{- This file is part of link-relations.
 - Written in 2015 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@riseup.net>.
 - Also includes parts generated from the IANA link relation registry.
 - ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
 - The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
 - rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
 - distributed without any warranty.
 - You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
 - with this software. If not, see
 - <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | A simple web link between two web resources, e.g. a hyperlink in a webpage
-- referring to another page, suggests that the resources are somehow related,
-- but it doesn't say /how/ they are related. For example, a blog post may link
-- to the author's main page (relation: author of the post) but also link to
-- the previous post (relation: previous post by chronological order).
-- Link relations provide a way to express the relation between resources
-- linked by a web link.
-- A link relation type may be represented by a URI, or by a registered link
-- relation name. IANA maintains a
-- <https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations registry> of link
-- relations. This module provides access to them through a dedicated
-- 'LinkRelation' datatype.
-- This version of the package corresponds to the
-- /2015-01-21/
-- version of the registry.
module Web.LinkRelations
    ( -- * Types and Conversions
    , fromURI
    , fromURIStr
    , fromName
    , fromByteString
    , isURI
    , isName
    , toByteString
      -- * Link Relation Identifiers
    , relAbout
    , relAlternate
    , relAppendix
    , relArchives
    , relAuthor
    , relBookmark
    , relCanonical
    , relChapter
    , relCollection
    , relContents
    , relCopyright
    , relCreateForm
    , relCurrent
    , relDerivedfrom
    , relDescribedby
    , relDescribes
    , relDisclosure
    , relDuplicate
    , relEdit
    , relEditForm
    , relEditMedia
    , relEnclosure
    , relFirst
    , relGlossary
    , relHelp
    , relHosts
    , relHub
    , relIcon
    , relIndex
    , relItem
    , relLast
    , relLatestVersion
    , relLicense
    , relLrdd
    , relMemento
    , relMonitor
    , relMonitorGroup
    , relNext
    , relNextArchive
    , relNofollow
    , relNoreferrer
    , relOriginal
    , relPayment
    , relPredecessorVersion
    , relPrefetch
    , relPrev
    , relPreview
    , relPrevious
    , relPrevArchive
    , relPrivacyPolicy
    , relProfile
    , relRelated
    , relReplies
    , relSearch
    , relSection
    , relSelf
    , relService
    , relStart
    , relStylesheet
    , relSubsection
    , relSuccessorVersion
    , relTag
    , relTermsOfService
    , relTimegate
    , relTimemap
    , relType
    , relUp
    , relVersionHistory
    , relVia
    , relWorkingCopy
    , relWorkingCopyOf

