{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-missing-methods #-} module Properties (main) where import Displayable import Network.MPD.Parse import Network.MPD.Types import Network.MPD.Utils import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Maybe import System.Environment import Text.Printf import Test.QuickCheck main :: IO () main = do n <- (maybe 100 read . listToMaybe) `liftM` getArgs mapM_ (\(s, f) -> printf "%-25s : " s >> f n) tests where tests = [("splitGroups / reversible", mytest prop_splitGroups_rev) ,("splitGroups / integrity", mytest prop_splitGroups_integrity) ,("parseBool", mytest prop_parseBool) ,("parseBool / reversible", mytest prop_parseBool_rev) ,("showBool", mytest prop_showBool) ,("toAssoc / reversible", mytest prop_toAssoc_rev) ,("toAssoc / integrity", mytest prop_toAssoc_integrity) ,("parseNum", mytest prop_parseNum) ,("parseDate / simple", mytest prop_parseDate_simple) ,("parseDate / complex", mytest prop_parseDate_complex) ,("parseCount", mytest prop_parseCount) ,("parseOutputs", mytest prop_parseOutputs) ,("parseSong", mytest prop_parseSong) ,("parseStats", mytest prop_parseStats)] mytest :: Testable a => a -> Int -> IO () mytest a n = check defaultConfig { configMaxTest = n } a instance Arbitrary Char where arbitrary = choose ('\0', '\128') -- an assoc. string is a string of the form "key: value". newtype AssocString = AS String deriving Show instance Arbitrary AssocString where arbitrary = do key <- arbitrary val <- arbitrary return . AS $ key ++ ": " ++ val newtype IntegralString = IS String deriving Show instance Arbitrary IntegralString where arbitrary = fmap (IS . show) (arbitrary :: Gen Integer) newtype BoolString = BS String deriving Show instance Arbitrary BoolString where arbitrary = fmap BS $ elements ["1", "0"] -- Positive integers. newtype PosInt = PI Integer instance Show PosInt where show (PI x) = show x instance Arbitrary PosInt where arbitrary = (PI . abs) `fmap` arbitrary -- Simple date representation, like "2004" and "1998". newtype SimpleDateString = SDS String deriving Show instance Arbitrary SimpleDateString where arbitrary = (SDS . show) `fmap` (arbitrary :: Gen PosInt) -- Complex date representations, like "2004-20-30". newtype ComplexDateString = CDS String deriving Show instance Arbitrary ComplexDateString where arbitrary = do -- eww... [y,m,d] <- replicateM 3 (arbitrary :: Gen PosInt) return . CDS . concat . intersperse "-" $ map show [y,m,d] prop_parseDate_simple :: SimpleDateString -> Bool prop_parseDate_simple (SDS x) = isJust $ parseDate x prop_parseDate_complex :: ComplexDateString -> Bool prop_parseDate_complex (CDS x) = isJust $ parseDate x prop_toAssoc_rev :: [AssocString] -> Bool prop_toAssoc_rev x = toAssoc (fromAssoc r) == r where r = toAssoc (fromAS x) fromAssoc = map (\(a, b) -> a ++ ": " ++ b) prop_toAssoc_integrity :: [AssocString] -> Bool prop_toAssoc_integrity x = length (toAssoc $ fromAS x) == length x fromAS :: [AssocString] -> [String] fromAS s = [x | AS x <- s] prop_parseBool_rev :: BoolString -> Bool prop_parseBool_rev (BS x) = showBool (fromJust $ parseBool x) == x prop_parseBool :: BoolString -> Bool prop_parseBool (BS "1") = fromJust $ parseBool "1" prop_parseBool (BS x) = not (fromJust $ parseBool x) prop_showBool :: Bool -> Bool prop_showBool True = showBool True == "1" prop_showBool x = showBool x == "0" prop_splitGroups_rev :: [(String, String)] -> Property prop_splitGroups_rev xs = not (null xs) ==> let wrappers = [(fst $ head xs, id)] r = splitGroups wrappers xs in r == splitGroups wrappers (concat r) prop_splitGroups_integrity :: [(String, String)] -> Property prop_splitGroups_integrity xs = not (null xs) ==> sort (concat $ splitGroups [(fst $ head xs, id)] xs) == sort xs prop_parseNum :: IntegralString -> Bool prop_parseNum (IS xs@"") = parseNum xs == Nothing prop_parseNum (IS xs@('-':_)) = fromMaybe 0 (parseNum xs) <= 0 prop_parseNum (IS xs) = fromMaybe 0 (parseNum xs) >= 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MPD fields can't contain newlines and the parser skips initial spaces. field :: Gen String field = (filter (/= '\n') . dropWhile isSpace) `fmap` arbitrary instance Arbitrary Count where arbitrary = liftM2 Count arbitrary arbitrary prop_parseCount :: Count -> Bool prop_parseCount c = Right c == (parseCount . lines $ display c) instance Arbitrary Device where arbitrary = liftM3 Device arbitrary field arbitrary prop_parseOutputs :: [Device] -> Bool prop_parseOutputs ds = Right ds == (parseOutputs . lines $ concatMap display ds) instance Arbitrary Song where arbitrary = do [file,artist,album,title,genre,name,cmpsr,prfmr] <- replicateM 8 field date <- abs `fmap` arbitrary len <- abs `fmap` arbitrary track <- two $ abs `fmap` arbitrary disc <- two $ abs `fmap` arbitrary idx <- oneof [return Nothing ,liftM (Just . Pos) $ abs `fmap` arbitrary ,liftM (Just . ID) $ abs `fmap` arbitrary] return $ Song { sgArtist = artist, sgAlbum = album, sgTitle = title , sgFilePath = file, sgGenre = genre, sgName = name , sgComposer = cmpsr, sgPerformer = prfmr, sgLength = len , sgDate = date, sgTrack = track, sgDisc = disc , sgIndex = idx } prop_parseSong :: Song -> Bool prop_parseSong s = Right s == (parseSong . toAssoc . lines $ display s) instance Arbitrary Stats where arbitrary = do [arts,albs,sngs,upt,plt,dbplt,dbupd] <- replicateM 7 (fmap abs $ arbitrary) return $ Stats arts albs sngs upt plt dbplt dbupd prop_parseStats :: Stats -> Bool prop_parseStats s = Right s == (parseStats . lines $ display s)