{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

-- | This module provides destination arrays
-- == What are destination arrays? What are they good for?
-- Destination arrays are write-only arrays that are only allocated once,
-- thereby avoiding your reliance on GHC's fusion mechanisms to remove
-- unneccessary allocations.
-- The current status-quo for computations that have a write-only array
-- threaded along is to rely on fusion. While the optimizations in say,
-- `Data.Vector` are quite good at ensuring GHC fuses, they aren't
-- foolproof and can sometimes break by simple refactorings.
-- Avoiding extra allocations of a write-only array is easy in C, with
-- something the functional programming world calls destination passing style,
-- or DPS for short.
-- Here is a C function that manipulates an array written in DPS style; it
-- takes in the destiniation array @res@ and writes to it:
-- @
-- // ((a + b) * c) for vectors a,b and scalar c
-- void apbxc(int size, int *a, int *b, int c, int *res){
--   for (int i=0; i<size;++i){res[i]=a[i]+b[i];}
--   mult(size, c, res);
-- }
-- void mult(int size, int scalar, int* vec){
--   for (int i=0; i<size; ++i){vec[i] *= scalar;}
-- }
-- @
-- == Example: Stencil computation
-- One possible use of destination arrays could be the stencil computation
-- typically called
-- [jacobi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterative_Stencil_Loops#Example:_2D_Jacobi_iteration).
-- Here we show one time step of this computation in a single dimension:
-- @
-- jacobi1d :: Int -> Vector Double -> Vector Double
-- jacobi1d n oldA = case stepArr n oldA of
--   newB -> stepArr n newB
-- -- @jacobi1d N A[N] B[N] = (new_A[N], new_B[N])@.
-- stepArr :: Int -> Vector Double -> Vector Double
-- stepArr n oldArr = alloc n $ \newArr -> fillArr newArr oldArr 1
--   where
--     fillArr :: DArray Double %1-> Vector Double -> Int -> ()
--     fillArr newA oldA ix
--       | ix == (n-1) = newA &
--           fill (0.33 * ((oldA ! (ix-1)) + (oldA ! ix) + (oldA ! (ix+1))))
--       | True = split 1 newA & \(fst, rest) ->
--           fill (0.33 * ((oldA ! (ix-1)) + (oldA ! ix) + (oldA ! (ix+1)))) fst &
--             \() -> fillArr rest oldA (ix+1)
-- @
-- We can be sure that @stepArr@ only allocates one array. In certain
-- variations and implementations of the jacobi kernel or similar dense array
-- computations, ensuring one allocation with @Data.Vector@'s fusion oriented
-- implementation may not be trivial.
-- For reference, the C equivalent of this code is the following:
-- @
-- static void jacobi_1d_time_step(int n, int *A, int *B){
--   int t, i;
--   for (i = 1; i < _PB_N - 1; i++)
--     B[i] = 0.33333 * (A[i-1] + A[i] + A[i + 1]);
--   for (i = 1; i < _PB_N - 1; i++)
--     A[i] = 0.33333 * (B[i-1] + B[i] + B[i + 1]);
-- }
-- @
-- This example is taken from the
-- [polybench test-suite](https://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/~pouchet.2/software/polybench/)
-- of dense array codes.
-- == Aside: Why do we need linear types?
-- Linear types avoids ambiguous writes to the destination array.
-- For example, this function could never be linear and hence we avoid
-- ambiguity:
-- @
--  nonLinearUse :: DArray Int -> ()
--  nonLinearUse arr = case (replicate 3 arr, replicate 4 arr) of
--    ((),()) -> ()
-- @
-- Furthermore, this API is safely implemented by mutating an underlying array
-- which is good for performance. The API is safe because linear types
-- enforce the fact that each reference to an underlying mutable array
-- (and there can be more than one by using @split@) is
-- linearly threaded through functions and at the end consumed by one of our
-- write functions.
-- Lastly, linear types are used to ensure that each cell in the destination
-- array is written to exactly once. This is because the only way to create and
-- use a destination array is via
-- @
-- alloc :: Int -> (DArray a %1-> ()) %1-> Vector a
-- @
-- and the only way to really consume a @DArray@ is via our API
-- which requires you to completely fill the array.
module Data.Array.Destination
  ( -- * The Data Type

    -- * Create and use a @DArray@

    -- * Ways to write to a @DArray@

import Data.Array.Destination.Internal