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import URI.ByteString

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M

-- | A web link relation type. Either a URI or a registered name.
data LinkRelation
    = FromURI URI
    | RelAbout
    | RelAlternate
    | RelAppendix
    | RelArchives
    | RelAuthor
    | RelBookmark
    | RelCanonical
    | RelChapter
    | RelCollection
    | RelContents
    | RelCopyright
    | RelCreateForm
    | RelCurrent
    | RelDerivedfrom
    | RelDescribedby
    | RelDescribes
    | RelDisclosure
    | RelDuplicate
    | RelEdit
    | RelEditForm
    | RelEditMedia
    | RelEnclosure
    | RelFirst
    | RelGlossary
    | RelHelp
    | RelHosts
    | RelHub
    | RelIcon
    | RelIndex
    | RelItem
    | RelLast
    | RelLatestVersion
    | RelLicense
    | RelLrdd
    | RelMemento
    | RelMonitor
    | RelMonitorGroup
    | RelNext
    | RelNextArchive
    | RelNofollow
    | RelNoreferrer
    | RelOriginal
    | RelPayment
    | RelPredecessorVersion
    | RelPrefetch
    | RelPrev
    | RelPreview
    | RelPrevious
    | RelPrevArchive
    | RelPrivacyPolicy
    | RelProfile
    | RelRelated
    | RelReplies
    | RelSearch
    | RelSection
    | RelSelf
    | RelService
    | RelStart
    | RelStylesheet
    | RelSubsection
    | RelSuccessorVersion
    | RelTag
    | RelTermsOfService
    | RelTimegate
    | RelTimemap
    | RelType
    | RelUp
    | RelVersionHistory
    | RelVia
    | RelWorkingCopy
    | RelWorkingCopyOf
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A mapping from name string to identifiers, for parsing a link relation
-- name from a string.
hashmap :: M.HashMap B.ByteString LinkRelation
hashmap = M.fromList
    [ ("about", RelAbout)
    , ("alternate", RelAlternate)
    , ("appendix", RelAppendix)
    , ("archives", RelArchives)
    , ("author", RelAuthor)
    , ("bookmark", RelBookmark)
    , ("canonical", RelCanonical)
    , ("chapter", RelChapter)
    , ("collection", RelCollection)
    , ("contents", RelContents)
    , ("copyright", RelCopyright)
    , ("create-form", RelCreateForm)
    , ("current", RelCurrent)
    , ("derivedfrom", RelDerivedfrom)
    , ("describedby", RelDescribedby)
    , ("describes", RelDescribes)
    , ("disclosure", RelDisclosure)
    , ("duplicate", RelDuplicate)
    , ("edit", RelEdit)
    , ("edit-form", RelEditForm)
    , ("edit-media", RelEditMedia)
    , ("enclosure", RelEnclosure)
    , ("first", RelFirst)
    , ("glossary", RelGlossary)
    , ("help", RelHelp)
    , ("hosts", RelHosts)
    , ("hub", RelHub)
    , ("icon", RelIcon)
    , ("index", RelIndex)
    , ("item", RelItem)
    , ("last", RelLast)
    , ("latest-version", RelLatestVersion)
    , ("license", RelLicense)
    , ("lrdd", RelLrdd)
    , ("memento", RelMemento)
    , ("monitor", RelMonitor)
    , ("monitor-group", RelMonitorGroup)
    , ("next", RelNext)
    , ("next-archive", RelNextArchive)
    , ("nofollow", RelNofollow)
    , ("noreferrer", RelNoreferrer)
    , ("original", RelOriginal)
    , ("payment", RelPayment)
    , ("predecessor-version", RelPredecessorVersion)
    , ("prefetch", RelPrefetch)
    , ("prev", RelPrev)
    , ("preview", RelPreview)
    , ("previous", RelPrevious)
    , ("prev-archive", RelPrevArchive)
    , ("privacy-policy", RelPrivacyPolicy)
    , ("profile", RelProfile)
    , ("related", RelRelated)
    , ("replies", RelReplies)
    , ("search", RelSearch)
    , ("section", RelSection)
    , ("self", RelSelf)
    , ("service", RelService)
    , ("start", RelStart)
    , ("stylesheet", RelStylesheet)
    , ("subsection", RelSubsection)
    , ("successor-version", RelSuccessorVersion)
    , ("tag", RelTag)
    , ("terms-of-service", RelTermsOfService)
    , ("timegate", RelTimegate)
    , ("timemap", RelTimemap)
    , ("type", RelType)
    , ("up", RelUp)
    , ("version-history", RelVersionHistory)
    , ("via", RelVia)
    , ("working-copy", RelWorkingCopy)
    , ("working-copy-of", RelWorkingCopyOf)

-- | Create a link relation type from a URI.
fromURI :: URI -> LinkRelation
fromURI = FromURI

-- | Try to parse a string into a URI, returning a link relation if successful.
fromURIStr :: B.ByteString -> Maybe LinkRelation
fromURIStr s =
    case parseURI laxURIParserOptions s of
        Left _  -> Nothing
        Right u -> Just $ fromURI u

-- | Try to match a given link relation name against the registered names.
-- Return the matching link relation if successful.
fromName :: B.ByteString -> Maybe LinkRelation
fromName s = M.lookup s hashmap

-- | Try to parse the given string as a link relation, either as a registered
-- name or as a URI. If both fail, return 'Nothing'.
fromByteString :: B.ByteString -> Maybe LinkRelation
fromByteString s = fromName s <|> fromURIStr s

