disk and no configuration. You probably want createLinode instead. -} createDisklessLinode :: ApiKey -> DatacenterId -> PlanId -> PaymentTerm -> ExceptT LinodeError IO CreatedLinode createDisklessLinode apiKey (DatacenterId d) (PlanId p) paymentTerm = getWith $ W.defaults & W.param "api_key" .~ [T.pack apiKey] & W.param "api_action" .~ [T.pack "linode.create"] & W.param "DatacenterID" .~ [T.pack $ show d] & W.param "PlanID" .~ [T.pack $ show p] & W.param "PaymentTerm" .~ [T.pack $ show (paymentTermToInt paymentTerm)] {-| Create a swap partition. -} createSwapDisk :: ApiKey -> LinodeId -> String -> Int -> ExceptT LinodeError IO CreatedDisk createSwapDisk apiKey linId label = createDisk apiKey linId label Swap {-| Create a partition. -} createDisk :: ApiKey -> LinodeId -> String -> DiskType -> Int -> ExceptT LinodeError IO CreatedDisk createDisk apiKey (LinodeId i) label diskType size = getWith $ W.defaults & W.param "api_key" .~ [T.pack apiKey] & W.param "api_action" .~ [T.pack "linode.disk.create"] & W.param "LinodeID" .~ [T.pack $ show i] & W.param "Label" .~ [T.pack label] & W.param "Type" .~ [T.pack (diskTypeToString diskType)] & W.param "size" .~ [T.pack $ show size] {-| Boot a Linode instance. -} boot :: ApiKey-> LinodeId -> ConfigId -> ExceptT LinodeError IO BootedInstance boot apiKey (LinodeId i) (ConfigId c) = getWith $ W.defaults & W.param "api_key" .~ [T.pack apiKey] & W.param "api_action" .~ [T.pack "linode.boot"] & W.param "LinodeID" .~ [T.pack $ show i] & W.param "ConfigID" .~ [T.pack $ show c] {-| List of pending jobs for this Linode instance. -} jobList :: ApiKey -> LinodeId -> ExceptT LinodeError IO [WaitingJob] jobList apiKey (LinodeId i) = getWith $ W.defaults & W.param "api_key" .~ [T.pack apiKey] & W.param "api_action" .~ [T.pack "linode.job.list"] & W.param "LinodeID" .~ [T.pack $ show i] & W.param "pendingOnly" .~ ["true"] {-| Wait until all operations on one instance are done. -} waitUntilCompletion :: ApiKey -> LinodeId -> Bool -> IO() waitUntilCompletion apiKey linId log = do waitingJobs <- runExceptT $ jobList apiKey linId case all waitingJobSuccess <$> waitingJobs of Left e -> putStrLn $ "Error during wait:" ++ show e Right True -> when log (putStrLn "") Right False -> do when log (putStr ".") threadDelay (100*1000) waitUntilCompletion apiKey linId log {-| Select a Datacenter, a Plan, a Linux distribution and kernel from all Linode offering. -} select :: ApiKey -> LinodeCreationOptions -> ExceptT LinodeError IO (Datacenter, Distribution, Plan, Kernel) select apiKey options = (,,,) <$> fetchAndSelect (runExceptT $ getDatacenters apiKey) (datacenterSelect options) "datacenter" <*> fetchAndSelect (runExceptT $ getDistributions apiKey) (distributionSelect options) "distribution" <*> fetchAndSelect (runExceptT $ getPlans apiKey) (planSelect options . sortBy (comparing hourly)) "plan" <*> fetchAndSelect (runExceptT $ getKernels apiKey) (kernelSelect options) "kernel" {-| Pick one public address of the Linode Instance -} publicAddress :: Linode -> Maybe Address publicAddress = headMay . sortBy (comparing ip) . filter isPublic . linodeAddresses {-| Example of Linode creation. It expects the apiKey and id_rsa.pub files in the current directory. -} exampleCreateOneLinode :: IO (Maybe Linode) exampleCreateOneLinode = do apiKey <- fmap (head . words) (readFile "apiKey") sshPublicKey <- readFile "id_rsa.pub" let options = defaultLinodeCreationOptions { datacenterSelect = find ((=="atlanta") . datacenterName), planSelect = find ((=="Linode 1024") . planName), sshKey = Just sshPublicKey } c <- createLinode apiKey True options case c of Left err -> do print err return Nothing Right linode -> do traverse_ (\a -> waitForSSH a >> setup a) (publicAddress linode) return (Just linode) where setup address = P.callCommand $ "scp TODO root@" <> ip address <> ":/root" {-| Example of Linodes creation. It expects the apiKey and id_rsa.pub files in the current directory. -} exampleCreateTwoLinodes :: IO (Maybe [Linode]) exampleCreateTwoLinodes = do sshPublicKey <- readFile "id_rsa.pub" apiKey <- fmap (head . words) (readFile "apiKey") let options = defaultLinodeCreationOptions { datacenterSelect = find ((=="atlanta") . datacenterName), planSelect = find ((=="Linode 1024") . planName), sshKey = Just sshPublicKey } c <- createCluster apiKey options 2 True case c of Left errors -> do print ("error(s) in cluster creation" ++ show errors) return Nothing Right linodes -> do mapM_ (traverse_ (\a -> waitForSSH a >> setup a) . publicAddress) linodes return (Just linodes) where setup address = P.callCommand $ "scp TODO root@" <> ip address <> ":/root"