/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This file is part of libxls -- A multiplatform, C library * for parsing Excel(TM) files. * * libxls is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * libxls is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with libxls. If not, see . * * Copyright 2004 Komarov Valery * Copyright 2006 Christophe Leitienne * Copyright 2008 David Hoerl */ { 0x00, "Unknown", ""}, { 0x06, "FORMULA", "Cell Formula" }, { 0x09, "BOF-BIFF2", "Beginning of File" }, { 0x0A, "EOF", "End of File" }, { 0x0C, "CALCCOUNT", "Iteration Count" }, { 0x0D, "CALCMODE", "Calculation Mode" }, { 0x0E, "PRECISION", "Precision" }, { 0x0F, "REFMODE", "Reference Mode" }, { 0x10, "DELTA", "Iteration Increment" }, { 0x11, "ITERATION", "Iteration Mode" }, { 0x12, "PROTECT", "Protection Flag" }, { 0x13, "PASSWORD", "Protection Password" }, { 0x14, "HEADER", "Print Header on Each Page" }, { 0x15, "FOOTER", "Print Footer on Each Page" }, { 0x16, "EXTERNCOUNT", "Number of External References" }, { 0x17, "EXTERNSHEET", "External Reference" }, { 0x19, "?WINDOWPROTECT", " (biffview guessed)" }, { 0x1A, "VERTICALPAGEBREAKS", "Explicit Column Page Breaks" }, { 0x1B, "HORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS", "Explicit Row Page Breaks" }, { 0x1C, "NOTE", "Comment Associated with a Cell" }, { 0x1D, "SELECTION", "Current Selection" }, { 0x22, "DATEMODE", "1904 Date System" }, { 0x26, "LEFTMARGIN", "Left Margin Measurement" }, { 0x27, "RIGHTMARGIN", "Right Margin Measurement" }, { 0x28, "TOPMARGIN", "Top Margin Measurement" }, { 0x29, "BOTTOMMARGIN", "Bottom Margin Measurement" }, { 0x2A, "PRINTHEADERS", "Print Row/Column Labels" }, { 0x2B, "PRINTGRIDLINES", "Print Gridlines Flag" }, { 0x2F, "FILEPASS", "File Is Password-Protected" }, { 0x31, "FONT", "Font Description" }, { 0x3C, "CONTINUE", "Continues Long Records" }, { 0x3D, "WINDOW1", "Window Information" }, { 0x40, "BACKUP", "Save Backup Version of the File" }, { 0x41, "PANE", "Number of Panes and Their Position" }, { 0x42, "CODEPAGE", "Default Code Page" }, { 0x4D, "PLS", "Environment-Specific Print Record" }, { 0x50, "DCON", "Data Consolidation Information" }, { 0x51, "DCONREF", "Data Consolidation References" }, { 0x52, "DCONNAME", "Data Consolidation Named References" }, { 0x55, "DEFCOLWIDTH", "Default Width for Columns" }, { 0x59, "XCT", "CRN Record Count" }, { 0x5A, "CRN", "Nonresident Operands" }, { 0x5B, "FILESHARING", "File-Sharing Information" }, { 0x5C, "WRITEACCESS", "Write Access User Name" }, { 0x5D, "OBJ", "Describes a Graphic Object" }, { 0x5E, "UNCALCED", "Recalculation Status" }, { 0x5F, "SAVERECALC", "Recalculate Before Save" }, { 0x60, "TEMPLATE", "Workbook Is a Template" }, { 0x63, "OBJPROTECT", "Objects Are Protected" }, { 0x7D, "COLINFO", "Column Formatting Information" }, { 0x7F, "IMDATA", "Image Data" }, { 0x80, "GUTS", "Size of Row and Column Gutters" }, { 0x81, "WSBOOL", "Additional Workspace