-- | Get the official registered name of a link relation (if it's a name) or
-- its URI string (if it's a URI).
toByteString :: LinkRelation -> B.ByteString
toByteString lr =
    case lr of
        FromURI u -> serializeURI' u
        RelAbout -> "about"
        RelAlternate -> "alternate"
        RelAppendix -> "appendix"
        RelArchives -> "archives"
        RelAuthor -> "author"
        RelBookmark -> "bookmark"
        RelCanonical -> "canonical"
        RelChapter -> "chapter"
        RelCollection -> "collection"
        RelContents -> "contents"
        RelCopyright -> "copyright"
        RelCreateForm -> "create-form"
        RelCurrent -> "current"
        RelDerivedfrom -> "derivedfrom"
        RelDescribedby -> "describedby"
        RelDescribes -> "describes"
        RelDisclosure -> "disclosure"
        RelDuplicate -> "duplicate"
        RelEdit -> "edit"
        RelEditForm -> "edit-form"
        RelEditMedia -> "edit-media"
        RelEnclosure -> "enclosure"
        RelFirst -> "first"
        RelGlossary -> "glossary"
        RelHelp -> "help"
        RelHosts -> "hosts"
        RelHub -> "hub"
        RelIcon -> "icon"
        RelIndex -> "index"
        RelItem -> "item"
        RelLast -> "last"
        RelLatestVersion -> "latest-version"
        RelLicense -> "license"
        RelLrdd -> "lrdd"
        RelMemento -> "memento"
        RelMonitor -> "monitor"
        RelMonitorGroup -> "monitor-group"
        RelNext -> "next"
        RelNextArchive -> "next-archive"
        RelNofollow -> "nofollow"
        RelNoreferrer -> "noreferrer"
        RelOriginal -> "original"
        RelPayment -> "payment"
        RelPredecessorVersion -> "predecessor-version"
        RelPrefetch -> "prefetch"
        RelPrev -> "prev"
        RelPreview -> "preview"
        RelPrevious -> "previous"
        RelPrevArchive -> "prev-archive"
        RelPrivacyPolicy -> "privacy-policy"
        RelProfile -> "profile"
        RelRelated -> "related"
        RelReplies -> "replies"
        RelSearch -> "search"
        RelSection -> "section"
        RelSelf -> "self"
        RelService -> "service"
        RelStart -> "start"
        RelStylesheet -> "stylesheet"
        RelSubsection -> "subsection"
        RelSuccessorVersion -> "successor-version"
        RelTag -> "tag"
        RelTermsOfService -> "terms-of-service"
        RelTimegate -> "timegate"
        RelTimemap -> "timemap"
        RelType -> "type"
        RelUp -> "up"
        RelVersionHistory -> "version-history"
        RelVia -> "via"
        RelWorkingCopy -> "working-copy"
        RelWorkingCopyOf -> "working-copy-of"

-- | Check whether a link relation is represented by a URI, i.e. is not a link
-- relation registered name.
isURI :: LinkRelation -> Bool
isURI (FromURI _) = True
isURI _           = False

-- | Check whether a link relation is represented by a registered name, i.e. is
-- not a URI.
isName :: LinkRelation -> Bool
isName = not . isURI

-- | Refers to a resource that is the subject of the link\'s context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6903 RFC 6903>, section 2
relAbout :: LinkRelation
relAbout = RelAbout

-- | Refers to a substitute for this context
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-alternate>
relAlternate :: LinkRelation
relAlternate = RelAlternate

-- | Refers to an appendix.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relAppendix :: LinkRelation
relAppendix = RelAppendix

-- | Refers to a collection of records, documents, or other materials of
-- historical interest.
-- Reference:
-- <http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110113/links.html#rel-archives>
relArchives :: LinkRelation
relArchives = RelArchives

-- | Refers to the context\'s author.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-author>
relAuthor :: LinkRelation
relAuthor = RelAuthor

-- | Gives a permanent link to use for bookmarking purposes.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-bookmark>
relBookmark :: LinkRelation
relBookmark = RelBookmark

-- | Designates the preferred version of a resource (the IRI and its contents).
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6596 RFC 6596>
relCanonical :: LinkRelation
relCanonical = RelCanonical

-- | Refers to a chapter in a collection of resources.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relChapter :: LinkRelation
relChapter = RelChapter

-- | The target IRI points to a resource which represents the collection
-- resource for the context IRI.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6573 RFC 6573>
relCollection :: LinkRelation
relCollection = RelCollection

-- | Refers to a table of contents.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relContents :: LinkRelation
relContents = RelContents

-- | Refers to a copyright statement that applies to the link\'s context.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relCopyright :: LinkRelation
relCopyright = RelCopyright

-- | The target IRI points to a resource where a submission form can be
-- obtained.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6861 RFC 6861>
relCreateForm :: LinkRelation
relCreateForm = RelCreateForm

-- | Refers to a resource containing the most recent item(s) in a collection of
-- resources.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5005 RFC 5005>
relCurrent :: LinkRelation
relCurrent = RelCurrent

-- | The target IRI points to a resource from which this material was derived.
-- Reference:
-- <https://www.iana.org/go/draft-hoffman-xml2rfc draft-hoffman-xml2rfc>
relDerivedfrom :: LinkRelation
relDerivedfrom = RelDerivedfrom

-- | Refers to a resource providing information about the link\'s context.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/powder-dr/#assoc-linking>
relDescribedby :: LinkRelation
relDescribedby = RelDescribedby

-- | The relationship A \'describes\' B asserts that resource A provides a
-- description of resource B. There are no constraints on the format or
-- representation of either A or B, neither are there any further constraints
-- on either resource.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6892 RFC 6892>
-- Note: This link relation type is the inverse of the \'describedby\' relation
-- type. While \'describedby\' establishes a relation from the described
-- resource back to the resource that describes it, \'describes\' established a
-- relation from the describing resource to the resource it describes. If B is
-- \'describedby\' A, then A \'describes\' B.
relDescribes :: LinkRelation
relDescribes = RelDescribes

-- | Refers to a list of patent disclosures made with respect to material for
-- which \'disclosure\' relation is specified.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6579 RFC 6579>
relDisclosure :: LinkRelation
relDisclosure = RelDisclosure

-- | Refers to a resource whose available representations are byte-for-byte
-- identical with the corresponding representations of the context IRI.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6249 RFC 6249>
-- Note: This relation is for static resources. That is, an HTTP GET request on
-- any duplicate will return the same representation. It does not make sense
-- for dynamic or POSTable resources and should not be used for them.
relDuplicate :: LinkRelation
relDuplicate = RelDuplicate

-- | Refers to a resource that can be used to edit the link\'s context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5023 RFC 5023>
relEdit :: LinkRelation
relEdit = RelEdit

-- | The target IRI points to a resource where a submission form for editing
-- associated resource can be obtained.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6861 RFC 6861>
relEditForm :: LinkRelation
relEditForm = RelEditForm

-- | Refers to a resource that can be used to edit media associated with the
-- link\'s context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5023 RFC 5023>
relEditMedia :: LinkRelation
relEditMedia = RelEditMedia

-- | Identifies a related resource that is potentially large and might require
-- special handling.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc4287 RFC 4287>
relEnclosure :: LinkRelation
relEnclosure = RelEnclosure

-- | An IRI that refers to the furthest preceding resource in a series of
-- resources.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5988 RFC 5988>
-- Note: This relation type registration did not indicate a reference.
-- Originally requested by Mark Nottingham in December 2004.
relFirst :: LinkRelation
relFirst = RelFirst

-- | Refers to a glossary of terms.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relGlossary :: LinkRelation
relGlossary = RelGlossary

-- | Refers to context-sensitive help.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-help>
relHelp :: LinkRelation
relHelp = RelHelp

-- | Refers to a resource hosted by the server indicated by the link context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6690 RFC 6690>
-- Note: This relation is used in CoRE where links are retrieved as a
-- \"\/.well-known\/core\" resource representation, and is the default relation
-- type in the CoRE Link Format.
relHosts :: LinkRelation
relHosts = RelHosts

-- | Refers to a hub that enables registration for notification of updates to
-- the context.
-- Reference: <http://pubsubhubbub.googlecode.com>
-- Note: This relation type was requested by Brett Slatkin.
relHub :: LinkRelation
relHub = RelHub

-- | Refers to an icon representing the link\'s context.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-icon>
relIcon :: LinkRelation
relIcon = RelIcon

-- | Refers to an index.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relIndex :: LinkRelation
relIndex = RelIndex

-- | The target IRI points to a resource that is a member of the collection
-- represented by the context IRI.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6573 RFC 6573>
relItem :: LinkRelation
relItem = RelItem

-- | An IRI that refers to the furthest following resource in a series of
-- resources.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5988 RFC 5988>
-- Note: This relation type registration did not indicate a reference.
-- Originally requested by Mark Nottingham in December 2004.
relLast :: LinkRelation
relLast = RelLast