Information" }, { 0x82, "GRIDSET", "State Change of Gridlines Option" }, { 0x83, "HCENTER", "Center Between Horizontal Margins" }, { 0x84, "VCENTER", "Center Between Vertical Margins" }, { 0x85, "BOUNDSHEET", "Sheet Information" }, { 0x86, "WRITEPROT", "Workbook Is Write-Protected" }, { 0x87, "ADDIN", "Workbook Is an Add-in Macro" }, { 0x88, "EDG", "Edition Globals" }, { 0x89, "PUB", "Publisher" }, { 0x8C, "COUNTRY", "Default Country and WIN.INI Country" }, { 0x8D, "HIDEOBJ", "Object Display Options" }, { 0x90, "SORT", "Sorting Options" }, { 0x91, "SUB", "Subscriber" }, { 0x92, "PALETTE", "Color Palette Definition" }, { 0x94, "LHRECORD", ".WK? File Conversion Information" }, { 0x95, "LHNGRAPH", "Named Graph Information" }, { 0x96, "SOUND", "Sound Note" }, { 0x99, "STANDARDWIDTH", "Standard Column Width" }, { 0x98, "LPR", "Sheet Was Printed Using LINE.PRINT" }, { 0x9A, "FNGROUPNAME", "Function Group Name" }, { 0x9B, "FILTERMODE", "Sheet Contains Filtered List" }, { 0x9C, "FNGROUPCOUNT", "Built-in Function Group Count" }, { 0x9D, "AUTOFILTERINFO", "Drop-Down Arrow Count" }, { 0x9E, "AUTOFILTER", "AutoFilter Data" }, { 0xA0, "SCL", "Window Zoom Magnification" }, { 0xA1, "SETUP", "Page Setup" }, { 0xA9, "COORDLIST", "Polygon Object Vertex Coordinates" }, { 0xAB, "GCW", "Global Column-Width Flags" }, { 0xAE, "SCENMAN", "Scenario Output Data" }, { 0xAF, "SCENARIO", "Scenario Dataç" }, { 0xB0, "SXVIEW", "View Definition" }, { 0xB1, "SXVD", "View Fields" }, { 0xB2, "SXVI", "View Item" }, { 0xB4, "SXIVD", "Row/Column Field IDs" }, { 0xB5, "SXLI", "Line Item Array" }, { 0xB6, "SXPI", "Page Item" }, { 0xB8, "DOCROUTE", "Routing Slip Information" }, { 0xB9, "RECIPNAME", "Recipient Name" }, { 0xBC, "SHRFMLA", "Shared Formula" }, { 0xBD, "MULRK", "Multiple RK Cells" }, { 0xBE, "MULBLANK", "Multiple Blank Cells" }, { 0xC1, "MMS", "ADDMENU/DELMENU Record Group Count" }, { 0xC2, "ADDMENU", "Menu Addition" }, { 0xC3, "DELMENU", "Menu Deletion" }, { 0xC5, "SXDI", "Data Item" }, { 0xC6, "SXDB", "PivotTable Cache Data" }, { 0xCD, "SXSTRING", "String" }, { 0xD0, "SXTBL", "Multiple Consolidation Source Info" }, { 0xD1, "SXTBRGIITM", "Page Item Name Count" }, { 0xD2, "SXTBPG", "Page Item Indexes" }, { 0xD3, "OBPROJ", "Visual Basic Project" }, { 0xD5, "SXIDSTM", "Stream ID" }, { 0xD6, "RSTRING", "Cell with Character Formatting" }, { 0xD7, "DBCELL", "Stream Offsets" }, { 0xDA, "BOOKBOOL", "Workbook Option Flag" }, { 0xDC, "PARAMQRY-SXEXT", "Query Parameters-External Source Information" }, { 0xDD, "SCENPROTECT", "Scenario Protection" }, { 0xDE, "OLESIZE", "Size of OLE Object" }, { 0xDF, "UDDESC", "Description String for Chart Autoformat" }, { 0xE0, "XF", "Extended Format" }, { 0xE1, "INTERFACEHDR", "Beginning of User Interface Records" }, { 0xE2, "INTERFACEEND", "End of User Interface Records" }, { 0xE3, "SXVS", "View Source" }, { 0xE5, "CSPAN", "Cells span" }, { 0xEA, "TABIDCONF", "Sheet Tab ID of Conflict History" }, { 