-- | Points to a resource containing the latest (e.g., current) version of the
-- context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5829 RFC 5829>
relLatestVersion :: LinkRelation
relLatestVersion = RelLatestVersion

-- | Refers to a license associated with this context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc4946 RFC 4946>
-- Note: For implications of use in HTML, see:
-- http:\/\/www.w3.org\/TR\/html5\/links.html#link-type-license
relLicense :: LinkRelation
relLicense = RelLicense

-- | Refers to further information about the link\'s context, expressed as a
-- LRDD (\"Link-based Resource Descriptor Document\") resource. See
-- <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6415 RFC 6415> for information about processing
-- this relation type in host-meta documents. When used elsewhere, it refers to
-- additional links and other metadata. Multiple instances indicate additional
-- LRDD resources. LRDD resources MUST have an \"application\/xrd+xml\"
-- representation, and MAY have others.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6415 RFC 6415>
relLrdd :: LinkRelation
relLrdd = RelLrdd

-- | The Target IRI points to a Memento, a fixed resource that will not change
-- state anymore.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc7089 RFC 7089>
-- Note: A Memento for an Original Resource is a resource that encapsulates a
-- prior state of the Original Resource.
relMemento :: LinkRelation
relMemento = RelMemento

-- | Refers to a resource that can be used to monitor changes in an HTTP
-- resource.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5989 RFC 5989>
relMonitor :: LinkRelation
relMonitor = RelMonitor

-- | Refers to a resource that can be used to monitor changes in a specified
-- group of HTTP resources.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5989 RFC 5989>
relMonitorGroup :: LinkRelation
relMonitorGroup = RelMonitorGroup

-- | Indicates that the link\'s context is a part of a series, and that the
-- next in the series is the link target.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-next>
relNext :: LinkRelation
relNext = RelNext

-- | Refers to the immediately following archive resource.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5005 RFC 5005>
relNextArchive :: LinkRelation
relNextArchive = RelNextArchive

-- | Indicates that the context’s original author or publisher does not
-- endorse the link target.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-nofollow>
relNofollow :: LinkRelation
relNofollow = RelNofollow

-- | Indicates that no referrer information is to be leaked when following the
-- link.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-noreferrer>
relNoreferrer :: LinkRelation
relNoreferrer = RelNoreferrer

-- | The Target IRI points to an Original Resource.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc7089 RFC 7089>
-- Note: An Original Resource is a resource that exists or used to exist, and
-- for which access to one of its prior states may be required.
relOriginal :: LinkRelation
relOriginal = RelOriginal

-- | Indicates a resource where payment is accepted.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5988 RFC 5988>
-- Note: This relation type registration did not indicate a reference.
-- Requested by Joshua Kinberg and Robert Sayre. It is meant as a general way
-- to facilitate acts of payment, and thus this specification makes no
-- assumptions on the type of payment or transaction protocol. Examples may
-- include a web page where donations are accepted or where goods and services
-- are available for purchase. rel=\"payment\" is not intended to initiate an
-- automated transaction. In Atom documents, a link element with a
-- rel=\"payment\" attribute may exist at the feed\/channel level and\/or the
-- entry\/item level. For example, a rel=\"payment\" link at the feed\/channel
-- level may point to a \"tip jar\" URI, whereas an entry\/ item containing a
-- book review may include a rel=\"payment\" link that points to the location
-- where the book may be purchased through an online retailer.
relPayment :: LinkRelation
relPayment = RelPayment

-- | Points to a resource containing the predecessor version in the version
-- history.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5829 RFC 5829>
relPredecessorVersion :: LinkRelation
relPredecessorVersion = RelPredecessorVersion

-- | Indicates that the link target should be preemptively cached.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-prefetch>
relPrefetch :: LinkRelation
relPrefetch = RelPrefetch

-- | Indicates that the link\'s context is a part of a series, and that the
-- previous in the series is the link target.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-prev>
relPrev :: LinkRelation
relPrev = RelPrev

-- | Refers to a resource that provides a preview of the link\'s context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6903 RFC 6903>, section 3
relPreview :: LinkRelation
relPreview = RelPreview

-- | Refers to the previous resource in an ordered series of resources. Synonym
-- for \"prev\".
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relPrevious :: LinkRelation
relPrevious = RelPrevious

-- | Refers to the immediately preceding archive resource.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5005 RFC 5005>
relPrevArchive :: LinkRelation
relPrevArchive = RelPrevArchive

-- | Refers to a privacy policy associated with the link\'s context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6903 RFC 6903>, section 4
relPrivacyPolicy :: LinkRelation
relPrivacyPolicy = RelPrivacyPolicy

-- | Identifying that a resource representation conforms to a certain profile,
-- without affecting the non-profile semantics of the resource representation.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6906 RFC 6906>
-- Note: Profile URIs are primarily intended to be used as identifiers, and
-- thus clients SHOULD NOT indiscriminately access profile URIs.
relProfile :: LinkRelation
relProfile = RelProfile

-- | Identifies a related resource.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc4287 RFC 4287>
relRelated :: LinkRelation
relRelated = RelRelated

-- | Identifies a resource that is a reply to the context of the link.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc4685 RFC 4685>
relReplies :: LinkRelation
relReplies = RelReplies

-- | Refers to a resource that can be used to search through the link\'s
-- context and related resources.
-- Reference: <http://www.opensearch.org/Specifications/OpenSearch/1.1>
relSearch :: LinkRelation
relSearch = RelSearch

-- | Refers to a section in a collection of resources.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relSection :: LinkRelation
relSection = RelSection

-- | Conveys an identifier for the link\'s context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc4287 RFC 4287>
relSelf :: LinkRelation
relSelf = RelSelf

-- | Indicates a URI that can be used to retrieve a service document.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5023 RFC 5023>
-- Note: When used in an Atom document, this relation type specifies Atom
-- Publishing Protocol service documents by default. Requested by James Snell.
relService :: LinkRelation
relService = RelService

-- | Refers to the first resource in a collection of resources.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relStart :: LinkRelation
relStart = RelStart

-- | Refers to a stylesheet.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-stylesheet>
relStylesheet :: LinkRelation
relStylesheet = RelStylesheet

-- | Refers to a resource serving as a subsection in a collection of resources.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224>
relSubsection :: LinkRelation
relSubsection = RelSubsection

-- | Points to a resource containing the successor version in the version
-- history.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5829 RFC 5829>
relSuccessorVersion :: LinkRelation
relSuccessorVersion = RelSuccessorVersion

-- | Gives a tag (identified by the given address) that applies to the current
-- document.
-- Reference: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#link-type-tag>
relTag :: LinkRelation
relTag = RelTag

-- | Refers to the terms of service associated with the link\'s context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6903 RFC 6903>, section 5
relTermsOfService :: LinkRelation
relTermsOfService = RelTermsOfService

-- | The Target IRI points to a TimeGate for an Original Resource.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc7089 RFC 7089>
-- Note: A TimeGate for an Original Resource is a resource that is capable of
-- datetime negotiation to support access to prior states of the Original
-- Resource.
relTimegate :: LinkRelation
relTimegate = RelTimegate

-- | The Target IRI points to a TimeMap for an Original Resource.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc7089 RFC 7089>
-- Note: A TimeMap for an Original Resource is a resource from which a list of
-- URIs of Mementos of the Original Resource is available.
relTimemap :: LinkRelation
relTimemap = RelTimemap

-- | Refers to a resource identifying the abstract semantic type of which the
-- link\'s context is considered to be an instance.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc6903 RFC 6903>, section 6
relType :: LinkRelation
relType = RelType

-- | Refers to a parent document in a hierarchy of documents.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5988 RFC 5988>
-- Note: This relation type registration did not indicate a reference.
-- Requested by Noah Slater.
relUp :: LinkRelation
relUp = RelUp

-- | Points to a resource containing the version history for the context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5829 RFC 5829>
relVersionHistory :: LinkRelation
relVersionHistory = RelVersionHistory

-- | Identifies a resource that is the source of the information in the link\'s
-- context.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc4287 RFC 4287>
relVia :: LinkRelation
relVia = RelVia

-- | Points to a working copy for this resource.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5829 RFC 5829>
relWorkingCopy :: LinkRelation
relWorkingCopy = RelWorkingCopy

-- | Points to the versioned resource from which this working copy was
-- obtained.
-- Reference: <https://www.iana.org/go/rfc5829 RFC 5829>
relWorkingCopyOf :: LinkRelation
relWorkingCopyOf = RelWorkingCopyOf