0xEB, "MSODRAWINGGROUP", "Microsoft Office Drawing Group" }, { 0xEC, "MSODRAWING", "Microsoft Office Drawing" }, { 0xED, "MSODRAWINGSELECTION", "Microsoft Office Drawing Selection" }, { 0xF0, "SXRULE", "PivotTable Rule Data" }, { 0xF1, "SXEX", "PivotTable View Extended Information" }, { 0xF2, "SXFILT", "PivotTable Rule Filter" }, { 0xF6, "SXNAME", "PivotTable Name" }, { 0xF7, "SXSELECT", "PivotTable Selection Information" }, { 0xF8, "SXPAIR", "PivotTable Name Pair" }, { 0xF9, "SXFMLA", "PivotTable Parsed Expression" }, { 0xFB, "SXFORMAT", "PivotTable Format Record" }, { 0xFC, "SST", "Shared String Table" }, { 0xFD, "LABELSST", "Cell Value, String Constant/SST" }, { 0xFF, "EXTSST", "Extended Shared String Table" }, { 0x100, "SXVDEX", "Extended PivotTable View Fields" }, { 0x103, "SXFORMULA", "PivotTable Formula Record" }, { 0x122, "SXDBEX", "PivotTable Cache Data" }, { 0x13D, "TABID", "Sheet Tab Index Array" }, { 0x160, "USESELFS", "Natural Language Formulas Flag" }, { 0x161, "DSF", "Double Stream File" }, { 0x162, "XL5MODIFY", "Flag for DSF" }, { 0x1A5, "FILESHARING2", "File-Sharing Information for Shared Lists" }, { 0x1A9, "USERBVIEW", "Workbook Custom View Settings" }, { 0x1AA, "USERSVIEWBEGIN", "Custom View Settings" }, { 0x1AB, "USERSVIEWEND", "End of Custom View Records" }, { 0x1AD, "QSI", "External Data Range" }, { 0x1AE, "SUPBOOK", "Supporting Workbook" }, { 0x1AF, "PROT4REV", "Shared Workbook Protection Flag" }, { 0x1B0, "CONDFMT", "Conditional Formatting Range Information" }, { 0x1B1, "CF", "Conditional Formatting Conditions" }, { 0x1B2, "DVAL", "Data Validation Information" }, { 0x1B5, "DCONBIN", "Data Consolidation Information" }, { 0x1B6, "TXO", "Text Object" }, { 0x1B7, "REFRESHALL", "Refresh Flag" }, { 0x1B8, "HLINK", "Hyperlink" }, { 0x1BB, "SXFDBTYPE", "SQL Datatype Identifier" }, { 0x1BC, "PROT4REVPASS", "Shared Workbook Protection Password" }, { 0x1BE, "DV", "Data Validation Criteria" }, { 0x200, "DIMENSIONS", "Cell Table Size" }, { 0x201, "BLANK", "Cell Value, Blank Cell" }, { 0x203, "NUMBER", "Cell Value, Floating-Point Number" }, { 0x204, "LABEL", "Cell Value, String Constant" }, { 0x205, "BOOLERR", "Cell Value, Boolean or Error" }, { 0x207, "STRING", "String Value of a Formula" }, { 0x208, "ROW", "Describes a Row" }, { 0x209, "BOF-BIFF3", "Beginning of File" }, { 0x20B, "INDEX", "Index Record" }, { 0x218, "NAME", "Defined Name" }, { 0x221, "ARRAY", "Array-Entered Formula" }, { 0x223, "EXTERNNAME", "Externally Referenced Name" }, { 0x225, "DEFAULTROWHEIGHT", "Default Row Height" }, { 0x236, "TABLE", "Data Table" }, { 0x23E, "WINDOW2", "Sheet Window Information" }, { 0x27E, "RK", "Cell Value, RK Number" }, { 0x293, "STYLE", "Style Information" }, { 0x409, "BOF-BIFF4", "Beginning of File" }, { 0x41E, "FORMAT", "Number Format" }, { 0x4BC, "?FORMULA-RELATED=?(BC=SHRFMLA))", "Formula related, always before there are 0x06 (FORMULA)" }, { 0x809, "BOF-BIFF5/7/8", "Beginning of File" }, { 0xFFF, "", "" },